
The S.F. Bay Osprey Nest Web Camera project is entering its eighth year. We encourage local 6th – 12th grade teachers to leverage this exciting tool as the basis for vibrant lessons in Ospreys, bay ecology, and environmental stewardship. Golden Gate Bird Alliance has produced and curated lesson plans for local educators to inspire STEM and other learning in Bay Area schools and science programs using state-of-the-art web camera technology. We hope you’ll agree that Ospreys make charismatic ambassadors for ecological discovery and stewardship by people of all ages, especially schoolchildren! Currently there are five separate lessons that meet the California State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. The five lessons included in the free, downloadable packet are:

  • Osprey: A Climate-Endangered Raptor
  • Amazing Osprey Adaptations
  • Maintaining Healthy Food Webs for Ospreys
  • Nesting Ospreys around S.F. Bay
  • Dangers of Toxic Chemicals for Ospreys

You may download these lesson plans by registering on this page. Once you’ve registered, we can keep in touch and alert you about best camera viewing times and other helpful information. We also hope that you’ll provide feedback to us. Educators, we can answer your questions at sfbayospreyeducation@goldengatebirds.org  PLEASE NOTE: We ask each individual teacher using the lesson plans to register and download her/his own set of lessons. Registration provides the quantitative and qualitative data Golden Gate Bird Alliance needs to produce and support this curriculum. We never share your personal information. Thank you for your cooperation!

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