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Pax fledged 6 am 7/22. Tully has not fledged yet. R&R's nest is on a light pole 1,000 feet away. | Learn what to expect in our FAQ. | Support the Ospreys: donate directly, or buy a WWOC cookbook. | Please adhere to GGBA's Code of Conduct.

F I S H   C O U N T I N G    M A T R I X

  • How to use the Fish Counting Matrix to learn even more about Ospreys:

    The livechat moderators will be collecting info from the LiveChat archive on an ongoing basis (usually daily) during the season.  On a regular basis, they will update the fish catch data and the entire logged catch info for the season will then become visible and downloadable for data analysis by everyone, including for classes, scientists, naturalists, and others.

    With an ever-accumulating running data set, it’s possible to put on our thinking caps and learn much more.  We encourage everyone to learn by calculating ratios and percentages, graphing findings, and study the data to find patterns and draw conclusions from the numbers.   Here are some relevant research questions you can apply to this data set…

    Can you/your class determine what ratio or percentage of fish brought to the nest were brought by Richmond (male) or the Rosie (female) Osprey?   Can you explain any disparity you notice in number of fish each adult Osprey brought home?

    Can you tell us what was the most common fish species caught in April?  How about in May, or in June?  Why might the typical catch be different in different months?

    How many times per day does an Osprey bring in a fish?  

    Does the number of fish deliveries increase when there are nestlings to feed?  By how much, on average?

    Can you tell us how frequently, on average, a manmade object was brought to the nest?   Can you think of ways that all of us can help make life safer for Ospreys who share our shorelines with us?

    If your class is working with data and doing projects on this topic, let us know.  Perhaps we might choose to highlight your intriguing scientific findings in a social media post!

  • Can you help us take note of what Richmond & Rosie bring home?

    We’re inviting all fans of the SFBayOspreys to help us identify WHAT Richmond and Rosie are bringing back to the nest. We’re hoping this data will provide us all with a better understanding of our Ospreys and shed light on ways that we all can help to protect these magnificent birds and other Bay wildlife in their ecosystem. Based on informal sightings of fish caught in our first season, we’ve chosen a shortlist of likely fish that you may see either Richmond or Rosie bring back to feed themselves or their young.

    We’d like you to tell us what you see by noting the specific time of ARRIVAL of the fish (timestamp on the screen), which Osprey first brought it to their nest (see FAQ page for telling Richmond & Rosie apart), WHAT was brought, and any notes about the catch such as: whole fish, headless fish.  When you see a fish brought in, please report these comments on the LiveChat, and include a screen capture if you can. The person who is the first to report the most fish accurately will win a prize at the end of the season.

    While there are myriad species of fish in our SF Bay, we’re only asking for your help to identify a very small subset of what’s out there. If the fish you observe on the livestream, is  NOT one of these fish species, please comment as OTHER FISH and add notes that might help, such as “shaped like a Surf Perch but was solid black in color”.

    Lastly, and importantly, if what Richmond or Rosie bring to the nest is not a fish AT ALL, please report that PROMPTLY as well, on the LiveChat with the timestamp of arrival from the livestream and a screen capture.  Ospreys collect and bring many man made items which could be harmful, such as (monofilament) fishing line, netting, plastics like straws and forks.  We definitely want to know about these Items and precise time of arrival (from timestamps), too.

    Here are the target fish for this exciting adventure in Citizen Science Fish I.D.

    (Copyright for the fish illustrations and accompanying natural history below belongs to Val Kells. To discover hundreds more fish species found in our region, we recommend her book, A Field Guide to Coastal Fishes from Alaska to California, published in 2016.)

Date Time Osprey Species Observer Notes Moderator
24-06-09 10:07 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Richie stopped by the old nest, bringing another PFM. Next stop, the Lightpole nest, to feed Rosie and chick(s?)
24-06-02 09:56 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Richie brought a PFM to the crane while, once again, defending it from other house hunters. Later he shared it with Rosie and Lumi on LP7. FMM
24-05-08 11:44 Richmond Starry Flounder Richmond swooped down from above, with a fish in his talons, landing on the rail of the Whirley. He then proceeded to defend the nest from an intruder, repeatedly bopping the other O on the head with the fish. Flew off soon after. FMM
24-04-29 09:14 Richmond Jacksmelt Richmond flew to the crane to defend against an intruder. "Just Happened" to have a jacksmelt in his talons. Possibly delivered the rest of the fish to Rosie on the Light Pole nest afterwards. FMM
24-03-31 17:49 Richmond Halibut Richmond brought the fish to the lightpole at 17:49. Rosie spotted on the rail at 18:48, eating the tail end of a Halibut. Richie hung out with her as she ate. FMM
24-03-24 09:09 Richmond Jacksmelt Richmond brings in a long, skinny fish to the (upper) sheave nest. Touch & Go. No sharing on the nest. Flies off and nearly hits interloper female in the head with it as she checks out the lower, original nest. FMM
24-03-23 11:20 Richmond Jacksmelt Richmond brings half a Jacksmelt to the (upper) sheave nest. FMM
24-03-03 08:41 Richmond Jacksmelt Toaster28 Osprey with fish spotted on distant light. Hind end of a Jacksmelt delivered to the sheave nest 0903, Taken by Rosie and flown off 0904. craigor
24-03-02 09:49 Richmond Jacksmelt CamOp Richmond brings a small headless Jacksmelt to the upper nest, first fish of the year. Rosie arrives to take it 0950 but Richmond flies off with it wothout sharing. Richmond returns fishless 0959. craigor
23-08-04 08:56 Other Unknown IHM Unknown male Osprey arrives at the nest clutching a small fish chunk. Chased off by Richmond 0857. Returns with fish briefly 0957, before being chased off by Richmond. craigor
23-08-02 08:25 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond arrives at the nest with a headless Jacksmelt. Held on the nest, flown off 0842. craigor
23-08-02 19:20 Rosie Other watcher Rosie brings the hind end of a fish to the rail, again resembling a Shad. Fish eaten solo, finished 1944. craigor
23-08-01 12:45 Rosie Other calgal Rosie brings a large whole flopping fish to the nest, followed closely by an unknown Osprey. Fish held on the nest then flown off 1246. Tail end returned to the rail 1744, ID'd as likely Shad. Fish held on the rail, flown to the nest 1834, then flown off as Richmond arrives at the nest. Rosie returns fishless 1847. craigor
23-07-31 10:57 Richmond Halibut craigor Richmond drops by the nest with a chunk of halibut. Held on the nest for five minutes and flown off at 1102. craigor
23-07-30 19:33 Rosie Bass-Striped watcher Rosie arrives with the hind end of a Striped Bass. Held on the nest, Richmond arrives 2007 and tries to snatch it but Rosie lifts it away, then returns it to the nest and resumes eating. Fish abandoned on the nest 2024, snatched by Richmond and flown to distant light pole. craigor
23-07-23 19:58 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman watcher Rosie brings a partial PFM to the nest, skin and tail abandoned on the nest 2002. craigor
23-07-21 15:12 Rosie Bass-Striped CdA Rosie brings a large whole striper past the former nest site, takes it to eat on a distant light pole. craigor
23-07-18 07:28 Richmond Jacksmelt CdA Richmond comes to the nest with half a Jacksmelt, held on the nest until 0759 and flown off. craigor
23-07-17 14:21 Rosie Bass-Striped TAG Rosie swoops past the camera, pursued by a raven, then arrives at the nest in defensive posture, carrying a very large intact striper. Fish held on the nest and flown off 1427 under continued corvid harassment. Rosie spotted with the fish on the rail 1912, fish flown off 2053, brought to the ROV cable 2058, returned to the nest 2150. Flown off 0057 on 7/18 and returned to the ROV cable. Brought to the rail 0612, then to the nest 0757. Flown off 0800 to a distant light pole, flown off under corvid harassment 0833 and brought to the rail, then to the nest 0855 and off again 0857. Taken to another distant light pole, then brought 0921 to the strut perch. Taken 0955 to another different distant light pole. Flown off 1415, brought to the nest 1416. Remnant taken by Richmond 1418 asnf flown off. Richmond returns fishless 1457. craigor
23-07-15 08:07 Richmond Surf Perch CdA Richmond brings a faceless perch to the nest, stays for about 17 seconds, and flies off. craigor
23-07-04 09:10 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond arrives at the nest with a half eaten Jacksmelt, taken by Rosie and flown off 0911. Rosie returns to the former nest 0913 and, still holding the fish, assaults a visiting Osprey standing there, then brings the fish back to the upper nest. Fish flown to the boom cable 0914, then back to the nest as the visitor leaves. Fish flown off 0916 to the Dutra crane cable, Rosie apparently joined by Richmond 0917 before the camera pulls away. craigor
23-06-30 07:08 Richmond Jacksmelt CdA Faceless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, held, flown off 0711. craigor
23-06-27 18:24 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman DianneA Rosie spotted on distant light pole eating a fish. Lifted off 1838 and brought to the nest 1840 under corvid harassment. Finished 1845. craigor
23-06-22 08:32 Richmond Surf Perch GailMac Richmond brings a face-nibbled perch and lands briefly on the nest a couple of times before departing. Brings the fish back again for an on-and-off 0851. craigor
23-06-21 14:06 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman craigor Rosie brings a faceless PFM to the nest, chasing off the visiting stranger. Rosie leaves and then returns 1414, dislodging the stranger again, before flying off with the fish 1416. craigor
23-06-21 14:05 Richmond Surf Perch craigor Richmond brings half a fish to the nest, pursued closely by a visiting Osprey, flies off with the fish as Rosie arrives to defend the nest. Richmond returns the fish to the nest 1412, then takes off with the fish again 1414 as the visitor returns. Fish brought to the former nest, with the visitor arriving 1415. Interloper leaves 1415, Richmond continues eating, flies off with the fish 1418. craigor
23-06-20 10:28 Richmond Jacksmelt Toaster28 Whole flopping Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, eaten solo, finished 1052. craigor
23-06-18 09:48 Richmond Halibut calgal Headless halibut flown over and around the nest and then delivered to Rosie, taken and flown to the strut perch. Flown off under corvid harassment 0957. craigor
23-06-17 18:33 Richmond Jacksmelt TAG Headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, lifted off and returned 1837, taken by Rosie and flown off 1838 as a third Osprey arrives. craigor
23-06-16 17:41 Rosie Bass-Striped Video Assistant Massive whole striper brought to the nest, then flown off. craigor
23-06-16 16:01 Richmond Unknown watcher Richmond spotted on distant light pole eating a fish. Remnant delivered to the nest 1613, flown off by Rosie. Rosie returns fishless 1636. craigor
23-06-14 09:14 Richmond Bass-Striped PP Headless striper spotted on distant light pole, delivered, lifted off and re-delivered 1005 but not taken by the Osprey (Rosie?) on the nest, so Richmond flies off with it. craigor
23-06-12 07:00 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Richmond brings a mangled PFM to the nest, snatched by Rosie and flown off. craigor
23-06-11 09:49 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Rosie arrives at the nest with a headless PFM, lifted off, then back to the nest 0950. Richmond arrives and steals the fish 0955 and flies off with it. Richmond returns fishless 1005. craigor
23-06-09 11:57 Richmond Bass-Striped Toaster28 Richmond spotted on distant light pole beheading a large fish. Delivered to the nest 12:08, flown off by Rosie. Brought to the strut perch 1244. Fish finished 1249. craigor
23-06-08 17:55 Richmond Bass-Striped CdA Headless striper delivered to Rosie on the nest, flown off. craigor
23-06-08 10:19 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Richmond brings a faceless Jacksmelt, Rosie flies off with it. craigor
23-06-08 07:39 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman MJ17 Fat faceless PFM delivered to the nest, taken away by Rosie to the strut perch, flown off 0741 under corvid harassment. craigor
23-06-08 05:29 Richmond Surf Perch MJ17 Faceless perch delivered, taken and flown off by Rosie 0530. Returned to the nest harassed by multiple pursuers 0533. Flown off again 0534, Rosie returns to the nest fishless 0535. Lost fish! craigor
23-06-07 11:52 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Headless Jacksmelt brought to Rosie on the nest and flown off. craigor
23-06-07 10:55 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Faceless Jacksmelt delivered by Richmond, flown off by Rosie. Rosie returns fishless 1106. craigor
23-06-06 18:18 Rosie Bass-Striped calneva Rosie returns after an extended absence with a beheaded striper, tucks the fish away to keep. Fish taken by Richmond to distant light pole craigor
23-06-06 11:13 Richmond Jacksmelt watcher Headless fish delivered, taken off and back by Rosie, off again 1114, returned 1115, Rosie feeds self and chick, fish finished by 1119. craigor
23-06-06 08:51 Richmond Jacksmelt TAG Richmond flies by with a fish and a Raven in hot pursuit. Headless fish brought to the nest 0900, flown off by Rosie, returned 0904, Rosie eats and feeds the chick, fish finished 0910. craigor
23-06-05 09:08 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond spotted flying with a fish and tracked to a distant light pole. Richmond spars with Ravens, brings the fish to the nest 0913, then lifts it off again, still under corvid harasment. Fish finished on distant light pole 0929. craigor
23-06-05 07:04 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Whole Jacksmelt delivered, taken by Rosie and flown off. Rosie returns 0709 and feeds the chick. Fish taken away again 0713, returned 0720 and flown off by Richmond. Richmond returns fishless 0728. craigor
23-06-04 08:43 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Richmond seen flying past the boom with a large fish, headed toward the distant light pole. Fish delivered to the nest 0959, taken away by Rosie, returned 1023, Rosie feeds the chick. craigor
23-06-03 07:50 Richmond Jacksmelt lee Whole fish brought to the nest for Rosie and the chick, finished by 0800. craigor
23-06-03 18:31 Richmond Jacksmelt watcher Rochmond delivers a whole flopping Jacksmelt. Taken by Rosie and lifted off 1832, returned 1835, Rosie feeds the chick. Tail left on the nest 1844, retrieved 1946, more feeding, left on the nest 1948. Taken by Richmond 1951 and retaken by Rosie 1952 after a tussle, fish finished 1956. craigor
23-06-03 17:22 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman watcher Rosie brings a large and somewhat mangled PFM craigor
23-06-03 08:58 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Headless striper to the nest, Rosie feeds the chick, fish set aside 0903, fish falls into an inaccessible crack in the nest. Richmond tries, then Rosie tries repeatedly, finally succeeds in retrieving the fish 0937. Fish set aside at the nest edge 0940, flown off by Richmond 0954. craigor
23-06-01 13:17 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Toaster28 Tail end of a PFM delivered to the nest, flown off by Rosie. craigor
23-05-30 18:37 Richmond Bass-Striped dk Richmond delivers a faceless striper to the nest, taken by Rosie and flown off. craigor
23-05-29 20:44 Richmond Jacksmelt Video Assistant Headless Jacksmelt delivered to Rosie on the nest, flown off. Rosie appears briefly on the cable, fishless, 2114. craigor
23-05-28 18:15 Rosie Bass-Striped CdA Rosie flies to the strut perch with a fresh ,whole striped bass then immediately flies off with it. Fish remnant returned to the nest 1947, flown off again 1948, brought back 1950. Flown off 1954 as Richmond arrives back at the nest. Returned after dark, kept on the nest overnight and flown off at 0538 on 5/29. craigor
23-05-27 10:20 Richmond Jacksmelt Video Assistant Headless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken away by Rosie. Rosie returns fishless 1032. craigor
23-05-26 11:27 Richmond Bass-Striped watcher Headless striper delivery, flown by Rosie to Returned to the nest 1222, flown off again 1224. craigor
23-05-25 10:07 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Headless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch 1008 then immediately off, then back. Fish flown off again 1016, then to the boom 1019. Rosie returns fishless to the nest 1023. craigor
23-05-24 10:24 Richmond Jacksmelt Toaster28 Fish spotted on distant light pole by onsite observer, brought to the nest bloody and headless 1038, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, flown off 1039. Rosie returns fishless to the nest 1058. craigor
23-05-23 21:10 Richmond Jacksmelt TAG Long silvery fish delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie in the dark and lifted off 2111. Rosie returns from the rail 2112, fishless. Lost fish! craigor
23-05-23 06:59 Richmond Bass-Striped craigor Modest sized headless striper to the nest, taken by Rosie and flown off 0700. Rosie returns to the nest 0811 carrying a scrap of tail, taken by Richmond and flown off, Richmond returns fishless 0826. craigor
23-05-22 08:41 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, then flown off 08:44. craigor
23-05-22 10:00 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Faceless Jacksmelt delivered to Rosie on the nest, taken to the strut perch, finished 1007. craigor
23-05-22 13:19 Rosie Bass-Striped watcher Rosie brings a large faceless striper to the strut perch. Fish flown off 1322, returned to the nest 1844, taken by Richmond, lifted off and on and off again 1845. craigor
23-05-21 06:36 Richmond Jacksmelt CdA Headless bloody Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, flown off 0641, Rosie returns to the nest fishless 0700. craigor
23-05-21 09:22 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0935. craigor
23-05-20 19:17 Richmond Jacksmelt calneva Headless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1926. craigor
23-05-20 08:14 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond spotted on distant light pole beheading a large fish. Lifted off 0849, brought to the nest 0850, taken by Rosie, off and on the nest then to the strut perch 0851, flown off under corvid harassment, brought to the rail with corvid in pursuit, flown off 0853. craigor
23-05-19 16:30 Richmond Halibut watcher Richmond delivers half a halibut to the nest, taken away by Rosie. craigor
23-05-19 09:04 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman PP Richmond brings a large headless PFM, taken by Rosie and flown off 0905. Rosie returns fishless 0923. craigor
23-05-18 10:48 Richmond Halibut Toaster28 Richmond spotted by onsite observer on distant light pole with halibut. Delivered to the nest 1137, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1154. craigor
23-05-17 09:51 Richmond Jacksmelt watcher Richmond delivers a whole flopping Jacksmelt to the nest, corraled by Rosie and taken to the strut perch, finished by 1012. craigor
23-05-17 17:45 Rosie Bass-Striped lee Rosie arrives at the nest with the rear half of a striper. Taken by Richmond 1746 and lifted off, then returned to the nest 1748, before being flown off again craigor
23-05-15 16:52 Rosie Bass-Striped watcher Rosie brings a large striper to the nest, pursued by corvids, flies it to the strut perch, then away Back to the nest 1838, Richmond arrives and flies off with the fish 1839. craigor
23-05-14 19:37 Rosie Man Made Objects watcher Rosie brings a large piece of plastic sheeting to the nest craigor
23-05-13 10:34 Rosie Other CdA Rosie comes to the strut perch with a good sized live flat fish, olive green, angular in shape, flounder tail, possible Diamond Turbot. Flown off 1036 under corvid harassment. After a long aerial battle and chase, Rosie brings the fish to the boom cable 1039. Fish dropped from the cable 1044, retrieved from the ground by Rosie and returned to the boom cable 1046 after evading a pair of pursuing gulls. Flown off 1052 and taken to the strut perch, brought to the nest 1104, and then quickly back to the strut, off at 1105, back to the nest 1106, then back to the strut perch 1133. Lifted off 1252, returned to the nest 1253. Richmond arrives 1255 and tries to wrangle a piece, but Rosie remains with the fish. Fish taken 1409 to the strut perch, remnant returned to the nest 1444 and again kept away from Richmond. Skin finished 1446, Richmond finds of chunk of tail on the nest 1504, and flies off with it 1507. craigor
23-05-12 15:32 Richmond Jacksmelt midi Hind end of a Jacksmelt delivered to Rosie on the nest, taken to the strut perch, small remnant lifted off 1538 under corvid harassment, returned to the nest then lifted off again 1539, returned to the strut perch and flown off again. Back to the nest 1540, then away. craigor
23-05-11 09:24 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Benjamin Whole PFM delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, final piece of skin and tail flown off under corvid harassment 0954 and brought to the former nest site, then to the nest and off to chase corvids some more 0955, back at 0956 to the boom cable, fish finished 0959. craigor
23-05-10 10:32 Richmond Starry Flounder watcher Richmond brings the tail end of a Starry Flounder, taken by Rosie on the nest, flown to the strut perch, finished 1038. craigor
23-05-10 18:02 Richmond Jacksmelt Merlin Richmond brings the hind end of a Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished .by 1808. craigor
23-05-09 12:29 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Large headless striper brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, returned to the nest 1251, taken by Richmond and flown off. Richmond returns to the boom cable carrying the fish remnant 1315. Held and flown off 1353. Tail end returned to nest 1424 and taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Fish finished 1441. craigor
23-05-09 21:02 Richmond Jacksmelt lee Large fish brought to the nest in the dying light, taken by Rosie and flown off. Rosie swoops past the former nest site and returns to the nest with the remnant 2136. Fish held overnight, taken by Rosie to the strut perch 0552 on 5/10, finished by 0605. craigor
23-05-09 09:25 Richmond Surf Perch Benjamin Faceless large perch brought to Rosie on the nest, taken to the strut perch, finished 1003. craigor
23-05-08 11:05 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Faceless Jacksmerlt brought to Rosie on the nest, taken to the strut perch, finished 1145. craigor
23-05-07 07:24 Richmond Bass-Striped TAG Headless striper to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0743. craigor
23-05-07 19:28 Richmond Bass-Striped Benjamin Faceless striper to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 2005. craigor
23-05-07 13:05 Richmond Bass-Striped lee Faceless striper to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished by 1326. craigor
23-05-06 20:41 Richmond Jacksmelt CdA Richmond comes to the boom cable with a headless Jacksmelt. Brought to the nest 2042, taken by Rosie, flown to the strut perch 2043, then quickly flown off. Rosie returns to the nest fishless 2056. craigor
23-05-06 08:59 Richmond Halibut J. Richmond spotted on distant light pole with a fish. Delivered headless to the nest 0933, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1011. craigor
23-05-05 10:21 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1032. craigor
23-05-05 16:56 Richmond Halibut watcher Hind end of a fish brought to Rosie on the nest, taken to the strut perch 1657, flown off under corvid harassment 1658. Rosie returns to the nest fishless 1700. craigor
23-05-04 17:25 Richmond Jacksmelt Absent Corvid Faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished by 1736. craigor
23-05-04 19:47 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Hefty headless striped bass brought to Rosie on the nest, taken to the strut perch, remnant flown off 2022, brought to the boom cable 2028, then to the former nest site 2037. Returned to the current nest 2038, stashed overnight. Recovered by Richmond 0643 on 5/5, taken by Rosie over Richmond's objections, flown to the strut perch, finished 0654. craigor
23-05-03 18:23 Richmond Jacksmelt Absent Corvid Headless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1835. craigor
23-05-03 08:32 Richmond Jacksmelt gramps Headless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0843. craigor
23-05-02 10:29 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Headless small Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1036. craigor
23-05-01 15:11 Richmond Bass-Striped TAG Richmond brings a large striper to Rosie on the nest, flown to the strut perch 1512, lifted off under corvid harassment 1515, and after multiple aerial skirmishes returned to the nest 1516, then lifted off again as skirmishes continue, coming to the former nest site 1517. Rosie brings the fish back to the nest 1518 as Richmond pursues the corvid, Rosie then flies to the strut perch again and then off and on the strut again as Richmond returns to the nest 1519. Fish flown off 1615, brought back to the boom cable 1742 then to the nest, taken by Richmond and flown off 1743. Small remnant returned to the nest 1827, taken by Rosie to the boom cable and then flown off 1828. Rosie returns to the nest fishless 1847. craigor
23-04-30 12:57 Richmond Bass-Striped watcher Headless fish delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1312. craigor
23-04-29 18:28 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Headless fish delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1839. craigor
23-04-29 12:24 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Faceless striper delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1240. craigor
23-04-29 09:01 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Headless fish delivered to the nest, flown by Rosie in a couple of big loops around the Whirley before being taken to the strut perch. Fish finished 0914. craigor
23-04-27 09:30 Richmond Halibut PP Face-munched halibut brought to the nest 0933, taken by Rosie to the strut perch 0934, finished 1004. craigor
23-04-27 14:43 Richmond Bass-Striped lee Fat faceless striper brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1510. craigor
23-04-27 11:19 Richmond Surf Perch Toaster28 Faceless fish brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1141. craigor
23-04-26 09:42 Richmond Jacksmelt Toaster28 Long faceless Jacksmelt to Rosie on the nest, taken to the strut perch, finished 0959. craigor
23-04-25 17:11 Richmond Starry Flounder watcher Faceless Starry Flounder brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, returned to nest 1833, taken by Richmond and flown off. craigor
23-04-25 09:43 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Face-nibbled Jacksmelt delivered to Rosie on the nest, taken to the strut perch, finished by 0954. craigor
23-04-25 12:29 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Headless Jacksmelt delivered to Rosie on the nest, taken to the strut perch, finished 1242. craigor
23-04-24 08:21 Richmond Jacksmelt Jest Richmond brings half a Jacksmelt to Rosie on the nest. Fish taken to the strut perch, finished by 0835. craigor
23-04-24 14:53 Richmond Jacksmelt TAG Hind end of a Jacksmelt delivered to Rosie on the nest, taken to the strut perch, finished 1456. craigor
23-04-23 13:41 Richmond Jacksmelt watcher Headless Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1354. craigor
23-04-23 09:28 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Faceless Jacksmelt to Rosie on the nest, taken to the strut perch, finished 0939. craigor
23-04-23 17:20 Richmond Halibut TAG Faceless halibut delivered to nest, taken to strut perch, returned to nest 1735, abandoned 1804, taken by Richmond and flown off 1816, returned to the boom cable 1827, finished 1836. craigor
23-04-22 08:12 Richmond Jacksmelt VisiTour Faceless Jacksmelt delivered to Rosie at the nest, taken to the strut perch, finished 0822. craigor
23-04-22 16:21 Richmond Halibut Judi Faceless fish to the nest, taken by Rosie, harassed by corvid, circles the boom taking eveasive action, fish brought to the strut perch 1624, finished 1646. craigor
23-04-22 09:03 Richmond Jacksmelt Merlin Face-nibbled Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0912. craigor
23-04-21 10:42 Richmond Bass-Striped Merlin Hind end of a striper delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1053. craigor
23-04-21 07:39 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Richmond spotted on distant light pole beheading a fish. Brought to the nest 0747, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0751. craigor
23-04-20 16:09 Richmond Halibut Toaster28 Richmond spotted on distant light pole with a fish by on site observer, broguht to the nest 1639, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1713. craigor
23-04-20 09:59 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Richmond on distant lightpole with good sized fish, brought to the nest 1013, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1025. craigor
23-04-19 15:36 Richmond Jacksmelt BirdBrain Nose-nibbled Jacksmelt brought to the boom cable, lifted off 1540, spotted on distant light pole 1550, fish finished by 1601. craigor
23-04-19 12:44 Richmond Jacksmelt watcher Another faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1305. craigor
23-04-19 08:26 Richmond Jacksmelt TAG Faceless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished by 0850. craigor
23-04-18 06:56 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Richmond brings a faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0718. craigor
23-04-18 16:17 Richmond Jacksmelt Video Assistant Richmond brings a fish to the nest, Rosie arrives from the rail and flies off with the fish. craigor
23-04-18 10:45 Richmond Bass-Striped watcher Faceless bloody striper delivered to Rosie at the nest, taken to the strut perch 1046. Lifted off and on under corvid harassment 1118, brought to the boom cable 1120, eaten slowly, small fragment brought to nest 1151, taken by Richmond and flown off. Richmond returns fishless 1202. craigor
23-04-17 06:01 Richmond Jacksmelt East Coast Catbird Richmond brings a partially eaten fish to the nest, taken by Rosie to the boom cable 0602, finished 0616. craigor
23-04-17 14:25 Richmond Jacksmelt watcher Richmond spotted on distant light pole eating a fish. Relocates to a different light pole by 1432, fish delivered to Rosie at the nest 1447 and taken to the strut perch. Fish finished 1457. craigor
23-04-17 17:19 Rosie Man Made Objects watcher Rosie brings a length of green rope to the nest. craigor
23-04-16 16:25 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond spotted on distant light pole eating a fish, hind end brought to the nest 1647, taken by Rosie to the strut perch 1648, finished 1655. craigor
23-04-16 12:20 Richmond Jacksmelt lee Large faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1235. craigor
23-04-16 11:10 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Large bloody Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1137. craigor
23-04-16 08:20 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Small face-nibbled Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0827. craigor
23-04-15 16:33 Richmond Jacksmelt watcher Richmond sails past the boom with a fresh Jacksmelt, decapitates it on a distant light pole. Fish delivered to Rosie at the nest 1652, taken to the strut perch, finished by 1700. craigor
23-04-15 15:11 Richmond Jacksmelt Toaster28 RIchmond on distant light pole eating fish spotted by onsite observer. FIsh delivered to Rosie at the nest 1529, taken to the strut perch 1530, finished by 1537. craigor
23-04-15 08:29 Richmond Jacksmelt TAG Headless Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished by 0838. craigor
23-04-15 12:30 Unsure Other watcher Partial bird carcass pops up from the nest material as Richmond flies off. craigor
23-04-14 16:43 Richmond Jacksmelt seabiscuit Headless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1653. craigor
23-04-14 15:29 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Faceless Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Fish finished 1538. craigor
23-04-13 17:12 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Richmond skims the upper boom with a whole Jacksmelt, taken to distant light pole. Small tail fragment brought to Rosie on the nest 1734 and flown off. craigor
23-04-13 15:30 Richmond Jacksmelt Toaster28 Richmond arrives at the nest with a beheaded Jacksmelt, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished by 1547. craigor
23-04-13 10:21 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond spotted on distant light pole eating a fish. Harassed by corvid, fish taken to a different light pole. Delivered to the nest 1057, taken by Rosie to the strut perch 1058, finished 1130. craigor
23-04-12 09:24 Richmond Other PP Headless Shad brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0952. craigor
23-04-11 09:01 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond spotted on distant light pole with an extra-large Jacksmelt. Brought to the nest 0948, taken by Rosie to the strut perch 0950, fish finished 1049. craigor
23-04-10 09:06 Richmond Surf Perch PP Richmond spotted eating fish on a distant light pole, delivered to the sheave nest 0934, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0950. craigor
23-04-09 08:37 Rosie Surf Perch dinnae ken Rosie brings a fish to the strut perch, eaten solo, fnished by 0904. craigor
23-04-09 12:01 Richmond Surf Perch DianneA Faceless perch delivered to Rosie at the sheave nest, flown off to the strut perch, finished 1307. craigor
23-04-08 13:38 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole flopping Jacksmelt delivered to the sheave nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1350. craigor
23-04-08 10:26 Richmond Jacksmelt lee Richmond brings a whole flopping Jacksmelt to the sheave, then immediately flies it to a distant light pole. Fish flown off 1033. Returned to the sheave 1057 and taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Fish finished 1106. craigor
23-04-08 07:43 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Richmond delivers the tail end of a Jacksmelt to the sheave nest, taken by Rosie 0744 and flown to the strut perch. Fish finished 0752. craigor
23-04-07 13:17 Richmond Jacksmelt TAG Richmond comes to the sheave with a face-nibbled Jacksmelt, then flies away with it as Rosie watches. craigor
23-04-06 10:17 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Richmond arrives at the sheave nest with half a Jacksmelt, held on the nest until 1104 and flown off. craigor
23-04-05 18:26 Rosie Salmonid LindaQ Rosie brings a large faceless trout to the boom cable, holds it a minute, then flies off with it. craigor
23-04-05 09:02 Richmond Bass-Striped seabiscuit Striper tail delivered to the sheave nest and taken by Rosie. Finished 0905. craigor
23-04-02 07:56 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman TAG Rosie sails past the boom multiple times with an exceptionally large PFM, and a corvid in pursuit. Fish brought to the boom cable 0758 then flown off to distant light pole 0801 and eaten solo. craigor
23-03-29 16:44 Rosie Salmonid midi Rosie spotted on distant light pole with a fish, still there at 1911 as Richmond pops in, fish brought to the boom cable 1916, with Richmond trailing close behind. Fish returned to the light pole1919, remnant brought to the ROV sleeping wire 1959. Finished by 0112 on 3/30. craigor
23-03-28 14:29 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, flown off 1432 to distant light pole. craigor
23-03-27 12:47 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Whole Jacksmelt brought to the boom cable, flown off 1248 to a distant light pole, finished 1315. craigor
23-03-26 18:17 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Faceless Jacksmelt brought to the cable, eaten solo, finished 1826. craigor
23-03-25 12:07 Richmond Jacksmelt watcher Headless Jacksmelt delivered to Rosie at the sheave, flown by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1220. craigor
23-03-23 11:42 Richmond Jacksmelt Toaster28 Richmond spotted on light pole eating a fish by onsite observer. Fish brought to the sheave 1155, then to the boom cable1200. Llifted off and flown away 1201. craigor
23-03-22 18:55 Richmond Jacksmelt lee Richmond arrives on the boom cable with half a Jacksmelt. Finished 1905. craigor
23-03-22 17:18 Richmond Jacksmelt Dataman Whole Jacksmelt brought to the sheave, taken by Rosie and flown off to distant light pole. Eaten solo, finished 1754. craigor
22-08-28 18:54 Rosie Bass-Striped dinnae ken Rosie comes to the boom cable with the hind end of a striper, flown off and past the nest 1902. craigor
22-08-27 18:34 Rosie Bass-Striped B Rosie brings the tail end of a striper to the nest after eating it solo on the ROV cable. craigor
22-08-15 11:01 Rosie Bass-Striped J. Headless striper to the nest, flown off 1102. craigor
22-08-12 07:04 Rosie Unknown karen Small chunk held in one foot brought to the nest, then flown to the boom cable. craigor
22-08-08 19:04 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman seabiscuit Rosie brings a headless PFM, no takers, flown to the boom cable 1906, . craigor
22-08-07 18:26 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman FW Faceless PFM brought to the nest, held just a moment, no takers, flown off 1827. craigor
22-08-06 12:07 Rosie Surf Perch janw Faceless perch to the nest, taken by the visitor. craigor
22-08-05 12:29 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman craigor Faceless PFM brought to the nest, no takers, flown off 1231. craigor
22-08-04 18:24 Rosie Other Dataman Rosie brings a lightly damaged Lingcod to the nest, no takers, fish flown off. Returned to the nest 1906, taken by the visiting fledgling. craigor
22-08-03 14:07 Rosie Man Made Objects calgal Fishing hook and line attached to fish brought to the nest by Rosie. Lifted off the nest with the fish 1506 and dropped over the side. craigor
22-08-03 11:06 Rosie Bass-Striped chaya Rosie spotted on the ROV cable with a very large striped bass by onsite observer. Brought to the strut perch 1236, flown off 1239 to a distant light pole. Delivered to the nest 1407. Taken by the visitor, flown off 1506, back on 1507. Eaten down to skin, tailfin and spine, tailfin abandoned 1953, taken by Rosie 1954. Rosie feeds the visitor. Skin consumed by Rosie and the visitor, last bits of skin abandoned 2014, spine left on the nest. Spine taken from the nest by a visiting crow on 8/5 around 1617. craigor
22-08-03 09:20 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Robin Long whole PFM brought to the rail for just a moment then flown off. Returned to nest 0957, then flown off again 0958 craigor
22-08-02 09:10 Other Other J. Visiting fledgling delivers a whole fresh shark, eaten solo, almost finished, final bit of tail dropped from the rail 0939. craigor
22-08-02 09:39 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman calneva Rosie brings a plump faceless PFM to the nest, taken by the visitor. Skin and tail flung from the nest 1033. craigor
22-07-31 18:51 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman FW Whole PFM dropped at the nest, taken by the visitor, last of the skin dropped over the edge 2004. craigor
22-07-31 15:51 Other Bass-Striped FW Tail end of a striper brought by the visiting juvenile, eaten on the nest, finished 1746. craigor
22-07-30 12:23 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Richmond delivers half a small Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by the visitor, finished 1244. craigor
22-07-30 15:43 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman calneva Rosie brings a faceless PFM, taken by the visitor, finished by 1624. craigor
22-07-29 11:45 Rosie Goldfish GailMac Rosie brings a fresh goldfish to the nest, two fish on the nest. Taken eagerly by the visiting fledgling. Remnant brought to the rail 1207, finished 1222. craigor
22-07-29 07:57 Rosie Bass-Striped Judi Large headless Striped Bass brought to the nest for the visitor. Eaten slowly, taken by Rosie and flown off 1146 to the rail, flown off 1207, returned to the rail 1226. Flown off again 1229. Returned to the nest 1405, taken by the visitor. Flesh slowly eaten away, revealing the spine. Brought to the rail 1913. Chick flies off to the nest 2023, leaving spine and tail hanging from the rail by a flap of skin. Remnant falls from the rail 2039. craigor
22-07-28 09:38 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman calneva Rosie on and off the nest with a face-munched PFM, taken to the rail. Brought to the nest 1019, taken by the visitor, flown to the rail 1025, remnant returned to the nest 1153, retrieved and finished by Rosie 1155. craigor
22-07-28 18:48 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman chagin Small, pre-chewed PFM taken by the visitor. Flown to the rail 1904, last bits of skin dropped from the rail 1913. craigor
22-07-27 15:06 Rosie Salmonid DianneA Rosie spotted on distant light pole munching a fish. Delivered to the nest 1637, taken by the visiting fledgling. Tail flown off 1828, returned 1829, finished 1852. craigor
22-07-27 08:10 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman B. Rosie brings a PFM, taken by the visiting fledgling, skin and tail abandoned at the far edge of the nest 0838. craigor
22-07-26 14:46 Rosie Goldfish dinnae ken Rosie with a Goldfish to the nest, two fish on the nest. Rosie feeds the visitor, fish finished 1503. craigor
22-07-26 18:02 Rosie Goldfish Benjamin Rosie brings another whole Goldfish to the nest, two fish on the nest, feeds the visitor, flies off with the fish 1806. Fiah returned to the nest 1831, Rosie feeds the visitor, tail finished by the visitor 1839. craigor
22-07-26 19:02 Richmond Jacksmelt CdA Richmond comes to the boom cable with a whole Jacksmelt. Eaten solo, finished 1925. craigor
22-07-26 07:05 Rosie Bass-Striped GailMac Large striped bass delivered to the nest, taken by the visitor. Rosie's offer of help rejected 0724, taken by Rosie 0826 and flown to the distant light pole, returned to the nest 1014, held on the nest all day by the visitor and eaten sporadically in between other fish. Remnant abandoned and taken by Rosie 2027, finished 2041. craigor
22-07-25 10:07 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Richmond brings a headless jacksmelt, taken by a juvenile stranger occupying the nest. Fish eaten by the stranger, finished 1027. craigor
22-07-25 18:43 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Richmond arrives with a face-munched Jacksmelt and leaves it on the nest, two fish on the nest. XA returns to the nest and grabs the fish 1859. The visiting fledgling drives XA and fish off the edge of the nest and the fish falls to the platform below. Fish retrieved by a gull and flown off 0844 on 7/26. craigor
22-07-25 17:44 Rosie Goldfish FW Rosie brings a partially eaten Goldfish taken by the visitor on the nest. Lifted away during a confrontation with XA 1859, returned to the nest, then lifted away again as hostilities resume. Returned to the nest 1900 as the visitor continues fighting with XA, flown off and returned again 1909, XA driven from the nest, fish finished 1921. craigor
22-07-25 16:48 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Headless Jacksmelt delivered by Richmond, taken by the visiting juvenile, finished 1734. craigor
22-07-25 15:45 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Benjamin Faceless PFM to the nest, taken by the visiting juvenile. Skin and tail abandoned 1637. craigor
22-07-25 13:54 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman td Headless PFM to the stranger juvenile on the nest, finished 1417. craigor
22-07-25 07:07 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman East Coast Catbird Another whole live PFM brought to the nest, Rosie feeds XA, fish finished 0717. craigor
22-07-25 06:15 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman J. Small fresh PFM caught in view of the camera, taken by XA. Skin abandoned 0630. craigor
22-07-24 20:45 Rosie Jacksmelt Judi Flip floppy whole Jacksmelt taken by XA. Eaten solo, remnant crumbs cleaned up by Rosie 2220. craigor
22-07-24 19:29 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Hind end of a PFM brought to XA on the nest, finished 1943. craigor
22-07-23 10:44 Rosie Bass-Striped Benjamin Rosie brings the small tail end of a striper, taken by XA, finished 1054. craigor
22-07-23 10:30 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Richmond spotted on distant light pole with a fish, delivered to the nest 1114, taken by XA, finished 1151. craigor
22-07-23 16:23 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman FW Headless PFM delivered, taken by XA. Skin abandoned 1643, retrieved 1712, finished 1714. craigor
22-07-23 17:30 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman dinnae ken Another headless PFM, taken by XA, abandoned 1802, retrieved 1819, abandoned 1834, recovered by Rosie 1932, finished 1944. craigor
22-07-23 19:31 Rosie Jacksmelt Benjamin Faceless Jacksmelt brought to XA, two fish on the nest. Abandoned 2042, taken by Rosie 2043, Rosie feeds XA. Tail finished by Rosie 2054. craigor
22-07-22 07:11 Rosie Goldfish J. Rosie brings a whole Goldfish, feeds XA. Fish taken by XA 0721, eaten slowly, taken by Rosie 0924, flown to the rail, flown off 0929, Rosie returns to the rail fishless 0938. craigor
22-07-22 15:39 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman FW Headless PFM to the nest. Taken by XA, abandoned 1610. craigor
22-07-22 20:39 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Benjamin Fresh PFM to the nest, Rosie feeds XA, fish finished 2053. craigor
22-07-21 18:47 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Honored Guest Rosie with a headless PFM, taken by XA, abandoned 1944, retrieved 1946, abandoned 1953. Rosie arrives 1953 and feeds XA, fish finished 2004. craigor
22-07-21 17:14 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman dinnae ken Fresh PFM brought to the nest, handed off to XA, finished 1747. craigor
22-07-21 14:17 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Benjamin Pre-munched PFM to the nest, taken by XA, abandoned 1456. Rosie arrives to help 1510, takes the fish, feeds XA, fish finished 1513. craigor
22-07-21 20:53 Richmond Bass-Striped Benjamin Half a fish from RIchmond, quickly snatched by Rosie, Rosie feeds XA, tail finished by XA 2116. craigor
22-07-20 14:06 Richmond Bass-Striped FW Headless Striper dropped at the nest for the waiting XA. abandoned and left on the nest 1545, recovered by Rosie 1727. Tail finished by Rosie 1810. craigor
22-07-20 15:01 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Leah Intact PFM brought to the nest, two fish on the nest, lifted off and away 1503. Returned to the nest 1548, two fish on the nest, taken by XA. Taken by Rosie 1550, Rosie feeds XA, flown off again 1603, returned 1615, two fish on the nest, taken by XA. Abandoned 1625, reclaimed 1644, Rosie arrives to help 1655, Rosie feeds XA, fish finished 1726. craigor
22-07-19 15:53 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman FW Faceless PFM brought to XA on the nest. Remnant taken by Rosie 1637, Rosie feeds XA, fish finished by 1644. craigor
22-07-19 17:55 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman FW Faceless PFM brought to XA on the nest. Remnant taken by Rosie 1821, Rosie feeds XA, skin and tail taken by XA 1827, abandoned and taken by Rosie 1830, finished 1831. craigor
22-07-18 09:20 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Fat headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest for just a moment and flown off. craigor
22-07-18 12:18 Richmond Bass-Striped lurker Half a modest sized striper brought to the nest taken by Rosie and lifted off to the rail, finished 1245. craigor
22-07-17 14:07 Rosie Salmonid Leah Rosie arrives on the rail with a headless rainbow trout, no chicks on the nest. Held on the rail, eaten slowly, not shared with Richmond. Flown off 1957. Returned to the rail 2055, held overnight, eaten solo, finished 0815 on 7/18. craigor
22-07-16 14:22 Rosie Bass-Striped chagin Rosie delivers a whole striped bass, feeds XA flown off by Richmond 1725, tail returned to the nest 1840, left for XA. Abandoned 1848, Rosie arrives to help 1849. Tailfin handed back to XA 1907, finally taken back and finished by Rosie 1910. craigor
22-07-16 10:19 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond brings a headless Jacksmelt to the nest, Grabbed by XA as Richmond is trying to leave and dropped onto the nest. Unidentified Osprey arrives immediately upon Richmond's departure and grabs the fish lying on the nest, mantles over it for a minute, then flies off holding the fish 1020. craigor
22-07-16 07:34 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond on the distant light pole beheading a fish. Brought to the nest 0751, taken by XA, stolen by WM 0807, then by Rosie 0808. Rosie feeds WM then XA. Tail finished by XA 0810. craigor
22-07-15 08:50 Richmond Jacksmelt Tweeter Richmond brings a nose-nibbled Jacksmelt, taken by XA. Tail stolen by WM 0917, defended from XA 0926, finished 0938. craigor
22-07-15 19:58 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Rosie brings a small headless PFM, taken by WM. Taken by Rosie 2000, Rosie feeds WM. Fish finished by 2006. craigor
22-07-15 14:05 Rosie Goldfish LT Rosie brings a whole Goldfish to the nest for WM. Taken by Rosie 1439, Rosie and WM feed. Fish finished 1446. craigor
22-07-15 06:29 Rosie Jacksmelt karenh Headless Jacksmelt brought by Rosie, taken by XA. Stolen by WM 0653. lifted off to the rail by Rosie 0700. Returned to the nest 0711, taken by XA, stolen by WM 0712. WM having difficulty eating, tail taken by Rosie 0718 and flown off. Rosie returns to the rail fishless 0725. craigor
22-07-14 09:30 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Richmond brings a whole live Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by rosie, lifted off and on the nest, taken by WM. Defended from XA 0942, stolen by XA 0946. WM tries for the steal, tug of war 0956, fish retained by XA. Tail taken by WM 1010, finished by WM, with great difficulty chewing and swallowing, 1042. craigor
22-07-14 16:17 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman calgal Sizeable headless PFM delivered to the nest, taken by XA, stolen by WM 1621, defended from Rosie 1630. Taken by XA 1639, repossessed by Rosie 1652, Rosie feeds both chicks. Skin hauled off by XA 1703, Rosie cleaning up crumbs, finished by 1707. craigor
22-07-14 07:49 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Richmond brings a faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by XA, finished 0818. craigor
22-07-13 09:51 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Half a Jacksmelt delivered to the nest. Taken quickly by XA, snatched by WM 1034, finished 1053. craigor
22-07-13 16:50 Rosie Goldfish dinnae ken Whole large white-spotted Goldfish brought to the nest, taken by XA 1651, defended from WM 1652, abandoned and taken by WM 1734. Tailfin dropped 1741, taken by Rosie and then by XA, finished 1742. craigor
22-07-13 17:18 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Richmond brings a whole live Jacksmelt to the nest, WM moves in to grab it and the fish jumps off the edge of the nest. Lost fish! craigor
22-07-12 07:53 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Richmond brings a whole Jacksmelt to the nest in Rosie's absence, taken by XA, eaten solo, finished 0822. craigor
22-07-12 12:03 Rosie Salmonid FW Faceless Lightning Trout delivered to the nest. Rosie feeds both chicks, skin and tail finished by Rosie 1451. craigor
22-07-12 17:35 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Faceless Jacksmelt brought by Richmond, seized by XA. Stolen by WM 1815, Rosie hands an errant scrap to XA 1848, tail finished by XA 1856. craigor
22-07-11 08:31 Richmond Jacksmelt Tweeter Richmond delivers half a Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie and then stolen by XA, finished by XA 0918. craigor
22-07-11 16:20 Rosie Goldfish dinnae ken Rosie brings a whole goldfish to the nest, taken swiftly by XA then stolen by WM 1621, taken back by XA 1629, finished 1650. craigor
22-07-11 17:25 Rosie Goldfish LT Rosie brings the tail end of a goldfish, feeds XA, fish finished 1727. craigor
22-07-11 13:49 Rosie Surf Perch Benjamin Rosie brings a whole perch to the nest, taken by WM 1350, who begins to self feed. Taken by XA 1414, finished 1441. craigor
22-07-10 08:14 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond arrives on the boom cable with a whole fish, eaten solo, finished 0840. craigor
22-07-09 10:17 Richmond Jacksmelt chagin Headless Jacksmelt delivered to the nest. Rosie feeds XA, fish finished 1029. craigor
22-07-09 08:13 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond spotted on distant light pole with a fish, delivered to nest 0834, Rosie feeds XA. Fish taken by XA 0838, taken back by Rosie 1843, Rosie feeds both chicks, fish finished 0851. craigor
22-07-09 15:18 Rosie Salmonid FW Rosie brings a big fish to the strut perch, then flies off. Brought to the nest 1637. Rosie feeds XA then WM. WM keeps eating as XA consumes the next fish, then walks away 1822 and Rosie feeds XA. CHink of skin taken by XA 1825, abandoned 1856, retrieved by XA 1909. Tail segment found by Rosie, fed to the chicks 1949, taken briefly by WM 2018 then left on the nest, recovered and finished by Rosie on the nest 0701 on 7/10. craigor
22-07-09 17:36 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Richmond deliveres a small headless Jacksmelt to the nest, two fish on the nest, taken by XA. Tail end abandoned 1800, recovered by XA 1803, finished 1808. craigor
22-07-08 11:57 Rosie Goldfish MaxK Rosie brings a whole goldfish, taken by XA 1158, taken over by WM 1218, abandoned 1245, taken by Rosie 1246, finished 1247. craigor
22-07-08 09:57 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond spotted on distant light pole with a fish. Brought to the nest 1020. Rosie feeds both chicks, remnant claimed by WM 1035, stolen by XA 1041, abandined 1048, taken by WM 1051, finished 1058. craigor
22-07-08 09:46 Rosie Man Made Objects calneva Rosie brings a piece of black rope. craigor
22-07-08 15:43 Rosie Goldfish FW Rosie brings another small whole goldfish. Chicks fed, fish finished 1551. craigor
22-07-08 14:11 Rosie Goldfish Benjamin Rosie brings a large whole goldfish, feeds the chicks. Tail claimed by WM 1435, stolen by XA 1437, finished 1440. craigor
22-07-07 17:40 Richmond Jacksmelt Merlin Half a Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by XA, finished 1756. craigor
22-07-07 19:11 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman FW Large intact PFM to the nest, Rosie feeds both chicks, finishes the last scraps of skin 1940. craigor
22-07-07 20:37 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Whole flopping Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Tail finished by Rosie 2100. craigor
22-07-07 20:46 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Richmond spotted on distant light pole eating a large fish. Hind end brought to the boom cable 2122 and held, finished on the cable 0102 on 7/8. craigor
22-07-07 13:37 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Headless Jacksmelt left at the nest in Rosie's absence, taken by XA. Abandoned 1408, claimed by WM 1411, relinquished 1444. Retrieved by Rosie 1514, Rosie feeds the chicks, tail finished by XA 1544. craigor
22-07-07 08:22 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Headless Jacksmelt dropped at the nest, taken by Rosie. Rosie and the chicks feed, tail finished by WM 0835. craigor
22-07-06 11:25 Rosie Goldfish Benjamin Rosie delivers another whole live goldfish. Brought to the nest in six minutes and 28 seconds. Chicks fed, fish finished by 1152. craigor
22-07-06 20:04 Rosie Bass-Striped FW Rosie brings a nose-nibbled striper to the nest and begins feeding the chicks. Tail left on the nest by Rosie 2122. Retrieved by Rosie 2330, finished 2345. craigor
22-07-06 12:08 Richmond Bass-Striped Benjamin Richmond on the distant light pole beheading a very large fish. Brought to the nest 1411, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Tail taken by XA 1511, finished by 1516. craigor
22-07-06 09:02 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond brings a headless Jacksmelt, Rosie feeds XA while WM sulks, Tail finished by WM 0917. craigor
22-07-05 12:44 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Richmond brings a whole Jacksmelt in Rosie's absence and leaves it on the nest. Taken by XA, still flopping wildly, XA begins to feed. WM makes a move 1250 and a tug of war ensues, fish taken by WM 1251, taken back by XA 1252. Another tug of war 1253 leaves both chicks briefly eating the fish from opposite ends. Fish taken by XA 1254, then given up by XA and taken by WM 1311. Retaken by XA 1351, left on the nest 1403, taken by WM 1404, tail finished by WM 1426. craigor
22-07-05 17:01 Rosie Goldfish Benjamin Rosie brings an intact bright orange fish to the nest, ID'd as a large goldfish, likely from a private pond. Chicks fed, fish finished by 1729. craigor
22-07-05 17:52 Rosie Goldfish Benjamin Rosie brings a second large goldfish. Rosie feeds the chicks, last of the major scraps finished by 1826. craigor
22-07-05 20:55 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Small end of a Jacksmelt taken by Rosie, chicks fed, tail finished by WM 2059. craigor
22-07-05 09:23 Richmond Bass-Striped Leah Headless striper to the nest, taken by Rosie, chicks fed, fish finished by 1030. craigor
22-07-04 11:34 Richmond Jacksmelt chaya Richmond spotted eating a fish on distant light pole. Remainder brought to the nest 1146, Rosie feeds the nestlings. Tail finished by XA 1200. craigor
22-07-04 14:12 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Headless Jacksmelt delivered to the nest. Rosie feeds the chicks, tail finished by XA 1628. craigor
22-07-04 18:47 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Leah Live PFM brought to the nest, Rosie feeds XA then WM, WM takes the last large piece of skin and tail 1856, finished 1858. craigor
22-07-04 12:14 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Richmond brings a fat flopping Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie for the chicks. XA grabs the tail of the fish while Rosie feeds WM from the head. Rosie and XA get in a tug of war over the fish 1216, Rosie wins and continues to feed WM. XA attacksWM and WM backs away from the fish 1237, Rosie feeds XA 1239, Tail finished by XA 1240. craigor
22-07-04 08:16 Richmond Bass-Striped Leah Richmond swoops past the nest twice and delivers a good sized headless striper. Rosie feeds XA, then WM. Fish finished by 0843. craigor
22-07-03 11:30 Richmond Bass-Striped FW Richmond spotted on distant light pole beheading a large fish. Delivered to the nest 1149, Rosie and the chicks feed. Tail finished by XA 1242. craigor
22-07-03 16:59 Rosie Bass-Striped FW Rosie delivers a whole striper to the nest in 54 seconds, taken by WM, defended from XA 1701, then abandoned and taken by Rosie. Rosie feeds XA then WM. Tailfin taken by XA 1803, finished 1806. craigor
22-07-03 09:13 Richmond Jacksmelt janw Intact Jacksmelt delivered to the nest by Richmond. Rosie feeds the chicks with XA getting most of the bites. Tail finished by Rosie 0932. craigor
22-07-02 09:16 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Headless Jacksmelt brought to Rosie and the chicks on the nest, tail finished by WM 0933. craigor
22-07-02 12:12 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Benjamin Richmond brings a partial PFM by the nest, both chicks fed, fish finished by Rosie 1225. craigor
22-07-02 10:32 Richmond Jacksmelt Chappy Richmond delivers an intact Jacksmelt to Rosie and the chicks on the nest, fish finished 1055. craigor
22-07-02 06:37 Rosie Bass-Striped PP Rosie brings a live large striper, caught in just over two minutes. Chicks fed, fish finished 0753. craigor
22-07-01 15:38 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Benjamin Half-eaten PFM delivered to the nest, Rosie feeds XA, who takes the fish 1544 and defends it from WM, and continues eating. Rosie moves in to help 1555, and continues feeding XA. XA struggles to finish the skin, Rosie finishes the bulk of it 1607, XA recovers and eats some more scraps of skin 1817, shortly before the next fish arrives. craigor
22-07-01 18:18 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Headless jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds both chicks, tail finished by WM 1835. craigor
22-06-30 09:42 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Hind end of a Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds XA while WM picks at dropped crumbs. Tail finished by XA 0951. craigor
22-06-30 11:10 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Live flopping Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken away 1111 to distant light pole, remnant returned to nest 1156, XA tries to take the fish and grabs Richmond's toe instead, allowing WM to take the fish. XA attacks WM and takes the fish 1204. Tail stolen by WM 1216, Abandoned 1244 and recovered by XA, finished by XA 1253, craigor
22-06-30 14:26 Rosie Salmonid MaxK Rosie brings a headless Rainbow Trout, taken by XA. Abandoned 1436, taken by Rosie who continues feeding XA, then both chicks. Fish left on the nest 1555, claimed by WM 1601, who conitnues eating until 1630. Fish recovered by Rosie 1708, both chicks fed, feeding continues until 1748. Both chicks peck at the remnant, claimed by WM 1754, who continues eating until Rosie takes the fish 1826. Rosie and the chicks continue feeding until only scattered scraps remain. WM finds the tail section 1955 and continues eating. Tail end buried and possibly uncovered and finished by Rosie 2024 on 7/2. craigor
22-06-29 14:56 Rosie Salmonid FW Rosie brings a faceless Lightning Trout from the reservoir, XA tries to take the fish but Rosie takes it back and begins feeding XA. Rosie allows XA to take the fish 1457 and XA continues feeding self. Fish reclaimed by Rosie 1508, Rosie feeds XA, then WM, fish finished 1546. craigor
22-06-29 14:36 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Faceless Jacksmelt left on the nest for the chicks in Rosie's absence. Both chicks peck at it a bit, then WM claims it 1437 and begins self feeding. Abandoned as Rosie arrives with the next fish 1456, Recovered by Rosie 1508 then immediately taken by XA, then abandoned, and reclaimed by WM 1514. Abandoned 1520. Recovered by Rosie 1546, Rosie feeds both chicks, fish finished 1609. craigor
22-06-29 09:49 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Headless Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, Rosie and XA feed, tail finished by XA 1001. craigor
22-06-29 07:48 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman PP Headless PFM to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, tail finished by XA 0807. craigor
22-06-28 18:17 Rosie Salmonid calneva Rosie brings a faceless trout, two fish on the nest, Rosie feeds XA then WM, fish finished by 1918. craigor
22-06-28 15:56 Richmond Bass-Striped FW Richmond spotted on distant light pole beheading a large fish. Brought to the nest 1627 in Rosie's absence. Richmond makes a half-hearted attempt at feeding and leaves the fish on the nest 1631, taken by XA 1632, who self feeds from the large fish. Defended from WM 1636, but then abandoned, claimed by WM 1637. Stolen back by XA 1639. Abandoned 1644 and taken by WM, then taken back by XA 1650. Claimed by WM 1655, abandoned 1659, reclaimed 1701, and taken by XA 1704. Back to WM 1706, then left on the nest. XA commences eating again 1745, stolen by WM 1752, back to XA 1805. Abandoned and taken by WM 1808, then left on the nest as Rosie arrives with the next fish 1817. Recovered by Rosie 1918, Rosie feeds both chicks, tail finished by Rosie 1952. craigor
22-06-28 10:30 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Richmond spotted on distant light pole beheading a large fish. Brought to the nest 1126, Rosie feeds XA then WM, fish finished by Rosie 1202. craigor
22-06-28 08:30 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman dinnae ken Richmond spotted on distant light pole eating a fish. Delivered to the nest 0841, Rosie feeds the chicks, finished by Rosie 0856. craigor
22-06-28 07:12 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman CdA Hind end of a small PFM delivered to the nest, Rosie feeds XA, fish reduced to scraps of skin by 0718. craigor
22-06-27 06:51 Richmond Jacksmelt Leah Face-nibbled Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 0701 craigor
22-06-27 08:09 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Tail finished by XA 0831. craigor
22-06-27 17:14 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Whole small Jacksmelt brought to Rosie and the chicks on the nest. Rosie hands off the tail section to XA, who finishes the whole thing unassisted 1732. craigor
22-06-27 13:51 Richmond Starry Flounder GailMac Faceless Starry Flounder brought to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1502. craigor
22-06-27 09:44 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Richmond spotted on distant light pole working on a fish. Remnant delivered to the nest 1019, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1030. craigor
22-06-27 08:51 Richmond Jacksmelt Tweeter Face nibbled Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, Rosie feeds XA then WM. Fish finished by Ro\sie 0920. craigor
22-06-26 06:09 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, tail finished by XA 0626 craigor
22-06-26 19:04 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman dinnae ken Fresh PFM delivered to the nest by Rosie, Chicks fed, fish finished by 1922. craigor
22-06-26 17:13 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Sizeable Jacksmelt delivered to the nest by Richmond, Rosie feeds the chicks. Tail section taken by XA 1732, dropped and retrieved by Rosie and finished 1733. craigor
22-06-26 11:12 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Benjamin Richmond spotted on distant light pole with a large fish. Broght to Rosie and the chicks on the nest 1137, finished by Rosie 1159. craigor
22-06-26 09:39 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole live Jacksmelt delivered to the nest. Rosie feeds the chicks, tail finished by XA 0951. craigor
22-06-26 16:25 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Headless Jacksmelt delivered to the nest for Rosie and the chicks. Tail finished by XA 1636. craigor
22-06-26 07:26 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Good sized headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest for Rosie and the chicks. Rosie feeds Xa then WM, hands a big tail section to WM 0748, who can't quite handle it, so Rosie takes it and gives it to XA who also has trouble. The Rosie gives it back to WM 0749 who tries eating until 0759 when XA reclaims it. Rosie steals the tail from between XA's legs 0801, feeds WM. Rosie, distracted by an intruder, jumps off the nest 0806 and WM takes what's left of the tail, finishing it 0807. craigor
22-06-26 13:08 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman calgal Whole PFM snatched out of the channel in view of the cam and returned to the nest in 34 seconds, a new speed record. Chicks fed, fish finished 1336. craigor
22-06-25 17:16 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman B. Richmond brings a faceless PFM to the nest in Rosie's absence, then lifts off 1717 to the rail as the chicks attempt self-feeding. Commandeered by XA, and defended from WM 1726. Abandoned 1731 after a vicious attack on WM. Retrieved by WM 1732, who grabs a couple of bites before being driven off by XA, just as Rosie arrives with the next fish. Recovered by Rosie and passed to WM 1812, who struggles with it. Rosie helps WM with the skin 1814, finished by 1816. craigor
22-06-25 09:46 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Richmond sails past the crane with a large fish, pursued by a gull. Located by the cam on a very distant light pole with the fish 1011, brought to the nest 1024, Rosie feeds the chicks, tail finished by XA 1038. craigor
22-06-25 08:55 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Whole flopping Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed, large piece of tail swallowed in one gulp by WM 0905. craigor
22-06-25 06:57 Richmond Jacksmelt janw Headless Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, Rosie feeds XA as WM jockeys to try to grab a bite. Fish finished by 0712. craigor
22-06-25 17:33 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman gramps Rosie brings a headless PFM to the nest, two fish on the nest, Rosie feeds both chicks, gives the skin to XA, who gives it a try, then taken back by Rosie, finished 1813. craigor
22-06-24 17:37 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Richmond brings the tail end of a Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie and XA feed, tail finished by XA 1745 after a lengthy struggle, as WM dines on dropped crumbs. craigor
22-06-24 07:22 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman PP Richmond brings the hind end of a PFM to Rosie and the chicks, finished 0732. craigor
22-06-24 16:02 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman MaxK Rishmond with a well-used headless PFM, Rosie and XA feed, fish finished by 1631. craigor
22-06-23 11:06 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Whole jacksmelt brought to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, tail finished by XA 1130. craigor
22-06-23 07:17 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Tail finished by WM 0730. craigor
22-06-23 08:24 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Judi Richmond on distant light pole with a large fish. Mangled but still sizeable remnant brought to the nest 0845, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. FInished 0915. craigor
22-06-22 10:35 Richmond Bass-Striped Benjamin Half a striper brought to the nest. Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished 1057. craigor
22-06-22 21:04 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Richmond brings the hind end of a Jacksmelt to the nest for Rosie and the chicks, fish finished 2114. craigor
22-06-22 07:23 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Whole live Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Both chicks sated, fish finished by Rosie 0757. craigor
22-06-21 14:51 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Richmond comes to the boom cable with a face-nibbled fish, brought to the nest 1452, Rosie feeds the chicks, tail finished by XA 1508. craigor
22-06-21 17:25 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Whole jacksmelt delivered to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Tail finished by Rosie 1749. craigor
22-06-21 10:14 Richmond Jacksmelt guest420 Richmond spotted on distant light pole with a large fish, brought to the nest 1041, taken by Rosie, chicks fed, tail finished by XA 1109. craigor
22-06-20 15:03 Rosie Man Made Objects dinnae ken Rosie brings a length of black rope to the nest. craigor
22-06-20 11:51 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Fat headless Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed, fish finished 1220.. craigor
22-06-20 16:44 Richmond Bass-Striped FW Headless striper brought to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1737. craigor
22-06-20 07:38 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Whole live Jacksmelt brought to the nest for Rosie and the chicks, finished 0759. craigor
22-06-20 08:18 Richmond Jacksmelt B. Richmond arrives on the boom cable with a whole lively Jacksmelt of his own. Remnant brought to the nest 0839, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 0852. craigor
22-06-20 09:43 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Richmond brings another whole Jacksmelt to the boom cable. Brought to the nest 0954, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1011. craigor
22-06-19 08:45 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Large headless striper delivered to Rosie and the chicks, finished 0931. craigor
22-06-19 12:15 Rosie Bass-Striped FW Rosie to the nest with a large defaced striper, chicks fed, Tail portion left on the nest 1353, recovered by Richmond 1354 and flown off to the boom cable. Last of the tail dropped from the cable 1443. craigor
22-06-18 06:39 Other Other craigor Whole market fish left on the nest as a banding day present. Later identified as a Largemouth Bass. Recovered by Rosie 032, flown off 0734, brought to the boom cable 0735, flown off under corvid harassment 0736, returned to the nest 0750, Rosie feeds the chicks. Remnant left on the nest 0827, recovered by Rosie 1011, chicks fed again, fish finished 1031. craigor
22-06-18 07:36 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond to the boom cable with a headless Jacksmelt, eaten solo, finished 0757. craigor
22-06-17 07:31 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond sails past the crane cam with a fish, remnant delivered to the nest 0746, finished 0753. craigor
22-06-17 10:29 Richmond Bass-Striped Benjamin Meaty headless Striped Bass brought to the nest for Rosie and the chicks, fnished 1136. craigor
22-06-17 15:19 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Small whole Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie, chicks fed, fish finished by a nestling 1528. craigor
22-06-17 18:03 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Whole wriggling Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Fish finished by 1837. craigor
22-06-17 19:08 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Good sized faceless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Rosie cleans up the last of the crumbs 1930. craigor
22-06-17 06:45 Richmond Jacksmelt Chappy Whole lively Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished 0708. craigor
22-06-17 08:22 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Sizeable whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished 0845. craigor
22-06-16 08:16 Richmond Bass-Striped dinnae ken Richmond spotted on distant light pole defacing a large striper. Brought to the nest 0920, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1020. craigor
22-06-16 06:47 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, tail finished by a nestling 0657. craigor
22-06-16 13:08 Richmond Bass-Striped Benjamin Richmond arrives at the nest with a headless striper, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Fish finished 1347. craigor
22-06-15 16:57 Richmond Jacksmelt Merlin Whole Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks, finished 1714. craigor
22-06-15 18:38 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Richmond on distant light pole with a fish. Brought to the nest 1921, tail finished by one of the nestlings 1930. craigor
22-06-15 09:17 Rosie Man Made Objects dinnae ken Rosie brings a length of black rope to the nest. Removed at banding 6/18. craigor
22-06-15 08:44 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Richmond on distant light pole with a fish. Brought to the nest 0851 for Rosie and the chicks, finished 0912. craigor
22-06-15 07:42 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Long whole live Jacksmelt brought to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Substantially finished 0806, Rosie abandons the last of the guts around 0809. craigor
22-06-15 06:34 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole live Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 0649. craigor
22-06-14 07:22 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Whole skinny Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished by 0755. craigor
22-06-14 08:30 Richmond Jacksmelt Tweeter Defaced Jacksmelt delivered to Rosie and the chicks. Fish finished by a nestling 0845. craigor
22-06-14 15:40 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished by a nestling 1548. craigor
22-06-14 18:51 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Whole Jacksmelt left at the nest for Rosie and the chicks, finished by 1908. craigor
22-06-14 19:13 Rosie Man Made Objects craigor Rosie brings a piece of milled wooden molding or trim to the nest. craigor
22-06-13 20:53 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Whole flip-floppy Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 2117. craigor
22-06-13 09:03 Richmond Bass-Striped CdA Richmond spotted on distant light pole beheading a fish. Brought to the nest 0924, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1022. craigor
22-06-13 16:08 Richmond Bass-Striped FW Large Headless Striper, delivered to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1706. craigor
22-06-12 10:09 Rosie Other emtilt Rosie flies to the boom with the very wet carcass of a freshly dead young bird caught just off the pier, then brings it to the nest and makes several attempts at feeding the chicks with it. Efforts abandoned by 1035. Remnant retrieved 1500, flown off and on the nest, one more attempted feeding 1501, taken away and disposed of 1502. craigor
22-06-12 19:08 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Cam pulls back to reveal Richmond on the boom cable just polishing off the last of a fish. Finished 1909. craigor
22-06-12 18:11 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Another whole Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Fish finished 1837. craigor
22-06-12 16:21 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Wildly flopping Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie, flown to the boom cable 1622. Subdued and returned to the nest 1629, chicks fed, fish finished 1655. craigor
22-06-12 13:14 Richmond Bass-Striped dinnae ken Headless striper brought to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1359. craigor
22-06-12 06:43 Rosie Man Made Objects J. Rosie brings a length of blue plastic rope to the nest, which unravels over the course of the day. Removed at banding 6/18. craigor
22-06-11 14:08 Richmond Bass-Striped FW Headless striper brought to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed, fish finished 1450. craigor
22-06-11 17:51 Rosie Bass-Striped ishwish Rosie brings a large whole striper to the nest, then takes off toward Brooks island, back to the nest 1802, chicks fed. Richmond makes a move to steal the fish 1840, but Rosie wins the ensuing tug-of-war, followed by more feeding. Remnant abandoned 1857, retrieved and flown off by Richmond 1912, Richmond returns fishless 1959. craigor
22-06-11 07:10 Richmond Bass-Striped dinnae ken Richmond spotted munching a fish on a distant light pole. Delivered to the nest for Rosie and the chicks 0743, finished 0835. craigor
22-06-10 18:20 Richmond Jacksmelt Chappy Richmond comes to the boom cable with a large whole Jacksmelt. Delivered to the nest 1823, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1855. craigor
22-06-10 07:41 Richmond Bass-Striped PP Richmond on distant light pole decapitating a fish. Brought to the nest 0816 for Rosie and the chicks, finished 0848. craigor
22-06-10 09:52 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Whole lively Jacksmelt delivered, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1048. craigor
22-06-10 10:45 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond flies in to the boom cable with a whole wiggling Jacksmelt and proceeds to eat it all himself. Tailfin dropped from the cable 1120. craigor
22-06-10 14:45 Richmond Bass-Striped chaya Richmond on distant light pole with a large fish. Brought to the nest 1537, Rosie feeds the nestlings, fish finished 1604. craigor
22-06-09 07:17 Richmond Bass-Striped PP Richmond on distant light pole with a very large fish. Flown off 0738. Richmond found on a different light pole 0809, still eating the fish. Fish delivered to the nest 0832, Rosie and the chicks feed, fish finished 0908. craigor
22-06-09 17:30 Richmond Bass-Striped FW Richmond brings a headless striper to the nest and Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished 1752. craigor
22-06-09 15:03 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Lively whole Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished by 1519. craigor
22-06-09 13:34 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Still-twitching Jacksmelt deliveered to the nest for family feeding, fish finished 1353. craigor
22-06-08 08:30 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman dinnae ken Whole PFM brought to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished by 0853. craigor
22-06-08 15:39 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Richmond delivers a small whole Jacksmelt, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks, finished 1559. craigor
22-06-08 09:48 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Faceless Jacksmelt delivery, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1023. craigor
22-06-08 05:59 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman seabiscuit Rosie jumps off the nest and returns 42 seconds later with a whole PFM, feeds the nestlings. Skin and tail abandoned 0638. Retrieved by Rosie 0748, finished 0759. craigor
22-06-07 09:18 Richmond Bass-Striped seabiscuit Another headless striper to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 0953. craigor
22-06-07 20:03 Richmond Jacksmelt CdA Whole Jacksmelt flown directly across the nest and past Rosie, taken to a distant light pole, finished 2038. craigor
22-06-07 19:32 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman FW Rosie brings a whole PFM 36 seconds after leaving the nest, a new speed record. Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1954. craigor
22-06-07 16:35 Richmond Bass-Striped Maxk Headless striper to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished 1709. craigor
22-06-07 07:30 Richmond Bass-Striped dinnae ken Richmond brings a headless striper to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, reduced to crumbs by 0754. craigor
22-06-06 17:07 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Whole Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished by 1738 but for a few crumbs and entrails. craigor
22-06-06 08:02 Richmond Bass-Striped dinnae ken Richmond located on the distant light pole eating a fish. Delivered headless to the nest 0806, Rosie feeds the chicks. craigor
22-06-05 15:29 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Richmond spotted on distant light pole eating a fish. Defaced and brought to the nest 1601, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished by 1623. craigor
22-06-05 20:44 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond sails over the boom holding a fish, returns to the boom with half a fish 2108, delivered to the nest 2110, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 2122. craigor
22-06-05 11:21 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Headless striper to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1221. craigor
22-06-04 15:09 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman dinnae ken Small whole PFM delivered to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1541. craigor
22-06-04 10:25 Richmond Other midi Richmond on the distant light pole with a fish, brought to the nest 1155, appears to be a Lingcod, first ever seen at this nest. Finished 1246. craigor
22-06-04 06:49 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman thora Whole PFM to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Remnant left on the nest, recovered by Richmond 0726, flown off 0727, returned 0754. Finished by Rosie on the nest 0756. craigor
22-06-04 16:31 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Large faceless Jacksmelt to the boom, brought to the nest 1632. Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1701. craigor
22-06-03 10:35 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Faceless Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1108. craigor
22-06-03 15:06 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished 1527. craigor
22-06-03 18:53 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Hind end of a small Jacksmelt brought to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1857. craigor
22-06-03 20:38 Richmond Bass-Striped Benjamin Headless stiper delivered to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished 2058. craigor
22-06-02 19:24 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Fish finished by 1948. craigor
22-06-02 15:01 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Whole modest Jacksmelt delivery, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished 1516. craigor
22-06-01 19:16 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Richmond spotted on the distant light pole with a fish. Brought to the nest 1936, Rosie feeds the chicks and parks the remainder. Retrieved by Rosie for more feeding 2038, fish finished 2043. craigor
22-05-31 10:16 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole jumpy Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Reclaimed by Richmond and taken to the boom cable 1122, finished 1127. craigor
22-05-31 17:57 Richmond Bass-Striped dinnae ken Richmond answers with a whole striper of his own, two fish on the nest. Flown off 1758 to distant light pole. Remnant returned to the nest 1933 and left for Rosie and the chicks, two fish on the nest. Recovered by Richmond and flown off 0520 on 6/1. Richmond returns to the nest fishless 0554. craigor
22-05-31 17:08 Rosie Bass-Striped dinnae ken Rosie sails past the nest with a large whole striper less than two and a half minutes after leaving. Circles the crane and brings the fish to the nest 1708. Chicks fed, remainder left on the nest. Retrieved by Rosie 0555 on 6/1, chicks fed. Remnant retrieved by Richmond 0729 and flown off 0730. Returned 0755, Rosie feeds the chicks. Tail end retrieved by Richmond and flown off 0837. Richmond returns to the nest fishless 0923. craigor
22-05-30 20:36 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Headless striper brought to the nest, no takers, flown off 2040 to the boom cable. Held on the cable overnight, brought to the nest 0528 on 5/31, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 0543. craigor
22-05-30 18:44 Richmond Bass-Striped Benjamin Headless striper to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, finished 2011. craigor
22-05-30 07:14 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Plump faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished 0739. craigor
22-05-30 09:36 Richmond Bass-Striped Benjamin Headless striper brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Fish finished by Rosie on the nest 1025. craigor
22-05-29 09:48 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Large headless striper to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Remnant taken by Richmond to the boom cable 1159, finished on the cable 1303. craigor
22-05-29 20:50 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond defacing a fish on the distant light pole, Brought to the boom cable 2116 and held. Finished on the cable 0129 on 5/30. craigor
22-05-29 18:06 Richmond Jacksmelt Tweeter Whole flopping Jacksmelt landed briefly on the nest, then removed for defacement. Returned to the nest headless 1828, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Fish finished 1844 craigor
22-05-29 06:03 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Faceless bloody Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Remnant taken by Richmond and flown off 0704. craigor
22-05-28 18:23 Richmond Bass-Striped dinnae ken Headless striper to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Finished 1849. craigor
22-05-27 18:10 Richmond Bass-Striped humminbird Faceless striper delivery, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish taken away by Richmond 1852 to the boom cable, finished on the cable 1935. craigor
22-05-26 19:19 Richmond Bass-Striped FW Half of a very large striped bass delivered to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Sizeable remnant flown off to distant light pole 2027, returned to boom cable 2056 and held there overnight. Delivered to the nest 0532 on 5/27, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Fish finished 0638. craigor
22-05-26 17:46 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman ali Whole Plainfin Midshipman delivered 47 seconds after leaving the nest. Rosie feeds the chicks. Finished by Rosie on the nest 1812. craigor
22-05-26 09:27 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Rosie fetches another PFM from off the pier and delivers it in 55 seconds. Rosie feeds the chicks. Richmond picks up the fish and tries taking some bites 0950, then flies off with the fish 0951. Tail and skin returned to the nest 1021, finished by Richmond on the nest 1030. craigor
22-05-25 19:59 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman dinnae ken Rosie brings in a slightly used Plainfin Midshipman, plucked from just off the pier and returned to the nest in just over a minute. Chicks fed, fish left on the nest, retrieved 2058, more feeding, then again 2156. Tail and skin abandoned 2200, retrieved 2320, Rosie feeds herself and the chicks, fish finished by 2331. craigor
22-05-25 18:26 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Whole Jacksmelt delivered to Rosie and the chicks on the nest. Finished 1835. craigor
22-05-25 07:21 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Whole lively Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Substantial portion left on the nest, retrieved by Richmond 0800 and flown off 0801 to the boom cable. Returned to the nest 0812 for more feeding, finished 0820. craigor
22-05-25 16:33 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Face-nibbled Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, Tail finished 1646, last crumbs cleaned up 1650. craigor
22-05-24 18:12 Richmond Bass-Striped dinnae ken Richmond spotted on a distant light pole eating a fish. Delivered to the nest 1923, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished 1944. craigor
22-05-24 17:02 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Whole Jacksmelt delivered to Rosie and the chicks. Reduced to crumbs by 1726, except for one piece of gut that continues to occupy Rosie until 1733. craigor
22-05-24 08:13 Richmond Bass-Striped PP Half a good sized striper brought to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Left on the nest 0841, retrieved 0843, finished 0846. craigor
22-05-23 08:06 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Headless striper to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished 0824. craigor
22-05-23 16:24 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Nose-nibbled Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish left on the nest, retrieved for more feeding 1728. Fish finished 1741. craigor
22-05-23 19:22 Richmond Bass-Striped Tweeter Half a striper delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. recovered for more feeding 2045. Tail left on the nest, retrieved 0635 on 5/24, finished by Rosie on the nest 0537. craigor
22-05-22 18:19 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Headless striper to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. More feeding 1929, fish finished 1935. craigor
22-05-22 08:22 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Headless striper to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. More feeding 0932, fish finished 0950. craigor
22-05-21 12:18 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Tweeter Faceless PFM brought to the nest, taken by Rosie who feeds the chicks. Fish finished 1240. craigor
22-05-21 17:06 Richmond Jacksmelt Cathy Face-munched Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished by 1718. craigor
22-05-21 08:51 Richmond Jacksmelt seabiscuit Fat whole Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings. Recovered by Richmond 0911 and flown to the boom cable, finished 0918. craigor
22-05-20 09:39 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Faceless fish to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. A mysterious visitor arrives 0958, and stays on the nest with Rosie and the chicks for some time. Fish taken by the visitor over Rosie's objections 1036, then the fish changes hands twice more in a tussle. Flown off by the stranger 1041. craigor
22-05-20 12:14 Richmond Bass-Striped Benjamin Headless striper to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1242. craigor
22-05-19 19:05 Richmond Jacksmelt Video Assistant Richmond lands on Rosie's tail holding half a Jacksmelt. Flown off 1906, Richmond returns fishless to the nest 1929. craigor
22-05-19 17:05 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Headless Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1725. craigor
22-05-19 14:51 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks.Fish kept on the nest, more feeding 1541 and again 1550, fish finished 1554. craigor
22-05-19 08:26 Richmond Bass-Striped midi Richmond spotted on distant light pole with a fish, delivered headless to the nest 0836, Rosie feeds the chicks. More feeding at 0932 and 1025, Rosie finishes the fish 1038. craigor
22-05-19 21:00 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond arrives on the boom cable with a whole fish. Held on the cable and eaten slowly, finished by 0240 on 5/20. craigor
22-05-18 08:49 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Richmond brings a headless striper to the nest, Rosie feeds the chick and herself. Chick fed again 0944, fish finished by Rosie on the nest 1012. craigor
22-05-18 19:21 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Richmond delivers a whole Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the two chicks. Kept on the nest, Rosie feeds self and chicks 2015, fish finished 2022. craigor
22-05-17 08:47 Richmond Surf Perch dinnae ken Richmond brings the back half of a perch to the nest, two fish on the nest. Taken by Rosie to her strut perch. Tail returned to the nest 0903, two fish on the nest, fish finished 0907. craigor
22-05-17 07:12 Rosie Starry Flounder dinnae ken Rosie brings a whole Starry Flounder to the nest. Taken to the strut perch 0716, then back to the nest 0717, to the strut and back again to the nest 0718. Left on the nest at Richmond's arrival 0848. Retrieved and flown off 0947 to the strut perch. Eaten slowly, returned to the nest 1045. Retrieved by Richmond 1530 craigor
22-05-16 07:39 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Richmond brings a headless striper to the boom cable, delivered to the nest 0747, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, Rosie next seen fishless on the strut 0811. craigor
22-05-16 20:10 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Eaten solo craigor
22-05-15 06:58 Rosie Man Made Objects craigor Rosie brings a crumpled piece of gray cloth. craigor
22-05-14 07:18 Richmond Bass-Striped PP Richmond spotted on distant light pole with a fish, delivered to nest 0809, taken by Rosie to the strut perch. craigor
22-05-13 09:02 Richmond Bass-Striped dinnae ken Richmond spotted on distant light pole eating a fish, fish delivered to the nest 0946, taken by rosie to the strut perch, finished 1002. craigor
22-05-13 21:08 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal RIchmond brings the tail end of a Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie and flown off 2109, Rosie returns fishless 2115. craigor
22-05-12 18:56 Richmond Bass-Striped FW Richmond spotted eating a fish on a distant light pole. Brought to the nest 1922, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1943. craigor
22-05-12 16:44 Rosie Jacksmelt lurker Rosie sails under the cables and brings a whole fish to the strut perch, eaten solo, finished by 1658.
22-05-11 16:49 Rosie Jacksmelt dinnae ken Rosie comes to the strut perch with a whole Jacksmelt. Eaten solo, finished 1733. craigor
22-05-10 11:04 Richmond Man Made Objects lurker Object resembling a rubber strap brought to the nest by Richmond. One large piece removed from the nest by Rosie 1545 on 5/11. craigor
22-05-10 18:46 Richmond Bass-Striped FW Richmond spotted on a distant light tower eating a fish. Carried past the nest 1918, then brought to the nest 1958, taken by Rosie and flown to the strut perch, flown off 2021, returned 2022, finished 2030. craigor
22-05-10 08:19 Richmond Surf Perch dinnae ken Half of a perch brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to her strut perch. Finished 0827. craigor
22-05-10 07:19 Rosie Other PP Rosie brings a flattened black and white bird carcass, then almost immediately lifts it off the nest, returns 0720 still holding the item, and drops it at the far edge of the nest. craigor
22-05-09 20:37 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Headless Jacksmelt landed briefly on the boom cable, flown off 2038 and past the nest cam 2039, then off. craigor
22-05-09 12:17 Richmond Bass-Striped Benjamin Richmond whizzes past the nest cam with a barely-nibbled striper on his way to a distant light tower. Defaced fish returned to the nest 1253, taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Flown 1320 to the ROV cable. Lifted off the cable 1344, returned to the rail then to the nest 1345, then taken to the strut. Flown off and returned to the ROV cable 1401, then back to the nest 1429. Remnant retrieved by Richmond 1453, taken to the boom cable, finished 1535. craigor
22-05-09 07:46 Richmond Bass-Striped PP Half a striper brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished by 0808. craigor
22-05-08 09:05 Richmond Bass-Striped janw Richmond brings a headless striper to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Brought back to the nest 0923 as Richmond chases off a stranger, then returned to the strut 0924 as Richmond resumes his place on the nest. Richmond leaves again, fish back to the nest 0925. Remnant flown off by Rosie 0954 to the ROV, fish finished by 1010. craigor
22-05-07 15:16 Other Jacksmelt DianneA Unknown visiting Osprey bounces on and off the nest holding the tail end a fish. craigor
22-05-07 06:26 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Nose-nibbled Jackselt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0638. craigor
22-05-07 10:22 Richmond Bass-Striped chaya Richmond spotted eating a fish on a parking lot light tower by on-site observer. Fish delivered to the nest 1027, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1038. craigor
22-05-07 15:16 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Faceless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1538. craigor
22-05-06 19:12 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond arrives on the boom cable with a lively flopping jacksmelt, then flies off with it. Tail end brought back to the boom 1937, finished 1939. craigor
22-05-06 10:34 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Richmond arrives on the boom with a whole live Jacksmelt, tail delivered to the nest 1057, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1101. craigor
22-05-06 09:32 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Face-nibbled Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0944. craigor
22-05-06 06:26 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0637. craigor
22-05-05 08:07 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Richmond arrives at the rail with a face-nibbled Jacksmelt. Brought to the nest 0808 and taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Fish finished 0830. craigor
22-05-05 09:09 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond swoops in, pursued by gulls, just misses the rail, flies directly over Rosie an the nest, circles the boom twice, and flies off still under gull harassment. Fish returned to the nest 0947, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished by 1018. craigor
22-05-04 10:13 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Headless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1028. craigor
22-05-04 19:19 Richmond Jacksmelt Benjamin Half a smallish Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1927. craigor
22-05-03 09:00 Richmond Jacksmelt dinnae ken Richmond to the nest with a plump faceless bloody Jacksmelt. Taken by Rosie and flown off the nest 0902 in pursuit of another Osprey, then returned, then flown off again as the pursuit continues. Brought to the strut 0907, finished 0951. craigor
22-05-03 07:02 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0718. craigor
22-05-02 18:55 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Whole Jacksmelt lowered onto the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, eaten solo, finished 1918. craigor
22-05-02 06:56 Richmond Jacksmelt Cathy Headless jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by rosie to the strut perch. Returned to the nest vacated by Richmond 0704, then back to the strut. Back to the nest 0705, then off and on the nest once more, then back to the strut 0708 and to the nest again, back to the strut 0709 as Richmond returns to the nest. Fish finished 0716. craigor
22-05-01 16:48 Richmond Starry Flounder J. RIchmond circles the boom twice with a fish and departs, returns to the boom fishless 1701. Rosie, on the nest, flies down and retrieves the fish 1706, and takes it to the strut perch 1707. Brought to the nest 1751, flown off 1752, returned to the nest 1753, then flown off again, then returned again 1754. To the corner rail 1755, dropped from the rail 1756. Lost fish! craigor
22-05-01 08:42 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Richmond brings the hind end of a Jacksmelt to the nest, taken to the strut perch by Rosie, finished 0847. craigor
22-05-01 20:30 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond brings a meager tail to the nest, taken away by Rosie 2032. Rosie returns to the nest fishless 2039. craigor
22-04-30 18:35 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Faceless Jacksmelt brought to the boom cable, eaten solo, finished 1913. craigor
22-04-30 09:58 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Headless striper brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Returned to the rail 1038, remnant flown 1041 to her slot perch then returned to the nest 1047, and back to the slot 1048. Finished 1059. craigor
22-04-30 06:47 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Faceless Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0705. craigor
22-04-29 13:08 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Whole plump Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, eaten solo, finished 1340. craigor
22-04-29 17:31 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Richmond lands on the boom cable carrying a headless Jacksmelt, eaten solo, finished 1741. craigor
22-04-29 07:41 Richmond Jacksmelt seabiscuit Hind end of a Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0756. craigor
22-04-28 10:14 Rosie Other Robin Flattened carcass of some kind brought to the nest. craigor
22-04-27 14:53 Rosie Salmonid FW Rosie brings a headless trout to the nest, then up to the boom cable. Returned to the nest 1454, then taken away again 1455 to the strut perch, then off again. Rosie returns to the nest fishless 1456. Dropped fish apparently retrieved by Richmond and a fragment returned to the boom cable 1606, finished 1615. craigor
22-04-26 19:39 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac RIchmond arrives for just a moment on the ROV cable with a lively fish, flown around the ship and around the crane and away. Small remnant brought to the nest 2010, taken by Rosie 2011 to the strut perch, finished by 2016. craigor
22-04-26 15:55 Rosie Jacksmelt calgal Rosie on the strut perch with a sizeable Jacksmelt. Eaten solo, finished by 1621. craigor
22-04-25 19:10 Rosie Jacksmelt lurker Rosie spotted on the strut perch with a large lively Jacksmelt. Eaten solo, finished 1954. craigor
22-04-25 06:26 Richmond Jacksmelt seabicsuit Fat headless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Brought to the nest 0635, Lifted off 0636 in pursuit of an interloper and brought to the rail 0637. Returned to the nest 0645, then back to the rail 0646, and to the nest 0648, finished on the nest 0657. craigor
22-04-23 10:24 Richmond Bass-Striped PP Richmond delivers a headless striper, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1056. craigor
22-04-22 10:22 Rosie Bass-Striped PP Rosie with a big striper on the ROV, eaten slowly, brought to the nest 1255, taken away by Richmond. craigor
22-04-21 10:20 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond brings a whole live Jacksmelt to the ROV cable. Lifted off 1026, delivered to the nest 1035, taken by Rosie to the boom undercable. Finished 1051. craigor
22-04-21 12:10 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Faceless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1223. craigor
22-04-20 18:27 Richmond Bass-Striped FW Richmond to the nest with half a striper, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1904. craigor
22-04-19 09:09 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond flies past the cam a couple of times holding a wildly flopping Jacksmelt, briefly touches down on the boom cable, then flies off to the Dutra crane. Fish returned to the nest 0937 and taken away by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0950. craigor
22-04-19 15:35 Rosie Starry Flounder FW Rosie brings a Starry Flounder to the strut perch. Eaten solo, off the perch 1630, back on 1631, taken 1633 to the sheave slot below the crane cam. Brought to the nest 1823 and held there, remnant flown off 1945 to the strut, then taken 2007 to the ROV. Rosie back to the nest fishless 2055. craigor
22-04-19 19:18 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Richmond circles the crane a couple of times carrying a fresh Jacksmelt, then flies away. Headless fish returned to the nest 1946, eaten solo, finished 1957. craigor
22-04-18 08:44 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond spotted on the ROV cable defacing a fish. Brought to the boom cable 0847, eatern solo, finished 0914. craigor
22-04-17 09:22 Richmond Jacksmelt chagin Richmond flies up to the boom cable with a whole Jacksmelt, flown off 0923 to Dutra crane. Brought to the nest 0945 and taken by Rosie to the strut perch, eaten solo, finished 1017. craigor
22-04-16 19:52 Rosie Jacksmelt craigor Rosie brings a whole Jacksmelt to the strut perch. Eaten solo, Rosie departs the perch 2013 with the tail fin still in her mouth. Brought to the nest and finished 2014. craigor
22-04-16 19:08 Richmond Bass-Striped FW Richmond brings a faceless striper to the lower cable. Lifted off and brought to the nest 1909, taken by Rosie and taken on and off the strut perch 1910. Rosie seen circling beneath the crane before returning to the strut fishless 1913. Lost fish! craigor
22-04-15 15:19 Richmond Bass-Striped lurker Richmond brings a large faceless striper to the sheave, eaten slowly, floated up to the cable 1752, then lifted off 1756 and brought to the rail. Held overnight, brought to the nest 0658 on 4/16, taken by Rosie to the corner rail, finished on the rail 0724. craigor
22-04-15 07:12 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Hind end of a Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken away by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0718. craigor
22-04-15 11:24 Rosie Bass-Striped thora Cam pulls back to reveal Rosie on the strut perch defacing a striper. Flown off 1146 and returned to the nest 1147. Held on the nest while Rosie incubates the eggs, then flown back to the strut perch 1311. Tai end returned to the nest 1358 and held there, then off to the strut again 1524, and back to the nest 1525. Lifted off the nest 1617, back 1618. On and off the nest 1646, then off to the rail 1648. on and off again 1650 and back 1651, then to the corner rail 1652, back to the nest 1653, finished 1704. craigor
22-04-14 14:41 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Whole flopping Jacksmelt brought to the boom cable. Eaten solo, lifted off 1511 to chase some corvids, and brought right back to the boom, finished 1518. craigor
22-04-13 19:08 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Half a Jacksmelt brought to the boom cable. Eaten solo, finished 1924. craigor
22-04-13 06:42 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole fat Jacksmelt to the boom cable, remnant delivered to the nest 0733, flown off by Rosie to the strut perch. Fish finished by 0744. craigor
22-04-12 12:55 Richmond Bass-Striped pamela Headless striper brought to the boom cable, held for over an hour with occasional bites. Delivered to the nest 1402, taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Remant returned to the nest 1455, flown off by Richmond 1457 craigor
22-04-10 17:05 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Faceless Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch 1706, flown off 1729 to the boom cable, finished 1733. craigor
22-04-09 18:14 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Richmond arrives on the boom cable with a faceless Jacksmelt. Eaten solo, finished 1827. craigor
22-04-09 20:15 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken and flown off by Rosie to the strut perch. Rosie returns to the nest fishless 2030. craigor
22-04-09 10:09 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Faceless fish brought to the cable, then to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch 1010, finished 1021. craigor
22-04-08 19:21 Richmond Jacksmelt benjamin Whole flopping Jacksmelt brought to the boom cable, craigor
22-04-07 09:13 Richmond Jacksmelt benjamin Richmond spotted beheading a Jacksmelt on the ROV cable. Delivered to the nest 0922, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0936. craigor
22-04-07 15:19 Richmond Jacksmelt FW Richmond spotted defacing a Jacksmelt on the ROV cable. Delivered to the nest 1535 and taken by Rosie to the strut perch. craigor
22-04-07 18:10 Richmond Bass-Striped FW Faceless fish brought to the boom. Delivered to the nest 1855, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished by 1928. craigor
22-04-06 16:29 Richmond Jacksmelt Tweeter Whole live Jacksmelt to the boom cable, remnant brought to nest 1659, taken by Rosie and flown off to the strut perch. Fish finished 1798. craigor
22-04-06 10:04 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Headless Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, flown off by Rosie to the strut perch, finished by 1029. craigor
22-04-05 08:15 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond comes to the sheaves with a whole Jacksmelt. Brought to the nest 0842 and taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Finished on the strut 0858. craigor
22-04-05 17:35 Richmond Jacksmelt chagin Richmond to the boom with a Jacksmelt craigor
22-04-05 12:05 Richmond Bass-Striped pamela Headless striper to the boom cable, then to the nest. Taken by Rosie and flown off 1206 to the strut perch. craigor
22-04-04 08:47 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole flopping Jacksmelt brought to the sheaves, flown off 0849, back to the boom 0853. Tail brought to the nest 0915, flown off by Rosie 0916 to the strut perch, finished 0927. craigor
22-04-04 17:25 Richmond Bass-Striped FW Headless striper brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1748. craigor
22-04-03 09:18 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Fat whole Jacksmelt brought to the boom cable, delivered to the nest 0944, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0954. craigor
22-04-03 17:21 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Richmond comes to the boom cable with a fish, eaten solo, finished 1733. craigor
22-04-03 12:59 Richmond Jacksmelt benjamin Headless Jacksmelt brought to Rosie on the nest and taken to the strut perch. Remnant returned to nest 1351, lifted off to the rail 1352, finished 1407. craigor
22-04-02 06:53 Richmond Jacksmelt CdA Richmond brings a whole Jacksmelt to the sheave nest. Eaten solo, tailfin abandoned 0749. craigor
22-04-02 17:34 Richmond Jacksmelt tweeter Richmond flies in to the boom cable with a whole Jacksmelt. Eaten solo, finished 1800. craigor
22-04-01 16:41 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Richmond brings a headless Jacksmelt to the nest, flown to the boom craigor
22-04-01 16:32 Rosie Bass-Striped lurker Rosie comes to the strut perch with a large striper. Flown off and brought to the rail 1633 craigor
22-04-01 10:51 Rosie Man Made Objects PP Clump of nest material delivered, containng a discarded surgical mask. Mask blown from the nest 1120 on 4/11. craigor
22-03-31 17:19 Rosie Starry Flounder FW Rosie arrives at the rail with a Starry Flounder. Flown off 1720, returned to the rail 1722. Eaten solo, finished 1824. craigor
22-03-31 15:42 Richmond Jacksmelt Cindy Cam once again finds Richmond on the ROV with a fish. Remnant brought to the nest 1629, taken by Rosie to the ROV, finished 1634. craigor
22-03-31 10:03 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Camera finds Richmond in a concealed nook on the ROV with a whole live Jacksmelt, remnant brought to the nest 1025 and taken away by Rosie to the far ROV cable. Finished 1035. craigor
22-03-30 12:36 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Tail end of a Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch. craigor
22-03-30 19:48 Richmond Jacksmelt seabiscuit Whole Jacksmelt to the boom cable, flown off 1952, craigor
22-03-30 17:11 Rosie Jacksmelt MaxK Rosie on the boom cable with a fat Jacksmelt craigor
22-03-30 07:13 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond spied on the far ROV cable eating a fish. Remnant brought to the nest 0719, taken away by Rosie. Rosie returns to nest fishless 0729. craigor
22-03-29 16:48 Richmond Bass-Striped ES Richmond with a large striper on the boom cable craigor
22-03-29 14:32 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie and flown off to the ROV cable. Eaten solo, craigor
22-03-28 19:25 Rosie Jacksmelt lurker Rosie flies up to the strut perch with a fresh Jacksmelt. Eaten solo, finished 1956. craigor
22-03-28 11:58 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest, not shared with Rosie, but almost immediately flown off. craigor
22-03-28 07:49 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0818. craigor
22-03-28 15:38 Rosie Other craigor Bleached skeleton of a large fish to the nest. Identified as a likely sturgeon. craigor
22-03-27 13:55 Richmond Jacksmelt Tweeter Richmond spotted on the ROV cable with a whole lively Jacksmelt, dropped and retrieved from the ground 1357, brought back to the ROV cable, then brought to the nest and taken by Rosie 1421 to the strut perch, fish finished 1448. craigor
22-03-26 13:46 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Richmond brings the tail end of a Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the rail, finished 1354. craigor
22-03-25 08:54 Other Salmonid Video Assistant Visiting female lands on the nest with a headless trout, as Rosie is already on the nest. Fish-bearer slides off as Rosie crosses the nest to wallop her, both fall to the platform below and the visitor flies off still holding the fish. craigor
22-03-23 10:51 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Faceless Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch 1052, then flown off. craigor
22-03-22 09:01 Richmond Bass-Striped ES Richmond brings the tail end of a small striper to the nest, taken by Rosie and finished 0906. craigor
22-03-22 19:26 Rosie Jacksmelt calgal Camera returns to the crane to find Rosie on the rail with a whole Jacksmelt. Flown off 1957 to the ROV, finished by 2031. craigor
22-03-22 10:56 Rosie Jacksmelt lurker Headless Jacksmelt to the boom cable, eaten solo, finished 1133. craigor
22-03-21 12:03 Rosie Man Made Objects craigor Clump of nest material brought to the sheaves, including several feet of yellow plastic rope. Rope delivered to the nest by Rosie 0933 on 7/9. craigor
22-03-19 08:25 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond brings a whole Jacksmelt to the rail, flown off 0826 as Rosie arrives. craigor
22-03-18 19:49 Richmond Jacksmelt Video Assistant Whole Jacksmelt brought to the lower cables, then flown off. Brought to the upper boom cable 1950, camera cuts away 1951. craigor
22-03-15 14:58 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond flies in with a headless Jacksmelt, lands briefly on the lower cable, flapping dramatically, then floats off, circling for a moment and returning to the boom cable 1459. Fish eaten solo, finished 1523. craigor
22-03-09 15:52 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Richmond brings a headless Jacksmelt to the nest, flown off 1553. craigor
22-03-09 10:16 Other Jacksmelt Video Assistant With Richmond mantling furiously on the nest, female visitor arrives with the hind end of a Jacksmelt. Fish flown off 1026. craigor
22-03-07 17:28 Rosie Bass-Striped J. Rosie comes to the boom cable with a stiff headless striper. Flown off 1746 to the ROV cable and held overnight. Finished 0632 on 3/8. craigor
22-02-28 12:20 Other Jacksmelt Robin Female visitor arrives on the nest with half a fish. Flown off 1224, still holding the fish during a crane flyover with a brief stop at the nest 1232, with another Osprey pursuing. craigor
21-09-16 19:31 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond brings a whole Jacksmelt to the rail. Held on the rail and eaten solo, finished 0318 on 9/17. craigor
21-09-15 07:07 Richmond Jacksmelt CdA Richmond brings a large whole Jacksmelt to the boom cable. Flown off 0748. craigor
21-09-13 19:47 Richmond Jacksmelt ali Richmond arrives on the rail with a headless Jacksmelt. Held on the rail and eaten slowly overnight, finished 0213 on 9/14. craigor
21-09-10 06:59 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Richmond comes to the rail with a whole Jacksmelt. Eaten slowly, flown off 0958. craigor
21-09-09 20:43 Rosie Bass-Striped GailMac Rosie comes to the rail with a headless striper, holds it there all night. FInished on the rail 0812 on 9/10. craigor
21-09-07 06:39 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond flies to the cable with a whole flopping Jacksmelt, finds no takers. Eats the head then flies off with the fish 0657. craigor
21-09-05 10:27 Richmond Jacksmelt guest1 Richmond comes to the cable with a headless Jacksmelt, finds no takers. Flown off 1028. craigor
21-09-02 19:56 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Richmond carries a whole fish right past Rosie waiting at the nest. Remnant delivered to the nest 2022 and flown off by Rosie, brought to the rail 2024, finished 2032. craigor
21-09-01 18:08 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Richmond sails over the nest with a whole Jacksmelt, lands on the boom and begins eating. Fish flown off 1822, back to the rail 1851, eaten solo, finished 1940. craigor
21-09-01 19:53 Richmond Jacksmelt seabiscuit Another whole Jacksmelt to the rail, brought to Rosie on the nest 2031. Flown to the rail, finished 2052. craigor
21-08-31 20:02 Rosie Jacksmelt calgal Rosie arrives on the rail with a whole Jacksmelt, eaten solo, finished 2022. craigor
21-08-30 19:38 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond arrives on the rail with a fat whole Jacksmelt. Eaten solo, finished 2007. craigor
21-08-28 17:35 Richmond Jacksmelt Delta Richmond brings the tail end of a Jacksmelt to the boom, finished 1742. craigor
21-08-24 08:05 Rosie Jacksmelt pamela Headless Jacksmelt brought to ZP, flown off 0821. craigor
21-08-23 20:13 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Large whole Jacksmelt brought to the ROV cable. Remnant delivered to the nest 2253, taken by ZP, flown off 2325. ZP returns fishless 2345. craigor
21-08-23 12:09 Rosie Surf Perch seabiscuit Faceless perch taken by ZP, flown off 1221. craigor
21-08-23 18:42 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Hind end of a Jacksmelt taken by ZP, finished 1901. craigor
21-08-22 20:24 Richmond Jacksmelt Delta Headless Jacksmelt taken by ZP, finished 2102. craigor
21-08-22 19:49 Richmond Jacksmelt Delta Sizeable whole Jacksmelt left on the nest, flops overboard in seven seconds. Lost fish! craigor
21-08-22 10:24 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Headless Jacksmelt taken by ZP, flown off 1042. craigor
21-08-22 07:04 Richmond Jacksmelt seabiscuit Faceless Jacksmelt taken by ZP, finished 0811. craigor
21-08-21 10:47 Rosie Salmonid PP Faceless trout taken by ZP and flown off 1048. craigor
21-08-21 19:51 Richmond Jacksmelt Delta Large whole Jacksmelt brought to ZP, eaten solo, finished 2037. craigor
21-08-20 20:02 Richmond Jacksmelt Delta Whole live Jacksmelt taken by ZP, two fish on the nest. Left on the nest 2005, recovered 2006. Eaten solo, finished 2017. craigor
21-08-20 20:45 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Tail end of a Jacksmelt brought to Rosie, two fish on the nest, and flown off. Rosie returns fishless 2051. craigor
21-08-20 07:32 Rosie Jacksmelt seabiscuit Whole Jacksmelt, left on the nest, ZP grabs Rosie's toe instead of the fish, Rosie and ZP go tumbling off the nest, leaving the fish. Fish retrieved by ZP 0733, flown off 0927. craigor
21-08-20 19:37 Rosie Jacksmelt Delta Headless Jacksmelt taken by ZP, flown off 2005, returned 2006 and abandoned for new fish.. Recovered by Rosie 2051, finished by 2053. craigor
21-08-19 14:46 Rosie Salmonid Delta Headless trout taken by ZP, flown off 1502. craigor
21-08-19 19:41 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Headless Jacksmelt taken by ZP, finished 1956. craigor
21-08-18 06:34 Rosie Surf Perch seabiscuit Faceless perch taken by ZP, flown off 0847. craigor
21-08-18 19:12 Rosie Jacksmelt DRW Headless Jacksmelt taken by ZP, flown off 1914, brought to the boom cable 1915, finished on the cable 1934. craigor
21-08-18 12:03 Richmond Jacksmelt seabiscuit Small headless Jacksmelt taken by ZP, finished 1248. craigor
21-08-17 19:39 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt taken by ZP, two fish on the nest, flown off 2012. craigor
21-08-17 19:27 Richmond Jacksmelt Delta Plump headless Jacksmelt taken by ZP, abandoned 1952, retrieved 2205, finished by 0253 on 8/18. craigor
21-08-16 09:57 Rosie Salmonid calgal Headless trout, no takers, flown to the boom and then off. Tail remnant returned to the nest 1232 and taken by VZ, finished 1408. craigor
21-08-16 17:48 Richmond Jacksmelt Delta Large whole Jacksmelt taken by VZ. Lifted off 1907, brought to the rail 1908, flown off 1934. craigor
21-08-15 16:05 Rosie Bass-Striped C. Headless striper taken by ZP, flown off 1608. Brought to the boom cable 1754, flown off again 1755. craigor
21-08-15 11:30 Richmond Jacksmelt cathy Headless Jacksmelt taken by ZP, flown off 1132. craigor
21-08-14 17:31 Rosie Jacksmelt Delta Tail end of a Jacksmelt delivered to VZ on the nest, finished by 1735. craigor
21-08-14 20:12 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole flopping Jacksmelt taken by ZP, flown off 2013. craigor
21-08-14 20:05 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Small headless Jacksmelt taken by ZP, two fish on the nest. Tail portion dropped at the nest edge 2012. Recovered by VZ at 0609 on 8/15 and flown off 0611. craigor
21-08-14 18:51 Rosie Jacksmelt lurker Headless Jacksmelt taken by ZP, three fish on the nest. Flown off 1902. craigor
21-08-14 18:50 Richmond Jacksmelt Delta Face-nibbled Jacksmelt taken by VZ, two fish on the nest. Lifted off and on 1902, finished 1931. craigor
21-08-14 18:24 Richmond Jacksmelt Delta Whole Jacksmelt taken by VZ, remnant abandoned 1851, left on nest. Retrieved by ZP 1934, finished 1940. craigor
21-08-14 05:12 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond brings the hind end of a Jacksmelt, taken by VZ 0515, flown off 0606. craigor
21-08-14 07:09 Rosie Jacksmelt seabiscuit Faceless Jacksmelt taken by ZP, flown off 0713, returned 0718, flown off 0721. craigor
21-08-13 17:09 Richmond Jacksmelt Ebbtmm Whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest, flops right over the edge. Lost fish! craigor
21-08-13 19:58 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt taken by ZP, flown off 2019. craigor
21-08-13 18:37 Richmond Jacksmelt Delta Headless Jacksmelt brought to the boom, then to the nest, taken by ZP, finished 1900. craigor
21-08-13 17:47 Rosie Jacksmelt Robin Faceless Jacksmelt taken by VZ,finished 1807. craigor
21-08-13 16:58 Richmond Jacksmelt Delta Headless Jacksmelt taken by VZ, finished 1724. craigor
21-08-13 13:16 Rosie Salmonid calgal Headless trout taken by ZP, flown off 1335. craigor
21-08-12 18:46 Richmond Jacksmelt janw Whole Jacksmelt flops off the nest in less than a second, bounces around in the basement and goes over the edge. Lost fish! craigor
21-08-12 19:59 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole Jacksmelt taken by VZ, eaten solo, finished 2037. craigor
21-08-12 17:37 Richmond Jacksmelt ali Whole Jacksmelt delivered to ZP, flown off 1742. craigor
21-08-11 19:18 Richmond Bass-Striped Delta Headless striper taken by VZ, flown off 1944. craigor
21-08-11 20:28 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole Jacksmelt taken by ZP, flown off 2030. craigor
21-08-11 06:06 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Whole Jacksmelt taken by ZP, flown off 0610. craigor
21-08-11 11:38 Richmond Bass-Striped Delta Headless striper taken by VZ, ZP arrives and VZ flies off with the fish while taunting ZP 1139, returned to the nest 1211, two fish on the nest. Finished 1444. craigor
21-08-11 12:10 Rosie Surf Perch MaxK Faceless perch taken by ZP, flown off 1211. craigor
21-08-10 12:21 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Faceless striper taken by ZP, flown off 1237. craigor
21-08-10 15:53 Rosie Bass-Striped calgal Headless striper taken by VZ. Eaten solo, tail finished 1738. craigor
21-08-10 18:00 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Whole Jacksmelt taken by ZP, flown off 1803. craigor
21-08-09 20:16 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Face-nibbled Jacksmelt taken by ZP, finished 2102. craigor
21-08-09 12:37 Rosie Bass-Striped Judi Half a striper taken by VZ, finished 1343. craigor
21-08-08 06:38 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Faceless Jacksmelt taken by VZ, flown off 0647. craigor
21-08-08 20:27 Richmond Jacksmelt ES Hind end of a Jacksmelt taken by ZP, flown off 2028, returned 2029, finished 2035. craigor
21-08-08 20:31 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole live Jacksmelt taken by VZ, flown off 2036. craigor
21-08-08 18:52 Rosie Surf Perch Judi Faceless perch taken by ZP, flown off 1900. craigor
21-08-07 09:31 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Faceless Jacksmelt taken by ZP, flown off 0949. craigor
21-08-07 13:39 Rosie Surf Perch DianneA Tail end of a surf perch taken by ZP, flown off 1348. craigor
21-08-07 20:28 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole Jacksmelt taken by ZP. Flown off 2030. craigor
21-08-07 20:14 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole live Jacksmelt for VZ, flown off 2014, back 2015, then off again 2016. craigor
21-08-06 06:18 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond brings a second flopping Jacksmelt, again taken by VZ. Flown off 0628, then back and off again 0630, while clobbering ZP with the fish.. craigor
21-08-06 20:26 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole Jacksmelt delivered, taken by VZ. Eaten solo, finished 0203 on 8/7. craigor
21-08-06 11:26 Rosie Bass-Striped C. Headless striper taken by ZP. Flown off 1238. craigor
21-08-06 17:10 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole Jacksmelt taken by VZ, flown off 1716. craigor
21-08-06 20:16 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Tiny tail end of a Jacksmelt taken by ZP. Tailfin dropped at the edge of the nest 2021, recovered 2022, finished by 2023. craigor
21-08-06 06:07 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole Jacksmelt taken by VZ, flown off 0610, VZ returns fishless 0618. Lost fish! craigor
21-08-05 20:38 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Faceless Jacksmelt taken by ZP, flown off 2212. craigor
21-08-05 11:48 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Robin Face-munched PFM brought by Rosie, no takers, flown off 1149. craigor
21-08-05 06:02 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole Jacksmelt taken by VZ, flown off 0603. craigor
21-08-05 19:35 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt taken by ZP. Eaten solo, finished 2000. craigor
21-08-04 20:58 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Hind end of a Jacksmelt brought to VZ, finished 2109. craigor
21-08-04 07:39 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Headless Jacksmelt from Richmond, left on the nest, two fish on the nest. Taken by ZP 0757. Flown off 0805. craigor
21-08-04 07:38 Rosie Jacksmelt PP Rosie arrives to an empty nest with a headless Jacksmelt. ZP arrives and takes the fish, fish finished 0757. craigor
21-08-04 20:13 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole Jacksmelt taken by ZP, eaten solo, finished 2056. craigor
21-08-04 06:12 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole live Jacksmelt taken by ZP, hovered over the nest and flown off 0613. ZP returns fishless 0625, likely lost fish. craigor
21-08-03 09:21 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Modest sized headless Jacksmelt to ZP on the nest, flown off 0946. craigor
21-08-03 08:17 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, no takers, flown off 0822. craigor
21-08-03 06:27 Richmond Jacksmelt Chappy Whole fat flopping Jacksmelt taken by ZP, flown off 0712. craigor
21-08-03 21:04 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond brings the hind end of a Jacksmelt, taken by rosie and flown to the rail 2105, finished 2116. craigor
21-08-03 18:46 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Small faceless Jacksmelt taken by VZ, finished 1857. craigor
21-08-03 16:04 Richmond Jacksmelt Maxk Whole Jacksmelt taken by ZP, flown off 1619. craigor
21-08-02 17:42 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt, taken by ZP. Eaten solo, finished 1839. craigor
21-08-02 20:24 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Large whole Jacksmelt taken by ZP, two fish on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 0350 on 8/3. craigor
21-08-02 20:33 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Another whole Jacksmelt, three fish on the nest. Chicks are otherwise occupied, so fish is left to flop itself off the nest 2039. Lost fish! craigor
21-08-02 11:17 Richmond Salmonid chaya Headless Golden Trout delivered to ZP, finished 1215. craigor
21-08-02 18:46 Richmond Jacksmelt DRW Fat headless Jacksmelt taken by VZ, finished 1911. craigor
21-08-02 20:06 Rosie Bass-Striped Robin Headless striper taken by ZP. Abandoned 2024 with the arrival of the next fish. Grabbed by VZ 2033, flown off 2034, returned 2040. Abandoned 0420 on 8/3. Recovered by Rosie 0552, flown off 0553. craigor
21-08-02 06:08 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole Jacksmelt taken by ZP. Flown off 0616. craigor
21-08-02 10:16 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi Tiny PFM fragment brought to the nest, no takers, flown off 1017. craigor
21-08-01 17:02 Rosie Surf Perch Judi Faceless perch taken by ZP, flown off 1718. ZP returns fishless 1803. craigor
21-08-01 20:42 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole Jacksmelt taken by ZP. Lifted off 2045, ZP returns fishless after a few seconds. Lost fish! craigor
21-08-01 17:19 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole Jacksmelt taken by VZ, flown off 1723. craigor
21-08-01 20:30 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole flopping Jacksmelt brought to ZP. Flown off 2032. craigor
21-07-31 18:38 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Faceless Jacksmelt taken by ZP, finished 1918. craigor
21-07-31 20:30 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Plump whole Jacksmelt taken by ZP. Fish flown off 2310. craigor
21-07-31 12:36 Richmond Salmonid Judi Half a trout, taken by ZP, finished 1442. craigor
21-07-31 19:35 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt dropped off at the nest for VZ. Fish flown off 1939, craigor
21-07-30 17:55 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi Stripped remains of a PFM brought to VZ on the nest. Abandoned 1758, recovered 1802, finished 1810. craigor
21-07-30 20:30 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond brings a whole Jacksmelt to the rail and proceeds to eat it. Remnant brought to the nest 0436 on 7/31, taken by ZP, finished 0445. craigor
21-07-30 19:59 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Beheaded Jacksmelt taken by ZP, finished by 2032. craigor
21-07-30 18:55 Richmond Jacksmelt ali Another whole Jacksmelt to ZP in the nest. Eaten solo, finished 1941. craigor
21-07-30 18:17 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Large whole Jacksmelt taken by VZ, flown off 1835. craigor
21-07-30 13:38 Richmond Salmonid C. Well-used trout delivered to VZ on the nest, finished 1528. craigor
21-07-30 06:20 Rosie Bass-Striped craigor Hind end of a striper taken by VZ, finished by 0648. craigor
21-07-30 16:34 Rosie Other PP Hind end of a flatfish, not Starry Flounder or halibut, taken by VZ, finished 1737. craigor
21-07-30 17:58 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Headless Jacksmelt taken by VZ, two fish on the nest. Grabbed by ZP 1802, finished 1828. craigor
21-07-29 19:02 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt taken by ZP. Eaten solo, finished by 1935. craigor
21-07-29 19:19 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt delivered. VZ tries to leave with it but flies off leaving it to flop around on the nest. VZ returns and retrieves the fish 1922. FLown to the boom cable 1925. Flown off under harassment from ZP 1944. craigor
21-07-29 12:35 Rosie Bass-Striped seabiscuit Headless striper, grabbed by VZ in a battle and flown off, returned to the nest 1236, finished 1347. craigor
21-07-29 20:33 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, both chicks occupied, fish flown off 2037. craigor
21-07-29 20:26 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole Jacksmelt taken by VZ, eaten solo, finished 2204. craigor
21-07-29 19:48 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole Jacksmelt taken by ZP, eaten solo and held overnight, finished 0623 on 7/30. craigor
21-07-28 18:06 Richmond Other PP Face-nibbled Shad taken by VZ. Finished 2033, with dropped piece of tailfin taken and finished by ZP 2034. craigor
21-07-28 10:17 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt taken by WR. Flown to the boom 1053, finished 1118. craigor
21-07-27 17:05 Unsure Jacksmelt Video Assistant Return of camera from blackout reveals VZ on the nest with a headless fish. Eaten solo, finished 1725. craigor
21-07-27 08:22 Rosie Salmonid GailMac Faceless trout taken by ZP. Flown off 0832, returned 0834, off again 0917. craigor
21-07-27 13:08 Richmond Bass-Striped MaxK Headless striper delivered to Rosie on the nest and flown off. Returned to the nest 1356, taken by WR. Flown off 1429, returned 1430. Stolen by ZP 1624, finished 1639. craigor
21-07-27 20:41 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole Jacksmelt taken by WR, three fish on the nest. flown to the cable 2052 and dropped 2057. Lost fish! craigor
21-07-27 20:31 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole Jacksmelt taken by ZP, two fish on the nest. Eaten solo, remnant flown off 2101. craigor
21-07-27 20:04 Richmond Jacksmelt seabiscuit Whole Jacksmelt taken by VZ. Eaten solo, finished 2049. craigor
21-07-27 07:46 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Headless Golden Trout, taken by VZ. Finished 0934. craigor
21-07-26 11:03 Richmond Jacksmelt Morgan And another whole Jacksmelt, taken by ZP, three fish on the nest. Flown to the boom 1244. Dropped from the cable 1252. Lost fish! craigor
21-07-26 09:15 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Mhall Small whole PFM grabbed by WR, three fish on the nest. Defended from a steal attempt by ZP 0935, finished by 0956. craigor
21-07-26 09:06 Richmond Jacksmelt Mhall Whole flopping Jacksmelt, corraled by VZ, two fish on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 1034. craigor
21-07-26 09:10 Richmond Jacksmelt Mhall Whole Jacksmelt, taken by WR, who drops his trout tail. Three fish on the nest. Fish flops off the edge of the nest 0911. Lost fish! craigor
21-07-26 11:52 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Whole Jacksmelt taken by VZ, four fish on the nest. Taken by WR 1322, finished by 1619. craigor
21-07-26 19:44 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman C. Large somewhat mangled PFM, taken by ZP, finished 2034. craigor
21-07-26 10:52 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi Another whole Jacksmelt from Richmond, three fish on the nest, another melee, fish emerges and is ignored, until it starts flopping again. Grabbed by WR 1058. Remnant flown off 1419. craigor
21-07-26 10:34 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt taken by VZ, three fish on the nest. Defended from a steal attempt by ZP 1046. Eaten solo, finished 1445. craigor
21-07-26 10:23 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Faceless Jacksmelt taken by ZP, three fish on the nest, finished 1046. craigor
21-07-26 09:35 Richmond Jacksmelt Mhall Whole Jacksmelt, four fish on the nest, lost in a tussle, flops its way over the side 0936. Lost fish! craigor
21-07-26 07:46 Richmond Salmonid Mhall Headless trout brought to the cable, then flown off. Brought to the empty nest 0752. Lifted off again 0755, returned 0759, taken by WR. Tail abandoned 0910 for another fish. Recovered 0912 after losing that fish, abandoned again 0916 for the next fish, recovered 1035. Taken by ZP 1052 but lost in the confusion of fish arrival and abandoned. craigor
21-07-26 08:08 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Headless PFM to the nest, no takers, flown off 0810. craigor
21-07-26 08:10 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Whole live Jacksmelt, no takers, flown off 0811, returned 0848, two fish on the nest, taken by VZ, finished 0901. craigor
21-07-25 07:14 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Fat whole Jacksmelt, three fish on the nest, flown off 0715, returned to the nest 0743, four fish on the nest. Left virtually untouched on the nest, snatched by a gull from the empty nest and flown off 0815. craigor
21-07-25 17:56 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi Faceless PFM falls into a scuffle, nabbed by WR. Grabbed by ZP 1836, finished 1842. craigor
21-07-25 05:56 Rosie Jacksmelt calgal Whole flopping Jacksmelt, taken by ZP. Eaten solo, remnant flown off 0815. craigor
21-07-25 06:15 Rosie Jacksmelt PP Another whole Jacksmelt, taken by WR, two fish on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 0805. craigor
21-07-25 06:56 Richmond Salmonid calgal Headless trout taken by VZ, three fish on the nest. Flown off 0711, returned 0717, flown off again 0806. craigor
21-07-24 11:52 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi Headless PFM received by WR. Stolen by VZ 1236, flown off 1237, returned 1239, finished 1313. craigor
21-07-24 14:55 Richmond Salmonid C. Headless Golden trout delivered, grabbed by VZ just as Richmond lifts away, still holding the fish, both fish and VZ lifted off the nest, fish dropped over the side. Lost fish! craigor
21-07-24 15:49 Rosie Salmonid C. Rosie brings half a trout to VZ on the nest, finished 1610. craigor
21-07-24 19:13 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Very small intact PFM delivered, taken by VZ and eaten quickly, finished by 1916. craigor
21-07-24 07:35 Richmond Salmonid Judi Headless trout taken by WR after a furious tussle with ZP. Flown off and returned 0838, two fish on the nest. Skin and tail abandoned 0908, recovered 0918, flown off 0957. craigor
21-07-24 08:08 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole live Jacksmelt, taken by ZP, two fish on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 0848. craigor
21-07-24 08:26 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole live Jacksmelt, taken by VZ, three fish on the nest. Flown off 0828, returned 0836, then flown off again 0838. Back to the rail 0905, finished 0919. craigor
21-07-24 09:07 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Another whole Jacksmelt, taken by ZP, two fish on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 1159. craigor
21-07-23 18:03 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman janw Whole PFM taken by WR, eaten solo, finished 1850. craigor
21-07-23 07:41 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Headless trout taken by VZ, finished 0854. craigor
21-07-23 08:20 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman PP Half-eaten PFM brought to the nest, two fish on the nest. Eaten by Rosie on the nest, finished 0828. craigor
21-07-23 11:49 Rosie Other midi Large dark flatfish is a likely halibut. Taken by ZP. Discraded scrap found by WR 1503, consumed by 1506. Fish remnant grabbed by VZ 1651, abandoned 1746, recovered 1752, flown off 1755.. craigor
21-07-23 12:49 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Headless Golden Trout taken by VZ, finished 1229. craigor
21-07-22 16:00 Rosie Other Chappy Face-munched Rockfish (?) to the nest, taken by VZ. Eaten solo, finished by 1720. craigor
21-07-22 07:26 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Faceless Golden Trout taken by ZP. Eaten solo, skin and tail remnant flown off 0850. craigor
21-07-22 09:30 Richmond Salmonid Judi Whole trout to the boom cable, brought to the nest 0940, taken by WR. Eaten solo, finished 1047. craigor
21-07-22 17:22 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi Torn-up PFM delivered, taken by ZP after a fight with VZ. Remnant flown off 1743. craigor
21-07-22 18:54 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Whole PFM, ZP and WR struggle and ZP gets the fish. Eaten solo, finished 1907. craigor
21-07-22 20:19 Richmond Jacksmelt DRW Plump wildly flopping Jacksmelt hovered onto the nest, grabbed and flown off by WR, returned to the nest 2020, still flopping, skips off the nest after less than one second. Lost fish! craigor
21-07-22 20;28 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Another whole live Jacksmelt caught in a vicious three-way battle, and tumbles off the nest. Second lost fish in a row. craigor
21-07-22 20:37 Richmond Jacksmelt DRW Another whole live Jacksmelt cornered by VZ after a flurry of activity. Eaten solo, finished by 2129. craigor
21-07-22 20:48 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Another vigoroously flopping Jacksmelt, fourth in a row for Richmond. Taken by ZP, eaten solo, finished 2148. craigor
21-07-21 15:01 Richmond Salmonid Mhall Whole trout dropped delicately on the nest. Taken by ZP while still holding the previous fish. Grabbed by VZ 1506, setting off a struggle for possession lasting several minutes. Lifted off the nest and back on by ZP 1509. Finished by 1630. craigor
21-07-21 14:39 Rosie Salmonid C. Headless trout, taken by ZP after a tense face-off with VZ. Given up for the new fish 1501. Stolen by WR 1508, finished 1748. craigor
21-07-21 09:16 Richmond Salmonid janw Headless Golden Trout, taken by VZ, two fish on the nest. Remnant stolen by ZP 1045, finished 1115. craigor
21-07-21 19:34 Rosie Surf Perch DianneA Whole Black Perch taken by VZ, eaten solo, finished 2012. craigor
21-07-21 08:02 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi Face munched PFM, taken by WR.Eaten solo, skin abandoned 0951, claimed by ZP 1009, abandoned 1039, retrieved 1043, re-abandoned 1044. craigor
21-07-21 20:49 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Whole live Jacksmelt brought to WR on the nest. Held overnight, flown off 0601 on 7/22. craigor
21-07-21 20:26 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole live Jacksmelt brought to ZP on the nest. Eaten solo and held on the nest, finished 0002 on 7/22. craigor
21-07-21 19:20 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Tail end of a Jacksmelt delivered, taken by ZP, finished 1925. craigor
21-07-20 06:24 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole trout taken by WR. Stolen by VZ 0645, finished by 0726. craigor
21-07-20 14:37 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman C. Whole PFM delivered, taken by ZP. Remnant stolen by VZ 1559, finished 1603. craigor
21-07-20 08:57 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Headless trout taken by WR. Eaten solo, finished 1012. craigor
21-07-19 06:58 Richmond Salmonid J. Headless Golden Trout taken by WR. Eaten solo, finished 0828. craigor
21-07-19 17:10 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi Plump, face-nibbled PFM, taken by ZP, two fish on the nest. Eaten solo, skin abandoned 1814. craigor
21-07-19 15:02 Rosie Salmonid thora Big faceless trout taken by VZ. Skin and tail abandoned 1745. Retrieved by WR 1814, remnant abandoned 1857. craigor
21-07-18 18:25 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole jacksmelt dropped quickly onto the nest to avoid the melee, two fish on the nest, but it flops so vigorously it flops itself all the way off the opposite side of the nest. Lost fish! craigor
21-07-18 18:12 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole Jacksmelt dropped into the scrum, WR comes away with the fish. Eaten solo, finished 1847. craigor
21-07-18 11:58 Richmond Salmonid PP Headless trout, taken by ZP. Eaten solo, finished 1240. craigor
21-07-18 09:04 Richmond Jacksmelt ES Live flopping Jacksmelt left on the nest, two fish on the nest. Taken by VZ while still holding the previous fish 0905. Hovered off and on the nest 0908. Eaten solo, finished 0939. craigor
21-07-18 09:02 Rosie Salmonid PP Small trout fragment from Rosie pounced on by VZ, released 0905 while accessing the next fish. Recovered by WR 0910, finished 0923. craigor
21-07-18 20:48 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Another whole live Jacksmelt, quickly flops off the edge of the nest before anyone can grab it. Lost fish! craigor
21-07-18 18:51 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt delivered swiftly to the fledglings, VZ takes it. Eaten solo, finished by 1916. craigor
21-07-17 17:19 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Another whole live Jacksmelt, taken by ZP, three fish on the nest. Taken by WR 1827, finished 1848. craigor
21-07-17 17:05 Richmond Jacksmelt chagin Whole live flopping Jacksmelt grabbed by WR, two fish on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 1735. craigor
21-07-17 16:43 Rosie Bass-Striped J. Headless striper taken by VZ. Eaten solo, tail finished 1738. craigor
21-07-17 12:20 Rosie Salmonid Robin Rosie brings a headless trout, two fish on the nest. flown off to the rail 1222, finished 1243. craigor
21-07-17 11:34 Richmond Salmonid Judi Headless trout brought to the nest. No takers, fish flown to the boom cable 1138. Fish flown off 1204. Returned to the nest 1211, taken by ZP. Tail abandoned 1358, taken by VZ 1400, finished 1411. craigor
21-07-17 19:05 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Hind end of a Jacksmelt, two fish on the nest. Taken by WR, eaten solo, finished 2023. craigor
21-07-17 18:07 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Yet another live whole Jacksmelt, quickly taken by VZ, two fish on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 1907. craigor
21-07-16 18:00 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt, two fish on the nest. Ignored at first then taken 1805 by WR, eaten solo, finished 1910. craigor
21-07-16 17:35 Richmond Salmonid Judi Golden trout taken by VZ. Snatched 1937 by WR, finished 1948. craigor
21-07-16 12:45 Richmond Salmonid MaxK Headless trout hovered over the nest, then flown off. Returned to the nest 1319, taken by ZP. Stolen by VZ 1445. Last of the tailfin dropped through a crack at the edge of the nest 1537. craigor
21-07-16 08:38 Richmond Salmonid Judi Headless Golden Trout taken by ZP, eaten solo, finished 0928. craigor
21-07-16 06:49 Richmond Salmonid ES Faceless trout, taken by WR. WR tries hovering with the fish 0710, tail abandoned 0722,taken by VZ and finished 0725. craigor
21-07-16 21:06 Richmond Jacksmelt Morgan Half a Jacksmelt, taken by ZP. Eaten solo, finished 2127. craigor
21-07-16 20:37 Richmond Jacksmelt DRW Whole Jacksmelt dangled over the nest, grabbed by ZP as Richmond lifts away, fish and ZP both lifted off the nest, fish dropped. Lost fish! craigor
21-07-15 19:07 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Plump headless PFM taken by ZP. Eaten solo, skin abandoned at the edge of the nest 1952. craigor
21-07-15 06:27 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole Golden Trout taken by WR, eaten solo, finished 1011. craigor
21-07-15 08:53 Richmond Salmonid PP Faceless Golden Trout, two fish on the nest, flown off 0857. Returned 0929, taken by ZP, two fish on the nest. Remnant abandoned 1057, reclaimed by WR. Last major scrap of skin finished 1157. craigor
21-07-15 09:52 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Whole striped bass, three fish on the nest, taken by VZ. Slips away over the edge 0954. Lost fish! craigor
21-07-15 10:42 Rosie Surf Perch Judi Half-eaten possible Black Perch taken by VZ. finished 1126. craigor
21-07-15 19:20 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Headless trout taken by VZ, two fish on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 2008. craigor
21-07-15 20:31 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole live Jacksmelt taken by WR. Lifted off and flown to the boom cable 2045. ZP flies up to the boom and lands on WR 2048. WR falls from the cable and drops the fish. Lost fish! craigor
21-07-15 21:03 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Faceless Jacksmelt taken by ZP. Eaten solo, finished 2316. craigor
21-07-14 14:14 Richmond Salmonid C. Headless trout taken by ZP. Tailfin dropped, taken by WR and finished 1137. craigor
21-07-14 11:17 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Headless Trout taken by WR, two fish on the nest. Taken by ZP 1223, finished 1248. craigor
21-07-14 06:42 Richmond Salmonid PP Headless Golden Trout taken by VZ, eaten solo, finished 0739. craigor
21-07-14 09:07 Richmond Salmonid Judi Whole Golden trout taken by VZ, eaten solo, finished 1026. craigor
21-07-14 10:38 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman MaxK Faceless PFM brought to the nest, then flown off 1039, returned to the nest 1059, taken by WR. Abandoned as next fish arrives 1117. Recovered by Rosie 1226, finished 1237. craigor
21-07-14 19:07 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman pamela Mangled PFM taken by WR, two fish on the nest. Abandoned 1931, remnant claimed by VZ 1933, finished 1937. craigor
21-07-14 17:59 Richmond Salmonid Robin Headless trout claimed by ZP, then sneakily stolen by WR 1800. Snatched by VZ 1904, finished by 1916. craigor
21-07-13 11:47 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Headless Golden Trout, ZP and VZ locked in a battle of wills, ZP emerges triumphant 1150. Skin separated from body 1234, tail finished 1252, remainder of skin left on the nest 1255. Taken by VZ 1257, finished by 1259. craigor
21-07-13 13:54 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman wordjoy Headless PFM taken by VZ, eaten solo, finished 1413. craigor
21-07-13 15:59 Richmond Salmonid J. Headless trout received by WR, eaten solo, finished 2011. craigor
21-07-13 18:14 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi Headless PFM taken by VZ, eaten solo, finished by 1851. craigor
21-07-13 19:29 Richmond Salmonid C. Whole Golden Trout taken by ZP, stolen by VZ 2015, dropped through a crack in the nest edge 2031, retrieved 2032, finished 2037. craigor
21-07-13 06:28 Rosie Jacksmelt PP Headless Jacksmelt taken by WR, who almost takes Rosie's toe off too. Eaten solo, finished 0706. craigor
21-07-13 06:31 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole trout taken by ZP, two fish on the nest. Left unattended and snatched by VZ 0707, finished by 0747. craigor
21-07-12 15:02 Richmond Salmonid calgal Headless trout, ZP and WR tussle, ZP comes up with the fish. Abandoned 1650, claimed by WR 1652, finished by 1719. craigor
21-07-12 15:39 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman calgal Headless PFM taken by WR, two fish on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 1553. craigor
21-07-12 05:59 Rosie Jacksmelt PP Facelesss Jacksmelt, WR and ZP tussle over the fish, finally claimed by WR, eaten solo, finished 0730. craigor
21-07-12 07:12 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi Whole PFM taken by ZP, two fish on the nest. Remnant taken by VZ 0740. Long skein of skin finaly finished 0809. craigor
21-07-12 10:25 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman janw Whole PFM snatched from the scrum by ZP. Remnant abandoned 1053, while WR and VZ are fighting over the next fish. Retrieved 1054, final scrap of skin dropped through a crack in the nest 1057 and abandoned. Retrieved again 1101, finished 1108. craigor
21-07-12 10:52 Richmond Salmonid Video Assistant Whole trout taken by VZ after a brief fight with WR, two fish on the nest. Eaten solo, finished by 1224. craigor
21-07-11 19:31 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi Headless PFM, WR and ZP deadlock in struggle for control. WR ends up with it 1933. Finished 2037. craigor
21-07-11 05:53 Rosie Jacksmelt PP Faceless Jacksmelt taken by WR. Taken by VZ 0652, finished 0750. craigor
21-07-11 08:48 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Headless PFM to the nest, taken by WR. Taken away by ZP 0938. finished by 1016. craigor
21-07-11 13:36 Richmond Salmonid Crow Headless trout taken by VZ. Grabbed by ZP 1346. abandoned 1719, retrieved by VZ 1723. Abandoned 1822, remnant taken by WR 1825, WR blown off the edge of the nest 1834, losing the last piece of skin over the side. craigor
21-07-11 16:00 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi Headless PFM taken by VZ, two fish on the nest. Eaten solo, finished by 1719. craigor
21-07-10 18:15 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Crow Headless PFM taken by VZ then wrestled away by ZP. Eaten solo, finished 1842. craigor
21-07-10 05:48 Rosie Jacksmelt craigor Large whole Jacksmelt taken by ZP and flown off 0549, returned and dangled over the nest 0550 and flown off again. craigor
21-07-10 12:03 Richmond Salmonid C. Headless trout taken by VZ, tail snatched by ZP 1303, finished 1306. craigor
21-07-10 15:18 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Crow Headless PFM left at the nest, taken by WR. Eaten solo, finished 1600. craigor
21-07-10 21:19 Rosie Surf Perch Crow Faceless perch taken by WR,abandoned 2128, recovered 2132,held and eaten slowly, abandoned 0100 on 7/11. recovered 0257, finished 0309. craigor
21-07-09 08:35 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Nose-nibbled Jacksmelt taken by WR who flies in from the boom. Eaten solo, finished 0928. craigor
21-07-09 18:56 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi Mangled PFM taken by WR, eaten solo, finished 1932. craigor
21-07-09 06:50 Richmond Other J. Richmond arrives with a headless Shad, no takers. Rosie arrives, takes the fish, and flies off 0652. craigor
21-07-09 13:59 Richmond Salmonid Crow Faceless trout taken by ZP. Taken by VZ 1437, finished 1453. craigor
21-07-08 18:56 Rosie Bass-Striped Judi Headless striper taken by ZP, abandoned 2024, taken by VZ 2059 after losing the next fish to WR. Abandoned 2130, taken by Rosie 2131, lifted off to the rail 2227, returned to the nest 0127 on 7/9. taken by ZP 0201, abandoned 0238, recovered by VZ 0532, tail left on the nest 0613. Picked up by WR 0618, finished 0647. craigor
21-07-08 05:46 Rosie Other thora Faceless Shad taken by ZP. Abandoned 0629, taken by VZ 0631 and hovered off and on the nest. Finished 0705. craigor
21-07-08 06:12 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Faceless Jacksmelt taken by WR, two fish on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 0639. craigor
21-07-08 16:32 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Faceless Jacksmelt taken by WR, eaten solo, finished 1707. craigor
21-07-08 19:52 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Face-nibbled striper taken by VZ, two fish on the nest. Taken by WR 2059, abandoned 2215, recovered by WR 0600 on 7/9, finished 0616. craigor
21-07-08 21:11 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Half a small Jacksmelt, taken by Rosie, three fish on the nest. Finished 2116. craigor
21-07-07 08:37 Richmond Salmonid J. Face-nibbled trout taken by Rosie, then by WR. Remnant taken by Rosie 0915, finished by 0922. craigor
21-07-07 10:47 Richmond Other Crow Faceless shad taken by ZP. Abandoned and taken by Rosie 1105, Rosie feeds VZ 1107, then WR 1119, and finally ZP 1139. Fish finished 1140. craigor
21-07-07 16:56 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Headless Jacksmelt taken by Rosie, Rosie feeds VZ. Fish taken by ZP 1705, finished 1713. craigor
21-07-07 20:16 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman C. Large whole PFM to the nest, ZP wrestles it away from VZ. Remnant taken by Rosie 2109, Rosie feeds VZ. VZ takes the skin 2129, taken back by Rosie 2132, finished 2142. craigor
21-07-07 06:16 Rosie Other PP Rosie brings a whole Shad, taken by VZ. Eaten solo, finished 0701. craigor
21-07-06 06:05 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Whole flopping Jacksmelt taken by Rosie, Rosie feeds VZ. Taken by VZ 0634, finished 0700. craigor
21-07-06 09:31 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole live Jacksmelt to the boom, flown off at 0933. Remnant returned to the nest 0957, taken by Rosie, flown off. craigor
21-07-06 19:19 Richmond Jacksmelt ES Whole Jacksmelt taken by ZP. remnant taken by Rosie 2013. Rosie feeds VZ, fish finished 2019. craigor
21-07-06 13:07 Rosie Salmonid DRW Face-eaten trout claimed by WR, taken by ZP 1309. Taken by VZ 1401, finished 1455. craigor
21-07-06 13:22 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Nose-nibbled trout taken by WR, two fish on the nest. Abandoned 1433, taken by Rosie 1434, Rosie feeds WR, finished 1445. craigor
21-07-06 18:45 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt taken by VZ, eaten solo, finished 1945. craigor
21-07-06 06:14 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Large whole Jacksmelt, two fish on the nest, flown off after thirty seconds. Tail end returned to nest 0722 and taken away by Rosie. Rosie returns fishless 0731. craigor
21-07-05 07:59 Rosie Jacksmelt pamela Repositioned nestcam finds Rosie on the strut perch eating a Jacksmelt. Tail end brought to the nest 0804. Rosie feeds VZ. Fish finished 0814. craigor
21-07-05 21:08 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Long faceless Jacksmelt taken by ZP, two fish on the nest. Abandoned 2159, taken by Rosie 2209 to the corner rail,finished by 2223. craigor
21-07-05 20:38 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Second live Jacksmelt in four minutes, two fish on the nest, almost goes over the side but grabbed by ZP. Eaten solo, finished 2105. craigor
21-07-05 20:34 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole live Jacksmelt taken by WR, tail abandoned 2113, taken by Rosie, finished 2114. craigor
21-07-05 20:10 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Half a Jacksmelt taken by VZ, finished 2028. craigor
21-07-05 18:30 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole Jacksmelt taken by WR, eaten solo, finished 1905. craigor
21-07-05 14:09 Richmond Salmonid Crow Whole trout taken by ZP, defended from WR 1411, eaten solo, finished 1538. craigor
21-07-05 09:44 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Headless trout taken by VZ. SKin and tail remnant taken by WR 1037, finished 1104. craigor
21-07-05 06:51 Richmond Salmonid ES Headless trout flown off by Rosie, Rosie returns 0654 fishless. Lost fish! craigor
21-07-04 17:13 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Intact Jacksmelt, taken by ZP from Rosie. Eaten solo, finished 1803. craigor
21-07-04 20:55 Richmond Jacksmelt C. A fourth flopping Jacksmelt and Rosie tucks this one away for safekeeping. Two fish on the nest. Rosie feeds VZ. and ZP. Fish taken by ZP 2107. Tail abandined 2133, taken by Rosie 2152, finished by 2157. craigor
21-07-04 20:45 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Another lively whole Jacksmelt, taken by Rosie, two fish on the nest, slips away over the edge of the nest. Lost fish! Third drop in twelve minutes. craigor
21-07-04 20:41 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Whole jacksmelt to the nest, two fish on the nest, jumps off after 15 seconds. Lost fish! craigor
21-07-04 20:36 Rosie Other chagin Whole Shad taken by WR as ZP grabs Rosie's toe. Eaten solo, then taken by Rosie 2129. Finished 2138. craigor
21-07-04 20:33 Richmond Jacksmelt chagin Whole Jacksmelt immediately overboard. Lost fish! craigor
21-07-04 19:15 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Headless Jacksmelt taken by Rosie, Rosie feeds WR and ZP. FInished 1928. craigor
21-07-04 12:58 Rosie Salmonid chagin Headless trout, Rosie's first of the year. Flown off 1307, returned 1313, off again 1316, Rosie returns to the rail fishless 1324. craigor
21-07-04 11:18 Richmond Salmonid Judi Headless trout taken by VZ, abandoned 1208, retrieved by VZ 1306, final piece of skin abandoned 1331, taken by WR, finished 1335. craigor
21-07-04 07:26 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Faceless Golden Trout snatched and flown off immediately by Rosie, then returned to nest. Taken by VZ. Left on the nest and taken by WR 0836, final bit of skin and tail taken by ZP and finished 0849. craigor
21-07-03 14:09 Richmond Salmonid Crow Whole trout dropped into a scrum, taken by ZV. Stolen and hovered by ZP 1445. Eaten slowly, abandoned when next fish arrives 1458, taken by WR 1500. Abandoned again 1501 and taken by VZ, finished 1506. craigor
21-07-03 06:34 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole trout taken by Rosie, then by ZP. Rosie arrives and takes the fish 0723, flies off with it. Returned to the nest 0747 and taken by VZ. Tail snatched by WR 0815, finished 0856. craigor
21-07-03 19:10 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Whole Jacksmelt taken by Rosie, two fish on the nest. Flops away and corralled by WR. Taken by Rosie 1934, finished 1937. craigor
21-07-03 18:44 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Whole Jacksmelt taken by VZ, three fish on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 2001. craigor
21-07-03 18:24 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Face-nibbled Jacksmelt taken by ZP, two fish on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 1908. craigor
21-07-03 17:59 Richmond Salmonid Judi Whole trout taken by WR, eaten solo, abandoned 1851, taken by Rosie 1853. Fish finished 1855. craigor
21-07-03 14:58 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Faceless Jacksmelt taken by ZP, two fish on the nest. Taken aggressively by WR in a tug o' war 1502, finished 1534. craigor
21-07-03 20:06 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Half a Jacksmelt to the nest, no immediate takers, fish flown to the boom 2008. Returned to the nest 2015, taken by Rosie. Flown to the strut perch 2018, back to the nest 2026, Rosie feeds ZP, fish finished 2028. craigor
21-07-02 20:01 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Whole PFM, taken by VZ. Remnant taken by Rosie 2055, finished 2057. craigor
21-07-02 09:12 Richmond Salmonid Judi Small whole trout, Rosie feeds ZP. Taken by ZP 0916, taken by Rosie 0949, finished 0952. craigor
21-07-02 20:56 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Headless Jacksmelt, three fish on the nest. Richmond feeds VZ. Taken by Rosie 2058, Rosie feeds ZP and VZ, fish finished 2107. craigor
21-07-02 11:34 Richmond Salmonid calgal Headless trout lifted off and on by Rosie, taken by ZP. Abandoned and taken by Rosie 1157, Rosie feeds WR and VZ. FIsh finished 1206. craigor
21-07-02 09:32 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Whole striper taken by WR. Taken by Rosie 1046. Finished 1108. craigor
21-07-02 09:56 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Headless Jacksmelt, two fish on the nest, taken by Rosie to feed VZ, finished 1015. craigor
21-07-02 18:49 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt taken by ZP, taken by VZ 1954, finished 1958. craigor
21-07-02 20:33 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Big headless Jacksmelt taken by WR, two fish on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 2117. craigor
21-07-01 09:23 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Faceless Golden Trout, two fish on the nest, taken by ZP, eaten solo, skin and tail abandoned 1035, recovered by WR 1102, abandoned 1133, retrieved by WR 1152, finished by 1159. craigor
21-07-01 20:55 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt to the cable. Tail end brought to nest 2118, finished by Rosie in two bites. craigor
21-07-01 19:12 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Large headless striper taken by Rosie, then by WR. Left on the nest 2008, taken by ZP then by Rosie 2009. Snatched back by ZP 2010. Reclaimed by Rosie 2042, Rosie feeds VZ, fish finished 2115. craigor
21-07-01 17:45 Richmond Salmonid Crow Headless trout taken by Rosie to feed the fledglings, finished 1803. craigor
21-07-01 16:08 Richmond Salmonid Crow Small whole trout to the nest, taken by Rosie, fledglings fed, fish finished 1628. craigor
21-07-01 11:16 Richmond Salmonid calgal Headless trout on and off the nest, returned 1121, two fish on the nest. Taken by Rosie, chicks fed, taken by VZ 1158, abandined again 1215, retrieved by Rosie, taken by ZP 1221, finished 1224. craigor
21-07-01 09:18 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman PP Whole PFM taken by VZ. Eaten solo, skin abandoned 1006, recovered by WR 1009. Taken by Rosie 1030, Rosie feeds VZ, fish finished 1101. craigor
21-06-30 19:17 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Crow Slightly mangled PFM taken by VZ. Skin snatched by ZP 1936, last of skin abandoned 1944. craigor
21-06-30 12:26 Richmond Salmonid lurker Faceless trout taken by WR, snatched by VZ 1240, stolen by ZP after a tug of war 1258. ZP hovers above the nest with the fish 1300. FInished 1315. craigor
21-06-30 14:59 Richmond Salmonid C. Headless trout delivered, taken by WR. Remnant snatched by VZ 1538, finished 1554. craigor
21-06-30 07:14 Richmond Salmonid DRW Faceless trout taken by Rosie then by WR. Taken by ZP 0751, finished 0837. craigor
21-06-30 10:36 Richmond Salmonid lurker Whole trout lifted off and on by Rosie, Rosie feeds VZ and ZP, skin and tail taken by ZP 1055, finished 1100. craigor
21-06-29 20:39 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Another large whole Jacksmelt taken by Rosie, chicks fed, grabbed by ZP 2048. Taken back by Rosie 2110, finished 2126. craigor
21-06-29 11:43 Richmond Salmonid Judi Whole trout taken by Rosie and handed off to WR. Retaken by Rosie 1219, Rosie feeds ZP and VZ. Finished 1229. craigor
21-06-29 17:11 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Whole flopping Jacksmelt flops itself right off the nest onto the lower platform. Retrieved from the platform by Rosie 1821 and returned to the nest, three fish on the nest. Rosie feeds ZP. Taken by ZP 1831, finished 1836. craigor
21-06-29 17:44 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Large whole Jacksmelt taken by WR, two fish on the nest. Taken by Rosie 1850, finished 1856. craigor
21-06-29 17:38 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Cathy Whole PFM, taken by ZP 1739, Taken by VZ 1815. Final scrap of skin finished by VZ 1900. craigor
21-06-29 07:29 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Headless trout delivered. Rosie feeds ZP and VZ. Taken by ZP 0738, then by WR 0739. Finished by WR 0814. craigor
21-06-28 11:32 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Whole Rainbow Trout. Taken by WR from the scrum. Stolen by ZP 1149. Tail left on the nest 1218, recovered by Rosie 1222, Rosie feeds VZ and WR, fish finished 1227. craigor
21-06-28 07:06 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Another Golden Trout, very bloody. Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish taken by VZ 0756, then by ZP 0816. Finished by ZP 0902. craigor
21-06-28 20:56 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt to the nest then immediately to the boom, then flown off 2057. Tiny fragment returned to the nest 2130, taken by Rosie, eaten solo, finished 2135. craigor
21-06-28 18:40 Rosie Jacksmelt GailMac Whole long Jacksmelt taken by WR then ZP. Taken by Rosie 1936, Rosie feeds VZ and WR, fish finished 1950. craigor
21-06-28 19:14 Richmond Jacksmelt DRW Another big Jacksmelt delivered, two fish on the nest. Rosie arrives and takes the fish, feeds WR and VZ. Tail end taken by WR 1931, finished 1937. craigor
21-06-28 17:14 Richmond Jacksmelt carrotlover Headless Jacksmelt delivered, two fish on the nest. Rosie feeds ZP and VZ. Fish finished by 1726. craigor
21-06-28 16:25 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Face nibbled Jacksmelt taken by WR, eaten solo, finished 1715. craigor
21-06-27 10:57 Richmond Salmonid Cathy Face-munched trout taken by Rosie, then by WR. Stolen by ZP 1113. Sharing bites with VZ 1128, rejects an attempt by VZ to steal 1130, finishes the fish 1154. craigor
21-06-27 07:29 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Whole golden trout taken by VZ then ZP. Skin end snatched by VZ 0816, finished 0819. craigor
21-06-27 18:05 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Whole Jacksmelt claimed by WR. Eaten solo, finished 1848. craigor
21-06-27 15:01 Richmond Salmonid Crow Whole trout delivered, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1522. craigor
21-06-27 12:10 Richmond Jacksmelt carrotlover Whole Jacksmelt delivered, Rosie feeds WR and VZ, fish finished 12:29. craigor
21-06-27 11:36 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Faceless Jacksmelt, two fish on the nest, taken by Rosie to feed WR and VZ, finished 1146. craigor
21-06-27 19:06 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Whole pinkish PFM brought by Rosie, all feed, finished 1947. craigor
21-06-26 16:31 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Headless striper taken by Rosie, famlily fed. Tail taken by VZ 1734, finished 1751. craigor
21-06-26 14:05 Richmond Salmonid calgal Faceless trout, Rosie feeds the chicks, tail taken by ZP 1426, finished 1430. craigor
21-06-26 07:54 Richmond Salmonid PP Headless trout taken by Rosie for family feeding, finished 0825. craigor
21-06-26 05:41 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Whole Jacksmelt, taken by WR, then by ZP 0556, eaten solo, finished by 0658. craigor
21-06-25 20:41 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole Jacksmelt taken by Rosie, children fed, taken by ZP 2051, dropped and taken by Rosie 2109, all feed, finished 2112. craigor
21-06-25 20:47 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond on and off the nest with another whole Jacksmelt. Taken to the boom, then flown off 2048. Richmond returns to the rail fishless 2105. craigor
21-06-25 17:38 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Small partial Jacksmelt brought to the nest, devoured by 1741. craigor
21-06-25 15:21 Richmond Bass-Striped lurker Whole striper taken by Rosie then by ZP. Taken by WR after a fight 1526, eaten continuously by WR until taken by VZ 1635. Taken by Rosie 1655, who feeds VZ and ZP. Fish finished 1713. craigor
21-06-25 10:16 Richmond Salmonid Mhall Richmond brings a headless yellow-skinned trout, likely one of the newly stocked Golden Trout from San Pablo Reservoir, finished 1036. craigor
21-06-25 06:03 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Face-nibbled Jacksmelt taken by Rosie, family fed, fish finished 0630. craigor
21-06-24 09:00 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Whole striper to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1014. craigor
21-06-24 11:38 Richmond Jacksmelt karenh Half a Jacksmelt taken by Rosie to feed the chicks, taken by ZP 1143, finished 1159. craigor
21-06-24 16:16 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Large whole striper left on the nest for the chicks. Taken by ZP who begins eating.Wr tries to take the tail 1626, takes the fish from ZP 1629. Fish reclaimed by ZP 1648.Rosie takes the fish 1721 and begins general feeding.Richmond arrives and takes the fish 1733, lifts it off to the boom 1734. Returned to the nest 1740, taken by Rosie, reduced to a few strands of guts by 1748. craigor
21-06-24 18:06 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Whole Jacksmelt taken by Rosie for general feeding, finished 1831. craigor
21-06-24 19:35 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Headless Jacksmelt delivery, Rosie and the chicks feed, finished 1944. craigor
21-06-24 20:37 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole live Jacksmelt brought to the nest then lifted off to the boom. Flown off 2038, remnant returned to the nest 2102 for Rosie and the chicks, finished 2109. craigor
21-06-23 16:58 Richmond Jacksmelt Patricia Garcia Whole Jacksmelt delivered, two fish on the nest, taken by Rosie. Rosie leaves to chase an intruder 1701, returns 1702, feeds WR and VZ, fish finished 1714. craigor
21-06-23 16:25 Richmond Jacksmelt ES Whole Jacksmelt delivered, taken by Rosie then VZ then ZP. ZP eats most of the fish, then Rosie arrives to help 1715. Rosie and the other two chocks feed, fish finished 1719. craigor
21-06-23 14:44 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Small whole Jacksmelt, Rosie feeds the nestlings, finished by 1501. craigor
21-06-23 12:46 Richmond Salmonid Crow Faceless trout delivered, Rosie feeds the nestlings, fish finished 1310. craigor
21-06-23 08:58 Richmond Salmonid Judi Hefty whole trout, taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings. Remnant taken by Richmond to the boom 0943, finished on the boom 0951. craigor
21-06-23 21:40 Richmond Jacksmelt karen Tail end of a Jacksmelt brought to the rail and kept overnight. Brought to the nest 0539 on 5/24. Richmond feeds the nestlings. Fish finished 0604. craigor
21-06-23 20:45 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Lively whole Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished by 2119. craigor
21-06-23 19:36 Richmond Jacksmelt DRW Half a Jacksmelt eaten by Rosie and the chicks, finished 1945. craigor
21-06-23 17:55 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt delivered, two fish on the nest, flown off 1757 by Richmond, returned to the nest 1812, Rosie arrives, takes the fish, and feeds the nestlings, fish finished 1822. craigor
21-06-23 17:26 Richmond Jacksmelt DRW Lively whole Jacksmelt to the nest. Rosie feeds WR then ZP. Fish finished 1807. craigor
21-06-22 19:13 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Whole Jacksmelt taken by VZ, both VZ and WR feed. Taken by Rosie 1921, finished 1930. craigor
21-06-22 20:35 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond arrives on the boom with another whole Jacksmelt, then flies off with it. Returned to the nest 2053, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 2057. craigor
21-06-22 20:31 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole squirming Jacksmelt to the nest. Taken by Rosie who feends the nestlings, finished 2051. craigor
21-06-22 18:42 Richmond Jacksmelt DRW Faceless Jacksmelt taken by VZ, who defends it from Rosie and ZP. Taken by ZP 1853 and finished 1911. craigor
21-06-22 17:48 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Whole Jacksmelt, two fish on the nest, Rosie feeds WR and VZ, fish finished by 1805. craigor
21-06-22 17:10 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt, taken by Rosie, then by ZP 1712, who self feeds. Snatched away by WR 1738, then taken back by ZP 1744. Skin abandoned 1812, recovered by Rosie 1815 who feeds WR. FIsh finished 1818. craigor
21-06-22 11:48 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Whole striper floated onto the nest for Rosie and the nestlings. Finished 1227. craigor
21-06-22 06:09 Richmond Salmonid J. Whole trout, Rosie and the nestlings feed, fish finished 0653. craigor
21-06-21 15:17 Richmond Bass-Striped pamela Whole striper, two fish on the nest. Rosie feeds WR and VZ, and finishes the last of the fish herself 1658. craigor
21-06-21 09:52 Richmond Salmonid DRW Fat headless trout delivered, taken by Rosie, nestlings fed, last of skin finished by WR after multiple tries 1105. craigor
21-06-21 14:19 Richmond Salmonid pamela Whole trout taken by Rosie then by VZ who defends it from WR and attempts self feeding. Fish taken by WR 1423, WR pancakes on the fish 1444, VZ begs for bites from WR 1446, fish taken by ZP 1448, who defends it from VZ, and rebuffs an attempt by Rosie 1513. ZP continues eating solo until 1545 and abandons the fish. Claimed by WR 1551, then left 1559. Recovered by Richmond 1624, Richmond feeds WR, fish finished 1652. craigor
21-06-20 12:15 Richmond Salmonid Crow Small whole trout hovered delicately onto the nest. Rosie and the chicks feed, fish finished 1231. craigor
21-06-20 09:56 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole trout delivery, eaten by Rosie and the nestlings, finished by 1028. craigor
21-06-20 15:31 Richmond Bass-Striped janw Headless striper taken by Rosie to feed the chicks, eaten in one sitting, finished 1625. craigor
21-06-20 18:17 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest, Rosie arrives to feed the chicks. Fish finished 1846. craigor
21-06-20 21:14 Richmond Jacksmelt DIanneA Headless Jacksmelt delivered after dark, Rosie feeds the nestlings, fish finished 2130. craigor
21-06-20 14:27 Richmond Salmonid midi Whole trout, hovered off and on the nest by Rosie, feeding begins, fish finished 1445. craigor
21-06-20 12:26 Richmond Bass-Striped lurker Face-nibbled striper, two fish on the nest. Taken by Rosie 1231, general feeding ensues, fish finished 1256. craigor
21-06-19 13:56 Richmond Salmonid Crow Whole trout taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings, fish finished by 1418 craigor
21-06-19 06:57 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole Salmonid to the nest, Rosie feeds the nestlings, fish finished 0748. craigor
21-06-19 10:25 Richmond Salmonid lurker Headless trout delivery. Rosie arrives 1026 to feed the chicks. Fish finished by 1049. craigor
21-06-18 08:45 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Faceless Jacksmelt, two fish on the nest. Taken by ZP, recovered by Rosie 0853, Rosie feeds VZ, fish finished 0904. craigor
21-06-18 17:28 Richmond Bass-Striped AnnieBenannie Headless striper, Rosie and the chicks feed. Taken by Richmond and flown off 1809, returned to the nest 1842, taken by Rosie, chicks fe, fish finished 1909. craigor
21-06-18 20:49 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole floppy Jacksmelt, Rosie feeds the chicks, Rosie finishes the fish 2144. craigor
21-06-18 07:31 Rosie Other PP Unknown furry object, possibly the carcass of a small mammal, brought by Rosie. Removed 1226 on 6/21. craigor
21-06-18 07:28 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Whole Jacksmelt left on the nest, taken by ZP for self feeding. Taken by WR 0748, Rosie arrives 0806 and takes the fish away, returns 0807 and feeds WR then VZ. Fish finished by VZ at 0842. craigor
21-06-18 11:33 Richmond Other C. Large faceless Shad taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings, finished 1230. craigor
21-06-18 07:46 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Another whole Jacksmelt left on the nest, two fish on the nest. Taken by ZP and eaten solo, retrieved by Richmond 0847, Richmond feeds VZ. Last bit of tailfin dropped off the nest 0852. craigor
21-06-17 17:44 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Faceless striper to the nest, eaten in one sitting, finished 1814. craigor
21-06-17 05:41 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole flopping Jacksmelt...flown off, returned 0619, finished 0634. craigor
21-06-17 09:04 Richmond Bass-Striped lurker Faceless striper left on the nest, Rosie arrives to feed the nestlings.Remnant left on the nest 1006, flown by Richmond 1007 to the boom cable. Returned to the nest 1037, Rosie flies in to feed the nestlings, fish finished 1056. craigor
21-06-17 16:05 Richmond Other Crow Faceless Shad taken by Rosie, chicks fed. Remnant left on the nest 1630, scattered morsels eaten by WR and ZP. Tail segment taken from ZP by VZ, taken back by ZP 1635 and tug of war ensues. Rosie arrives 1636 and takes the fish, finished by ZP 1641. craigor
21-06-16 15:09 Richmond Bass-Striped lurker Massive faceless striper, rosie feeds the nestlings continuously until RIchmond takes the fish 1645 to the boom. Large portion of the fish dropped from the boom cable 1651. Lost fish! craigor
21-06-16 11:53 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Faceless Jacksmeltto the nest. WR begins eating from the tail end. Richmond takes the fish and feeds WR until Rosie arrives and lifts the fish off the nest 1211, returning it 1212. General feeding ensues, fish finished 1231. craigor
21-06-16 08:21 Richmond Bass-Striped lurker Headless striper left on the nest, taken by WR for self feeding. Taken by Rosie 0823 for general feeding. Fish finished 0900 . craigor
21-06-15 21:02 Richmond Jacksmelt DRW Fat whole Jacksmelt, tenth fish of the day, delivered within seconds of the completion of the previous fish. Lifted off by Rosie 2103, returned to the nest 2104. Flown off again by Rosie 2116, returned to the nest 2151. WR tries self feeding 2158, fish kept on the nest overnight, retrieved by ZP at 0558 on 6/16 for self feeding until 0600. . Rosie arrives 0602, chicks feed, fish finished 0625. craigor
21-06-15 20:53 Richmond Jacksmelt DRW Another whole Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, eaten quickly by Rosie and the nestlings, finished 2102. craigor
21-06-15 19:12 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Small whole Jacksmelt eaten by Rosie and the chicks, finished 1924. craigor
21-06-15 16:38 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie arrives to feed the chicks. Fish finished 1704. craigor
21-06-15 14:27 Richmond Bass-Striped DRW Large whole striper brought to the nest, flown to the boom by Richmond 1428, then flown off 1430. Returned to the nest 1516, tail taken by VZ 1553, finished 1554. craigor
21-06-15 12:19 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, eaten by Rosie and the chicks, finished 1231. craigor
21-06-15 06:46 Richmond Jacksmelt CM Faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, finished by 0712 craigor
21-06-15 09:20 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman lurker Headless PFM to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish left on the nest 1009. Recovered by Richmond 1011, flown to the boom 1012. Last of skin dropped from the cable 1021. craigor
21-06-15 08:23 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Small faceless Jacksmelt brought to the lower cable, then to the nest 0824. FInished 0833. craigor
21-06-15 05:27 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole Jacksmelt delivered to Rosie and the chicks, finished 0607. craigor
21-06-14 07:43 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Small whole Jacksmelt to the boom, brought to the nest 0744, Rosie feeds the chicks. Tail end taken by ZP 0758, finished 0800. craigor
21-06-14 5:41 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Brought live to the nest, then off to the boom. Back to the nest 0543. Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 0616. craigor
21-06-14 09:07 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Striper to the boom, then to the nest, slightly nibbled, 0908, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Richmond takes the fish 0931 to the boom, returned to the nest 1002. FInsihed by 1022. craigor
21-06-14 17:27 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by ZP then by Rosie. Chicks fed, remainder of fish taken by VZ 1742, who eats it solo, defending it from ZP and Rosie. Tail finally taken by Rosie 1758, shared by Rosie and VZ, finished by VZ 1803. craigor
21-06-14 18:53 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Small whole Jacksmelt to the boom, then to the nest 1854. Rosie feeds the nestlings. Taken by WR 1902. Snatched by ZP 1906. Taken back by WR 1908. Tail taken by ZP and finished 1910. craigor
21-06-14 19:58 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole jacksmelt taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Eaten quickly, finished 2013. craigor
21-06-13 18:34 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole flopping Jacksmelt brought to the nest, devoured by 1857. craigor
21-06-13 07:14 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman PP Small whole PFM, Rosie arrives and takes the fish, chicks fed, fish finished 0726. craigor
21-06-13 09:40 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole slim Jacksmelt taken by Rosie to feed the chicks, finished by 0958. craigor
21-06-13 16:08 Richmond Bass-Striped PP Whole striper to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Taken by Richmond to the boom 1638. Back to the nest and lowered gently 1650. More feeding, fish finished by Rosie on the nest 1715. craigor
21-06-13 12:55 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Faceless the nest, Rosie and the nestlings feed. Eaten continuously, finished 1340. craigor
21-06-13 10:48 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Headless Jacksmelt to the nest, finished by 1109. craigor
21-06-12 20:59 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Half a Jacksmelt to the nest, eaten quickly, finished 2106. craigor
21-06-12 06:44 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Whole Jacksmelt brought in, Rosie arrives to feed the nestlings. Two chicks tussling over the tail 0701, fish finished by 0702. craigor
21-06-12 08:22 Richmond Bass-Striped chagin Faceless striper arrives, taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings. FIsh left on the nest 0900, taken by Richmond 0918 to the boom cable. Finished on the boom 0930. craigor
21-06-12 13:59 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman DRW Whole PFM to the nest. Chicks fed, fish finished 1422. craigor
21-06-12 15:12 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Headless bass delivered, finished 1537. craigor
21-06-12 16:53 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman guest Fat headless PFM delivered, Rosie feeds the chicks, remnant left on the nest 1728. ZP begins self-feeding 1735. Mass of skin left on the nest 1740, taken by Rosie 1743, finished 1803. craigor
21-06-11 20:33 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole Jacksmelt on the boom cable. Brought to the nest 2044, taken by Rosie, chicks fed, fish finished 2055. craigor
21-06-11 05:36 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Long slender whole Jacksmelt taken by Rosie, fish finished on the nest 0557. craigor
21-06-11 07:53 Richmond Other GailMac Faceless shad to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Taken to the boom cable by RIchmond 0815. Returned to the nest 0828 for more feeding. Left on the nest 0840. Taken by Richmond 0848, who feeds Rosie, Rosie passing bites to the chicks. RIchond feeds the chicks too. Rosie takes the fish 0852 for more feeding. Hind end left on the nest 0859. Taken by RIchmond to the boom 0917, returned to nest 0922. Finished 0936. craigor
21-06-11 11:53 Richmond Bass-Striped C. Faceless striper. Rosie feeds the chicks, leaves abruptly to chase an intruder, dropping the fish 1211, returns 1216 and can't find the fish. Fish located under one of the chicks 1220 and feeding resumes. Fish finished 1240. craigor
21-06-11 16:58 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Faceless striper delivery, Rosie feeds the nestlings, fish flown off 1815 by Richmond to the boom cable, finished 1834. craigor
21-06-10 18:57 Richmond Man Made Objects Video Assistant Deflated Mylar baloon brought to the nest. Blown from the nest 1900. craigor
21-06-10 05:29 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole Jacksmelt on the cable, brought to the nest 0539, finished 0607. craigor
21-06-10 06:53 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman PP Intact PFM delivered, finished 0715. craigor
21-06-10 07:30 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Small headless PFM, finished 0742. craigor
21-06-10 09:33 Richmond Other PP Headless Shad to the nest, chicks fed, remnant taken by Richmond to the boom cable 1040. Returned to the nest 1201, finished 1228. craigor
21-06-10 15:44 Richmond Bass-Striped DRW Whole striper brought to the nest, then flown off again. Returned to the nest 1711, more feeding, remnant left on the nest, removed by Richmond 1859 to the boom cable. Returned to the nest 1921, finished 1933. craigor
21-06-09 16:54 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Headless striper delivered, Rosie and the chicks feed, finished 1740. craigor
21-06-09 05:31 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Live Jacksmelt on the boom cable, brought to the nest 0541, Richmond feeds the chicks while Rosie watches, then leaves with the fish again 0547 to the boom cable. Back to the nest 0556, finished 0613. craigor
21-06-09 07:53 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Whole Jacksmelt delivery, Rosie feeds the chicks, finished 1813. craigor
21-06-09 09:08 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Tiny tail end of a Jacksmelt, finished 0913. craigor
21-06-09 19:28 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Whole striper, nestlings fed, fish flown to the bom by Richmond 2033, returned to the nest 2047 for more feeding. Fish left 2126 on the nest overnight, retrieved by Rosie 0531 on 6/10, finished by 0538. craigor
21-06-08 08:34 Richmond Jacksmelt AnnieBenannie Modest sized faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, finished 0847. craigor
21-06-08 05:29 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole flopping Jacksmelt, finished 0550. craigor
21-06-08 05:31 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Jacksmelt delivery in two and a half minutes, two fish on the nest. Flown off by Richmond 0632. Returned to the nest 0643, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks, finished 0704. craigor
21-06-08 05:37 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Richmond on the boom with another Jacksmelt, third in eight minutes. Brought to the nest 0553, two fish on the nest. Finished 0613. craigor
21-06-08 11:03 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Headless striper, Eaten quickly, finished 1137. craigor
21-06-08 12:25 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Large whole striper, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish flown off by Richmond 1312. Returned to the nest 1405 for more family feeding, tail finished 1505, Rcihmond flies in and snags one final morsel from the nest 1506, eaten on the cable, final piece dropped 1509. craigor
21-06-08 17:18 Richmond Jacksmelt DRW Small Headless Jacksmelt eaten quickly, finished 1726. craigor
21-06-08 18:17 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Whole striper, taken by Rosie, chicks fed, lifted away by Richmond to the boom cable 1846, returned to the nest 1859 for more feeding, fish finished 1919. craigor
21-06-08 20:50 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Whole Jacksmelt, remnant left on the nest 2115, retrieved by Rosie 0109 on 6/9. Abandoned 0121, retrieved by Rosie 0158, finished by Rosie on the nest 0203. craigor
21-06-07 09:59 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman PP Mangled faceless PFM. Eaten on the nest, skin remnant abandoned 1040. craigor
21-06-07 16:32 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Headless striper, tail end flown off by Richmond 1730, finished on the cable 1739. craigor
21-06-07 14:42 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman 3Kids! Whole PFM, eaten on the nest, finished 1551. craigor
21-06-07 12:21 Richmond Other PP Headless shad to the nest, eaten continuously, finished 1337. craigor
21-06-07 05:20 Richmond Jacksmelt DRW Whole Jacksmelt taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Finished 0608. craigor
21-06-07 05:23 Richmond Jacksmelt DRW Another whole Jacksmelt delivered, second fish in three minutes, two fish on the nest, flown off 0524. Returned headless to the nest 0544, two fish on the nest, Rosie and Richmond both feeding nestlings in opposite corners. Richmond flies off 0553 leaving the fish on the nest to be dragged around by the chicks. Recovered by Rosie 0620, finished 0635. craigor
21-06-07 07:43 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman PP Whole PFM delivered, eaten by Rosie and the chicks, finished 0814. craigor
21-06-07 08:16 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Faceless Jacksmelt delivery, finished 0837. craigor
21-06-06 11:37 Richmond Bass-Striped PP Headless striper delivered. Eaten steadily by Rosie and the nestlings, tail left on the nest 1320. Retrieved by Rosie for more feeding 1415, finished 1433. craigor
21-06-06 09:43 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman calgal Faceless PFM. Finished 1016. craigor
21-06-06 08:58 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Plump whole Jacksmelt delivered. Finished 0918. craigor
21-06-06 08:25 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman DianneA Whole PFM brought to the nest. Reduced to scraps by 0846. craigor
21-06-06 07:39 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Headless Jacksmelt to the nest, finished 0747. craigor
21-06-06 05:25 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole Jacksmelt, finished 0546. craigor
21-06-06 20:04 Richmond Bass-Striped lurker Modest-sized headless striper delivered. Finished 2026. craigor
21-06-05 20:47 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond brings another whole Jacksmelt to the rail. To the nest 2049, two fish on the nest. Flown off 2050, back to the nest 2051, taken by Rosie, finished 2114. craigor
21-06-05 06:46 Other Other craigor Tony\'s gift fish for Banding Day. Taken by Rosie and flown off 0758. Returned to the nest to feed the chicks 0818, two fish on the nest. Finished 0852. craigor
21-06-05 20:29 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest, finished 2051. craigor
21-06-05 17:11 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Headless striper delivery. Last of tail finished 1753. craigor
21-06-05 09:59 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman chagin Whole PFM brought to the nest. Rosie and the chicks feed. Remainder taken by Richmond 1038, flown off 1039 to the boom. FLown off 1042, returned to the cable 1047, finished 1054. craigor
21-06-05 08:33 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Another whole Jacksmelt to the nest, three fish on the nest. Richmond holds the fish while the others eat, then takes a few bites and flies it off to the boom 0854. Returned to the nest 0858. Richmond tries feeding the nestlings 0907, fish taken by Rosie 0908, finished 0915. craigor
21-06-05 07:52 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Richmond sails over the boom with a live Jacksmelt with banding still in process. Brought to the nest 0758, Richmond attempts to feed the chicks then leaves the fish at 0801. Nestlings pick at the fish until Rosie's return at 0818. Retrieved by Rosie 0854, chicks fed more, fish finished 0907. craigor
21-06-04 10:47 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Hind end of a Jacksmelt brought to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1055. craigor
21-06-04 05:34 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, consumed by Rosie and the nestlings, finished 0604. craigor
21-06-04 20:56 Rosie Bass-Striped AnnieBenannie Rosie brings the tail end of a striped bass, finished by 2114. craigor
21-06-04 05:44 Richmond Jacksmelt karen Richmond brings a whole Jacksmelt to the rail while Rosie and the chicks are eating on the nest, eats the head, lifts off 0548 and drops the fish, which lands on the lower platform. Rosie retrieves the dropped fish 0646 and returns it to the nest. Fish finished 0652. craigor
21-06-03 10:14 Richmond Bass-Striped lurker Richmond lands a faceless striper, two fish on the nest. Rosie drops the remains of her ray and takes the fish to feed the nestlings. FIsh finished 1112. craigor
21-06-03 18:42 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Ragged headless striper delivered. Rosie feeds the nestlings, fish finished 1916. craigor
21-06-03 09:11 Rosie Other 3Kids! Rosie flies in with a live Bat Ray, first since 2019. Set aside when the next fish arrives 1014, then retrieved by Rosie 1116, finished by 1138. craigor
21-06-02 05:59 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman karen Whole PFM to the nest, finished by 0617. craigor
21-06-02 20:48 Richmond Jacksmelt chagin Headless Jacksmelt to finish the evening, finished 2100. craigor
21-06-02 20:20 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Live flopping Jacksmelt brought by Richmond, caught in eight minutes. Rosie and the nestlings feed. Fish finished 2032. craigor
21-06-02 19:38 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Whole PFM brought by Rosie, flown by Richmond 1939 to the boom cable, then returned to the nest 1951. Rosie feeds the nestlings, fish finished 2008. craigor
21-06-02 17:06 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest, Rosie not around, so Richmond waits while the nestlings pick at the fish and drag it around. FInally at 1729 Richmond begins feeding, and feeds the nestlings. Richmond and the nestlings finish the fish 1752. craigor
21-06-02 15:02 Richmond Halibut C. Whole dark flatfish, shows double-indented tailfin. Rosie and the chicks feed, final strands of skin choked down by a brave chick at 1609. craigor
21-06-02 12:03 Richmond Jacksmelt janw Whole long Jacksmelt landed on the nest, finished by 1223. craigor
21-06-01 15:41 Richmond Jacksmelt janw Headless Jacksmelt delivery. Eaten at one go, finished 1553. craigor
21-06-01 20:34 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Lively whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie, nestlings fed, finished 2057 craigor
21-06-01 17:04 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Face-nibbled striper landed on the nest, finished 1730. craigor
21-06-01 10:58 Richmond Jacksmelt AnnieBenannie Headless Jacksmelt delivery, fish finished 1116. craigor
21-05-31 09:24 Rosie Surf Perch PP Rosie brings a whole perch. Babies inside again starting 1013. Last remains finished 1034. craigor
21-05-31 20:20 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Small faceless Jacksmelt to the nest. Gone in four minutes. craigor
21-05-31 19:51 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole lively Jacksmelt delivered, Rosie feeds the nestlings. Chick finishes off the tail 2024. craigor
21-05-31 16:38 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole Jacksmelt delivered, finished 1703 by one of the chicks. craigor
21-05-31 09:39 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Richmond with a headless jacksmelt, two fish on the nest. No takers so Richmond flies the fish away 0943. Returned to nest 1123, eaten by Rosie and the nestlings, finished 1134. craigor
21-05-31 08:11 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Headless Jacksmelt to the nest, chicks fed, fish finished 0824. craigor
21-05-30 09:31 Rosie Surf Perch chagin Large whole Surf Perch brought by Rosie, her first fish delivery since April 11. Once again, embryonic perch are released from within. Tailfin finished by 1007. craigor
21-05-30 21:15 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Good sized headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest. Rosie feeds the nestlings, fish finished 2151. craigor
21-05-30 20:34 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Another fish brought to Rosie and the chicks, a wildly flopping whole Jacksmelt, third in 30 minutes. Finished 2053. craigor
21-05-30 20:28 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Headless Jacksmelt delivery as darkness falls. Fish consumed by 2032. craigor
21-05-30 20:04 Richmond Jacksmelt ishwish Whole Jacksmelt to the nest. Rosie feeds the nestlings, chick finishes the tail with Rosie's help 2018. craigor
21-05-30 13:11 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Half a modest sized Jacksmelt brought to the nest. FInished by 1320. craigor
21-05-30 12:00 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Fresh flipping Jacksmelt delivered. Finished by 1221. craigor
21-05-30 11:28 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, Rosie feeds the nestlings, fish finished 1149. craigor
21-05-30 06:50 Richmond Salmonid thora Headless trout delivery, Rosie feeds the chicks. Finished 0710. craigor
21-05-29 13:52 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Crow Slightly mangled PFM to the nest, finished by 1411. craigor
21-05-29 18:14 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Small lively whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest. Finished 1823. craigor
21-05-29 11:54 Richmond Jacksmelt janw Whole live Jacksmelt to the nest. Rosie and the chicks feed, fish finished 1210. craigor
21-05-28 09:16 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman PP Intact PFM to the nest. Flown off by Richmond 0934 with a large clump of nest material attached. craigor
21-05-28 20:25 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole flopping Jacksmelt to the nest, finished by 2043. craigor
21-05-28 17:47 Richmond Other guest Headless Shad, eaten quickly, finished 1822. craigor
21-05-28 10:34 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman chagin Headless PFM brought to the rail, delivered to the nest 1052. Rosie and the chicks feed, fish finished by Rosie on the nest 1152. craigor
21-05-28 10:16 Richmond Surf Perch Crow Whole Black Perch to the nest, Rosie feeds the nestlings, and at least ten embryonic perch emerge from within the mother fish. Rosie munching the last of the fry from the nest 1031. craigor
21-05-28 07:10 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Headless Jacksmelt dropped off, two fish on the nest. Picked up by Rosie as soon as she finishes the previous fish, finished 0734. craigor
21-05-28 06:35 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole trout delivered to the nest. Finished 0715. craigor
21-05-27 20:10 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt left for Rosie and the chicks. finished by 2029. craigor
21-05-27 12:57 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Large whole striper brought to the nest, eaten in one sitting, finished 1410. craigor
21-05-27 09:58 Rosie Man Made Objects lurker Rosie brings a length of black and orange plastic rope. craigor
21-05-27 08:38 Richmond Surf Perch lurker Whole large dark Surf Perch brought to the nest. Taken by Richmond to the boom 0905, back to the nest 0917, finished on the nest 0952. craigor
21-05-26 07:28 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole trout to the nest, tail end taken away by Richmond 0748. to the boom cable, returned to the nest 0755, finished 0758. craigor
21-05-26 08:37 Richmond Jacksmelt janw Whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest. Finished 0856. craigor
21-05-26 20:54 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Half a Jacksmelt to the nest, eaten by Rosie and the nestlings, tailfin abandoned 2103. craigor
21-05-26 20:13 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole Jacksmelt eaten by Rosie and the nestlings, finished 2038. craigor
21-05-26 10:39 Richmond Other calgal Beheaded American Shad, second of the year. Rosie and the chicks feed. Left on the nest 1115, taken away by Richmond 1123 to the boom cable, finished by 1131. craigor
21-05-25 09:36 Richmond Jacksmelt janw Whole flip-flopping Jacksmelt taken by Rosie to feed the chicks, finished 1001. craigor
21-05-25 20:50 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond on the ROV cable with a fish. To the nest 2106, finished by 2019. craigor
21-05-25 20:22 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Wildly flopping fish brought to the boom. To the nest 2035, finished 2044. craigor
21-05-25 19:31 Richmond Bass-Striped DRW Faceless striper to the nest, eaten in one sitting, finished 2008. craigor
21-05-25 16:36 Richmond Jacksmelt Mhall Faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, eten in one sitting, finished 1654. craigor
21-05-25 12:55 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Face-nibbled Jacksmelt delivery, finished on the nest 1326. craigor
21-05-25 07:58 Richmond Salmonid thora Hind end of a trout delivered to the nest. Finished by 0808. craigor
21-05-24 07:09 Rosie Man Made Objects craigor Rosie brings a tangled, unraveling mass of yellow nylon rope. Possibly a repeat item from 5/17. craigor
21-05-24 20:42 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Well-chewed headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed, finished 2054. craigor
21-05-24 15:42 Richmond Bass-Striped Mhall Messy, ripped-open headless striper to the nest. Rosie and nestlings feed. Eaten continuously until 1717, fish left on the nest. Retrieved by Richmond 1725. Skin and tail abandoned 1727, but Richmond takes a nibble 1730. craigor
21-05-24 10:59 Richmond Bass-Striped AnnieBenannie Whole striper to the nest. Taken to the boom cable by Richmond 1137, finished 1140. craigor
21-05-24 06:30 Richmond Salmonid J. Whole trout brought to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Taken to the boom by Richmond 0644, returned to nest 0654 for more feeding, finished 0706. craigor
21-05-23 10:15 Richmond Salmonid DRW Whole trout to the nest. Rosie and the nestlings feed, fish finished 1100. craigor
21-05-23 20:30 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond arrives on the ROV cable with a live Jacksmelt. Brought to the nest 2049, Rosie feeds the nestlings. Fish finished 2100. craigor
21-05-23 19:51 Richmond Salmonid C. Nose-nibbled trout delivered, eaten in one sitting. Finished 2004. craigor
21-05-23 16:47 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Whole striper to the nest. Eaten in one sitting, reduced to crumbs by 1725. craigor
21-05-23 13:55 Richmond Salmonid Crow Hind end of a trout brought to the nest. Finished 1402. craigor
21-05-23 06:57 Richmond Salmonid PP Richmond to the nest with half a trout, Rosie feeds the nestlings, tail finished by a chick on the nest 0703. craigor
21-05-22 18:48 Richmond Jacksmelt janw Lively whole Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie, chicks fed. Esaten in one sitting, finished 1912. craigor
21-05-22 21:08 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond stops by the nest with a mostly-eaten Jacksmelt, flies off with it to the boom 2113, returns 2119. Chicks fed, fish finished by Rosie 2132. craigor
21-05-22 20:18 Richmond Jacksmelt 3Kids! Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 2040. craigor
21-05-22 10:09 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Wiggly whole Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1024. craigor
21-05-22 16:20 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Modest sized whole Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie, chicks fed, fish finished in one sitting 1636. craigor
21-05-21 06:24 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole trout delivered, Rosie and the chicks feed, fish consumed rapidly in one sitting, finished 0647. craigor
21-05-21 19:09 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Richmond brings a big striped bass to the boom cable eleven minutes after flying off. Flown off 1910, brought to the nest 2001, taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings. Removed to the boom by Richmond 2017, eaten slowly on the boom. Returned to the nest 0133 on 5/22, Rosie feeds the nestlings, remnant left on the nest, recovered by Richmond 0541 and flown to the boom cable. Returned to the nest 0546, Rosie and the chicks feed, tail left on the nest 0606, retrieved by Richmond 0645, then left on the nest as Rosie returns 0648. Recovered by Rosie 0650, finished 0655. craigor
21-05-21 18:28 Richmond Other calgal Headless American Shad brought to the nest. Rosie and the chicks feed, fish finished 1839. craigor
21-05-21 17:37 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman C. Whole PFM delivered, Rosie and the chicks feed. Fish finished 1812. craigor
21-05-21 08:56 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Richmond arrives on the boom cable with a whole Striped Bass. Brought to the nest 0940, Rosie and the nestlings feed. Left on the nest, taken to the boom 1018, eaten slowly, flown off 1130. Back to the nest 1201, Rosie and the nestlings feed, remnant left on the nest, retrieved by Rosie 1302, more feeding, fish finished by 1338. craigor
21-05-21 07:18 Richmond Other janw Face-munched flatfish, not halibut or Starry Flounder. Rosie feeds the chicks, fish taken by Richmond and flown off 0748. Remnant returned to nest 0807, Richmond feeds the chicks, Rosie takes the fish and continues the feeding. Fish finished 0812. craigor
21-05-20 06:08 Richmond Salmonid Ycasas Whole trout to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Flown off by Richmond 0618. Returned 0624, finished 0642. craigor
21-05-20 11:46 Richmond Bass-Striped DRW Bloody headless striped bass to the nest. Rosie and the nestlings feed. Eaten in one sitting, finished by 12:25. craigor
21-05-20 16:45 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Large whole striper borught to the nest. Rosie feeds the nestlings. Taken by Richmond to the ROV 1721. Returned to the nest 1748, Rosie and the chicks feed, finished 1829. craigor
21-05-19 06:42 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole trout delivered, Rosie feeds the nestlings. Taken away by Richmond 0654, returned to nest 0713, Richmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished by 0733. craigor
21-05-19 15:42 Richmond Bass-Striped AnnieBenannie Whole striper to the nest, Rosie feeds the nestlings. Flown off by Richmond 1617 to the ROV, flown off 1622, returned to the nest 1626. Rosie and chicks feed, fish finished 1650. craigor
21-05-19 11:09 Richmond Jacksmelt lurkerbev Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, chicks fed. Remnant taken by Richmond to the boom 1133, finished 1147. craigor
21-05-19 09:41 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole Jacksmelt, taken by Rosie, chicks fed, fish finished 0953. craigor
21-05-18 14:31 Richmond Halibut lurker Whole broad dark flatfish to the nest. Double-indented tail suggests Halibut. Rosie feeds the nestlings. Fish taken by Richmond 1453 to the boom. Returned to nest 1503, Rosie feeds the chicks. Left on the nest, retrieved by Rosie for more feeding 1533. Fish finished by 1543. craigor
21-05-18 06:38 Richmond Salmonid J. Whole trout delivered to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish removed by Richmond 0654 to the boom cable. Returned to the nest 0706, Richmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks. FIsh left on the nest, recovered by Rosie 0730, finished 0731. craigor
21-05-18 09:17 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Wildly flopping whole Jacksmelt to the nest. Taken by Rosie, chicks fed. Left on the nest 0942, taken away by Richmond 0951to the boom, returned to the nest 0957 for more feeding. Finished by Rosie on the nest 1007. craigor
21-05-18 19:13 Richmond Bass-Striped 3Kids! Very large and bloody headless striped bass delivered to the nest. Taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Taken by Richmond 1938 to the boom, returned to the nest 2014 for more family feeding. Left on the nest, retieved by Richmond 2030, Richmond feeds Rosie. Fish left 2048 on the nest, stays on the nest overnight. Retrieved by Rosie 0536 on 5/19. Chicks fed, fish finished 0541. craigor
21-05-17 16:54 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Large and violently thrashing Jacksmelt brought to the nest, then lifted off, then back on, subdued by Rosie, lifted off the nest again, and brought back 1655 and Rosie gets to work feeding the nestlings. Rear half snatched by Richmond 1743 and flown to the boom cable. Returned to the nest 1752, taken by Rosie 1754, chicks fed. Fish finished by Rosie on the nest 1805. craigor
21-05-17 11:51 Rosie Man Made Objects lurker Yellow rope and netting brought to the nest. Flown off by Richmond 1348. Possibly brought back to the nest 5/24. craigor
21-05-17 10:56 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Whole trout delivery taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Eaten quickly, tail taken by Richmond 1124, Richmond feeds Rosie and the chicks, then flies off with the tail 1125 to the boom cable, finished by 1127. craigor
21-05-17 06:33 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole trout eagerly taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Taken away by RIchmond 0647 to the boom cable. Flown off 0653, returned to the nest 0722. Richmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks and finishes the fish 0734. craigor
21-05-17 20:12 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond soars over the boom with a Jacksmelt caught in the channel in view of the cam, less than three minutes after leaving the rail. Fish taken to the ROV, brought to the nest 2033, Rosie feeds the chicks. Tail left on the nest, retrieved by Rosie 0039 on 5/18. Chicks fed, fish finished by 0055. craigor
21-05-16 06:40 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole trout delivered, Rosie feeds the chicks, taken away by Richmond 0651, brought to the rail 0702, then back to the nest 0730, Rosie feeds the chicks. Taken by Richkond to the boom 0741, then back to the nest 0746. Richmond feeds Rosie 0803 and Rosie feeds the nestlings. Tail flown off by Richmond to the boom 0822, finished 0828. craigor
21-05-16 10:45 Richmond Man Made Objects Judi Flat white plastic bag wrapped in sea grass brought to the nest. craigor
21-05-16 13:09 Richmond Salmonid C. Whole trout delivery, Rosie and the chicks feed. Fish taken to the boom by Richmond 1334, returned 1338, Richmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish left on the nest, retrieved by Rosie 1544, Rosie feeds the nestlings. Fish finished by 1553. craigor
21-05-16 17:23 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Lively whole Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed, fish finished by 1748. craigor
21-05-15 12:11 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Bloody headless striper delivered to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Taken away by Richmond 1238, back to the nest 1322. Taken by Rosie 1324 to feed the nestlings. Tail portion left on the nest, buried under nest material, then recovered by Rosie 1455 to feed the chicks. ... Taken by Richmond 1541, returned 1606, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Tail left on nest, taken by Richmond 1734 to the boom cable, finished 1745. craigor
21-05-15 07:00 Richmond Salmonid pamela Whole trout brought to the nest, then taken away untouched 0701, back to nest beheaded 0749, Rosie and the nestlings feed. Taken by Richmond 0803 to the ROV. Flown off 0805, to the boom 0809, and away 0824. To the rail 0830 and the nest 0838, Rosie feeds the chicks, skin and tail abandoned 0851. craigor
21-05-14 20:37 Richmond Salmonid Judi Late delivery of another whole trout, taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings. Fish removed by Richmond 2050 to the boom cable. Flown off 2055, tail end returned to the nest 2119, Richmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks. Skin and tail recovered by Rosie 0610 on 5/15. Chicks fed, fish finished 0613. craigor
21-05-14 16:39 Richmond Salmonid chagin Whole trout brought to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Taken away by Richmond 1707 to the boom cable. Finished on the cable 1716. craigor
21-05-14 11:05 Richmond Jacksmelt midi Lively whole jacksmelt brought to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Taken away by Richmond 1121, returned to the nest for more feeding 1157. Richmond tries his hand at feeding the chicks, then Rosie takes over. Fish left on the nest, retrieved by Richmond 1216, Richmond feeds Rosie and the chicks, takes the fish 1224 to the ROV, then back to the nest 1229. Richmond feeds Rosie then all feed. Fish finished by Rosie on the nest 1254. craigor
21-05-14 06:44 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole trout to the nest, taken by Rosie, chicks fed. Taken away by Richmond 0656, brought to the boom cable 0701, flown off 0712 to the ROV. Returned to the nest 0746, Richmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish left on the nest, taken away by Richmond 0829, returned for more feeding 0833. Remnant left on nest, Richmond arrives and feeds Rosie 0911, skin and tail abandoned 0927. craigor
21-05-13 06:33 Richmond Salmonid karen Whole trout brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Taken away by Richmond to the boom 0642, back to the nest 0710, Richmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks. Removed again by Richmond 0720, returned 0727 for more feeding. Tail end left on the nest, retrieved by Richmond 0823, Richmond feeds Rosie and the chicks, fish finished by Richmond on the nest 0827. craigor
21-05-13 15:56 Richmond Salmonid thora Whole trout to the nest. Rosie and the chicks feed, fish taken away by Richmond 1620 to the ROV. Returned to the nest 1722, Rosie and chicks feed, tail and skin abandoned on the nest 1751, retrieved and taken away by Richmond 1811, returned 1812, taken away again 1813, tiny scrap returned 1823 then flown off again to the boom. FInished 1825. craigor
21-05-13 11:05 Richmond Salmonid C. Wole trout to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Richmond removes the fish 1121 to the boom cable, back to the nest 1128, no takers, so off again 1145. Back to the nest 1156 for more feeding, fish finished on the nest by Rosie 1158. craigor
21-05-12 07:48 Richmond Salmonid ES Whole trout brought to the nest, Rosie and chicks feed. Taken away 0801 to the boom cable, then returned to the nest 0805, Richmond feeds Rosie. Fish left on the nest, picked up by Rosie 0849, finished 0853. craigor
21-05-12 17:25 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Whole striper brought to Rosie on the nest, family fed. FIsh left on the nest, taken by Richmond to the boom cable 1745, returned to the nest 1808. RIchmond feeds Rosie, Rosie and Richmond feed the chicks. More feeding 1855, Taken by Richmond 1937 to the boom, back to the nest 1947. Left on the nest, Rosie up 2304 to feed the chicks, fish finished by Rosie on the nest 2314. craigor
21-05-12 14:55 Richmond Jacksmelt 3Kids! Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie takes the fish to feed the chicks. Taken away by Richmond to the boom cable 1509, returned to the nest 1538, Richmond feeds chicks, Rosie takes the fish and feeds the chicks. FInished on the nest by Rosie 1557. craigor
21-05-11 18:42 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Crow Richmond delivers the season's first Plainfin Midshipman. Rosie feeds the nestlings. Fish flown off by Richmond 1902 to the boom cable, returned to the nest 1921, then removed again to the boom 1927. Back to the nest 1947, RIchmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks. Taken to the rail by Richmond 1950, then back on the nest 1951, RIchmond feeds Rosie.Back to the boom cable 1954, then back to the nest 2020, RIchmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished by Rosie on the nest 2027. craigor
21-05-11 17:33 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Lively whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Finished on the nest 1751. craigor
21-05-11 13:31 Richmond Salmonid Crow Whole trout brought to the nest, Rosie and chicks feed. Taken by Richmond 1358 to the boom, returned to the nest 1405, Richmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks. Remnant snatched from the nest by Richmond 1454, taken to the boom, finished 1457. craigor
21-05-11 07:08 Richmond Man Made Objects PP Richmond brings a long strand of vegetation enclosing a piece of rope. craigor
21-05-10 08:51 Richmond Other DianneA Dark flatfish, not Halibut or Starry Flounder. Taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings. Flown off by Richmond 0914 to the boom cable, returned to the nest 0928 for more feeding. Remainder left on th enest, flown off by Richmond 0958. Back to the nest 1004, Richmond feeds Rosie. Taken away again to the boom 1005. Back to the nest 1014, more feeding, fish left on the nest. Recoverend by Richmond and taken to the boom 1109. Finished 1116. craigor
21-05-10 14:05 Richmond Jacksmelt Mhall Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed, fish taken away by Richmond 1426. Returned to nest 1522 for more family feeding. Fish left on the nest, chicks fed again 1613 and 1747, fish finished on the nest 1808. craigor
21-05-10 18:25 Richmond Bass-Striped pamela Whole striped bass brought to the nest, no takers, Richmond flies off with the fish. Returned faceless to the nest 1902, Rosie feeds the chicks. Flown off by Richmond 1913, returned to the nest 2011, Rosie and chicks feed. Fish left on the nest overnight. Rosie up at 0200 on 5/11, feeds the nestlings. Fish taken away by Richmond 0538 to the boom cable, flown off 0549. Returned to the nest 0609, then flown off again 0610, returned 0637. Richmond feeds ROsie, Rosie feeds the chicks. Remnant buried in nest debris 0651, Retrieved by Rosie 0802, chicks fed. Removed by Richmond 0847 to the boom, back to the nest 0852, Richmond feeds Rosie. Rosie feeds the chicks 0900, finishes the fish on the nest 0910. craigor
21-05-09 05:59 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole flopping Jacksmelt on the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Fish taken to the boom by Richmond 0610. Returned to the nest 0628. Richmond feeds Rosie 0644, fish left on the nest. Rosie feeds the chicks 0704, fish taken by Richmond and flown off 0744, returned 0748, Richmond feeds Rosie. Rosie takes the fish 0750 and feeds the nestlings, finishes the fish 0801. craigor
21-05-09 09:35 Richmond Bass-Striped PP Headless striper delivered to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. More feeding 0949, fish taken away by Richmond 1005 to the boom cable, flown off 1030. Returned to the nest 1055, RIchmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish left on the nest, Rosie feeds the nestlings again 1154. Richmond takes the fish to the boom cable 1205. FLown off 1221, returned to the nest 1226, Richmond feeds Rosie, eats a little himself, then leaves with the fish 1248. Back to the nest 1301, Rosie feeds the chicks, more feeding at 1406, remnant taken away by Richmond 1434 to the boom cable, returned to the nest 1440. All feed, fish finished by 1449. craigor
21-05-09 16:54 Richmond Bass-Striped PP Whole striper to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Removed by Richmond 1725 to the boom cable. Returned to the nest 1744, Richmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks. Remnant retrieved by Richmond 1830, flown to the boom 1834, then back to the nest 1835 for more family feeding. Tail end taken to the boom by Richmond 1919, then back to the nest 1925. Finished by Rosie on the nest 1950. craigor
21-05-09 20:21 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole flip flopping Jacksmelt on the boom cable, flown off 2022 for processing. Brought headless to the nest 2025, family feeding commences. Flown off by Richmond 2034 to the ROV, returned to the nest 2059,left on the nest overnight. Chicks fed at 1230AM on 5/10, again at 0238. Remnant taken away by Richmond 0545 to the boom, then back to the nest 0549. Rosie feeds the nestlings, fish finished by Rosie on the nest 0559. craigor
21-05-08 15:49 Richmond Bass-Striped lurker Headless striper delivered to the nest. Rosie and the chicks feed, fish left on the nest, taken away by Richmond 1627 to the ROV, returned to nest 1702 for more feeding. FIshe retrieved 1826 and Rosie feeds the nestlings again. Tail end recovered by Richmond 1912 and flown to the boom cable. Returned to the nest 1916, Richmond feeds Rosie, Rosie takes the fish to feed the chicks, fish finished 1920. craigor
21-05-08 07:49 Richmond Bass-Striped janw Whole Striped Bass to the nest, then taken away to the ROV without sharing. Returned to nest 0805 Rosie and chicks feed, then taken by Richmond 0816 to the boom cable. Back to the nest 0848, more feeding, fish left on the nest, retrieved by Rosie for more feeding 1002. Tail left 1015, retrieved by Rosie 1037, more feeding. Fish finished 1051. craigor
21-05-07 17:57 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Headless striper delivered to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed, fish left on the nest 1812. Taken away by Richmond 1822 to the ROV. Returned to the nest 1902, feeding resumes. Left on the nest 1913, Rosie up for more feeding 1956. Richmond arrives from the boom 2013 and snatches the fish off the nest, returns it to the nest 2022. Richmond feeds Rosie, Rose feeds the chicks. Fish left on the nest overnight, retrieved to feed the nestlings 0545 on 5/8. Finished 0554. craigor
21-05-07 06:32 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole trout to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Richmond removes the fish 0643 to the ROV. Returned to nest 0728 for more feeding. Finished on the nest 0857. craigor
21-05-07 13:35 Richmond Salmonid Crow Faceless trout to the nest, feeding ensues, fish taken away by Richmond 1344, returned to the nest 1419 for more feeding. Fish end retrieved by RIchmond on the nest and flown off 1443 to the ROV. Tail scrap returned to nest 1512, Richmond feeds Rosie, ROsie feeds the chicks. Tailfin left on the nest 1526, Rosie picks at it intermittently, flown off by Richmond 1548 to the ROV, finished 1551. craigor
21-05-06 20:20 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole flopping Jacksmelt to the boom cable. Brought to nest 2024.Taken and flown off by Richmond 2033. RIchmond returns fishless to the rail 2055. craigor
21-05-06 17:39 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Whole striper to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Richmond takes the fish away 1755, returns it to the nest 1811. Rosie takes the fish to feed the chicks 1823. Fish finished 1831.. craigor
21-05-06 13:58 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Flown off by Richmond 1408 to the ROV. Returned to the nest 1430, RIchmond feeds Rosie 1435. Rosie takes the fish to feed the chicks 1436. Remnant taken away by Richmond 1446 to the boom, returned to the nest 1504. Rosie finishes the fish on the nest 1513. craigor
21-05-06 06:39 Richmond Salmonid pamela Faceless Salmonid to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed, fish taken away by Richmond 0652. Returned to the nest 0757 for more feeding. Richmond retrieves the remnant from underneath Rosie 0823, flies it off to the ROV. Tail end returned to the nest 0854, Rosie and chicks feed, fish finished 0907. craigor
21-05-05 19:00 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Whole flopping Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Fish left on the nest, removed by Richmond 1926 to the ROV. Returned to the nest and taken by Rosie 1947, chicks fed, remnant left on the nest 1951. Taken away by Richmond 2006 to the boom, flown off 2017. Richmond returns with a tiny scrap 2048, taken by Rosie, chicks fed, fish finished 2055. craigor
21-05-05 17:08 Richmond Bass-Striped C. Faceless striper brought for Rosie and the chicks. Hind end flown off 1739 to the rail by Richmond. Returned to the nest 1747, Richmond feeds Rosie then Rosie takes the fish to feed the chicks, likely finished by 1755. craigor
21-05-05 11:38 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole Jacksmelt delivered to the nest. Feeding ensues. Fish removed by Richmond 1145, returned to the nest 1203 for more feeding. Richmond retrieves the tail 1234 with Rosie brooding, shares the last bites of the tail with Rosie. Finished 1236. craigor
21-05-05 08:05 Richmond Bass-Striped 3Kids! Headless striper to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Richmond takes the fish away 0813 to the boom. Returned to the nest 0846 for more feeding. Fish left on the nest, more feeding 0920, and again 0937. Fish finished 0937. craigor
21-05-04 20:25 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Rosie up for a snack again 2141 and feeds the chicks. Up for more feeding at 0055 on 5/5, tail left on the nest until 0324, Rosie up for more feeding, likely finished around 0330. craigor
21-05-04 15:26 Richmond Bass-Striped C. Faceless striper brought to the nest. Rosie and the chicks feed. Taken away by Richmnd 1537 to the ROV. Returned to the nest 1610, Rosie and the chicks feed, fish left on the nest 1620. More feeding at 1625 to 1633. Richmond retrieves the tail 1703 and gives it to Rosie 1704. Rosie finishes the tail on the nest 1707. craigor
21-05-04 08:09 Richmond Other GailMac Richmond brings a whole Brown Rockfish, second one seen at this nest. Rosie feeds the chicks. Richmond takes the fish away to the boom cable 0830. Returned to the nest for more feeding 0918. Fish left on the nest 0928 as Rosie broods the chicks. Richmond takes over on the chicks 0948 while Rosie takes a break, Rosie retrieves the fish 0951 and begins eating. Richmond up, Rosie feeds the chicks 0952, then leaves the fish and settles back down 0953. Remnant retrieved by Richmond 1006 and flown to the boom. Final scrap of skin and spines finished 1044. craigor
21-05-03 20:17 Richmond Jacksmelt ES Richmond spotted on the ROV with yet another whole fresh fish. Brought to the nest 2025, but Rosie is still nursing the hind end of the previous fish, so he takes it away 2027. Richmond returns to the rail, fishless and feaking, 2037. craigor
21-05-03 20:00 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Richmond catches a fish in the channel in view of the cam less than four minutes after leaving the rail, brings it back to the boom cable 2001, evading a pair of harassing gulls. Off and back onto the cable 2002, partially defaced fish brought to the nest 2004, Rosie and the chicks feed. Rosie settles onto the chicks with the back half of the fish next to her. Rosie, awake and hungry at 2242, begins nibbling on the fish next to her, then gets up and feeds the chicks. Rosie and the chicks eat a substantial meal and Rosie sets the tail aside 2252 to return to brooding. Up again at 0017 on 5/4, she retrieves the tail and feeds the chicks. Back down on the chicks 0025 with some tail remaining. Up again for more feeding 0215, fish finished 0222. craigor
21-05-03 18:04 Richmond Jacksmelt DRW RIchmond brings a whole very lively Jacksmelt to the nest, then takes it away, still flopping, to the ROV cable 1805 for further processing. Returned to the nest 1815, Rosie feeds the two chicks. Fish flown off by Richmond 1828 to the boom cable, finished 1839. craigor
21-05-03 10:24 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole small Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Remnant removed by Richmond 1037 to the boom cable, finished 1040. craigor
21-05-03 08:32 Richmond Surf Perch chagin Faceless perch brought to the nest, Rosie feeds self and the two chicks. Remnant taken to the boom by Richmond 0843, finished 0849. craigor
21-05-02 20:07 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond on the ROV with a whole flopping Jacksmelt. Brought to the nest 2024, Rosie feeds herself and the chick. Richmond takes the fish back 2028, flies it to the boom cable 2029, finished 2033. craigor
21-05-02 10:33 Richmond Bass-Striped pamela Faceless large striper delivered to the nest. Rosie feeds the baby chick, feeds herself, fish left on the nest. Retrieved and flown off by Richmond 1116 to the boom cable. Returned to the nest for more feeding of Rosie and the chick 1246. Rosie naps on top of the fish, then pulls it out to be taken away by Richmond to the ROV 1339. Eaten slowly, returned to the boom cable 1448, brought to the nest 1456, Rosie and the chick feed, then Rosie settles on top of the fish. Rosie up 1556, resumes eating. Fish finished on the nest 1605. craigor
21-05-01 20:37 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Richmond brings half a Jacksmelt to the nest, where Rosie is about to hatch a chick. Sensing that she doesn't feel like eating, Richmond takes the fish to the boom cable, eating it slowly on the cable overnight. craigor
21-05-01 14:10 Richmond Salmonid Crow Half a trout delivered to Rosie on the nest, taken to a distant ROV cable, moved to a different location under corvid harassment 1429, remnant returned to nest 1439, declined by Richmond and flown off again to the ROV. Back to the nest 1446, Rosie continues eating on the nest while Richmond incubates. Small remnant lifted off again 1449 to the boom cable. Fish finished 1452. craigor
21-05-01 07:40 Richmond Salmonid pamela Headless trout delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV, then flown off under corvid harassment 0744. Rosie returns to nest fishless 0802. craigor
21-04-30 19:59 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond comes to the ROV with a whole flopping Jacksmelt. Brought to Rosie on the nest 2016, flown off. Rosie returns fishless 2022. craigor
21-04-30 11:52 Richmond Surf Perch lurker Richmond brings a faceless perch to the nest, taken by Rosie 1153 to the ROV. Richmond having left the nest unattended, Rosie returns with the fish 1155, then off and on and off again 1156, as Richmond returns. Eaten slowly on the ROV, then back to the nest, off and on again 1234. Taken by Richmond and flown off 1237. Richmond returns fishless 1250. craigor
21-04-29 09:19 Richmond Bass-Striped lurker Richmond arrives on the boom cable with a nose-nibbled Striped Bass, brought to the nest 0938, taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Lifted off 0957 and brought to the nest, but Richmond says no thanks, so Rosie takes the fish 0958 to the ROV. Fish finished 1004. craigor
21-04-28 20:34 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Well-chewed Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV, Rosie returns fishless 2043 craigor
21-04-27 12:12 Richmond Bass-Striped lurker Richmond brings a headless striper to the nest, taken by Rosie and flown off. Remnant returned to the nest 1241 and Rosie continues eating on the nest then flies off again holding the tail 1242, and back. Off again 1244 to the ROV, finished 1255. craigor
21-04-27 06:20 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Richmond on the boom cable with a flopping Jacksmelt. Brought to the nest 0624, taken away by Rosie to the ROV, finished 0643. craigor
21-04-26 16:35 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Half a Jacksmelt delivered to Rosie on the nest, taken away with a clump of nest material attached to eat on the ROV. Finished 1643.
21-04-25 20:38 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond flies in to the nest with a headless jacksmelt, flown off by Rosie. Rosie returns fishless 2047. craigor
21-04-25 11:49 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV. Finished 1159. craigor
21-04-25 18:08 Richmond Salmonid DianneA Whole fish brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV, finished by 1828. craigor
21-04-23 14:53 Richmond Salmonid PP Faceless Salmonid delivered to the nest, flown off by Rosie. Rosie visible on ROV cable from 1505, fish returned to the nest briefly 1553 then off, then on again, then off, then on again, then finally off 1554 to various ROV locations. Rosie returns to the nest 1612, still holding the fish remnant. Off the nest and back on 1613, then off 1614 and on and off and on again 1615. Richmond dislodged from nest, takes the fish remnant away 1616 to the ROV. Eaten slowly, finished by 1633. craigor
21-04-22 14:15 Richmond Other lurker Headless Black Crappie brought to the nest, first one seen here, taken by Rosie to the ROV, finished 1450. craigor
21-04-22 17:36 Richmond Salmonid C. Richmond brings a face-nibbled Salmonid to the boom cable, Eaten slowly with long pauses between bites, brought to the nest 1911, taken by Rosie to the ROV. Remnant returned to nest 1933, but Richmond not interested, so Rosie flies it back to the ROV for more noshing. Finished 1942. craigor
21-04-22 10:21 Richmond Salmonid lurker Headless trout delivered to the nest. Taken away by Rosie to the ROV. Rosie flies off 1034, possibly still holding a small remnant, returns to the nest fishless 1041. craigor
21-04-21 19:56 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Richmond with a large fish on the ROV cable, brought to the nest 2037, flown off by Rosie. Rosie returns fishless 2108. craigor
21-04-20 10:51 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Richmond brings a headless Jacksmelt to the nest, flown off by Rosie. Rosie returns fishless 1109. craigor
21-04-20 15:42 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Headless Jacksmelt dropped at the nest for Rosie who flies off with it to the ROV. Fish finished by 1556. craigor
21-04-20 19:47 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond seen with a whole flopping Jacksmet on the ROV cable. Brought to the nest 2011, taken by Rosie to the ROV. Fish finished 2024. craigor
21-04-18 10:40 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Richmond brings a long whole fish to the boom. Brought to Rosie on the nest 1059, taken to the far ROV cable, finished by 1110.. craigor
21-04-18 19:59 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond on the ROV cable defacing a fish. Remnant brought to the nest 2024, taken by Rosie back to the ROV. craigor
21-04-17 14:02 Richmond Salmonid C. Faceless Salmonid dropped at the nest, taken by Rosie and flown to the ROV cable. Tail lifted off 1443, returned to the nest, and finished on the nest in one bite. craigor
21-04-17 20:10 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond on the ROV cable with a fish, brought to the nest 2017, flown off by Rosie, eaten on the ROV cable, finished 2020. craigor
21-04-16 19:57 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond arrives on the ROV cable with a very large Jacksmelt. Delivered to the nest 2007. Lifted by Rosie from the nest and dropped. Lost fish! craigor
21-04-15 08:43 Richmond Bass-Striped lurker Headless striper brought to the nest, flown off by Rosie. Rosie spotted on the boom fishless 0910. craigor
21-04-15 20:13 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond on the ROV cable defacing a fish. Remnant brought to the nest 2032, Rosie not interested, so Richmond takes the fish away again 2033 to the boom cable, finished by 2041. craigor
21-04-15 17:25 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Richmond visible on the distant ROV cable defacing a fish. Brought to the nest 1814 and taken by Rosie. Rosie leaves the cable 1842 under corvid harassment, fish taken to a more distant ROV cable. Remnant returned to the nest 1849, not taken by Richmond so Rosie leaves again 1851 for the ROV. Back to the nest again 1855, Rosie continues eating on the nest, then leaves with the fish 1858 for the farthest ROV cable, finishes the fish 1904. craigor
21-04-14 19:31 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond soars over the boom with a fish and another bird in pursuit. Arrives on the boom cable with headless fish 1947. Brought to the nest 1948, taken by Rosie to the ROV, finished 1957. craigor
21-04-14 07:29 Richmond Man Made Objects pamela Richmond brings a tattered piece of yellowed plastic dropcloth. craigor
21-04-14 17:22 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond brings a modest-sized headless Jacksmelt to the nest. Taken by Rosie to the ROV, finished 1726. craigor
21-04-13 17:47 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond found on the ROV cable with a sizeable fish, brought to the nest 1802 and taken away by Rosie. Rosie on the boom cable fishless 1822. craigor
21-04-13 20:21 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Half a Jacksmelt broguht to the nest, taken away by Rosie. Rosie returns fishless 2027. craigor
21-04-12 17:40 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Half of a small Jacksmelt brought to Rosie on the nest, taken to the ROV, finished 1746. craigor
21-04-12 20:17 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Half a Jacksmelt brought to the nest, flown off 2018 by Rosie to the ROV, finished 2028. craigor
21-04-11 17:55 Rosie Bass-Striped DRW Rosie on the ROV defacing a large striped bass. Brought to the nest 1758. Taken by Richmond back to the ROV, then brought to the rail 1820. Held on the rail, flown off 1857 then brought to the nest 1916 and taken by Rosie to the ROV. Fish finished 1942. craigor
21-04-11 15:46 Richmond Man Made Objects DRW Curved piece of orange plastic resembling a toy train track. craigor
21-04-10 19:00 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond arrives on the boom cable with a whole Jacksmelt, flown off 1901 to the ROV. Brought to the nest 1912, taken by Rosie 1913 back to the ROV, finished 1920. craigor
21-04-10 20:21 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond spotted on the ROV cable defacing a fish. Brought to the nest 2034, taken by Rosie to the ROV, finished by 2046 craigor
21-04-09 16:24 Richmond Jacksmelt Mhall Cam finds Richmond on the far ROV cable beheading a Jacksmelt. Hind end delivered to the nest 1630, taken by Rosie to the ROV, finished 1634. craigor
21-04-09 20:12 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Headless Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie and flown off. craigor
21-04-09 18:16 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Face-nibbled Jacksmelt delivered to Rosie on the nest, taken to the ROV, finished 1837. craigor
21-04-09 17:34 Richmond Man Made Objects Robin Splintered lumber brought to the nest, second piece of the day. craigor
21-04-09 10:10 Richmond Man Made Objects craigor Richmond brings a splintered piece of siding or thin plywood to the nest. craigor
21-04-08 18:23 Richmond Jacksmelt AnnieBenannie Richmond with a whole flopping fish at the far end of the ROV. Flown off 1824. Brought to the nest 1837. Taken by Rosie back to the ROV, finished 1853. craigor
21-04-07 20:02 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, flown off by Rosie. Rosie returns fishless 2013. craigor
21-04-07 18:09 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond on the far ROV cable with a long swinging Jacksmelt. Beheaded and brought to the nest 1819, taken by Rosie back to the ROV. Flown off under corvid harassment 1839 to an even more remote ROV cable. Finished 1846. craigor
21-04-07 09:44 Richmond Jacksmelt karen Richmond arrives on the boom cable with a whole Jacksmelt. Remnant brought to the nest 0952, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished by 0956. craigor
21-04-06 18:35 Richmond Jacksmelt DRW Headless Jacksmelt breought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV, on and off one cable then on to another farther away, then returns to the first ROV cable under corvid harassment. Fish finished by 1855. craigor
21-04-05 17:06 Rosie Bass-Striped C. Rosie brings a headless striper to the nest, taken by Richmond to the ROV cable, finished 1803. craigor
21-04-05 10:28 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond seen on the boom cable with a fish, beheaded and brought to the nest 1038, taken by Rosie to the ROV, finished 1050. craigor
21-04-04 19:36 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA RIchmond sails over the boom holding a fish, lands on the ROV cable where the camera finds him 1937, fish remnant brought to the nest 1952, taken away by Rosie. Rosie returns to the nest fishless 1957. craigor
21-04-04 18:04 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Headless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV, finished 1812. craigor
21-04-04 11:53 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch then flown off 1154. craigor
21-04-03 10:42 Richmond Other PP Skin and bones of a long fish carcass delivered to the nest. craigor
21-04-03 18:41 Richmond Jacksmelt AnnieBenannie Richmond spotted on the Dutra cable with a lively fish, rear half brought to the nest 1859. Taken by Rosie to the ROV cable, finished 1916. craigor
21-04-02 18:50 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Cam finds Richmond on the Dutra crane with a Jacksmelt. Tail end delivered to the nest 1856 and taken by Rosie to the ROV. Finished 1906. craigor
21-04-02 17:42 Richmond Man Made Objects Judi Richmond brings some nesting material with an embedded piece of red plastic. Appears to be an implement with a pointed end and a ball end. craigor
21-04-01 18:34 Richmond Man Made Objects lurker Pink plastic grocery bag brought to the nest. Blown from the nest 0747 on 4/3. craigor
21-04-01 11:13 Richmond Surf Perch PP Face-nibbled perch brought to the boom cable, then to the nest 1114. Taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Remnant briefly returned to the nest 1159, then flown off by Rosie to the ROV. Fish finished 1214. craigor
21-04-01 12:26 Rosie Man Made Objects lurker Braided yellow nylon rope brought to the nest. craigor
21-03-31 15:11 Richmond Jacksmelt radchick Richmond on the boom cable with a Jacksmelt. Eaten solo, finished 1527. craigor
21-03-31 07:19 Rosie Man Made Objects Robin Pale brown plastic bag, quickly tucked in to the nest. Buried and uncovered several times, blown from the nest on 4/11 at 1945. craigor
21-03-31 08:53 Richmond Bass-Striped AnnieBenannie Headless striper delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV. Finished by 0913. craigor
21-03-31 19:17 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Richmond comes to the boom cable with a whole flopping Jacksmelt. Brought to the nest 1932, taken by Rosie to the ROV cable 1933. Finished 1938. craigor
21-03-30 11:25 Richmond Bass-Striped lurker Headless striper brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Finished 1206. craigor
21-03-30 16:11 Richmond Man Made Objects lurker Richmond brings a clump of nesting material containing a tangle of thin white ribbon. craigor
21-03-29 18:06 Richmond Jacksmelt g4901 Headless jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV, finished 1824. craigor
21-03-29 20:09 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Half a Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie and flown off. Rosie returns to the nest fishless 2023. craigor
21-03-29 10:05 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond on the boom cable defacing a large Jacksmelt. Delivered to the nest 1015, taken away by Rosie to the strut perch. Finished by 1019. craigor
21-03-28 19:26 Richmond Jacksmelt Mhall Richmond on the ROV beheading a Jacksmelt, brought to the nest 1933, taken by Rosie to the ROV. FInished by 1942. craigor
21-03-28 09:39 Richmond Jacksmelt Tama Whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest, then removed for processing. Returned to nest headless 0956, taken away by Rosie. Rosie returns fishless to the boom cable 1006. craigor
21-03-28 16:35 Richmond Jacksmelt ES Fish seen being beheaded on Dutra cable, fish brought to nest 1647, taken by Rosie, eaten on the strut perch, finished by 1655. craigor
21-03-27 18:15 Richmond Jacksmelt Mhall Richmond spotted on the Dutra crane beheading a Jacksmelt. Brought to the nest 1835, taken by Rosie to the ROV, finished 1847. craigor
21-03-27 10:02 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Richmond on the Dutra cable defacing a Striped Bass. Brought to the nest 1021, taken by Rosie to the ROV, finished 1041. craigor
21-03-26 14:42 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Richmond brings a whole Jacksmelt to the boom cable, defaced and brought to the nest 1453. Taken by Rosie to the ROV cable, finished 1508. craigor
21-03-26 08:33 Richmond Other radchick Richmond brings a very large bird carcass, third one of the year. craigor
21-03-26 10:24 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Headless Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV cable, but she arrives fishless at the cable. Lost fish! craigor
21-03-25 16:31 Richmond Bass-Striped MaxK Headless striper dropped off at the nest, flown off by Rosie 1632. Returned to nest 1712 and taken by Richmond to the boom cable. Finished by 1728. craigor
21-03-24 17:45 Richmond Bass-Striped PP Richmond spotted defacing a fish on the Dutra crane. Off the crane 1809, delivered to the nest 1810, taken by Rosie and flown off, brought back to the rail by 1818. Remnant brought to the nest 1841, taken away by Richmond 1842, Richmond returns fishless 1852. craigor
21-03-23 19:57 Richmond Surf Perch pamela Broad faceless fish on and off the nest in the fading light, not shared. Tail section returned to the boom cable 0636 on 3/24, brought to the nest, not shared, taken to the ROV cable 0639, returned to the nest 0706, take by Rosie to the ROV, finished by 0726. craigor
21-03-23 15:52 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Half a Jacksmelt to Rosie on the nest, flown off 1553 to the Dutra crane cable. Off the Dutra cable 1556, brought to the ROV cable, finished 1630. craigor
21-03-22 12:56 Richmond Other Judi Richmond brings another bird carcass, second of the year. craigor
21-03-22 09:35 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken away by Rosie to the ROV, finished 0945. craigor
21-03-21 17:10 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Tail end of a Jacksmelt brought to Rosie on the nest, flown off, scrap returned to nest 1721, then flown off again, then back to nest 1722, then off again. Rosie returns fishless 1727. craigor
21-03-21 09:20 Richmond Starry Flounder GailMac Richmond brings a chewed Starry Flounder to the nest from the Dutra cable, Does not encounter Rosie, takes the fish to the rail 0924 and then leaves with it to the ROV 0925. Back to the boom cable 0937, to the nest 0945, not shared, flown off again 1001 to the ROV, last scrap of skin dropped from the cable 1140. craigor
21-03-21 16:05 Richmond Jacksmelt guest Small end of a Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken away by Rosie. Rosie returns fishless 1623. craigor
21-03-20 09:18 Richmond Starry Flounder janw Faceless fish landed on nest, not shared, flown off to ROV cable 0921, finished 0935. craigor
21-03-20 10:27 Richmond Bass-Striped chaya Richmond spotted beheading a fish on the Dutra Crane by an onsite observer. Brought to nest 1057, flown off by Rosie. Returned to boom cable 1112, then back to nest 1137. Taken by Rchmond and flown back up to the cable 1138. Finished by 1156. craigor
21-03-19 13:26 Richmond Other GailMac Richmond brings a bird carcass to the nest. craigor
21-03-19 15:34 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Headless Jacksmelt brought to Rosie on the nest, taken to the ROV cable. Off the cable 1600, remnant returned to rail, finished 1626. craigor
21-03-19 19:16 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Richmond on the cable with a whole Jacksmelt. Eaten solo, finished 1940. craigor
21-03-19 08:45 Rosie Man Made Objects AnnieBenannie Rosie brings a clump of nesting material entangled with a sheet of clear plastic. craigor
21-03-19 09:48 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond brings a Jacksmelt to the boom cable. To the nest 1010 and taken away by Rosie. craigor
21-03-18 08:31 Richmond Starry Flounder Judi Faceless Starry Flounder delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV cable. Finished by 0910. craigor
21-03-18 11:06 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Richmond to the cable with a Jacksmelt. Brought to the nest 1135. Flown off 1147. craigor
21-03-17 14:49 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Delivered to Rosie on the nest and taken away to the strut perch. Finished 1512.
21-03-17 11:54 Richmond Jacksmelt AnnieBenannie Richmond on the boom cable with a Jacksmelt. Brought to Rosie on the nest 1210 and taken by Rosie back up to the boom. Finished by 1215. craigor
21-03-16 10:10 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Faceless Striped Bass brought to the nest but not offered to Rosie, then taken abruptly to the boom cable 1012. Returned to the nest 1039 and taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Hind end returned to nest 1118 and taken by RIchmond, flown off 1141. Back to the nest 1148, flown off again 1218 to the boom cable. Back to the nest 1233, abandoned on the nest 1242. Almost snatched by a gull 1244. Retrieved and taken up to the boom cable 1416, then flown off 1425. Brought to the rail 1426. Finished 1539. craigor
21-03-15 13:54 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Faceless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, not shared with Rosie, flown off 1357. Remnant returned to nest 1434, flown off again 1435, tail scrap back to nest 1448, abandoned on nest 1458, lifted off to the rail by Rosie 1501, dropped from the rail 1506. craigor
21-03-15 10:44 Richmond Salmonid td Richmond flies in to the nest with a beheaded Salmonid, hands it off to Rosie who flies it off to the ROV cable, then back to the rail 1054. Brought to the nest 1102, then flown off as Rosie defends against an interloper, still holding the fish. Back to the nest 1106, and then off again as sky battles continue. Rosie back to the nest 1116 with the fish, lifted off to the rail 1122, flown off under interloper harassment 1130. craigor
21-03-15 07:51 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole Salmonid on the rail, dropped from the rail 0808 as gulls circle, possible lost fish. Apparently retrieved from below 0809 and flown off. Richmond back on the nest fishless 0837. craigor
21-03-14 16:48 Richmond Salmonid PP RIchmond brings a small whole Salmonid to the rail. Brought to the nest 1700, flown off by Rosie. Rosie returns to the rail fishless 1711. craigor
21-03-14 17:12 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond arrives on the rail with a fresh whole Jacksmelt. Delivered to nest 1740 and flown off by Rosie. Rosie returns to the nest fishless 1748. craigor
21-03-14 12:42 Richmond Salmonid PP Richmond arrives on teh boom cable with a still wiggling trout. Handed off to Rosie on the nest 1254 and flown to the ROV. Returned to the nest 1324 and taken by RIchmond to the lower boom cable, finished 1341. craigor
21-03-13 17:30 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Richmond dangles a fish over the nest, then flies off, pursued by corvids and gulls. Fish brought to the rail 1733, delivered to the nest 1742 and taken to the ROV cable by Rosie. Tail scrap flown back to the lower boom cable 1749. F craigor
21-03-13 07:07 Richmond Salmonid pamela Whole Salmonid brought to the rail. Delivered to Rosie on the nest 0722, taken to ROV. Flown off 0724. tail tail returned to the nest 0744, finished 0751 craigor
21-03-13 11:17 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmnd arrives with a whole Jacksmelt, closely pursued by a gull. Fish brought to nest 1130, not taken by Rosie, flown to the boom cable 1132, back to the nest 1159, taken by Rosie to the boom cable 1202, finished by 1208. craigor
21-03-12 15:18 Richmond Bass-Striped ali Richmond with a large whole fish on the rail, brought to the nest 1608 and flown off by Rosie. Remainder returned to the nest 1641, flown off again 1648. Remnant brought back to the nest, then the boom cable 1654. Tailfin dropped from the cable 1701. craigor
21-03-12 12:07 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond brings a whole Jacksmelt to the rail, brought to Rosie on the nest and taken to the cable 1221, finished 1233. craigor
21-03-12 18:27 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole Jacksmelt to the rail, eaten solo, remnant flown off 1842. craigor
21-03-12 07:02 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Richmond brings a whole modest-sized Jacksmelt to the nest then flies off with it. craigor
21-03-12 07:56 Richmond Jacksmelt AnnieBenannie Richmond brings a fresh Jacksmelt to the rail. Flown off 0806 to the boom cable, then to the nest where Rosie has arrived. Flown by Rosie to the ROV cable 0807. Tail fragment returned to the nest 0827 then back up to the boom 0829. Finished 0833. craigor
21-03-12 10:03 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Wildly flopping Jacksmelt brought to the rail. Eaten solo, flown off 1012, Richmond returns fishless 1046. craigor
21-03-12 16:42 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond brings a whole flopping Jacksmelt to the rail. Eaten solo, flown off 1702. craigor
21-03-11 14:41 Richmond Salmonid lurker RIchmond flies in to the nest with a whole trout, then takes it to the rail. Remnant flown off 1525. Richmond returns to the nest fishless 1550. craigor
21-03-11 09:42 Richmond Salmonid DianneA Richmond comes to the rail with a whole trout. Flown off 1015, brought to the nest 1016, taken by Rosie to the boom cable 1017. Fish finished 1122. craigor
21-03-11 06:59 Richmond Salmonid PP Richmond brings a whole trout to the rail, to the nest 0713, flown off by Rosie. Rosie returns to the nest fishless 0738. craigor
21-03-10 16:52 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Faceless Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV, finished 1757. craigor
21-03-10 13:18 Richmond Salmonid lurker Whole Salmonid brought to the rail. To the nest 1339, no takers, flown off. Remnant returned to the nest 1402, flown off by Rosie 1403 to the strut perch, finished 1418. craigor
21-03-10 11:20 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Brought to nest, taken away by Rosie to the ROV cable. Flown off at 1132 and brought back to the boom undercable. Finished by 1145. craigor
21-03-10 06:57 Richmond Salmonid Judi Richmond brings a whole fish to the rail. Brought to the nest 0709, taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Tail end floated off 0734, returned to the nest and finished 0735. craigor
21-03-09 13:56 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond delivers a headless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV cable. Fish finished 1409. craigor
21-03-09 14:46 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Richmond brings a whole Jacksmelt to the rail. Hwad removed, fish brought to the nest 1513, taken by Rosie to the ROV and finished there. craigor
21-03-09 07:45 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Headless Salmonid delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie and flown off to the ROV cable. Finished 0800. craigor
21-03-08 09:34 Richmond Jacksmelt karen Jacksmelt to the rail, defaced and brought to the nest 0939, taken by Rosie up to the boom cable, then off to a sheave of the ROV. Finished 0953. craigor
21-03-08 10:51 Richmond Salmonid midi Richmond with a Salmonid on the rail. To the nest 1116, taken to the ROV by Rosie, small tail chunk returned to Richmond on the nest 1159, finished 1210. craigor
21-03-08 16:15 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Richmond to the rail with a very lively Jacksmelt. Flopping wildly, it wrests itself from his grasp 1616 and falls away. Lost fish! craigor
21-03-08 16:52 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond on the rail with another small Jacksmelt. Eaten solo, finished by 1705. craigor
21-03-08 17:21 Richmond Jacksmelt AnnieBenannie Richmond flies a whole Jacksmelt to Rosie on the nest, then leaves with it, followed by Rosie. Rosie returns to the boom cable as Richmond circles and dances with the fish high above the area with gulls following the action, before returning to the rail 1722, then takes off again 1723. Back on the rail 1729, fish handed off to Rosie on the nest 1739 and Rosie takes it to the ROV cable. Remnant flown off 1748 to a different ROV spot. Fish finished by 1801. craigor
21-03-08 07:50 Richmond Salmonid Judi Richmond flies a Salmonid to the rail, flies off 0757, returns to the nest fishless 0807. Likely lost fish. craigor
21-03-07 06:24 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Richmond on the rail with a whole Jacksmelt. To the nest 0614, then flown off 0615. Richmond returns fishless 0719. craigor
21-03-07 10:42 Richmond Salmonid DianneA Richmond comes to the rail with a trout, brought to the nest 1055 and taken by Rosie to the ROV cable. Finished by 1122. craigor
21-03-07 13:58 Richmond Surf Perch C. Richmond comes to the rail dangling a Surf Perch. Lifted off the rail 1402. Richmond returns to the boom cable 1415 near Rosie, then appears to slip on the cable and drops the fish. Lost fish! craigor
21-03-07 15:38 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond arrives on the ROV cable with a fresh Jacksmelt. Delivered to Rosie on the nest 1554, taken by Rosie back to the ROV, finished 1614. craigor
21-03-07 17:47 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Large, wildly flopping whole Jacksmelt to the rail. Delivered to Rosie on the nest 1809 and taken away to the ROV. Finished 1831. craigor
21-03-07 08:15 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Bloody faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, flown off 0816 without sharing. craigor
21-03-06 09:01 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond comes to the rail with a whole Jacksmelt. Brought to the nest 0905. Sensing inadequate enthusiasm for his fish from Rosie on the cable, Richmond flies off with the fish. craigor
21-03-06 10:01 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond brings a Jacksmelt to the rail trailing a swirling cloud of gulls. Flies off with the fish 1010. Small remnant returned to the nest 1032. Lifted up to the boom cable 1037, back to the nest 1039. Finished on the nest 1055. craigor
21-03-06 13:07 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Small whole Jacksmelt delivered to Rosie on the nest, lifted off to the ROV cable 1308. Finished 1326. craigor
21-03-06 13:16 Richmond Surf Perch lurker Nestcam shift shows Richmond on the rail with a whole Surf Perch. Second fish in nine minutes. Brought to Rosie on the nest 1415 and flown up to the boom cable. Finished 1526. craigor
21-03-06 17:17 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Richmond spotted arriving with a whole Jacksmelt high on the boom cable out of ATN view. Leaves the cable 1735, mobbed by crows, and returns to a lower spot. Flown off 1745 under continued corvid harassment, craigor
21-03-06 07:37 Richmond Salmonid PP Richmond to the rail with a whole trout. Defaced on the rail, then brought to the nest and taken by Rosie to the strut perch 0744. Rosie flies off with the fish 0747, returns fishless to the nest 0819. craigor
21-03-05 14:32 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Whole Jacksmelt displayed for Rosie on the lower cable, then lifted off and brought to the rail for processing. Brought to Rosie on the nest 1453, taken away to the ROV cable 1454. Rosie leaves 1502 to deal with an intruder, returns to the ROV cable 1504 and finishes the fish by 1505. craigor
21-03-05 08:46 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Richmond brings a whole flopping Jacksmelt that almost flops right off the nest. Retrieved gingerly by Rosie who takes it to the strut perch. Flwon off in pursuit of a visiting Osprey 0856 and brought to the boom cable. Finished by 0915. craigor
21-03-05 09:54 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Richmond to the rail with a whole wiggly Jacksmelt. Defaced and brought to the nest 1008, then flown off. craigor
21-03-05 12:19 Rosie Man Made Objects lurker Rosie brings a splintered board to the nest. craigor
21-03-05 12:25 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Whole Jacksmelt to the rail. To the nest 1244 and taken to the undercable by Rosie. Finished 1312. craigor
21-03-05 13:19 Rosie Man Made Objects C. Rosie delivers a stick to the nest with a clear plastic bag attached. craigor
21-03-05 13:27 Rosie Man Made Objects janw Rosie brings a nail-studded piece of plywood to the nest. Blown off the nest by a gust of wind at 2108. craigor
21-03-04 09:08 Richmond Salmonid PP Richmond to the rail with a whole trout. Flown off 0923, leaving Rosie fishless on the nest. craigor
21-03-04 07:42 Richmond Man Made Objects craigor Richmond brings a large clump of nesting material containing a red plastic drinking straw. craigor
21-03-04 07:10 Richmond Jacksmelt karen RIchmond brings a Jacksmelt to the rail. Handed off to Rosie on the nest 0724 and taken away to the ROV cable. Finished 0758. craigor
21-03-04 17:40 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond to the back rail with a whole flopping Jacksmelt. Shifts to the side rail 1816, fish flown off 1818. craigor
21-03-04 15:25 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Richmond comes to the rail dangling a whole Jacksmelt by the nose. Remnant to the nest 1547, taken by Rosie to the boom 1549, finished 1554. craigor
21-03-04 13:13 Richmond Salmonid DianneA Richmond brings half a trout to the nest, taken by Rosie and flown off. Rosie returns with the tail end 1415, takes it up to the boom 1416, back to the nest 1418, then flies off with it 1419. craigor
21-03-03 17:12 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond brings a fish to the rail for defacing, gives it to Rosie on the nest 1730, who flies off with it. to the ROV cable. Flown off 1736. craigor
21-03-03 12:00 Richmond Salmonid lurker RIchmond arrives on the rail with a whole Salmonid as Rosie comes down from the boom to greet him. Richmond eats, then flies off with the fish 1239. craigor
21-03-03 10:09 Richmond Salmonid karen Richmond flies a fish in to the rail, as Rosie comes to the nest. Fish brought to Rosie on the nest 1018, taken by Rosie to the sheave, then to the strut perch 1019. Brought to the boom cable 1026, finished by 1051. craigor
21-03-03 06:39 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest, then to the rail. Returned to the nest 0648 and taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Fish finished 0704. craigor
21-03-03 18:05 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole flopping Jacksmelt to the rail, defaced and flown off 1823. craigor
21-03-02 07:57 Richmond Jacksmelt DIanneA Richmond brings a whole Jacksmelt to the lower platform, lifted to the West rail 0758. Brought to the nest 0808 and taken by Rosie 0809 to the ROV. Finished 0815. craigor
21-03-02 09:21 Richmond Jacksmelt Tara Whole Jacksmelt brought to the rail, defaced, and brought to the nest 0948. Flown by Rosie to the ROV cable, then 1012 to the boom cable. Fish finished 1048. craigor
21-03-02 13:49 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Small face-nibbled fish brought to the nest, taken to the rail 1350. Flown off 1354, returned to the nest 1359, taken by Rosie. Up to the cable 1400, finished 1409. craigor
21-03-02 15:25 Richmond Salmonid lurker Richmond arrives on the rail with a trout. Eats the head, then flies off with the rest 1555. Returns to the nest fishless 1629. craigor
21-03-02 18:06 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole live Jacksmelt brought to the rail. To the nest 1817, taken by Rosie and flown off 1818 to the farthest ROV cable, finished 1828.. craigor
21-03-01 15:05 Richmond Jacksmelt lurker Richmond brings a whole flopping Jacksmelt to the rail, eats it slowly, remnant to the nest 1538 under crow harassment, then off to the ROV 1541, then back to the rail 1547. Off at 1553, still holding the fish remnant, back at 1554. Tail end to the nest 1612, flown off 1616. craigor
21-03-01 17:05 Richmond Jacksmelt Mhall Richmond to the rail with another good sized Jacksmelt. Eaten solo on the rail, tail end flown off 1752. craigor
21-02-24 11:32 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Hind end of a Jacksmelt to the nest, flown off after less than a minute. craigor
21-02-16 10:33 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Male Osprey, likely Richmond, stops by the nest with a half-eaten fish, then takes off. craigor
20-08-28 12:33 Rosie Salmonid Crow Headless Salmonid delivered to WU on the nest, finished by 1328. craigor
20-08-27 19:38 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Lively whole Jacksmelt dropped off for WU. Eaten solo, finished 2034. craigor
20-08-27 11:16 Rosie Salmonid craigor Rosie on and off the nest with a headless Salmonid. Remnant returned 1145, not taken by WU, flown off again by Rosie 1149. Tiny chunk brought back to the nest 1201, off again 1206. craigor
20-08-27 07:19 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole Salmonid brought to WU on the nest. Flown off 0833. Remnant returned to the nest 0914, flown off 1035. craigor
20-08-26 08:16 Rosie Jacksmelt craigor Rosie on and off the nest with half a Jacksmelt. craigor
20-08-26 06:42 Rosie Jacksmelt J. Face-nibbled Jacksmelt brought to WU on the nest, flown off 0651. craigor
20-08-26 09:46 Rosie Jacksmelt PP Another headless Jacksmelt to the nest, not taken by WU, flown off 0950. Remnant returned to the nest 1039, eaten on the nest with WU watching, then flown off again by Rosie 1043. craigor
20-08-25 12:17 Rosie Salmonid Crow Headless Salmonid delivered to WU. Flown off 1219. craigor
20-08-25 19:55 Richmond Jacksmelt LtL Whole live Jacksmelt dropped off for WU. Remnant flown off 2026. craigor
20-08-25 18:45 Richmond Jacksmelt LtL Richmond brings another whole fish to WU, second in nine minutes, two fish on the nest. Eaten until 1901, then abandoned in favor of the earlier fish. Eating resumes 1908 after the other fish is gone. Fish finished 1925. craigor
20-08-25 18:36 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond brings a lively Jacksmelt, taken by WU. Abandoned 1845 as the next fish arrives, then picked up again 1901, finished 1908. craigor
20-08-25 15:05 Richmond Salmonid Crow Richmond brings half a Salmonid to WU on the nest, flown off to the furthest ROV cable 1507. Harassed by crows, fish finished 1544. craigor
20-08-24 19:07 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Headless Jacksmelt brought to WU on the nest, flown off 1922. craigor
20-08-24 18:18 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Half a Jacksmelt delivered, taken by WU, flown off 1821. craigor
20-08-24 12:17 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Headless fish delivered to WU on the nest. Flown off to the strut 1223, finished 1247. craigor
20-08-24 17:25 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole flopping Jacksmelt taken by WU, slithers through a crack on the SW nest edge, out of reach. Fish reclaimed by WU with some difficulty after several tries 1743, eaten on the nest. Tail end abandoned mid-nest as the next fish arrives 1818. Recovered by a visiting crow 1823, dropped and picked up by a second crow 1826, abandoned 1831. craigor
20-08-23 13:11 Rosie Salmonid Crow Headless Salmonid brought to WU on the nest. Eaten slowly on the nest, tail and skin abandoned mid-nest 1643. craigor
20-08-23 16:55 Richmond Salmonid LtL Headless Salmonid brought by Richmond, taken by WU, finished by 1852. craigor
20-08-22 18:30 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Plump headless Jacksmelt brought to WU on the nest, flown off 1833. craigor
20-08-22 08:36 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole flopping Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by WU. Eaten on the nest, finished 0917. craigor
20-08-22 10:55 Rosie Salmonid KR Faceless Salmonid taken by WU. Eaten slowly and steadily, finished 1506. craigor
20-08-21 17:53 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole flopping Jacksmelt to the nest, slithers away off the edge in fifteen seconds. Lost fish! craigor
20-08-21 18:50 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Headless Jacksmelt taken by WU, finished 1900. craigor
20-08-21 07:09 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Whole but damaged fish taken by WU. Eaten solo on the nest, finished 0740. craigor
20-08-21 09:28 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Headless fish taken by WU, eaten on the nest, finished 0959. craigor
20-08-21 13:07 Rosie Salmonid Crow Headless Salmonid taken by WU, flown off 1316. Returned to the sheave 1455, finished 1558. craigor
20-08-20 16:42 Richmond Salmonid Crow Faceless Salmonid brought to the short cables, flown off 1657. craigor
20-08-20 06:42 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Whole flopping Jacksmelt hovered gently onto the nest for WU. Flown off 0645 to a mooring line at the Sause Bros. dock. Finished by 0723. craigor
20-08-20 13:03 Rosie Salmonid Crow Faceless Salmonid brought to WU on the nest. Flown off 1305, returned 1310. craigor
20-08-19 17:58 Rosie Unknown Crow Small fish chunk to the nest, lifted off to the rail 1759, then back on as WU arrives 1800. Remnant removed 1803. craigor
20-08-19 08:38 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Headless Jacksmelt left for WU, finished by 0856. craigor
20-08-19 10:59 Rosie Salmonid Judi Faceless Salmonid brought to WU on the nest. Lifted off and on 1112, flown off 1115. craigor
20-08-19 17:22 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Faceless Jacksmelt taken by WU, flown off 1732. craigor
20-08-18 09:41 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman calgal Taken by WU, flown off 1002. craigor
20-08-18 20:09 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Lively Jacksmelt left for WU, who first tries to take Richmond's toe instead. Fish eaten solo on the nest, finished 2034. craigor
20-08-17 07:28 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond brings a faceless bloody Jacksmelt, two fish on the nest. Fish taken by WU as Richmond grabs WU's fish from the previous day. Flown off 0740. Remnant returned to the nest 0913. Tail end abandoned at the edge of the nest 0932, recovered by a visiting raven 1030 and flown off. craigor
20-08-16 18:13 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Headless Jacksmelt, two fish on the nest, taken by WU, eaten on the nest, finished 1847. craigor
20-08-16 17:58 Rosie Bass-Striped Crow Faceless bloody striper, taken by WU, abandoned at 1813 when the next fish arrives. WU begins eating again after finishing the second fish, then abandons the fish on the nest 2005. Fish recovered around midnight 8/17 and held overnight for occasional snacking. Tail abandoned at the edge of the nest 0711 on 8/17. Retrieved by Richmond 0729, flown off and brought to the boom cable 0734. Tail end dropped from the boom 0828. craigor
20-08-15 19:54 Rosie Jacksmelt GailMac Faceless small Jacksmelt taken by WU. Remnant abandoned 2020, recovered 0336 on 8/16, abandoned 0505, retrieved 0628, finished 0636. craigor
20-08-15 18:16 Richmond Jacksmelt ishwish Intact Jacksmelt taken by WU, eaten solo, finished by 1913. craigor
20-08-13 20:11 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by WU, flown off 2023. craigor
20-08-13 09:48 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Lively whole fish left on the nest for WU, flown off 1001. craigor
20-08-13 16:48 Rosie Salmonid Crow Half of a stiff Salmonid delivered to WU, who first tries to eat Rosie's toe. Fish flown off 1701. craigor
20-08-12 20:45 Rosie Jacksmelt GailMac Rosie arrives with the tail end of a Jacksmelt, taken by WU 2046, finished by 2114. craigor
20-08-12 06:10 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Half a fish to the nest, WU arrives and takes it, fish flown off 0623. craigor
20-08-12 18:30 Rosie Jacksmelt Crow Small face-nibbled fish dropped off at the nest for WU. Eaten solo, finished by 1844. craigor
20-08-12 19:55 Richmond Jacksmelt Lisa the Lurker Wildly flopping Jacksmelt dropped on the nest for WU, flown off 2001. craigor
20-08-11 18:37 Rosie Jacksmelt Crow Rosie stops by with a partial Jacksmelt, two fish on the nest. Rosie begins feeding bites to WU, who is still holding onto the previous fish. Tail finished by Rosie 1842. craigor
20-08-11 09:26 Rosie Salmonid GailMac Faceless Salmonid taken by WU, flown off 0927. craigor
20-08-11 17:44 Rosie Jacksmelt GailMac Whole Jacksmelt, taken by WU, flown off 1746. craigor
20-08-11 18:27 Richmond Salmonid Crow Richmond circles the nest and then lands with half a Salmonid, taken by WU. Remnant flown off 1846. craigor
20-08-09 09:13 Richmond Other Judi Shad, taken by WU, flown off 0923. craigor
20-08-09 20:19 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt taken by WU, flown off 2020. craigor
20-08-09 13:55 Rosie Salmonid Crow Rear half of a Salmonid taken by WU and flown off. craigor
20-08-09 10:54 Richmond Unknown VA Richmond to the boom cable with half a fish, flown off 1102. craigor
20-08-08 18:54 Richmond Salmonid Crow Richmond brings half a fish to the boom cable, brought to the nest 1855, taken by WU, flown off 1914. craigor
20-08-08 08:26 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Faceless striper taken by Rosie and flown off. Returned to the nest 0918 and taken by WU, flown off 0928. craigor
20-08-08 15:57 Rosie Salmonid Crow Hind end of a Salmonid delivered, taken by WU and flown off 1558. craigor
20-08-08 18:06 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Intact Jacksmelt taken by WU. Flown off 1820. craigor
20-08-07 09:59 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Whole striper taken by WU, flown off 1049, returned 1104. Flown off 1148, returned 1348. Abandoned and taken by Rosie in a swap at 1501 and flown off again. craigor
20-08-07 15:00 Richmond Salmonid Crow Rear half of a Salmonid to the nest, two fish on the nest. WU gives up her striper remnant and takes the fish. Finished 1613. craigor
20-08-07 10:09 Rosie Salmonid lurker Tail end of a fish brought to the nest, two fish on the nest. WU is busy so Rosie leaves with the fish 1014. craigor
20-08-07 20:27 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Lively Jacksmelt taken by WU, eaten solo, finished 2054. craigor
20-08-06 06:35 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Plump whole Jacksmelt taken by ZD. Lifted off the nest 0658 and dropped. Lost fish! craigor
20-08-06 18:35 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole flip-flopping Jacksmelt taken by ZD to the short cables, then up to the sheave. Flown off 1938 with WU in pursuit. craigor
20-08-06 19:05 Rosie Jacksmelt GailMac Hind end of a Jacksmelt taken by WU, eaten on the nest, finished 1926. craigor
20-08-06 20:09 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole flopping Jacksmelt taken by WU after trying to eat Richmond's toe. Eaten solo on the nest, finished 2032. craigor
20-08-06 22:15 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Richmond brings half a Jacksmelt to the rail, then to the nest 2216. Taken to the boom cable 2218. Held on the boom cable for periodic snacking overnight. Finished 0420 on 8/7. craigor
20-08-05 15:40 Richmond Salmonid Crow Richmond to the boom, then the nest with a faceless fish. Taken by Rosie and flown off. craigor
20-08-05 12:04 Rosie Salmonid Crow Face-nibbled fish taken by ZD, flown off 1220 to the Dutra crane, remnant flown off 1330. craigor
20-08-05 07:44 Richmond Salmonid PP Headless Salmonid taken by ZD and eaten on the nest. Remnant flown off to the boom cable 0830, eaten slowly, finished by 1025. craigor
20-08-04 19:57 Rosie Salmonid Lisa the Lurker Headless fish taken by ZD. Eaten on the nest, then at 2032 ZD makes a full frontal charge at WU perched on the short cables before flying away with the fish, WU in pursuit. craigor
20-08-04 07:54 Richmond Salmonid Midi Headless Salmonid taken by WU, eaten on the nest, finished by 0835. craigor
20-08-04 06:25 Rosie Jacksmelt PP Intact Jacksmelt taken by ZD, who eats on the nest under a barrage of harassment from WU. ZD flies off with the fish 0644, pursued by WU. Pursuit coninues on ATN cam 0646. craigor
20-08-03 20:30 Rosie Jacksmelt GailMac Whole Jacksmelt brought to WU on the nest. Fish flown off 2043 under harassment from another Osprey, likely ZD. craigor
20-08-03 17:45 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Whole Jacksmelt taken by ZD, who taunts his sister on the boom cable with the fish as he leaves with it 1805. craigor
20-08-03 16:28 Rosie Salmonid Crow Rosie flies in with the hind end of a Salmonid, two fish on the nest. ZD is busy, so Rosie flies off with the fish 1635. craigor
20-08-03 16:02 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Fat whole Jacksmelt delivered to ZD on the nest, who tries to eat Richmond's toe instead, then begins eating the fish. Fish flown off 1646. craigor
20-08-03 09:30 Richmond Jacksmelt Trish Small whole Jacksmelt taken by ZD. Eaten solo on the nest, finished 0958. craigor
20-08-03 08:05 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Taken by ZD, flown off 0814. ZD returns to nest fishless 0831. Lost fish? craigor
20-08-02 17:43 Richmond Salmonid Crow Headless, taken by WU, flown off 1745 to eat on a mooring line at the Sause Bros dock. craigor
20-08-02 11:00 Rosie Salmonid Judi Whole fish delivered, taken by WU, flown off 1108. craigor
20-08-02 12:25 Richmond Salmonid Crow Half-eaten fish taken by ZD. Eaten on the nest, finished 1237. craigor
20-08-02 14:47 Rosie Salmonid Crow Headless, taken by ZD, who tries to fly off with the fish 1448 but drops it on the nest. Retrieved by ZD 1513, flown off 1518. craigor
20-08-01 13:47 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Richmond brings another headless Salmonid, two fish on the nest, flown off 1354. Remnant briefly returned to the nest 1531 and flown off again. craigor
20-08-01 13:14 Rosie Salmonid Crow Headless fish taken by ZD, flown off 1343, returned to nest 1347, flown off 1431 to the Dutra crane, finished by 1500. craigor
20-08-01 17:49 Rosie Salmonid Crow Headless fish taken by WU, eaten on the nest, finished 1841. craigor
20-08-01 09:51 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman DianneA Taken by ZD, flown off 10:29 to the Dutra cable, final remnant dropped 1047. craigor
20-08-01 06:43 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman PP PFM taken by WU, who uses it to pummel ZD several times before leaving with the fish 0645. craigor
20-07-31 20:39 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Nose-nibbled Jacksmelt taken by WU and flown off 2043. craigor
20-07-31 16:02 Rosie Salmonid Crow Taken by ZD, flown off 1604 to the Dutra cable. Finished by 1631. craigor
20-07-31 06:50 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Another faceless Jacksmelt delivery, two fish on the nest. ZD is busy so Richmond nibbles at the fish, flies the fish off 0737. Remnant returned to the nest 0836, taken by ZD and flown off 0839. craigor
20-07-31 06:50 Rosie Jacksmelt GailMac Faceless Jacksmelt taken by ZD, remnant flown to the Dutra crane cable 0736, then flown off 0738. craigor
20-07-31 06:15 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Whole flopping Jacksmelt taken by WU, flown off 0631. craigor
20-07-30 20:44 Richmond Jacksmelt Anna Tinsley Headless Jacksmelt taken by WU and flown off. craigor
20-07-30 19:42 Rosie Jacksmelt Lisa the Lurker Half a Jacksmelt taken by ZD, flown off 1951. craigor
20-07-30 18:48 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Whole flopping Jacksmelt taken by WU. Eaten solo on the nest, finished 1929. craigor
20-07-30 17:19 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Massive whole striper taken by ZD. Flown to the Dutra crane 1727. Dropped 1818, lost fish! craigor
20-07-30 14:30 Richmond Salmonid lurker Whole Salmonid to the nest, taken by ZD to the Dutra crane, finished 1542. craigor
20-07-30 08:19 Rosie Salmonid thora Headless Salmonid taken by WU and eaten on the nest, finished by 0947. craigor
20-07-30 06:52 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole Salmonid taken by ZD, flown off to the Dutra crane 0710. Finished by 0721. craigor
20-07-29 12:07 Rosie Salmonid AnnieBenannie Headless Salmonid taken by WU. Flown off 1228. craigor
20-07-29 20:04 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Headless fish taken and flown off by ZD 2005. craigor
20-07-29 18:27 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole Jacksmelt taken and flown off by ZD. craigor
20-07-29 09:37 Rosie Salmonid Midi Whole Salmonid taken by WU. Eaten solo on the nest, finished 1041. craigor
20-07-29 09:07 Richmond Salmonid Midi Small whole Salmonid taken by ZD and flown off. craigor
20-07-29 07:21 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman PP Rosie delivers a mostly-skinned Midshipman to WU on the nest. Finished 0746. craigor
20-07-29 10:45 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Rear half of a fat Jacksmelt taken by ZD, flown off 1053. craigor
20-07-28 19:25 Richmond Jacksmelt Lisa the Lurker Whole Jacksmelt dangled and lowered onto the nest above the two fledglings. Taken by WU and eaten solo, still held by WU as the next fish arrives. Dropped into a crack at the nest edge 2000 as WU tries juggling both fish remnants. Retrieved by WU 0612 on 7/29, finished 0614. craigor
20-07-28 20:00 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond appears with a tiny tail fragment, two fish on the nest, taken by WU as ZD arrives on the nest. WU moves to the nest edge holding one fish tail in each foot. Finished by 2007. craigor
20-07-28 13:36 Rosie Salmonid C. Headless Salmonid, no takers, off at 1337, back at 1406 still no takers, flown off again 1410. Back at 14:50, taken by ZD, flown 1455 to a mooring line at Sause Bros, then flown off at 1459. craigor
20-07-28 06:34 Richmond Salmonid calgal Whole Salmonid taken by ZD, flown off 0647, returned headless 0714. Flown off 0739. Tail remnant returned 0819, end scrap flown off 0853. craigor
20-07-28 07:33 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Richmond arrives with a large whole Salmonid, two fish on the nest. Flown off 0734, returned headless 0819, two fish on the nest again. Flown to the boom cable 0822. End scrap flown off 0932. craigor
20-07-28 20:28 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Evading gulls, Richmond brings a lively whole Jacksmelt to ZD on the nest. Flown off 2032. craigor
20-07-27 07:49 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Headless Salmonid, taken by ZD, flown off 0756. craigor
20-07-27 20:20 Rosie Jacksmelt Judi Plump whole Jacksmelt taken by ZD, flown off 2025 to a line at Sause Bros pier, still being eaten as the light fades and the camera pulls away 2050. craigor
20-07-27 21:27 Rosie Jacksmelt C. Rosie stops in with the hind end of a Jacksmelt and, finding no takers, flies off. craigor
20-07-27 12:48 Rosie Bass-Striped Crow Large headless Striped Bass, taken by ZD. DIscovering the fish is too big to fly with, he abandons it on the nest 1251, then returns 1252 to eat in. Second attempt to fly off with the still-very-large fish at 1310 succeeds--but ZD returns fishless at 1315. Lost fish! craigor
20-07-26 17:15 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Intact Jacksmelt taken by ZD, flown off 1717. ZD returns fishless 1720. Lost fish! craigor
20-07-26 17:25 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Intact Jacksmelt, second in ten minutes. ZD aggresively takes Richmond's toe instead of the fish, then finally locates the fish on the nest and flies it 1728 to a cable spool at the Sause Brothers dock, then flies off with it 1729. craigor
20-07-26 17:52 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Third fish in a row, this one headless, taken by WU. Remnant flown off 1848. craigor
20-07-26 19:31 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Headless Jacksmelt taken by ZD, flown off 1934. craigor
20-07-26 14:33 Rosie Salmonid PP Headless fish brought to the nest. WU arrives and takes the fish 1434, flies away with it 1456. craigor
20-07-25 09:05 Richmond Salmonid Twinkle11 Richmond arrives on the boom cable with the rear half of a Salmonid, brought to the nest and taken by ZD. Flown off 0918. craigor
20-07-25 20:49 Richmond Jacksmelt AnnieBenannie Rear half of a Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie, two fish on the nest. Finished 2102. craigor
20-07-25 20:25 Richmond Jacksmelt AnnieBenannie Whole Jacksmelst brought to WU on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 2102. craigor
20-07-25 18:02 Rosie Salmonid calgal Whole fish brought to WU on the nest. WU caught by a wind gust and blown awkwardly off the downwind nest edge, dropping the fish. Lost fish! WU attempts to recover the fish at the nest edge 1809, becoming entangled in nest material and shaking the fish further over the edge. WU tries reaching it from above (1813), backing down to it (1831), then several more attempts from above. Rosie arrives 1849 and tries to assist with retrieval. More attempts made from above 1857, still seeking a solution 1943, leaves the nest 1949, circles around and tries to grab it from the air. More attempts from above follow, eventually WU settles on the nest, gives up and waits for the next fish. FIsh found and removed by a visiting gull at 1126 on 7/26. craigor
20-07-25 14:40 Richmond Salmonid Crow Headless Salmonid delivered to ZD on the nest, flown off by ZD 1544. craigor
20-07-25 10:29 Rosie Salmonid Crow Rosie arrives with a small Salmonid hind portion, offers bites to ZD. Rosie continues eating the fish herself, fish finished by 1039. craigor
20-07-25 06:58 Richmond Other PP Unusual spiny fish arrives somewhat mangled, apparently Brown Rockfish, first one seen at this nest. Taken by WU, skin and fins abandoned 0757. craigor
20-07-25 06:36 Richmond Salmonid thora Taken by ZD, flown off 0646. craigor
20-07-24 14:37 Richmond Salmonid Crow Intact Salmonid delivered, taken by WU, two fish on the nest. Lifted off and on 1509 as ZD arrives. Eaten solo, tailfin dropped over the edge 1555. craigor
20-07-24 06:36 Richmond Salmonid PP Richmond brings a Lightning Trout, first one seen here. Eats it on the rail, to the nest 0757, taken by ZD, flown off 0805. craigor
20-07-24 14:21 Rosie Salmonid Crow Headless Salmonid taken by WU, abandoned 1437 as next fish arrives. Taken by ZD 1509 and flown off. craigor
20-07-23 13:37 Rosie Salmonid Crow Headless Salmonid brought to an empty nest, then flown off. craigor
20-07-23 07:30 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole fish, taken by WU, flown off 0741. craigor
20-07-23 09:43 Rosie Salmonid PP Headless fish, taken by WU, finished 1008. craigor
20-07-23 13:25 Richmond Salmonid Crow Headless fish, taken by WU, flown off to the Dutra crane, then away 1333. craigor
20-07-22 20:46 Rosie Jacksmelt Lisa the Lurker Lively whole Jacksmelt snatched away by ZD, lifted off and back on, flown off again 2047. craigor
20-07-22 10:47 Richmond Salmonid Judi Faceless fish taken off by Rosie. craigor
20-07-22 08:27 Richmond Salmonid Peggy Whole Salmonid taken by WU, flown off 0839. craigor
20-07-22 07:06 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Small Jacksmelt remnant delivered to WU on the nest, abandoned 0719 as next fish arrives. WU tries to recover the tail, but ZD is sitting over it. Retrieved by WU 0734, finished 0737. craigor
20-07-22 06:14 Rosie Jacksmelt PP Taken away by ZD. Remnant returned to the nest 0719, two fish on the nest, ZD sitting adjacent to WU's abandoned tail. Flown off 0731. craigor
20-07-21 06:12 Rosie Jacksmelt calgal Faceless Jacksmelt brought by Rosie, two fish on the nest. Eaten by WU, taken by Rosie 0655 and flown off, remnant returned to nest 0708. WU arrives for more feeding from Rosie 0716. WU finishes the tail 0725. craigor
20-07-21 20:30 Rosie Jacksmelt ishwish Taken by WU, flown off 2049. craigor
20-07-21 06:04 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole Jacksmelt, second in under five minutes, taken by WU, abandoned 0612 as new fish arrives, taken by Rosie, flown off 0613 to the boom cable. Returned to the nest 0614, taken by ZD, flown off 0615. craigor
20-07-21 05:59 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Whole flopping Jacksmelt brought to the fledglings, flops right off the edge of the nest. Lost fish! craigor
20-07-21 11:30 Richmond Salmonid Twinkle11 Modest-sized whole Salmonid taken away by Rosie, tail fragment returned 1213, flown off by WU 1214. craigor
20-07-20 20:20 Rosie Jacksmelt Crow Large headless Jacksmelt taken by ZD, flown off 2026. ZD returns fishless 2028. Lost fish! craigor
20-07-20 17:17 Richmond Bass-Striped thora Rear portion of a striper taken by ZD and flown off. craigor
20-07-20 20:47 Richmond Jacksmelt Anna Tinsley Another whole Jacksmelt delivered by Richmond, taken by WU, two fish on the nest. Remnant flown off 2102, WU returns fishless 2117. craigor
20-07-20 20:34 Richmond Jacksmelt Anna Tinsley Intact Jacksmelt taken by WU, abandened when next fish arrives 2047. Taken by ZD 2057. Claimed by Rosie 2123 and flown off. craigor
20-07-20 13:32 Rosie Salmonid C. Rosie on and off the nest with a faceless Salmonid. craigor
20-07-20 05:43 Rosie Bass-Striped PP Taken away by ZD. craigor
20-07-20 08:18 Richmond Salmonid lurker Whole Salmonid grabbed and flown away by Rosie. Returned to nest 0819, taken by WU. Flown off 0820. WU returns to nest 0837, fishless. Lost fish? craigor
20-07-19 06:14 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole Jacksmelt left on the nest for WU. Tail end abandoned on the edge of the nest 0709. Retrieved by Rosie 0711, and handed off to ZD who flies off with it 0712. craigor
20-07-19 19:17 Richmond Other calgal Faceless American Shad delivered, WU swoops in and grabs the fish. WU flies off with the remaining fish 1954. craigor
20-07-19 07:27 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Nose-nibbled Salmonid delivered to the nest, flown off by Rosie. craigor
20-07-19 18:00 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole Jacksmelt brought by Richmond, taken by ZD, who takes a few bites and flies off with the fish 1801. craigor
20-07-18 06:55 Rosie Surf Perch calgal Half-eaten Surf Perch brought to ZD and flown off. craigor
20-07-18 20:50 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Richmond brings a plump whole Jacksmelt for ZD, two fish on the nest. Abandoned 2124, recovered by Rosie 2125, flown off 2130. craigor
20-07-18 20:35 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond brings a whole flopping Salmonid, taken by WU, two fish on the nest. craigor
20-07-18 20:28 Rosie Jacksmelt Crow Rosie brings the tail end of a Jacksmelt, taken by ZD, finished 2042. craigor
20-07-18 15:37 Richmond Salmonid Crow Half eaten Salmonid brought to WU on the nest, finished 1610. craigor
20-07-18 08:51 Richmond Jacksmelt Lisa the Lurker Richmond brings a faceless Jacksmelt to the boom cable, brought to the nest 0853, taken away by Rosie. craigor
20-07-17 08:37 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman PP Headless PFM brought by Rosie, two fish on the nest. Taken by ZD, abandoned on the nest 0848. Discovered by WU 0856. Skin and tail dropped into a deep crack on the nest edge and abandoned 0908. Recovered by Rosie 0914, lifted off and on the nest 0920, then off again 0921. Returned to the nest 0922 as ZD awaits. Rosie feeds ZD but keeps the fish. Finished by 0938. craigor
20-07-17 20:44 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Wildly thrashing Jacksmelt subdued by ZD, flown off 2054. craigor
20-07-17 15:29 Richmond Salmonid calgal Whole Salmonid quickly grabbed by ZD. Rosie steals a small chunk over ZD's objections 1539. Taken and flown off by Rosie to the strut 1652, returned to the nest 1722, Rosie feeds ZD. Rosie finishes the fish 1738. craigor
20-07-17 08:10 Richmond Salmonid craigor Richmond brings a fish to the cable, flown off 0824, brought to the nest 0825 and taken by ZD. Abandoned 0837 as second fish arrives. Retrieved and flown off by Rosie to the strut 0847, finished 0910. craigor
20-07-16 10:45 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman td Rosie arrives with a PFM. Flown off 1046. Remnant returned 1129, taken by ZD and flown off. craigor
20-07-16 20:47 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Leaping Jacksmelt corraled by ZD. Taken by Rosie and handed off to WU 2106. Finished 2130. craigor
20-07-16 19:29 Richmond Salmonid calgal Whole Salmonid, taken by WU. Eaten solo, finsihed 1952. craigor
20-07-16 17:31 Rosie Bass-Striped Crow Half-eaten striper brought by Rosie, taken by ZD. Tail end flown off to the ROV 1822, then away. craigor
20-07-16 07:53 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Taken by WU and eaten, flown off 0817. Spotted on a crane cable three slips over, 0821. craigor
20-07-15 11:36 Richmond Salmonid DianneA Richmond on the cable with a fish. Flown off 1142. Returned to the nest 1158, taken by WU, finished 1303. craigor
20-07-15 07:38 Richmond Salmonid pamela Whole Salmonid immediately lifted off by Rosie. Returned to the nest 0740, taken away by ZD 0741. Returned to nest 0806, flown off again 0813. craigor
20-07-15 12:17 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman pamela Rosie brings a PFM, two fish on the nest. Flies away with it 1221 to the strut perch. Remnant back to the nest 1237, where Rosie finds no takers. Flown off 1245 with gulls in pursuit and brought to the rail. Back to the nest 1251, but still no takers, flown off again 1305. Returned to nest again 1312, where ZD now awaits. Fish taken eagerly by ZD. Tail scrap flown off 1318. craigor
20-07-15 15:27 Richmond Man Made Objects Joy Richmond brings a big messy sheet resembling plastic dropcloth to the nest. Kicked off the nest by WU 1633. craigor
20-07-15 18:17 Richmond Salmonid Crow Headless Salmonid taken by ZD. Tail end abandoned 1901 and left on the nest, claimed by WU 1904. Fish finished 1925. craigor
20-07-15 19:26 Rosie Jacksmelt GailMac Rosie brings a headless Jacksmelt, taken by WU, eaten solo, finished 1948. craigor
20-07-14 20:51 Richmond Jacksmelt Anna Tinsley Richmond brings his third fish in just over thirteen minutes, taken by WU. Two fish on the nest. Small remnant abandoned 2123. craigor
20-07-14 20:43 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Another whole Jacksmelt, delivered in under four and a half minutes, taken by ZD. Eaten solo, finished 2121. craigor
20-07-14 20:38 Richmond Jacksmelt Anna Tinsley Whole lively jumping Jacksmelt taken by WU, then taken away by ZD, then flops off the edge of the nest. Lost fish! craigor
20-07-14 06:43 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole fish brought by Richmond, immediately taken away by Rosie, returned to the nest 0645, taken by ZD and flown off 0646. craigor
20-07-14 15:41 Rosie Bass-Striped td Rosie arrives with a small striper remnant. Two fish on the nest. Flown off again 1542. craigor
20-07-14 14:00 Richmond Salmonid td Brought and flown off, flown past 1445, brought back and hovered 1520, delivered to WU on the nest 1522. Fish lifted off the nest and hovered by WU 1549, then flown off. craigor
20-07-14 07:45 Richmond Salmonid PP Headless fish immediately taken away by Rosie, returned 0746, taken by WU. Rosie offers to help with the entrails 0754. WU finishes the fish 0842. craigor
20-07-13 06:36 Richmond Salmonid calgal Whole Salmonid quickly removed by Rosie, brought to the rail 0637 then flown off again 0639. Rosie returns fishless 0731. craigor
20-07-13 16:39 Richmond Salmonid Crow Headless Salmonid quickly flown off by Rosie, returned to nest 1641 and snagged by ZD, who gets blown off the nest trying to bring the fish under control before returning to the nest safely with the fish 1642. ZD continues eating until fish taken away by WU 1758. Fish taken by Rosie 1937. Rosie takes off 1945, still holding on to her fish chunk, and chases off a gull before returning to the rail. Fish finished by 1955. craigor
20-07-13 11:50 Richmond Salmonid Nickle Whole Salmonid eagerly snatched by WU, eaten solo, finished 1252. craigor
20-07-12 09:47 Richmond Other GailMac Looks like another Shad (?). Silvery oval body, green on the back, forked tail, red-pink flesh. Eaten by WU, flown off by Rosie 1036, returned to the nest 1107, finished 1121. craigor
20-07-12 06:27 Richmond Salmonid PP Face-nibbled Salmonid, quickly taken away by Rosie. Returned to the nest and taken by ZD 0640, who flies off with it. craigor
20-07-12 20:11 Rosie Jacksmelt Anna Tinsley Plump Jacksmelt taken by WU, eaten solo, finished 2055. craigor
20-07-12 20:44 Richmond Jacksmelt g4901 Whole Jacksmelt taken by ZD, two fish on the nest. Rosie grabs the fish 2132 and takes it to the rail. Finished 2151. craigor
20-07-11 14:04 Richmond Salmonid Crow Whole Salmonid, intact but wrinkled and lifeless, taken by ZD. Taken by Rosie 1448, finished on the nest 1455. craigor
20-07-11 10:37 Richmond Salmonid Crow Mangled faceless salmonid taken by WU, eaten solo, finished 1145. craigor
20-07-11 06:48 Richmond Salmonid chagin Half eaten fish brought to the nest and immediately taken away by Rosie. Returned to nest 0654 and given to ZD. Fish finished 0708. craigor
20-07-11 20:48 Richmond Salmonid LT Defaced Salmonid brought by Richmond, taken by ZD. Fish taken by Rosie 2110, finished 2114. craigor
20-07-11 18:04 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Flown off quickly by Rosie, returned to the nest 1843, taken by WU, finished 1933. craigor
20-07-10 16:28 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Crow Sizeable whole PFM delivered, taken by ZD. Abandoned and retrieved by Rosie 1714, Rosie feeds WU. Skin and tail taken by WU 1729, finished with Rosie's help 1734. craigor
20-07-10 20:59 Richmond Salmonid GailMac Nose-nibbled Salmonid left with ZD on the nest. Abandoned 2120 and snatched by Rosie, Rosie feeds herself and shares bites with WU. Fish finished by 2133. craigor
20-07-10 19:19 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Another small whole Jacksmelt, two fish on the nest. Taken by WU and eaten solo, finished 1947. craigor
20-07-10 18:45 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Small whole Jacksmelt taken by ZD, eaten solo, finished 1922. craigor
20-07-10 12:00 Richmond Salmonid Mhall Half-eaten Salmonid brought to the nest, quickly taken away by Rosie. craigor
20-07-10 09:56 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole Salmonid delivered by Richmond to an empty nest. Rosie hops over from the rail and flies away with the fish. craigor
20-07-10 05:29 Richmond Jacksmelt td Hind end of a Jacksmelt brought by Richmond, taken by ZD. Tail abandoned at the edge of the nest 0549, retrieved by Rosie and finished 0554. craigor
20-07-09 20:47 Richmond Jacksmelt Anna Tinsley Richmond to the nest with a whole flopping Jacksmelt, quickly taken away to the ROV cable by Rosie and eaten there. craigor
20-07-09 06:21 Richmond Salmonid pamela Small whole Salmonid brought to WU on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 0634. craigor
20-07-09 08:27 Richmond Other craigor Bloody face-nibbled American Shad to the nest and off again 0828, taken to the boom cable. Back to the nest 0831 where WU awaits. WU abandons the fish 0910, taken by RIchmond to the boom. Returned to the nest 0929, two fish on the nest. Richmond takes a few bites, feeds ZD 0935. ZD takes the fish 0941 and feeds. Fish abandoned 0948 and taken by Richmond to the boom cable. Off the cable 1028, returned to the nest 1051. ZD arrives and takes the fish 1055. ZD flies off holding the tail 1109. craigor
20-07-09 09:26 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi Faceless PFM to the nest, Rosie eats and feeds ZD, then flies off with the fish 0934. craigor
20-07-09 14:27 Richmond Salmonid Judi Whole skinny oddly bent Salmonid taken by Rosie on the nest, who leaves it between the two fledglings as both parents vacate. Fish fight ensues, WU emerging with the fish. Eaten solo, fish finished 1515. craigor
20-07-09 17:16 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Small whole wiggling Jacksmelt grabbed by ZD on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 1740. craigor
20-07-09 18:00 Rosie Man Made Objects trying to login Rosie brings a length of blue plastic baling twine. Removed 7/10 craigor
20-07-09 19:28 Richmond Bass-Striped Anna Tinsley Small whole striper to the nest, quickly claimed by ZD. Rosie sees an opening and grabs the fish from ZD 2002. Rosie feeds WU. Finished 2018. craigor
20-07-08 05:48 Richmond Jacksmelt td Very lively whole Jacksmelt taken by ZD on the nest, eaten solo, abandoned at SE edge of nest 0626. craigor
20-07-08 11:00 Richmond Salmonid chagin Intact Salmonid quickly snatched by Rosie on the nest, given to ZD. Eaten solo, finished 1134. craigor
20-07-08 09:11 Richmond Man Made Objects ali Richmond brings a child's brightly colored animal print fleece jacket to the nest. Removed 7/10. craigor
20-07-08 05:56 Richmond Jacksmelt td Bloody Jacksmelt brought to the nest, second fish in eight minutes, two fish on the nest. Flown off to the rail by Rosie 0557, back on the nest 0559, off again 0600. Returned to the nest 0625, taken by WU. Finished 0713. craigor
20-07-07 17:42 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman trying to login Whole PFM dropped into a scrum on the nest and ZD ends up with it. Remnant removed by Rosie 1840 to her strut perch. Flown off 1846 and returned to the nest. Large flap of skin taken by WU 1857, Rosie continues working on the tail portion. Rosie finishes 1859, WU still working on the skin, finished 1914. craigor
20-07-07 13:59 Richmond Salmonid Crow Whole Salmonid snatched by Rosie, then handed off to WU, who gets airborne with the fish and hovers it to the other side of the nest. Eaten solo, finished 1428. craigor
20-07-07 11:57 Richmond Salmonid Crow Modest sized Salmonid brought to the nest, taken by WU, seized by ZD, fish fight ensues. ZD almost goes over the edge of the nest, but emerges with the fish. Eaten solo, finished 1240. craigor
20-07-07 20:30 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole wildly flopping Jacksmelt dropped on the nest and claimed by WU. Eaten solo, finished 2106. craigor
20-07-07 20:40 Richmond Jacksmelt 3SSFKids Richmond brings the second Jacksmelt in nine minutes, taken by ZD, two fish on the nest. Abandoned 2104 and flown off by Rosie, brought to the rail 2106, back to the nest 2120, finished 2127. craigor
20-07-07 20:57 Richmond Jacksmelt Lisa the Lurker Richmond sails past the crane cam with a fish, sees two fish already on the nest, he takes it to the ROV to eat. craigor
20-07-06 21:21 Rosie Jacksmelt Midi Rosie brings a well-chewed Jacksmelt chunk and eats it on the nest. Finished 2147. craigor
20-07-06 10:27 Richmond Bass-Striped td Faceless striper brought to WU on the nest. ZD arrives and takes the fish away 1058 and begins feeding. Abandoned 1130, retrieved by Rosie 1133 and flown off to the rail. Returned to the nest 1134. Rosie feeds ZD and WU. Remnant taken by WU 1146, finished 1149. craigor
20-07-06 06:03 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Plump whole Jacksmelt to the nest. Two fish on the nest. Rosie and ZD ignore Richmond and his fish as they continue to eat the last one. Fish flown off to the boom cable 0606. Back to the nest 0704, taken by Rosie and flown off 0705. craigor
20-07-06 17:59 Richmond Jacksmelt Anna Tinsley Slender whole Jacksmelt brought to WU on the nest. WU feeds, fish stolen by ZD 1849. Finished by ZD 1915. craigor
20-07-06 21:31 Richmond Jacksmelt Tony\ Richmond brings a whole Jacksmelt to the cable and holds it all night. Latest fish delivery of the year. Returned to the nest 0548 on 7/7 and taken by WU. Taken by ZD 0603, finished 0621. craigor
20-07-05 21:04 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by WU, two fish on the nest. WU continues eating, abandons the fish 2147. Recovered by WU 0524 on 7/6. Taken by ZD 0525, abandoned 0554. Picked up by Rosie 0555, Rosie eating as new fish arrives, fish taken by ZD 0604. Tail kicked over the edge of the nest 0614. craigor
20-07-05 05:47 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole flopping Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by WU. Abandoned 0612, retrieved by Rosie 0614. Rosie feeds XV. Rosie continues eating as XV wanders off to eat nest scraps. Rosie takes the fish to the ROV 0627, returns fishless 0630. Lost fish? craigor
20-07-05 08:09 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Plainfin Midshipman delivered and taken by Rosie, who feeds self and XV. XV sated, Rosie continues eating, skin and tail abandoned 0837. craigor
20-07-05 13:10 Richmond Salmonid Crow Whole Salmonid, taken by WU, who eats until the fish is taken away by ZD 1330. Finished by 1355. craigor
20-07-05 18:20 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Large whole striped bass brought to the nest, taken by ZD, who eats until the fish is taken and flown off by Rosie 1936. Returned to the nest 2011, taken by WU. Grabbed by ZD 2033, who gets the fish after a struggle. Taken by Rosie 2101, who feeds WU. Fish taken by WU 2102, abandoned 2104 as new fish arrives. Retrieved by Rosie 2107, flown off and to the rail 2108. Held and finished on the rail overnight. craigor
20-07-04 19:22 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Faceless Jacksmelt delivery, taken by WU. Taken away by ZD 1941, tail abandoned 2012. Retrieved by WU 2016, Then taken by XV 2023. Abandoned 2041. Retrieved by Rosie 7/5 at 0612, remnant abandoned 0613. craigor
20-07-04 20:54 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole Jacksmelt, taken by Rosie, chicks fed, Rosie finishes the tail 2119. craigor
20-07-04 13:15 Richmond Salmonid Mhall Whole Salmonid fought over by ZD and XV. ZD ends up with the fish, eats the whole thing himself. Tail abandoned 1415, recovered by WU 1419, finished by 1440. craigor
20-07-04 10:42 Richmond Salmonid PP Whole Salmonid taken by XV, then taken by ZD 1123, finished 1149. craigor
20-07-04 05:35 Richmond Jacksmelt td Whole fish dangled over the nest, then returned faceless at 0606. Taken by XV, who feeds by himsef. Taken by WU 0642, finished 0723. craigor
20-07-04 15:03 Rosie Bass-Striped Crow Rosie brings a big faceless striper to XV alone on the nest. ZD arrives and takes the fish 1527. Abandoned 1557, Rosie arrives from the rail 1558, feeds WU, then herself. Fish taken by Richmond 1717 and flown off to the boom cable. Flown off the cable 1723, returned to the nest 1735. Taken by ZD, tail abandoned in a crack between sticks at the SW edge of the nest 1738, the retrieved 1740. ZD continues feeding, tail abandoned in SE corner of nest buried beneath nest material 1803. Retrieved by XV 1920, then abandoned again 1935. craigor
20-07-03 17:23 Rosie Man Made Objects craigor Rosie brings a pointed wooden stake. craigor
20-07-03 07:42 Richmond Salmonid Judi Faceless Salmonid to the nest, two fish on the nest. Taken by Rosie who feeds WU and XV. Fish finished 0758. craigor
20-07-03 06:16 Richmond Salmonid td Whole Salmonid to the nest, taken by Rosie, then by XV, who attempts to get aloft with it 0618. WU grabs the other end and tug-of-war ensues. WU has the fish by 0620, and ZD moves in to take it. ZD keeps feeding, rebuffing attempts by WU to retake the fish, finally abandons the fish 0704. Fish taken by Rosie who hands it off to XV. Abandoned 0742, recovered by XV 0758 then taken by Rosie 0759. Rosie supervises general feeding, fish finished 0805. craigor
20-07-03 18:19 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by XV, then by WU 1831. ZD arrives and takes the fish 1840, finishes the tail 1917. craigor
20-07-03 20:35 Richmond Jacksmelt td Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, XV and WU tussle, but it flops away into the talons of Rosie, who hands it back to WU. Abandoned 2048 and taken by ZD. Grabbed away by WU 2124, finished 2146. craigor
20-07-03 20:38 Richmond Jacksmelt ishwish Aother whole jacksmelt, second fish from Richmond in three minutes, two fish on the nest. Taken by XV. Rosie arrives 2104, takes the fish, feeds WU and XV. Rosie finishes the fish herself 2137. craigor
20-07-03 21:06 Richmond Jacksmelt Mhall Faceless fish arrives at nest, spotted flying by 20 minutes earlier by onsite observer. Three fish now on the nest. Lifted off and on the nest, chicks seem to be absorbed in the other fish. RIchmond leaves without the fish 2108. Taken by XV and then abandoned 2135, taken by Rosie 2139, lifted off to the rail 2140. Back on the nest at 2150, Rosie feeds, with a few bites for the chicks. Fish finished 2203. craigor
20-07-03 08:56 Richmond Other thora Very large whole American Shad, second of the year. Taken by Rosie for face removal. Rosie feeds XV and ZD, then flies off with the fish 0920. Back to the nest 0922, Richmond claims the fish, then WU snags it, then ZD. Taken by Rosie 0927, who feeds WU. Flown off by Rosie 0928, then returned to the nest 0951. RIchmond wants it, but Rosie flies away with it again 0952. Back to the nest 1044, taken by WU 1045. Abandoned 1111 and taken away by Rosie. Returned to the nest 1120 and taken by ZD. Taken by Richmond 1143, who shares some bites with XV and then flies up to the boom cable with the fish. Returned to the nest 1147 and taken by XV. Abandoned 1223, then taken by Richmond 1225 to the boom cable. Off the cable 1234, remnant returned to the nest 1246. Rosie feeds ZD and XV, fish finished 1305. craigor
20-07-02 06:20 Richmond Jacksmelt Anna Tinsley Whole jacksmelt to the nest, taken by WU, two fish on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 0701. craigor
20-07-02 06:13 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman PP Whole PFM brought to the nest, taken by ZD. Abandoned 0647 and taken by Rosie, Rosie feeds XV. Rosie finishing up the scattered scraps by 0722. craigor
20-07-02 10:14 Richmond Salmonid janw Whole Salmonid left on the nest for the chicks, taken and jealously guarded by XV. Abandoned 1052, retrieved by ZD 1054, who finishes the tail 1118. craigor
20-07-02 11:02 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi Rosie brings a whole PFM, two fish on the nest. Feeds WU, then ZD, who just finished the last one. ZD full, Rosie finishes off the skin 1135. craigor
20-07-02 12:25 Richmond Salmonid td Whole Salmonid left on the nest for the chicks. Rosie arrives to begin disassembly. Rosie feeding XV, WU steals the fish 1231. Abandoned 1259 and taken by Rosie. Rosie feeds XV and ZD. Tail finished by XV 1320. craigor
20-07-02 15:40 Richmond Salmonid Crow Whole Salmonid dropped amidst the chicks. Quickly snatched by Rosie, who feeds WU and ZD. Tail finished by WU 1557. craigor
20-07-01 18:32 Richmond Salmonid Crow Richmond delicately lowers a whole Salmonid into the middle of a crowded nest, nabbed by ZD. ZD jealously guards his fish and eats it as the others watch. Continues eating, tail abandoned 1930. Retrieved by Rosie 1939, who finishes the tail 1944. craigor
20-07-01 12:10 Richmond Salmonid Crow Whole Salmonid brought to the nest, taken by Rosie, chicks fed. Fish finished 1225. craigor
20-07-01 15:49 Richmond Salmonid ali Richmond brings another whole Salmonid, Rosie and the chicks feed. Eaten very quickly, only scattered scraps remain by 1602. craigor
20-07-01 06:51 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman calgal Whole fish brought by Rosie to feed the chicks. Taken by WU 0717. Abandoned 0720. craigor
20-07-01 07:23 Richmond Salmonid craigor Headless Salmonid delivered by Richmond. Taken by ZD 0725, eaten solo. Fish taken by Rosie 0802, Rosie feeds WU and XV. Taken by WU 0814, dropped into a crack on the nest and abandoned 0816. craigor
20-07-01 09:50 Richmond Salmonid Judi Whole Salmonid to the nest, taken by Rosie, who defaces the fish and feeds the chicks. Fish finished by 1009. craigor
20-07-01 19:31 Richmond Salmonid Lisa the Lurker Well-chewed chunk of Salmonid delivered. Now two fish on the nest. Taken by WU who begins eating. Taken by Rosie 2008. Rosie and WU, then XV all feed. Finished by 2112. craigor
20-06-30 09:20 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie, then by XV. ZD moves in to grab the other end of the fish as XV tries lifting off 0923. ZD gets the fish, then XV takes it back 0924. Taken back by ZD after a tug of war 0925, ZD continues eating. Tail abandoned 1000, taken by WU 1004, finished 1025. craigor
20-06-30 09:49 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman pamela Whole PFM to the nest, taken by Rosie. Two fish on the nest. Rosie feeds WU and XV, fish finished 1026. craigor
20-06-30 14:01 Richmond Salmonid td Small whole Salmonid delivered, taken by Rosie. Nestlings fed, tail finished by ZD 1418. craigor
20-06-30 15:39 Richmond Salmonid ES Small whole Salmonid dropped onto the nest among the chicks, taken by XV. XV feeds, fish taken by Rosie 1554. General feeding, ZD finishes the tail 1602. craigor
20-06-30 20:29 Richmond Jacksmelt Lisa the Lurker Jacksmelt to the nest spotted by onsite observer during brief camera blackout. Cam return at 2055 shows ZD eating at the far edge of the nest. Fish apparently finished by 2113. craigor
20-06-30 20:39 Richmond Jacksmelt Lisa the Lurker Second fish in ten minutes brought to the nest by Richmond, spotted by onsite observer. Cam return at 2055 shows a mostly intact fish sitting on the nest as ZD is still eating the first one. Taken by Rosie and dangled above the nest 2107,then on and off again 2108, removed to the rail 2109. Hovered over the nest again 2110, then brought back to the nest 2123, finished 2128. craigor
20-06-30 08:23 Richmond Salmonid pamela Whole Salmonid delivered, Richmond and nestlings standing around, Rosie arrives to take the fish 0824, feeding ensues, WU finishes the tail 0838. craigor
20-06-29 11:20 Richmond Salmonid AnnieBenannie Another whole Salmonid to the nest, snatched by Rosie, chicks fed. Fish finished by 1151. craigor
20-06-29 12:46 Richmond Salmonid Judi Faceless fish to the nest, taken by Rosie, chicks fed. Tailfin finished by Rosie 1300. craigor
20-06-29 14:13 Richmond Salmonid Mhall Whole Salmonid delivered, Feeding ensues, fish finished by WU 1442. craigor
20-06-29 16:08 Richmond Salmonid Crow Fat faceless Salmonid to the nest. Rosie feeds the nestlings. Tail finished by XV 1646. craigor
20-06-29 18:32 Richmond Jacksmelt chagin Faceless Jacksmelt taken by Rosie, then by XV, Rosie takes the fish 1851 and repositions it to feed the other nestlings. WU takes the fish 1904, then ZD steals it 1905. Tailfin abandoned by ZD 1930. craigor
20-06-29 19:34 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond to the nest with a tiny fish remnant, taken by Rosie. ZD gets the tail, finished 1937. craigor
20-06-29 08:13 Richmond Salmonid janw Whole Salmonid to the nest, Rosie arrives to feed the chicks. Fish finished 0837. craigor
20-06-28 11:48 Richmond Salmonid Crow Whole Salmonid delivered, taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings. Tail finished by XV 1211. craigor
20-06-28 09:22 Richmond Salmonid pamela Whole Salmonid to the nest, Rosie feeds the nestlings. Finished 0939. craigor
20-06-28 15:50 Richmond Salmonid Crow Another whole Salmonid left on the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings. Tail finished by ZD 1623. craigor
20-06-28 18:02 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole flopping Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by WU who tries to get airborne with it as ZD begins eating it from the other end. Taken by ZD 1823 and eaten continuously. Rosie attempts to snatch it back 1907, takes it away 1909, feeds XV. XV finishes the tail 1913. craigor
20-06-28 18:26 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Large whole Jacksmelt taken by Rosie, two fish on the nest. Rosie feeds XV and WU, tail finished by WU 1900. craigor
20-06-28 07:06 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Whole fish delivered, taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings. Continuous feeding, fish finished 0746. craigor
20-06-27 18:48 Richmond Salmonid Judi Whole Salmonid delivered, two fish on the nest. Taken and eaten by XV. XV and WU trade places and fish 1919. Fish abandoned by WU 1936, taken by XV 1937. Tail abandoned 1948, then XV resumes eating 1950, walks away again 1952. Rosie takes the fish to the other side of the nest 1953, as Richmond arrives and starts cleaning up scraps. Richmond takes back the fish 1955, flies it off to the boom cable 1956. Finished on the cable 2011. craigor
20-06-27 16:53 Richmond Salmonid Crow Small whole Salmonid snatched by Rosie out of Richmond's midair talon. Rosie feeds the chicks. Eaten quickly, finished by 1710. craigor
20-06-27 15:01 Richmond Salmonid janw Another Salmonid dropped on the nest, taken by Rosie then snatched away by WU who self feeds. WU and XV both pecking at the fish as ZD practices hovering. ZD swipes the fish 1512 and eats it, tail finished 1549. craigor
20-06-27 09:42 Richmond Salmonid Judi Half-eaten fish delivered as Rosie and the chicks are still working on the last, two fish on the nest. Taken by ZD. Other chicks arrive to help eat 0956. Rosie tries and fails to take the fish from ZD 1002. Zd continues eating, Rosie snatches the fish from the edge of the nest 1036 and feeds XV. Finished by 1041. craigor
20-06-27 18:22 Rosie Bass-Striped Crow Rosie brings home a good sized whole striper. Continuous feeding until Rosie hands off the fish to XV 1922. Apparently finished around 1924 with the cam off the nest. craigor
20-06-27 09:10 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman PP Rosie brings another PFM, feeds the nestlings. Fish finished 0954. XV still picking over scattered crumbs 1003. craigor
20-06-26 17:38 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi PFM is Rosie's first fish since June 10. Fed to the chicks, finished by 1803. craigor
20-06-26 14:30 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Sizeable whole Jacksmelt taken by Rosie. Chicks fed, fish finished by 1456 craigor
20-06-26 07:14 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Rear half of a small Jacksmelt left on the nest for the nestlings. Grabbed by XV from ZD after a struggle and then dropped through an opening on the SW side of the nest 0716. Lost fish! craigor
20-06-26 12:58 Richmond Salmonid Midi Whole fish delivered, looks like another Salmonid. Rosie feeds the nestlings, taken by ZD 1304, snatched by WU and then back by ZD, retaken by WU 1337. Finished 1343. craigor
20-06-26 08:06 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole flopping Jacksmelt left on the nest for the chicks. Flops its way over to WU who takes it and begins eating. WU continues, with assistance from XV, until Rosie takes the fish 0820 and begins supervised feeding. Rosie finishes the tail 0841. craigor
20-06-25 16:52 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Large whole striped bass delivered, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Feeding continuous until Rosie gives the tail to ZD 1905, ZD working on the tail while Rosie and the siblings clean up scattered remnants. Tail finished by ZD with considerable effort 1913. craigor
20-06-25 21:11 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Faceless Jacksmelt brought for Rosie and the chicks. Continuous feeding, Rosie finishes the tail 2145. craigor
20-06-25 14:37 Richmond Salmonid Crow Small tail-end remnant brought to the nest. Mottled green and silver skin and broad tailfin again suggests a Salmonid. Left on the nest, taken by XV 1439, then snatched by ZD 1442. Stolen back by XV then by ZD 1456. Tail finished by ZD after several tries 1506. craigor
20-06-24 21:05 Richmond Jacksmelt ishwish Faceless Jacksmelt delivered. Rosie feeds herself then the chicks. Chicks sated, small remnant left on the nest 2153. Uncovered by Rosie 0622 on 6/25, taken by ZD at 0627. Finished with help from WU at 0630. craigor
20-06-24 16:06 Richmond Bass-Striped ES Headless striper delivered, taken by WU. Joined by XV 1611. ZD makes a play for the fish 1620, Rosie moves in to break up the tussle and takes the fish herself. Continuous feeding ensues, tail finished by XV 1653. craigor
20-06-24 11:26 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole flopping Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings. Scattered scraps remain by 1201. craigor
20-06-24 07:57 Richmond Jacksmelt bahcats Faceless Jacksmelt to the nest. Rosie feeds the chicks. WU finishes the tail 0817. craigor
20-06-24 18:53 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole flopping Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings. Finished 1914. craigor
20-06-24 05:51 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Lively whole Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie arrives and feeds the nestlings. Fish finished 0611. craigor
20-06-24 14:26 Richmond Salmonid DianneA Headless mottled fish with dark pink flesh is another Salmonid. Eaten quickly. ZD strugggles for several minutes with skin and tail remnant, finishes 1447. craigor
20-06-23 09:11 Richmond Bass-Striped 3SSFKids Large faceless striper to the nest. Taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Feeding continues to 1009, fish taken by Richmond to the boom cable. Returned to the nest 1037 for more feeding, tail abandoned on the nest 1059. Claimed by XV 1333, then by Rosie 1347, more feeding, XV finishes the tail 1401. craigor
20-06-23 17:28 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Fat whole Jacksmelt to the nest and immediately away. Returned to the nest 1734, and Rosie feeds the chicks. Finished by 1800. craigor
20-06-23 18:40 Richmond Jacksmelt ishwish Whole live Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie and the nestlings feed, finished 1857. craigor
20-06-23 21:00 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond comes to the cable with a partially eaten fish. Brought to the nest 2102, Rosie and the nestings feed, finished 2115. craigor
20-06-22 20:52 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole small Jacksmelt delivered, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Finished by 2107. craigor
20-06-22 06:04 Richmond Jacksmelt Peggy Small intact Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. XV finishes the tail 0619. craigor
20-06-22 06:46 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Faceless Jacksmelt delivery. Rosie arrives and begins feeding the nestlings. Fish finished 0712. craigor
20-06-22 07:49 Richmond Man Made Objects craigor Richmond brings a sheet of bubble wrap and leaves it on the E corner of the nest. craigor
20-06-22 09:33 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi Whole small Jacksmelt left on the nest, Rosie feeds the nestlings, fish finished 0944. craigor
20-06-22 13:18 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Large faceless striper to the nest, taken by Rosie. Feeding continues until tail abandoned 1456, taken away by Richmond 1457 to the boom cable then flown off 1458. Returned to the nest much reduced 1542. Richmond makes an attempt to feed the chicks, then leaves the tail portion on the nest where the two oldest tussle over it. ZD continues eating until fish taken by WU 1544. Tugging and prodding by other chicks continues as WU eats. Rosie takes over 1604, fish finished by 1623. craigor
20-06-22 18:09 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Small lively Jacksmelt left on the nest for the chicks. WU takes it and starts eating it sideways. WU steps away 1835, ZD moves in and begins feeding. With Rosie watching on the nest, XV pushes in 1902, takes the fish 1903. Snatched by WU at the far edge of the nest, then taken back by XV 1906, dragged to near side of nest. Chicks eat the entire fish unassisted, only scraps of skin left by 1919. craigor
20-06-22 21:15 Richmond Jacksmelt janw Large faceless Jacksmelt arrives, the latest fish delivery of the year. Rosie and the nestlings feed, fish finished 2151. craigor
20-06-21 18:37 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Hefty headless striper to the nest, continuous feeding until Rosie finishes the tail 2003. craigor
20-06-21 06:27 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman thora Rosie arrives to take the fish 0628, feeding commences. A few uneaten scraps of skin left by 0717. craigor
20-06-21 09:34 Richmond Bass-Striped PP Whole large striper brought to the nest, then lifted away. Returned to the nest headless 1103. Rosie feeds the nestlings, continuous feeding until 1236, chicks sated, Rosie finishes the tail. craigor
20-06-20 21:04 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond gently hovers the rear half of a Jacksmelt onto the nest. Taken by Rosie, chicks fed, WU finishes the tail 2115. craigor
20-06-20 18:47 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Modest sized whole Jacksmelt taken by WU for self feeding. All chicks poke and prod the fish as Rosie stands by. Rosie lifts the fish off and on the nest 1856, then feeds the chicks. Rosie picking up scattered crumbs by 1910. craigor
20-06-20 20:34 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole wiggling Jacksmelt brought to the nest. Fish bounces around the nest among the chicks, seized by Rosie and feeding commences. Tail finished by XV 2058. craigor
20-06-20 12:44 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Large whole striped bass brought to the nest, lifted off by Rosie and returned 1245. Feeding continues until Richmond takes the fish away 1304, returned 1450. Tail finished by WU 1537 after a few tries. craigor
20-06-20 06:26 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest. Rosie arrives to take the fish and feed the nestlings. Finished by 0643. craigor
20-06-19 08:37 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, then off to the cable. Back to the nest 0842, Rosie feeds the nestlings. Tail portion taken by ZD and WU for self feeding by the chicks 0851. Rosie cleaning up the scattered crumbs 0853. craigor
20-06-19 20:58 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Faceless Jacksmelt landed on the nest, taken by Rosie, chicks fed. ZD finishes the tail 2121. craigor
20-06-19 20:07 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Sizeable flopping whole Jacksmelt to the nest, subdued by Rosie to feed the nestlings. Finished by 2041. craigor
20-06-19 16:19 Richmond Jacksmelt Lisa the Lurker Skinny whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest, then flown up to the boom cable. Returned to the nest 1621, taken by the chicks for self feeding. ZD continues feeding after others quit, leaves fish at SE edge of nest 1637. Rosie arrives 1640 and begins feeding the chicks. Fish finished by 1652. craigor
20-06-19 06:06 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Plump whole Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie who feeds the chicks. Fish finished 0633. craigor
20-06-19 11:21 Richmond Bass-Striped 3SSFKids Headless fat striper brought to the nest. Taken by Rosie ot feed the chicks. Chicks full, Rosie continues eating, finished 1225. craigor
20-06-18 10:23 Richmond Other Crow Large faceless American Shad brought to the nest. Fish taken by Rosie for a circuit around the crane, then back to the nest. Feeding commences. Hind portion left on the nest 1054. Taken away by Richmond 1117 to the boom cable, returned to nest 1254, taken by Rosie for family feeding. Chicks sated, Rosie finishes the fish 1319. craigor
20-06-18 21:07 Richmond Jacksmelt ES Richmond arrives on the cable with a fresh Jacksmelt. Brought to the nest 2200 and flown off by Rosie. Returned to the rail 2209, then back to the nest 2219. Finished 2232. craigor
20-06-18 20:47 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Good sized whole Jacksmelt to the nest. Rosie arrives, takes the fish, lifts it off and on the nest, and commences feeding. Fish finished 2104. craigor
20-06-18 18:25 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Large whole Jacksmelt to the nest. Taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings. Rosie leaves the fish on the nest 1833, returns 1834 for more feeding. Scattered crumbs by 1857. craigor
20-06-18 06:44 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Whole Jacksmelt delivery, Rosie appears 0645 to feed the nestlings. Rosie finishes the tail 0709. craigor
20-06-18 08:11 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Faceless Jacksmelt left on the nest for the chicks. ZD self feeds, drags the fish to the north side of the nest, continues self feeding. Remnant abandoned on the nest 0830. Recovered by Rosie 0846, Rosie feeds herself and the chicks. Finished by 0901. craigor
20-06-17 13:35 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole Jacksmelt delivery, Rosie takes the fish and feeds the chicks. Scattered crumbs by 1346, ZD takes the tail and drags it across the nest. Three nestlings pecking at the scraps 1349. ZD and Rosie still finishing up 1350. craigor
20-06-17 17:06 Richmond Jacksmelt chagin Headless Jacksmelt delivered, eaten rapidly. FInished 1723, ZD gets the tail. craigor
20-06-17 09:50 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie, chicks feed, finished by 1003. craigor
20-06-17 20:37 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond arrives on the cable with a whole Jacksmelt seven minutes after leaving. Brought to the nest 2049, Rosie feeds the nestlings. Fish finished 2055. craigor
20-06-17 18:47 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Whole striper left on the nest with the chicks. Rosie arrives 1848 and feeding commences. Fish finished 1919. craigor
20-06-17 15:35 Richmond Jacksmelt g4901 Whole flopping Jacksmelt slowly descended onto the nest, taken by Rosie, chicks fed. Fish (mostly) finished, ZD with the tailfin 1555. craigor
20-06-17 08:41 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Small but lively Jacksmelt taken by Rosie, eaten with the chicks in one sitting, finished 0904. craigor
20-06-16 21:11 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole Jacksmelt delivery is the eighth fish of the day for Richmond. Eaten on the nest by Rosie and the chicks, finished 2128. craigor
20-06-16 06:20 Richmond Unknown Peggy Unknown brownish faceless fish, possible Striped Mullet, brought to Rosie and the chicks. Finished 0640. craigor
20-06-16 09:07 Richmond Jacksmelt Lisa the Lurker Plump noseless Jacksmelt delivered to the chicks on the nest. Rosie arrives, chicks fed, fish finished 0946. craigor
20-06-16 13:57 Richmond Jacksmelt Mhall Whole live Jacksmelt seized by Rosie then by the two eldest chicks, who tussle over it. Nestlings continue to poke and prod the fish while Rosie tends to housekeeping. ZD pulls the fish from the scrum 1400. Wrestled away by WU 1403. WU continues self-feeding as XV tries to steal bites. Fish commandeered by Rosie 1416, feeds herself and the chicks. Fish finished 1426, ZD consumes the tail. craigor
20-06-16 15:03 Richmond Jacksmelt Mhall Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, feeding follows, fish finished by 1521. craigor
20-06-16 16:52 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Small but lively whole Jacksmelt delivered. Rosie subdues the fish, feeds the chicks, finished 1714. craigor
20-06-16 18:25 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Flip flopping whole Jacksmelt delivered, feeding follows. Scattered crumbs by 1843. craigor
20-06-16 20:51 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Headless Jacksmelt delivered, eaten quickly by Rosie and the nestlings, finished 2101. craigor
20-06-15 11:49 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Headless striper, Rosie feeds herself then the chicks. Finished by 1230. craigor
20-06-15 15:35 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Intact Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie arrives to feed the chicks. Fish finished 1603. craigor
20-06-15 16:59 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole live Jacksmelt brought to the nest and held for display. Chicks probe and prod the still-flopping fish. Rosie arrives 1708, lifts the fish off and on the nest, and commences feeding the nestlings. By 1731, only scattered crumbs remain. craigor
20-06-15 18:27 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Whole Jacksmelt flown in to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings. Rendered to crumbs by 1849. craigor
20-06-15 20:59 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Wildly flopping whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest. Subdued by Rosie to feed the kids. Chicks sated, fish finished by Rosie 2126. craigor
20-06-15 07:32 Richmond Jacksmelt radchick Sizeable headless Jacksmelt delivered, taken by Rosie, chicks fed continuously, fish finished 0812. craigor
20-06-14 16:50 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Small, pale fish ID'd as likely immature Striped Bass. Eaten quickly by Rosie and the nestlings, finished 1659. craigor
20-06-14 18:55 Richmond Jacksmelt Lisa the Lurker Large headless Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed, finished 1927. craigor
20-06-14 21:05 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Rear half of a Jacksmelt quickly consumed by Rosie and the nestlings, finished 2111. craigor
20-06-14 06:32 Other Other chagin Banding day present of Largemouth Bass from Uncle Tony\, flown off to the far ROV cable by Rosie 0828, then to the boom cable 0852. Returned to the nest 0909, Rosie and WU feed. Remainder left on the nest. Taken away by Richmond 1026. Returned to boom cable 1255, brought to nest 1355, Rosie lifts the fish off then returns 1356, feeds the nestlings. Fish finished by 1429. craigor
20-06-14 05:43 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Richmond on and off the nest with a whole Jacksmelt, taken up to the boom cable. Flown off the cable uneaten 0610. RIchmond returns to the boom with a small chunk 0829, resumes eating 0850. Small tail remnant brought to the nest 0910, taken by chick ZD for self feeding. Two fish on the nest. Dragged by Rosie to the SE edge of the nest and abandoned 1012. Retrieved by Rosie 1107, Rosie feeds herself and the chicks. Fish finished 1113. craigor
20-06-13 05:40 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings. Fish finished 0610. craigor
20-06-13 20:50 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Small faceless Jacksmelt to the nest. Rosie feeds herself then the chicks. Finished 2058 craigor
20-06-13 20:07 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole flopping Jacksmelt, taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings, down to scraps by 2024. craigor
20-06-13 15:40 Richmond Bass-Striped Lisa the Lurker Large whole striper brought to the nest. Rosie and the chicks feed. Remnant taken by RIchmond 1643 to the boom cable, then to the far end of the ROV. Returned to the nest 1724, more feeding, fish finished 1759. craigor
20-06-13 13:28 Richmond Bass-Striped Lisa the Lurker Headless striper taken by Rosie for continuous feeding until fish finished 1407. craigor
20-06-12 08:24 Richmond Jacksmelt janw Plump lively Jacksmelt to the nest, Two eldest chicks attempt self-feeding. Rosie takes the fish, feeds the chicks, then Richmond takes the fish to the ROV 0835. Returned to the nest 0850, Richmond tries feeding the chicks, chicks try self feeding. Rosie takes over 0852, fish finished by 0858. craigor
20-06-12 12:25 Richmond Surf Perch pamela Whole plump Surfperch to the nest. Rosie takes the fish and feeds the chicks. Chicks sated, Rosie finishes the fish 1310. craigor
20-06-12 15:20 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Whole live Jacksmelt to the nest. Taken by Rosie as chicks attempt to self-feed. Rosie feeds the nestlings, fish finished by 1546. craigor
20-06-12 18:39 Richmond Other calgal Iridescent fish with dark red flesh and forked tail is a likely American Shad. Taken by Rosie, chicks fed, fish taken away by Richmond 1859 to the boom cable. Finished on the cable 1906. craigor
20-06-12 06:09 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Face-nibbled Jacksmelt. Rosie feeds the chicks, then finishes the fish 0624. craigor
20-06-12 06:47 Richmond Other Video Assistant Skin and bones of a former fish brought as nest material. craigor
20-06-11 11:03 Richmond Bass-Striped Lisa the Lurker Faceless striper to the nest. Feeding continues until Rosie flies off with the tail fragment 1202. craigor
20-06-11 15:33 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Whole large Jacksmelt to the nest. Eaten by Rosie and the nestlings in one sitting, finished by 1618. craigor
20-06-11 17:36 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Half a small Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, left for eldest chick to try self feeding. Chick continues holding the fish tail until Rosie snatches it 1815. More feeding, fish finished 1822. craigor
20-06-11 20:26 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole flopping Jacksmelt to the nest. Kids seem interested in self-feeding. Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 2040. craigor
20-06-11 07:17 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest. Finished by 0744. craigor
20-06-11 08:41 Richmond Jacksmelt KitKat Whole Jacksmelt delivery. Continuous feeding until chicks are sated, Rosie finishes the tail 0919. craigor
20-06-10 07:41 Richmond Jacksmelt chagin Smallish whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest, then removed to the boom cable for processing. Returned to the nest 0745, taken by Rosie. Rosie feeds, with a few bites for the chicks who are slow to rise. Tail left on the nest 0806, picked up and dragged around by eldest nestling 0813, who then attempts self-feeding. Richmond takes away the tail 0818, returns fishless 0828. craigor
20-06-10 11:39 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole Jacksmelt delivered. Rosie and the nestlings feed, fish finished by 1202. craigor
20-06-10 10:30 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Small faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, Consumed quickly by Rosie and the nestlings, finished 1044. craigor
20-06-10 19:27 Rosie Bass-Striped DianneA Modest sized whole striper brought to the nest, Rosie's first fish since May 5. Lifted off and on the nest 1929, feeding ensues. Kids sated, Rosie continues eating, tail left on the nest 1957 then taken by Richmond to the ROV, off camera, 2011. craigor
20-06-10 18:03 Richmond Bass-Striped chagin Headless striper delivery, taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings. Continuous feeding until fish is finished, by 1906. craigor
20-06-09 05:46 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest, Richmond begins removing the face as the kids gather round, then takes the fish away 0549 to the boom cable. Returned to the nest 0600, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished by 0617. craigor
20-06-09 19:42 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Good sized headless striper arrives, taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings. Tail left on the nest 2023. Retrieved by Richmond 2028 and flown to the boom cable, finished 2037. craigor
20-06-09 14:04 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Large headless striper to the nest. Continuous feeding to 1450. Chicks sated, Rosie continues eating. Tailfin lifted off by Rosie, dropped over the SW edge of the nest 1512. Retrieved acrobatically by Richmond 1624 and flown to the boom cable, finished 1637. craigor
20-06-09 09:39 Richmond Bass-Striped Lisa the Lurker Another headless striper to the nest. Eaten quickly, finished 1015. craigor
20-06-09 07:45 Richmond Bass-Striped Lisa the Lurker Headless striper arrives at the nest, first spotted by onsite observer 0736. Rosie and the chicks feed, fish finished 0801. craigor
20-06-08 11:16 Richmond Jacksmelt janw Whole Jacksmelt delivered to the nest. Consumed rapidly, this time the littlest chick finishes the tail 1134, crumbs and entrails cleaned up by 1135. craigor
20-06-08 09:49 Richmond Jacksmelt ES Rear half of a Jacksmelt brought to the nest. Enthusiastic feeding, eldest chick finishes the tail 0959. craigor
20-06-08 08:32 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi Whole Jacksmelt flown up to the nest. Eaten quickly, finished by 0903. craigor
20-06-08 15:12 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole Jacksmelt on and off the nest, lifted to the boom cable. Returned to the nest 1515, finished 1541. craigor
20-06-08 12:47 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Good-sized whole striper delivered to the nest. Rosie and the kids feed continuously until the fish is finished at 1309. craigor
20-06-08 18:25 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Large fish spotted on ROV 1741, brought to nest 1825. Continuous feeding until 1923, tail portion taken away by Richmond. craigor
20-06-07 09:06 Richmond Jacksmelt Mhall Whole Jacksmelt on and off the nest, returned to nest with face removed 0919. Rosie and the nestlings feed, fish finished 0935. craigor
20-06-07 11:48 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Headless striper dropped at the nest. Continuous feeding follows until chicks sated, Rosie finishes the tail at 1223. craigor
20-06-07 05:53 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Richmond arrives on the boom cable with a nose-nibbled Jacksmelt. Brought to the nest 0603, then flown off again 0604, as Rosie and the chicks are still working on the previous fish. Richmond returns fishless to the boom cable 0622. craigor
20-06-07 20:40 Richmond Jacksmelt Lisa the Lurker Richmond swoops past the nest with another whole Jacksmelt and flies it away to eat nearby, verified by onsite observer, as Rosie and the chicks keep eating the previous fish. Ninth fish of the day ties the all-time record. craigor
20-06-07 20:26 Richmond Jacksmelt Lisa the Lurker Richmond to the cable with a whole flopping Jacksmelt. Brought to the nest 2028, finished by 2049. Eighth fish of the day sets a new season best. craigor
20-06-07 20:11 Richmond Jacksmelt Lisa the Lurker Hind end of a Jacksmelt is quick work for Rosie and the chicks. Finished 2017. craigor
20-06-07 07:23 Richmond Jacksmelt Mhall SIzeable whole Jacksmelt to the nest, taken to the boom cable 0724. Returned to the nest 0739 for Rosie and the chicks to feed, finished 0802. craigor
20-06-07 16:06 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Whole Striped Bass to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed until the fish is finished 1713. craigor
20-06-07 05:41 Richmond Jacksmelt Peggy Whole flopping Jacksmelt to the nest. Flown off by Rosie 0550, returned 0552. Feeding resumes, fish finished by 0619. craigor
20-06-06 07:57 Richmond Bass-Striped pamela Whole striper to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Feeding more or less continuous until Richmond seizes the fish while Rosie is in mid-bite and flies off to the farthest ROV port side cable 0851. Fish brought to the boom cable 0924, then returned to the nest 0934, finished by Rosie and the nestlings 1001. craigor
20-06-06 11:59 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Headless striper brought to the nest. Eaten quickly, chicks sated, Rosie finishes the tail 1235. craigor
20-06-06 15:38 Richmond Bass-Striped Lisa the Lurker Hefty whole striper spotted moments earlier by onsite observer hovered onto the nest in high winds. Taken away by Rosie 1539 to the farthest port side ROV cable. Returned to the nest 1558, taken by Richmond, who feeds himself a lot and the chicks a little while Rosie works on nest remodeling projects. Rosie snatches the fish 1628 and normal family feeding resumes. Richmond seizes the fish 1650 at the edge of the nest and feeds a few more bites to the chicks before flying it off 1653 to the near ROV cable. Returned to the nest 1704, Rosie and the chicks feed. Flown off by RIchmond 1755, returned 1819. Hearty feeding on the nest, fish finished 1846. craigor
20-06-06 05:31 Richmond Jacksmelt Peggy Whole modest-sized Jacksmelt to the nest. Eaten by Rosie and the chicks in one sitting. Finished by 0553. craigor
20-06-06 06:16 Richmond Jacksmelt Peggy Faceless Jacksmelt delivery. Feeding ensues, tail finished with chick's assistance 0633. craigor
20-06-05 10:42 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Modest sized whole Jacksmelt, taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings, finished 1054. craigor
20-06-05 20:24 Richmond Bass-Striped Lisa the Lurker Large headless striper brought to the nest. Rosie and the nestlings dine by the light of the full moon. Fish finished 2137. craigor
20-06-05 13:30 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Small but very lively whole Jacksmelt delivered. Eaten quickly, then oldest chick carries the tail all around the nest, then #2 chick takes it, then #3 chick takes it from the mouth of chick #2 and gives it back to Rosie. FInished off by chick #1 1344. craigor
20-06-05 05:40 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond hovers over the nest with a whole Jacksmelt for several seconds, then flies off. Returned to nest headless 0610. Both parents hover while holding the fish as the chicks watch, then Rosie feeds the chicks. Finished 0629, middle chick finishing the tail. craigor
20-06-04 20:49 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Half a small Jacksmelt brought for a bedtime snack. Tail finished by the youngest chick 2100. craigor
20-06-04 09:16 Richmond Bass-Striped bahcats Large headless striper brought to the nest, devoured by Rosie and the chicks, finished 1020. craigor
20-06-04 05:29 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal RIchmond to the boom cable with the earliest fsh ever recorded. Brought to the nest 0543, Rosie and the nestlings feed. Fish finished 0557. craigor
20-06-04 15:13 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Large nose-nibbled striper brought to the nest. Lifted off and on the nest by Rosie, who takes some bites while subduing the fish, then feeds the nestlings. Feedings continue until Richmond snatches the fish 1620 and takes it to the ROV. Flown off 1624, returned to the nest 1640, more feeding. Flown away by Richmond 1701 to the boom cable, then to the rail corner 1709. Back to the nest 1719, Rosie and the chicks feed, finished by 1748. craigor
20-06-03 10:45 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Richmond delivers the back half of a well-used striper. Rosie and the chicks feed, fish finished 1101. craigor
20-06-03 05:56 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Richmond, pursued by a gull, brings a long floppy fish to the boom cable, then to the nest. Rosie and the chicks feed, fish finished 0628. craigor
20-06-03 08:53 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Headless striper delivered, Rosie and the chicks feed. Fish finished by 0928. craigor
20-06-03 20:53 Richmond Jacksmelt Lisa the Lurker Faceless Jacksmelt delivered. Eaten by Rosie and the chicks, finished 2117. craigor
20-06-03 18:29 Richmond Bass-Striped Lisa the Lurker Striped Bass first spotted by onsite observer flying past at 1645 is brought to the nest with head removed. Eaten by Rosie and the kids, finished by 1910. craigor
20-06-03 14:31 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Crow Fairly intact PFM to the nest, flown to the cable 1432, then off. Returned to the nest 1451, taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings. Fish finished 1522. craigor
20-06-02 11:25 Richmond Unknown Robin Whole fish brought to nest, distantly visible on ATN cam during nestcam malfunction. Eaten by Rosie and the nestlings, fish finished by 1147. craigor
20-06-02 19:44 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Large intact flopping Jacksmelt to the nest. Rosie and the chicks feed, fish finished by 2020. craigor
20-06-02 16:05 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Headless Jacksmelt delivered, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished 1618. craigor
20-06-02 13:58 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole jacksmelt delivery, Rosie feeds the nestlings, eaten in one sitting, tail finished by the middle chick 1425. craigor
20-06-02 08:18 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Modest-sized whole Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks, finished 0840. craigor
20-06-01 20:37 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal RIchmond arrives on the cable with a precariously-held, wildly flopping Jacksmelt. Taken away for processing 2041. Remnant brought to the nest 2121, Rosie and the nestlings feed. Middle chick finishes off the tail 2140. craigor
20-06-01 15:04 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Large, vigorously flopping Striped Bass to the nest, Rosie feeds the nestlings. Remnant left on nest 1645. Retrieved by Rosie 1704 for more feeding. Tailfin left on the nest 1715. Taken by Richmond 1726 to the boom cable, finished 1740. craigor
20-06-01 08:37 Richmond Bass-Striped pamela Richmond delivers a whole striped bass, one minute 24 seconds after leaving the rail. Rosie feeds the nestlings. Tail left on the nest 0928. Recovered by Richmond 0945, Richmond tries feeding the chicks, then feeds Rosie. Rosie takes the fish 0954, feeds self and chicks. Fish finished 1005. craigor
20-05-31 19:16 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Hind half of a small Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie and the nestlings feed, smallest chick finishes the tail 1925. craigor
20-05-31 16:46 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Whole striper to the nest. Rosie feeds the nestlings. Eaten in one sitting, finished 1730 craigor
20-05-31 11:15 Richmond Bass-Striped pamela Faceless striper to the nest, feeding ensues. Taken by Richmond 1156 to the boom cable, finished 1211. craigor
20-05-31 05:46 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Whole live Jacksmelt delivered to the nest. Feeding follows, fish finished in one sitting by 0607. craigor
20-05-31 09:49 Richmond Bass-Striped pamela Small whole striper to the nest. Consumed rapidly, gone by 0958. craigor
20-05-31 20:40 Richmond Jacksmelt jh Richmond to the cable with a long skinny flopping fish. Remnant brought to nest 2224, nestlings fed, tailfin dropped in the nest bowl 2231. craigor
20-05-31 20:30 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Good-sized whole Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the nestlings. Finished by 2055, strand of entrails left on the nest. craigor
20-05-30 06:38 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Whole striper to the nest, Rosie feeds the nestlings. Taken away by Richmond 0710 to the boom cable. Returned to the nest 0838. Finished on the nest 0906. craigor
20-05-30 17:55 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Richmond arrives on the boom cable with a whole live striper. Taken to the ROV cable 1754, brought to the nest 1835, Rosie and the chicks feed. Taken away to the boom by Richmond 1909, back to the nest 1933, more feeding follows. Tail taken by Richmond 1948 to the boom cable, finished 1958. craigor
20-05-30 16:29 Richmond Jacksmelt ES Whole bloody Jacksmelt brought to the nest. Rosie and the nestlings feed, fish finished in one sitting 1706. craigor
20-05-30 12:00 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Richmond brings a faceless striper to the cable. Brought to the nest 1203. Removed and returned to the nest by Rosie 1204, Rosie feeds the nestlings. Taken by Richmond to the boom cable 1301. Returned to the nest 1326 for more feeding. Rosie feeds again 1351, feeds the chicks, fish finished 1413. craigor
20-05-29 17:53 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Whole striper to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Taken away by Richmond 1815. Returned to the nest 1832, more feeding. Richmond lifts the remnant off to the rail 1901. Finished 1935. craigor
20-05-29 10:13 Richmond Bass-Striped ES Whole bloody Striped Bass to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Richmond forcibly takes the fish away 1043 to the ROV. Returned to the nest 1104 for more feeding. Taken away again by Richmond 1145 to the ROV then to the rail 1203. Remnant returned to the nest 1314, Rosie feeds the chicks. Rosie finishes the fish on the nest 1344. craigor
20-05-29 08:24 Richmond Jacksmelt janw Whole live Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished 0845. craigor
20-05-28 16:52 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Whole flip flopping Jacksmelt dangled and delivered to the nest. Rosie and the chicks feed, fish finished by 1717. craigor
20-05-28 14:51 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman DianneA Return of camera from blackout shows Richmond and Rosie on the nest with the season's first recorded PFM, Rosie feeding the chicks. Remnant left on the nest 1512. Rosie feeding at 1533, feeds the chicks. Richmond takes the remnant 1600 to the ROV, finished 1608. craigor
20-05-28 07:13 Richmond Bass-Striped Lisa the Lurker Onsite observer reports RIchmond bringing a fish, then removing it for processing. Returned to the nest for Rosie and the chicks at 0820 per report. craigor
20-05-26 13:30 Richmond Bass-Striped Tony\ Onsite observer reports Rosie feeding the chicks on the nest by 1330, tail section still on the nest by remote camera view at 1538. craigor
20-05-26 21:06 Richmond Unknown Lisa the Lurker Richmond on the rail with a late fish delivery per onsite observer, Rosie feeds the chicks. craigor
20-05-25 16:45 Richmond Unknown ES Unknown fish at the nest reported by onsite observer. craigor
20-05-24 18:16 Richmond Bass-Striped Lisa the Lurker Whole striper delivered to the nest reported by onsite observer. Richmond on the boom cable with the remnant at 19:38, still eating shortly before 2000. craigor
20-05-24 09:19 Richmond Jacksmelt Lisa the Lurker Richmond on the cable defacing a Jacksmelt, reported by onsite observer. craigor
20-05-23 17:58 Richmond Jacksmelt Lisa the Lurker With camera streaming out of operation, onsite visitor reports long skinny fish delivered to the nest. Remains taken by Richmond to the cable 1820, fish finished by 1851 per report. craigor
20-05-21 09:42 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Removed by Richmond 0958 to the ROV. Returned to the nest 1006, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished 1024. craigor
20-05-21 12:08 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Headless striper to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Taken by Richmond 1244 to the boom cable. Returned to the nest 1256 for more feeding. Fish finished 1303. craigor
20-05-20 14:51 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Headless striper to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Taken by Richmond 1543 to the boom cable, back to the nest 1610, more feedings all around. Richmond takes it back to the boom 1700, back to the nest 1705, more feeding. Tail kicked over the side of the nest by Rosie 1723. craigor
20-05-20 06:03 Richmond Jacksmelt karen Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. FIsh taken by Richmond 0611 to the ROV, back to the nest 0627, Richmond feeds Rosie. Rosie feeds the chicks 0656, fish finished on the nest 0702. craigor
20-05-20 08:10 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi Lively whole Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Taken by Richmond 0820 to the boom. Back to the nest 0846, Rosie and the chicks feed. More feeding 0923. RIchmond takes the fish 1003, feeds Rosie, feeds the chicks, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 1020. craigor
20-05-20 11:42 Richmond Bass-Striped PP Whole flopping striper brought to the nest, then to the cable 1143. Back to the nest 1145, everyone feeds. Fish taken by Richmond 1206 to the boom, finished 1210. craigor
20-05-20 18:36 Richmond Surf Perch Judi Faceless fish brought to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish finished 18:51. craigor
20-05-20 20:03 Richmond Jacksmelt Lisa the Lurker Whole Jacksmelt spotted by onsite visitor, brought to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish kept on the nest overnight, Rosie up to feed the chicks at 0531 on 5/21. Richmond takes the remnant, feeds Rosie and the chicks 0556. Rosie feeds the chicks 0617, fish finished 0625. craigor
20-05-19 16:11 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Plump whole Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. RIchmond takes the fish 1645 to the boom, then back to the nest 1708, more feedings. Finished on the nest by Rosie 1724. craigor
20-05-19 17:56 Richmond Jacksmelt pamela Richmond to the boom cable with a whole flopping Jacksmelt. On and off the nest, still flopping, 1758, taken to the ROV. Back to the nest 1802, Rosie feeds the chicks. RIchmond takes the fish 1812 to the boom, back to the nest 1844. RIchmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks. Rosie finishes the fish on the nest 1900. craigor
20-05-19 06:28 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Whole flopping Jacksmelt on and off the nest, returned to the nest faceless 0638. Taken by Richmond to the ROV 0648. Tail remnant returned to the nest 0706. RIchmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks. Tail retrieved from the nest 0744 by Rosie for more feeding, finished 0747. craigor
20-05-19 09:27 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Faceless striper to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Taken to the boom cable by Richmond 1032, returned to the nest 1055. Rosie feeds the chicks 1112, 1221. Taken to the boom by Richmond 1319, tiny tail scrap returned to the nest 1324, more feedings all around, finished by 1335. craigor
20-05-18 14:42 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Very large whole striper to the nest, everyone feeds. Flown off by Richmond 1512 to the ROV, then brought to the rail 1522. Onto the nest 1540, more feeding all around. Remnant flown by Richmond 1602 to the boom, back to the nest 1609. Richmond feeds Rosie, then flies the fish back up to the boom cable 1614. Back to the nest 1617, then back to the boom 1622. Back to the nest 1627. More feeding all around 1647, tail left on the nest, retrieved by Richmond 1732. Richmond feeds Rosie, Rosie takes the fish 1736, feeds the chicks, finishes the tail 1740. craigor
20-05-18 09:25 Richmond Jacksmelt Guest A Lively whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest, all feed. Fish taken by Richmond 0938 to the ROV, then to the boom cable 0947. Back to the nest 0950, Rosie feeds the chicks. More feeding 1003. Richmond takes the fish 1027, feeds Rosie and the chicks, then Rosie feeds herself and the chicks. Tail finished or abandoned by 1054. craigor
20-05-18 18:55 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Faceless bloody striper to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Taken by Richmond 1911 to the boom, then away 1933. Remnant back to the nest 1947 for more feeding, then back 1953 to the ROV, and to the boom 2001. Brought to the nest 2036. Rosie feeds the chicks 2046, tail kept on the nest overnight, retrieved by Richmond 0530 on 5/19. All feed, fish finished 0538. craigor
20-05-17 17:04 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole flip-flopping Jacksmelt on the nest,feeding ensues. More feeding 1750, fish finished on the nest 1800. craigor
20-05-17 12:05 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Whole striper brought to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Taken to the boom cable by Richmond 1224, then back to the nest 1235. Off again 1240, remnant returned 1249. RIchmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks. RIchmond takes the tail 1321, feeds Rosie, feeds the chicks, Rosie feeds the chicks. RIchmond removes the tail 1413 to the boom cable, returns to the nest 1419 still chewing on the last bite of fish. craigor
20-05-17 19:58 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Headless striper to the nest, feeding all around, fish kept on the nest. Rosie up feeding the chicks at 0136 on 5/18, then again at 0347. Tail removed to the boom cable by Richmond 0538, then back to the nest 0544, finished 0549. craigor
20-05-17 06:13 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Whole flopping Jacksmelt to the nest. Rosie sits on the fish until 0647, feeds the chicks. Fish flown off by Richmond 0658, returned to nest 0709. Rosie picks up the fish for more feeding 0741. Fish finished on the nest 0746. craigor
20-05-16 10:03 Richmond Jacksmelt janw Whole flopping Jacksmelt to the nest, feeding ensues. Richmond takes the fish to the ROV 1020, back to the nest 1024, more feeding. Rosie kicks the fish to the edge of the nest 1039, retrieved by Richmond 1048, all feed. Remnant unearthed by Rosie 1225, she feeds the chicks. Fish finished by 1231. craigor
20-05-16 19:05 Richmond Jacksmelt chagin Richmond on and off the nest with a whole Jacksmelt. Returned to the nest after processing 1910, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Flown to the ROV by Richmond 1921, then away 1924. Remnant returned to the nest 1947, Richmond feeds Rosie. Rosie takes the fish, feeds herself, feeds the chicks, finishes the fish 2011. craigor
20-05-16 16:50 Richmond Jacksmelt Lisa the Lurker Large whole flopping Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. More feeding 1708, fish flown to the ROV by Richmond 1715. Back to nest 1738, Rosie and the nestlings feed. Fish finished 1752. craigor
20-05-16 15:25 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie eats and feeds the chicks. Finished on the nest 1536. craigor
20-05-16 05:58 Richmond Jacksmelt ES Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, Richmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks. Richmond flies off with the fish 0618, returns 0626. Up to the boom cable 0634, back to the nest 0638. Richmond nibbles, feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks. Rosie flies off holding the fish tail 0651, returns fishless 0655. craigor
20-05-15 16:02 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Headless bloody striper to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish taken away to the ROV by Richmond 1620. Returned to the nest 1643, more feeding all around. Floen off by by RIchmond 1725, brought to the boom cable 1727, then back to the nest 1805 and more feeding. Richmond grabs the fish 1850, feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds herself, feeds the chicks. Tail taken away by Richmond 1903, returns fishless 1929. craigor
20-05-15 09:00 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Whole striper brought to the cable, down to the nest 0903, taken by Richmond to the ROV 0904, returned to the nest 0915, Richmond feeds Rosie, Richmond feeds the chicks, Rosie feeds the chicks. RIchmond feeds the chicks again 0938, feeds Rosie, feeds self, takes fish to the boom cable 1001. Back to the nest 1046, Rosie feeds the chicks 1058. Remnant left on the nest 1102. Retrieved by Richmond and taken to the boom cable 1233, returned to nest 1242, Rosie feeds the chicks. Finished by Rosie on the nest 1307. craigor
20-05-14 11:27 Richmond Bass-Striped chagin Faceless bloody striper to the nest. Chicks fed, fish removed by Richmond 1140 to the boom cable. Returned to the nest 1216, Rosie feeds the squabbling chicks. More feeding 1314, remnant flown off by Richmond 1333. Tail fragment returned to the nest 1354, Rosie feeds the chicks 1404, takes away the tailfin 1417. craigor
20-05-14 06:30 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Faceless Jacksmelt to the nest, feeding follows. Remnant taken away by Richmond 0720, returned to the nest 0723, more feeding. Retrieved by Richmond 0807. RIchmond feeds the chicks while Rosie is off the nest, then Rosie returns and Richmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks. Richmond takes the tail to the ROV 0821, finished 0826. craigor
20-05-14 17:37 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Mangled large headless striper to the nest, Rosie and the chicks feed. Fish flown off to the ROV by Richmond 1804. Returned to the nest 1828, Richmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks. Taken away by Richmond 1859 to the ROV, returned 1925 to the nest. Rosie takes the fish away 1928, returns with it 1937. Taken to the ROV by Richmond 2008, back to the nest 2027, then to the ROV again 2029, flown off 2053. Repositioning of cam shows Richmond on boom cable with fish 2310. Fish brought to nest 0232 on 5/15, feeding ensues. Removed by Richmond 0546 Returned to nest 0600, Rosie feeds the chicks. Tailfin left on the nest, buried by Richmond during nestorations 0636. Dug up by Rosie 0748, finished on the nest by Rosie and the chicks 0805. craigor
20-05-13 12:05 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole flopping Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, Rosie feeds the nestlings. Fish flown off by Richmond 1218, taken to the ROV. Brought to the lower boom cable 1240, then to the nest 1241. Rosie and the chicks feed, Rosie finishes the fish on the nest 1259. craigor
20-05-13 17:29 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to feed the chicks. Fish removed by Richmond 1742 to the boom cable, then to the ROV 1759. Back to the nest 1802, Richmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the kids. More feeding at 1842, Rosie finishes the fish 1847. craigor
20-05-13 20:22 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Small headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, Rosie and the kids feed, tail left on the nest. Retrieved by Rosie for more feeding at 0118 on 5/14. Tailfin remnant dropped on the chicks in the nest bowl 0123. craigor
20-05-13 06:55 Richmond Jacksmelt Cathy Richmond brings a very lively flopping Jacksmelt to the nest. Chicks fed, fish removed by Richmond 0707 to the ROV cable. Back to the nest 0731. Rosie oursuing intruders, RIchmond feeds the chicks, then Richmond feeds Rosie and both feed the chicks. Fish left on the nest with the chicks 0744. Taken away by Richmond 0814 to the ROV, flown off 0817. Back to the boom cable 0823, then flown off again 0827. Back on the boom cable 0835, to the nest 0836. More feeding. Rosie takes the fish and continues feeding the chicks. More feeding 0903.Tail end taken away by Richmond 0922 to the boom cable, finished 0927. craigor
20-05-12 09:23 Richmond Jacksmelt trying to login Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, feeding ensues. Fish taken away by Richmond 0947, returned to the nest 0953. Richmond feeds Rosie, Rosie feeds the chicks. Rosie finishes the fish on the nest 1005. craigor
20-05-12 14:01 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Richmond to the lower cable, then to the nest with a faceless striper, lifts it off again 1402 to the ROV. Back to the boom cable 1409, then to a different ROV spot 1410. Back to the nest 1412. Feeding follows, fish left on the nest. More feeding 1511, Richmond takes the fish 1536 to the ROV, then back to the nest 1604, as Rosie feeds the chicks from an unearthed old fish chunk. Rosie feeds the chicks from the striper tail. Tail portion taken away to the ROV by Richmond 1646. Flown off 1647, returned to the nest 1710 for more feeding. Removed by RIchmond to the ROV 1801, then back 1805 and more feeding. Tail end flown off by Richmond 1835. craigor
20-05-11 09:05 Richmond Man Made Objects calgal Twisted plastic bag with blue markings. Identified as a store bought ice bag. craigor
20-05-11 14:25 Richmond Bass-Striped corvid_chum Faceless striper brought to the nest, then taken away again by Richmond. Returned to the nest 1439, then brought to the boom cable 1440, then flown off again 1444. Back to the nest 1455, Richmond feeds Rosie while she broods the three chicks. Still a large amount of fish left on the nest. Richmond returns 1617, more feeding of the chicks, Richmond lifts the fish off 1625 and drops it over the edge. Lost fish! craigor
20-05-11 18:37 Richmond Bass-Striped chagin Headless striper delivery, Rosie feeds the chicks. Taken away to the ROV by Richmond 1929, then flown off 1930. Back to the nest 2016, kept on the nest overnight. Feedings resume 0550 on 5/12. Taken by Richmond 0615 to the ROV, flown off 0621, remnant returned to the nest 0629, followed by more feedings. Tail removed by Richmond 0735, back to the nest 0737. Richmond feeds Rosie, takes the tail away 0740. craigor
20-05-11 07:07 Richmond Bass-Striped trying to login RIchmond to the nest with a headless striper, Rosie feeds the chicks, fish left on the nest. Taken by Richmond to the boom 0737, returned to the nest 0757. More feeding at 0818, fish undisturbed until 0908, taken by Richmond to the boom. Back to the nest 0924. Taken away again by Richmond 0939, shortly after the third chick hatches. Richmond returns to the nest fishless 0944. craigor
20-05-11 09:36 Richmond Other Twinkle Dried skin of a large fish brought as nesting material. Possibly a former Green Sturgeon. craigor
20-05-10 09:26 Richmond Bass-Striped trying to login Faceless striper to the nest. Feeding ensues, Rosie keeps the fish. Taken away by Richmond 1035 to the boom cable, returned to nest 1103. Tail end still on the nest at 1155. craigor
20-05-10 18:17 Richmond Jacksmelt trying to login Whole live Jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish taken to the boom cable by Richmond 1830, then to the ROV 1844. Back to the boom 1847, then to the nest 1848. Lifted off again to the ROV 1859, back to the nest 1902 for more feeding. Taken back to the ROV by Richmond 1917, finished 1927. craigor
20-05-09 07:56 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Richmond brings a striper to the boom cable, delivers it headless to the nest 1800, Rosie feeds the two chicks. Richmond takes the fish away 0816 to the ROV. Flown off 0902, returned to nest 0906. Feeding ensues, fish stays on the nest. After more feedings, tail taken away by Richmond 1136, finished on the boom cable 1142. craigor
20-05-09 17:50 Richmond Man Made Objects Crow Possible stuffed animal or fake fur hat, moldy and mud-caked, with shiny pink nose or button, brought to the nest. craigor
20-05-09 15:46 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Faceless striper dropped on the nest. Chicks fed, fish flown off by Richmond 1630. Returned to the nest 1705. AFter more feeding, tail end stays on the nest until taken away by Richmond to the boom cable 1752. Tail end returned to the nest 1829, removed by Richmond 1910. craigor
20-05-08 15:44 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond to the cable with a whole Jacksmelt. Delivered to the nest 1604, Rosie feeds the chick and keeps the fish until taken away by Richmond 1707. Brought back again 1724, chick fed again, Rosie keeps the fish. Rosie uncovers the chick and the fish 1809. More feeding, tail section left on the nest, flown off by Richmond 1847 to the boom cable, finished 1851. craigor
20-05-08 09:20 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Richmond brings a headless bloody striper to the nest. Taken by Rosie for baby's first feeding. Fish stays on the nest for several feeding/nap cycles, taken away by Richmond 1313 to the boom cable. Fish finished 1326. craigor
20-05-08 06:39 Richmond Other J. Another bird carcass, number eight for the year. craigor
20-05-06 08:55 Richmond Bass-Striped trying to login Richmond comes to the cable with a whole striped bass. Brought to the nest 0958, taken away by Rosie. Rosie returns to the nest fishless 1022. craigor
20-05-06 16:57 Rosie Man Made Objects trying to login Rosie brings a clump of nesting material including a square of blue cloth, then separates the blue cloth from the collection and removes it from the nest. craigor
20-05-06 20:42 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Richmond on the boom cable with a fish, kept on the cable overnight, brought to the nest 0556 on 5/7. Taken away by Rosie to the ROV cable, finished 0624. craigor
20-05-05 18:03 Rosie Bass-Striped Robin Rosie comes to the nest with a well-chewed striper, lifts it off to the far ROV cable, right side 1804. Flown off 1816 to boom cable, then brought to the nest 1817. Taken away by Richmond 1818 to near left ROV cable, finished 1829. craigor
20-05-05 06:38 Richmond Other Tony\ Richmond brings the flattened carcass of some small mammal, ID'd as possible roadkill skunk. craigor
20-05-04 16:18 Rosie Bass-Striped J. Rosie brings a striper to the ROV cable. Brought to the nest 1801, taken away by Richmond. Tail portion returned to the nest 1850, then flown off again 1852 to the boom cable. Returned to the nest 1916, then removed again to the ROV 1921, then back to the nest 1925. Richmond takes it to the ROV again 1936, then back to the nest 1946, then off again to the ROV 1948. Fish finished 1954. craigor
20-05-04 15:45 Richmond Man Made Objects PP Richmond brings a plastic bag entangled with a bird carcass. Gone by 1917. craigor
20-05-04 15:45 Richmond Other Tony\ Bird carcass is number 7 of the season. craigor
20-05-03 12:42 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Richmond arrives at the ROV cable with a fish, brought to the nest 1308, taken by Rosie 1309 to the farthest ROV cable, left side. Flown off 1352, brought to the nest 1410. Richmond is unmoved, so Rosie takes the fish away again 1411 to the boom undercable. Off the cable 1444 and returned to the nest, fish left on the nest with Richmond and the eggs until Rosie returns 1459, then taken away by Richmond to the boom cable. Tail dropped from the cable 1529. craigor
20-05-02 20:30 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Hind end of a Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken away by Rosie 2031 to the ROV cable, off again 2032. Rosie returns to the nest fishless 2036. craigor
20-05-02 11:42 Richmond Bass-Striped craigor Headless striper delivery to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut, remnant returned to nest 1158, then off and on again, taken to the ROV 1159. Rosie flies off 1203 and returns to the nest fishless 1204. craigor
20-05-01 10:19 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Richmond flies to the cable with a faceless striper. Brought to the nest 1020, taken by Rosie to the strut. Flown off 1034 to the ROV cable, then back to the strut 1042 for just a few seconds, then back to the nest. RIchmond seems uninterested so Rosie returns the fish to the strut 1043, flown off again 1049, back to the nest 1050. Rosie nibbles the fish on the nest. Richmond still immobile so Rosie flies the fish off again 1051, then back again and off again 1052. Rosie returns with a tail 1058, leaves it on the nest, and forcibly dislodges Richmond who flies off to the boom with the fish fragment 1100. Tailfin dropped from the cable 1113. craigor
20-04-30 11:13 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Headless striper to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut 1114. Flown off 1141 under crow harassment, brought to the boom 1142, then back to the nest. Remnant removed by Richmond 1143 to the boom cable, finished 1154. craigor
20-04-29 20:14 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole long flopping Jacksmelt to the boom cable. Brought to the nest 2028, flown off by Rosie 2029. Rosie returns fishless 2035. craigor
20-04-29 09:47 Richmond Other Robin Dark grey bird carcass brought to the nest. craigor
20-04-29 09:06 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Big headless striper to the nest, taken away by Rosie to the strut perch, flown off 0907. Returned to the strut 0912. Remnant brought back to the nest 0932. Tail flown up to thr boom cable by Richmond 0935, finished 0940. craigor
20-04-28 08:54 Richmond Bass-Striped Lisa the Lurker Richmond spotted with a fish on the boom by an on-site visitor. Fish brought to the nest 0951, taken by Rosie 0952 to the strut perch, brought to the rail 1000. Flown off 1002, brought to the boom cable 1004 then flown off again 1005. Back to the boom cable 1006, off again 1009. Back on the boom cable 1015, off again 1016, to the strut perch 1017. Remnant returned to the nest 1027, then flown off again 1030 to the undercable. Fish finished 1033. craigor
20-04-27 10:06 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond to the cable with a whole live Jacksmelt. Brought to the nest 1014, taken by Rosie 1015 to the strut perch, finished by 1028.. craigor
20-04-27 16:27 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Large headless striper to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV. Tail remnant returned to nest 1714, taken by Richmond and flown 1715 to the ROV. Returned to the boom cable under Crow harassment 1725, finished 1736. craigor
20-04-26 20:11 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Headless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken away by Rosie 2012. Rosie returns fishless 2024. craigor
20-04-25 17:20 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Richmond arrives on the boom cable with a faceless fish. Brought to the nest 1725, taken by Rosie to the ROV 1726. Remnant flown off 1803. Tail portion returned to the nest 1834, flown off by Richmond 1835. craigor
20-04-25 15:29 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Long whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken away by Rosie to the ROV, finished 1554. craigor
20-04-24 17:19 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Small headless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken away by Rosie 1720 to the ROV, tail remnant flown off 1725. craigor
20-04-24 13:40 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Tail end of a modest-sized Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken away by Rosie. Rosie back on the rail feaking 1345. craigor
20-04-24 16:12 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Long faceless Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV, finished 1624. craigor
20-04-24 20:18 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond arrives on the ROV cable with a fish, brought to the nest 2031, flown off by Rosie. Rosie returns to the nest fishless 2044. craigor
20-04-24 12:11 Rosie Man Made Objects trying to login Black fabric webbing delivered to the nest. Off the nest by 4/25. craigor
20-04-23 14:20 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Half a Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV, finished by 1426. craigor
20-04-23 15:57 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Large faceless Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV, along with a mass of nest material and monofilament. Fish finished 1614, clump returned to nest 1621. craigor
20-04-22 15:54 Richmond Man Made Objects Twinkle Black plastic trash bag brought to the nest. Gone by 4/24. craigor
20-04-22 13:15 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Headless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV, finished 1328. craigor
20-04-22 09:39 Rosie Man Made Objects Robin Clump of material containing monofilament line broought to the nest. Taken by Rosie to the ROV and back on 4/23. Gone by 4/24. craigor
20-04-21 11:53 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Half a small Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut, finished 1157. craigor
20-04-21 15:43 Rosie Bass-Striped Crow Rosie brings a very large whole striper to the strut perch, then flies off 1547 and drops the fish. Rosie seen descending to the pier to pick up the fish. Hind end brought to the nest 1725, taken by Richmond to the boom cable 1726. Flown off to the furthest ROV cable 1728, finished 1852. craigor
20-04-20 19:52 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Modest sized headless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the furthest ROV cable, finished by 2000. craigor
20-04-20 12:38 Richmond Bass-Striped Guest1 Headless striper to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Finished 1304. craigor
20-04-19 18:31 Richmond Jacksmelt trying to login Headless bloody Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV cable, finished 1841. craigor
20-04-19 07:17 Richmond Man Made Objects trying to login Richmond brings a large stick to the nest with a piece of fiber rope attached. craigor
20-04-19 15:47 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Headless jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the boom cable then to the ROV 1548. Returned to the boom 1549, finished 1557. craigor
20-04-18 10:59 Richmond Bass-Striped PP Headless striper brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV cable. Pursued by crows, Rosie returns to the crane undercable 1150, Tail remnant returned to the nest 1202, taken by Richmond to the boom cable 1203, finished 1209. craigor
20-04-18 18:01 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Large headless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV, finished 1816. craigor
20-04-18 16:03 Richmond Other Robin Richmond brings another bird carcass to the nest, this one looking like a possible crow. craigor
20-04-17 13:08 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Hind end of a Jacksmelt brought to Rosie on the nest, taken to the ROV cable, finished 1311. craigor
20-04-17 20:34 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Modest-sized headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest, flown off by Rosie. Rosie returns fishless 2044. craigor
20-04-17 17:21 Richmond Jacksmelt J. The second 1721 fish, a larger faceless Jacksmelt, lifted off the nest to the boom cable by RIchmond 1722, leaving the nest vacant. Fish returned to the nest 1724, as RIchmond settles in on top of the eggs and the fish. RIchmond gets up and leaves 1749 and Rosie retrieves the uncovered fish, taking it to the ROV. Returned to the nest 1752 then back to the ROV 1753 and immediately back to the nest, then off again, then back on, then off to the ROV again. Fish finished 1800. craigor
20-04-17 17:21 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow RIchmond arrives at the nest carrying TWO fish. The first, a small whole Jacksmelt, taken away by Rosie to the ROV, finished 1729. craigor
20-04-16 18:26 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Large faceless Jacksmelt brought to Rosie on the nest, taken to the ROV cable. Finished 1855. craigor
20-04-15 20:58 Richmond Surf Perch calgal Richmond arrives at the cable in the dark with a whole live fish. Hind end brought to the rail, then to the nest 2206, taken away by Rosie. Rosie returns fishless 2232. craigor
20-04-15 10:27 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Tail end of a small Jacksmelt delivered to Rosie on the nest, flown off to the strut perch, finished 1030. craigor
20-04-15 16:24 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Headless Jacksmelt brought to Rosie on the nest, flown off to the ROV cable, finished by 1632. craigor
20-04-14 19:03 Richmond Jacksmelt ishwish Whole fresh Jacksmelt caught near the spit in view of the cam, brought to nest and take by Rosie to the boom cable. Finished 1916. craigor
20-04-14 16:24 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Hind end of a small Jacksmelt brought to nest, taken to the ROV by Rosie, finished by 1632. craigor
20-04-14 19:56 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond brings a lively whole Jacksmelt to the cable. Flown off 1957. craigor
20-04-13 15:52 Rosie Bass-Striped DianneA Rosie arrives on the cable with a massive whole striper. Flown off 1554, brought to the strut perch 1555. Taken to the ROV cable 1633, returned to nest 1659. Taken away by Richmond 1706, tail portion returned to nest 1914, taken by Rosie to the ROV, then returned to the nest 1933. Remnant taken away again by Rosie 1950, brought to the boom cable, finished 2011. craigor
20-04-13 10:51 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Headless small Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the cable, then to the strut. Finished 1102. craigor
20-04-12 17:54 Richmond Jacksmelt Guest1 Large lively whole Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Flown off the strut 1811 and parked on the unattended nest, as Rosie covers the eggs. Richmond returns to the nest 1837 and retrieves the fish remnant, taking it to the boom cable. Fish flown off the cable 1839, briefly returned to cable 1843 then flown off again. Richmond returns to nest fishless 1901. craigor
20-04-12 10:39 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Small headless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken away by Rosie. Rosie returns fishless 1056. craigor
20-04-12 15:22 Richmond Jacksmelt ishwish Large headless Jacksmelt delivered to Rosie on the nest, taken to the strut perch, then flown off again. Rosie returns to the nest fishless 1553. craigor
20-04-11 14:19 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Faceless Jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken to the strut by Rosie. Remnant flown off 1446. craigor
20-04-11 18:42 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Tail portion of a Jacksmelt delivered to Rosie on the nest, flown off. Rosie returns to the rail fishless 1900. craigor
20-04-10 19:56 Richmond Jacksmelt Guest1 Richmond on the cable with a whole flopping Jacksmelt. Eaten solo, finished 2016. craigor
20-04-09 19:02 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Hefty headless striper brought to the nest and taken away to the strut by Rosie. Rosie leaves the strut 1926, reappears at the nest 1947 still holding a good sized tail portion. Rosie flies off again while Richmond remains on the eggs. The tail comes back to the nest again 2009, then lifted off again by Rosie 2010. Rosie returns fishless 2018 and takes over incubation. craigor
20-04-09 12:52 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Small Jacksmelt tail brought to the nest and taken away by Rosie. Rosie returns fishless at 1301. craigor
20-04-09 08:16 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond comes to the cable with a whole Jacksmelt. Brought to the nest 0825, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 0837. craigor
20-04-09 16:58 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond to the cable with a whole flopping Jacksmelt. Brought to the nest 1705, taken away by Rosie 1706 to the strut, finished 1711. craigor
20-04-08 18:49 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal SIzeable whole Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, finished 1904. craigor
20-04-07 08:53 Richmond Man Made Objects Guest1 Richmond brings a stick with a length of red ribbon attached. craigor
20-04-06 12:19 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV, finished 1245. craigor
20-04-06 18:27 Richmond Jacksmelt chagin Headless very large jacksmelt delivered to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV, tail remnant flown off 1904, returned to nest 1905, then flown off the nest again by Rosie 1907 as Richmond remains on the eggs. craigor
20-04-05 12:17 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac RIchmond brings a fish to the cable, just out of camera range, floats on and off the nest with it then back to the cable 1218. Returned to the nest 1230, taken by Rosie 1231 to the ROV, finished 1243. craigor
20-04-04 07:41 Richmond Other DRW Richmond brings a gull carcass to the nest. Knocked from the nest by 4/7 craigor
20-04-04 16:35 Richmond Jacksmelt Guest1 Richmond flies past the nest cam view, holding a large fish, with a gull in hot pursuit. Fish brought to nest barely nibbled at 1644, taken to the rail by Rosie. Returned to the nest 1719, tail segment taken away by Richmond to the boom cable 1722, finished 1727. craigor
20-04-04 15:11 Unsure Bass-Striped PP Rosie jumps from the rail to the platform beneath the nest and recovers a striper tail. Circumstances of first arrival unknown. Brings the remnant to the rail 1516, finished 1530. craigor
20-04-03 10:16 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Richmond with a very large whole striper on the cable, flown off 1019. Large remnant brought to nest 1229, taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Tail section returned to nest 1312, taken away by Richmond to the cable 1314. Tail dropped from the cable 1330. craigor
20-04-02 08:55 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond brings half a fish to the nest, flown off by Rosie. Rosie returns to the nest fishless 0914. craigor
20-04-02 13:26 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond arrives on the cable with a very vigorous whole fish. Brought to the nest 1346, but Rosie is busy laying an egg. Returned to the cable by Richmond 1350. Remnant returned to the nest 1358, still no interest from Rosie, flown back to the cable 1359, finished 1403. craigor
20-04-02 17:55 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Richmond brings a faceless striper to the boom cable. Lifted off the cable and brought to the nest 1818, removed again by Richmond 1820. Richmond back on the cable with the fish 1830, still holding the last bit as darkness falls. Off the cable 2112 to chase an intruder. craigor
20-04-01 18:55 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond on the cable with a fish, out of view of the ATN cam. Spotted on nest cam, but lost to view as cam moves away 1908. Richmond on nest, fishless, 1921. craigor
20-04-01 09:31 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond to the cable with a large floppng Jacksmelt. Brought to the nest 0937, back to the cable 0938, then back to the nest 0956, taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Finished 1017. craigor
20-04-01 11:45 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Richmond on the cable with a striper. Brought to the nest 1255, taken by Rosie to the strut 1256. Finished 1323. craigor
20-03-31 19:20 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond to the cable with a lively fish. Eaten solo, finished 1936. craigor
20-03-31 14:35 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond with a whole flopping fish on the cable, Tail brought to nest 1459, taken up to the boom by Rosie, finished 1501. craigor
20-03-31 16:43 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Richmond to the boom with a vigorously flopping striper. To the nest 1700, taken by Rosie to the strut, finished 1723. craigor
20-03-30 16:31 Richmond Bass-Striped Tony\ Camera pullback shows Richmond on the cable with a hefty faceless striper Brought to the nest 1721, taken by Rosie to the ROV. Flown off under corvid harassment 1725, brought to the boom cable. Returned to the nest 1747, taken by Richmond back up to the boom. Tailfin dropped 1817. craigor
20-03-30 07:36 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Richmond, pursued by a crow, comes to the cable with a lively flopping fish. Brought to the nest 0752, taken to the boom cable by Rosie. Finished 0758. craigor
20-03-30 10:04 Richmond Jacksmelt karen Richmond to the cable with a large whole fish. Hind portion brought to the nest 1027, taken to the boom cable by Rosie. Finished 1036. craigor
20-03-29 16:40 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow RIchmond flies to the boom cable with a very lively large fish. Back half brought to the nest 1654, taken by Rosie to the boom cable, then to the rail 1655,then to the ROV 1656. Tiny remaining scrap brought to the rail 1712, finished 1713. craigor
20-03-29 19:21 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond on and off the nest with a whole flopping Jacksmelt, taken to the boom cable. Eaten solo, finished 1946. craigor
20-03-29 10:39 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Headless fish brought to the nest, taken to the strut by Rosie. Finished 1107. craigor
20-03-29 13:58 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond appears on the cable with a large flopping fish. Rear portion brought to the nest 1419, taken by Rosie to the ROV cable. Finished 1426. craigor
20-03-28 15:02 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Richmond brings a whole fish to the cable. Eaten solo, finished 1528. craigor
20-03-28 07:10 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Richmond on the cable with a whole Jacksmelt. Finished 0732. craigor
20-03-28 10:32 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Richmond flies in to the cable with a sizeable striped bass. Brought to the nest 1127, taken away by Rosie. Returned to the rail 1147, tail segment flown off 1214. Finished 1215. craigor
20-03-28 18:05 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond on the boom cable with a sizeable Jacksmelt. Eaten solo, finished 1827. craigor
20-03-27 08:16 Richmond Jacksmelt karen Richmond arrives on the cable with a whole flopping fish.Brought to the nest 0828, Taken by Rosie and flown off the nest 0829. craigor
20-03-27 09:46 Richmond Jacksmelt karen RIchmond, pursued by a gull, brings a whole live fish to the cable. Remnant flown off 1016, brought to nest 1017, taken away by Rosie. craigor
20-03-27 18:00 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond brings the hind end of a Jacksmelt to the cable, eaten solo, finished 1812. craigor
20-03-26 07:16 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Faceless Jacksmelt brought down to the nest from the boom cable 0715, then flown off again suddenly as a third Osprey intrudes closely on the nest. Richmond returns to the nest fishless 0739. craigor
20-03-26 09:27 Richmond Bass-Striped Lisa the Lurker Richmond spotted on the end of the boom with a fish by an on-site visitor. Headless fish delivered to the nest 0954, taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Brought to the nest, then to the rail 1023, finished 1033. craigor
20-03-26 15:29 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow RIchmond on the boom with a whole Jacksmelt, brought to the nest headless 1556, flown off by Rosie. craigor
20-03-26 16:36 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Richmond stops by the nest with a whole Jacksmelt, then takes it to the boom and eats it solo, finished 1724. craigor
20-03-25 18:03 Richmond Halibut Crow California Halibut delivered to the nest. Rosie wrenches it from Richmond's grasp and takes it to the ROV. Finished 1829. craigor
20-03-25 08:46 Richmond Jacksmelt karen Richmond arrives on the cable with a whole fish, brought to the nest 0907, taken by Rosie to the ROV cable. Remnant flown back to the nest 0910, then to the boom cable 0911 under corvid harassment. Tiny scrap to the nest 0913 then flown off 0914. craigor
20-03-25 13:55 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond lands atop the boom carrying a fish. Rear half brought to nest 1406, taken by Rosie to the strut perch, then flown off and brought to the rail 1407. Finished by 1413.. craigor
20-03-24 13:43 Other Jacksmelt Crow Unknown male visitor flies a fish across the nest at low altitude with Rosie in attendance. craigor
20-03-22 16:52 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Half a Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV 1653, then off 1654 and to the boom cable 1655. Finished 1707. craigor
20-03-22 14:02 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Small Jacksmelt tail brought to the nest, taken away by Rosie 1403. craigor
20-03-22 10:53 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Headless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken away by Rosie to the ROV cable, finished by 1110. craigor
20-03-22 07:16 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Whole plump fish on and off the nest. Returned to the nest headless 0737, taken away by Rosie to the strut perch. Finished 0752. craigor
20-03-22 17:13 Rosie Man Made Objects Crow A piece of yellow braided rope brought to the nest along with a clump of nesting material. Flown off the nest by Rosie at 1834 on 3/28 craigor
20-03-21 15:53 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole fish brought to the nest, flown off by Rosie. craigor
20-03-21 12:05 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Large whole fish brought to the boom cable. Flown off under corvid harassment 1209. Returned to the cable 1234, then to the nest, taken by Rosie and flown to the cable 1235. Finished 1242. craigor
20-03-21 09:44 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Small headless Jacksmelt brought to an empty nest, then flown up to the boom cable 0945. Brought to Rosie on the nest 0947, and flown off to the ROV. FInished 0953. craigor
20-03-21 07:23 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole flopping fish brought to the boom. Flown off 0724, Remnant returned to nest 0742, then flown back up to the boom by Richmond. Returned to nest 0743 and flown off by Rosie. craigor
20-03-21 17:06 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Richmond comes to the cable with a faceless fish. Brought to the nest and taken back up to the cable by Rosie 1711, finished 1716. craigor
20-03-20 09:00 Richmond Man Made Objects PP Square of yellowish paper or plastic wrap, like a food wrapper, brought to the nest. craigor
20-03-20 08:29 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Back half of a Jacksmelt landed on the nest, then taken away 0830. Brought to the cable, then to the nest 0831, flown off the nest by Rosie. craigor
20-03-20 17:12 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole flopping fish delivered five and a half minutes after leaving the nest. Taken away by Rosie to the ROV cable. Finished by 1734. craigor
20-03-20 14:38 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Faceless Jacksmelt brought to the cable, Flwon to the nest 1440 and taken away by Rosie, along with a substantial chunk of nest material.. craigor
20-03-20 11:03 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Brought to the boom. Brought to the nest and flown off by Rosie 1118. craigor
20-03-19 15:23 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond brings a whole fish to the boom, then flies off with it to the ROV cable 1524, then off again. Hind end returned to nest 1547, taken to ROV cable by Rosie 1548. Finished by 1600. craigor
20-03-19 12:37 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Headless fish brought to nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV cable 1238. Finished by 1237. craigor
20-03-19 08:28 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Richmond on the cable with a whole fish. Leaves 0829, then returns 0830, with a gull in hot pursuit. Fish flown off the cable 0831. craigor
20-03-19 18:13 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Half a Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV cable, finished 1827. craigor
20-03-19 17:08 Richmond Jacksmelt Guest12 Headless Jacksmelt delivered to Rosie on the nest, taken up to the boom cable. Carried to the ROV cable 1709, finished 1720. craigor
20-03-18 17:34 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond seen flying a fish past the boom, pursued by a crow.. Brought to the boom cable 1748, finished 1824. craigor
20-03-18 13:52 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Richmond brings the rear third of a Jacksmelt, quickly snatched and taken to the strut by Rosie, finished by 1403. craigor
20-03-18 15:51 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Brought to nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV cable. Finished 1601. craigor
20-03-18 17:02 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Small back end of a Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV cable 1703. Finished 1711. craigor
20-03-18 07:20 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Hefty vigorous whole fish brought to the nest and taken to the strut perch by Rosie. Returned to the back rail 0753, finished 0806. craigor
20-03-18 10:57 Richmond Other Twinkle Carcass of a large black bird delivered to the nest, possibly ID'd as American Coot. craigor
20-03-17 12:05 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole flopping Jacksmelt on the nest, taken by Rosie. to the ROV cable, finished 1233. craigor
20-03-17 09:11 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Whole wriggling Jacksmelt to the nest, removed by Richmond for further processing. Headless fish brought to cable 0932, then to nest 0938. Taken to the ROV cable by Rosie, finished 0945. craigor
20-03-17 18:09 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond brings the hind end of a Jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV cable 1810. Finished 1818. craigor
20-03-16 10:08 Richmond Man Made Objects Judi Richmond delivers a length of black flexible rubber hose resembling irrigation soaker hose. craigor
20-03-16 10:45 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Whole flopping Jacksmelt brought to the cable, flown off 1046. Rear half returned to nest 1115, taken by Rosie. Tail fragment returned to nest 1129, finished 1133. craigor
20-03-16 14:43 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Small Jacksmelt tail brought to the nest, removed to the cable by Rosie, finished 1451. craigor
20-03-16 09:00 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Richmond to the cable with a whole Jacksmelt, flown off for processing. Headless fish returned to nest 0917, taken to the strut by Rosie 0918, flown off 0920. Returned to cable 0921, finished 0936. craigor
20-03-16 08:12 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole Jacksmelt brought to the nest and lifted off by Rosie. To the ROV cable 0813. Finished by 0836, Rosie returns to nest. craigor
20-03-15 11:47 Richmond Salmonid Crow Large shiny headless fish with bright pink flesh, apparently another Salmonid, delivered to the nest and taken to the rail by Rosie. Finished 1259. craigor
20-03-15 17:41 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Hind third of a modest Jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by Rosie to the ROV cable. Harassed by crows, Rosie returns to the rail 1747. Fish finished 1748 as crow harassment continues. craigor
20-03-14 15:00 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Headless Jacksmelt taken to the strut perch by Rosie. Finished 1519. craigor
20-03-14 17:21 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Small Jacksmelt tail brought to the nest and taken to the strut by Rosie. Finished 1726. craigor
20-03-14 17:32 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Richmond arrives on the cable with a whole fish. Flown off 1733. craigor
20-03-14 08:39 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Headless Jacksmelt to the nest, taken off by Rosie and brought to the rail 0840. Finished 0849. craigor
20-03-13 09:11 Richmond Jacksmelt Trish Large whole slender jacksmelt brought to the nest and carried off to the strut perch by Rosie. Dropped 0919, then retrieved from the ground and returned to the strut 0920. Finished 0944. craigor
20-03-12 19:27 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Small headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest and flown off by Rosie. craigor
20-03-12 09:22 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Richmond brings a half a small Jacksmelt, taken to the strut by Rosie. Finished 0933. craigor
20-03-12 14:32 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Half a small Jacksmelt brought to the nest, snatched and flown off by Rosie. Consumed quickly, Rosie returns fishless at 1438. craigor
20-03-12 18:36 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Flown to the cable. Off the cable 1838. Large plump fish, light color, deeply forked tail, likely Jacksmelt but appears rounder than most seen here. craigor
20-03-11 12:21 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Rosie comes to the nest just ahead of Richmond who has a whole live flopping Jacksmelt. RIchmond mantles, then flies off to the ROV cable with the fish. Tail fragment delivered to Rosie on the nest and flown off by Rosie 1255. craigor
20-03-11 10:27 Richmond Jacksmelt Lurker Teri Faceless Jacksmelt to the nest. Rosie arrives, Richmond mantles furiousy, then leaves again with the fish and takes it to the cable 1029. Remainder returned to the nest 1040 and flown by Rosie to the cable. FInished 1043. craigor
20-03-11 08:03 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Large whole bloody Jacksmelt brought to the cable by RIchmond. Face removed, fish brought to the nest and taken to the strut by Rosie 0823. craigor
20-03-10 17:13 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond brings half a Jacksmelt to the nest, taken to the cable by Rosie. Finished 1721. craigor
20-03-10 16:21 Rosie Other Robin Likely skeletal bird remains brought to the nest. craigor
20-03-10 14:34 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Headless Jacksmelt taken by Rosie and flown off the nest. Brought to the cable 1435. Finished by 1449. craigor
20-03-10 08:25 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Headless Jacksmelt delivered, taken to the strut perch by Rosie, finished 0838. craigor
20-03-09 08:33 Richmond Jacksmelt PP Whole live Jacksmelt brought to the nest and taken to the strut by Rosie. Finished 0903. craigor
20-03-09 14:38 Richmond Salmonid calgal Richmond brings a rare trout to the nest, taken quickly to the strut by Rosie. Finished 1535. craigor
20-03-09 10:19 Richmond Man Made Objects Deb Richmond brings a piece of white rope to the nest, his third in four days. craigor
20-03-09 09:48 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Headless Jacksmelt brought to the nest and taken up to the cable by Rosie. Finished 0956. craigor
20-03-09 07:36 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Large whole Jacksmelt brought to Rosie on the nest, taken to the strut. Dropped 0748. Lost fish! craigor
20-03-08 08:00 Richmond Jacksmelt guest Big whole flopping Jacksmelt brough to the nest, accepted eagerly by Rosie, taken off to the strut perch. Eaten solo, finished 0846. craigor
20-03-08 15:56 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Rishmond brings the tail end of a modest sized fish, eagerly snatched and whisked off the nest by Rosie. Eaten on the cable, finished 1559. craigor
20-03-07 10:54 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond comes to the cable with a small Jacksmelt, brngs it to the nest 1055 then off again. craigor
20-03-07 08:04 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Richmond arrives at the nest with half a Jacksmelt. Taken off to the the strut perch by Rosie, finished 0810. craigor
20-03-07 16:04 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond to the cable with a big flopping fish. Pursued by a gull for several minutes, flies around evasively and returns to the cable 1610. Off the cable 1612. Returned to the nest and flown off by Rosie 1708. craigor
20-03-07 13:43 Richmond Jacksmelt guest Richmond brings half a fish to the nest, taken to the cable by Rosie, finished 1352. craigor
20-03-06 07:14 Richmond Man Made Objects craigor Richmond delivers a length of thick white rope less than a minute after leaving the nest. craigor
20-03-06 14:00 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond glides in with a flip flopping jacksmelt, taken by Rosie and flown off. craigor
20-03-06 16:30 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond flies in to the cable with the tail end of a Jacksmelt. Finished 1635. craigor
20-03-06 08:33 Richmond Jacksmelt Martha Headless jacksmelt taken by Rosie and flown off to the cable. Finished 0842. craigor
20-03-06 07:16 Richmond Man Made Objects Bill D Richmond spends a minute and a half on the nest, then goes and gets another piece of rope in less than a minute, this one a bit thinner than the last. craigor
20-03-05 15:36 Richmond Bass-Striped chagin Richmond to the cable with a sizeable headless fish. Flown off the cable 1538, well-chewed end piece brought to the nest 1656. Flown off 1701. craigor
20-03-05 14:19 Rosie Bass-Striped Crow Rosie brings a massive striper to the cable while being harassed by crows, then comes down to the nest right behind the departing Richmond. Still harassed by corws, she leaves the nest with her fish 1420. Tail section returned to the nest and flown off again 1631 with planty of meat still on it. Returns to the cable, then the nest 1657 still clutching the tail remnant. Flown off 1702. craigor
20-03-05 14:19 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond brings a jacksmelt to the nest, seconds before Rosie arrives with a fish of her own. Richmond flies off with the fish on Rosie's arrival. craigor
20-03-04 17:13 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Richmond brings the tail end of a jacksmelt, eaten by the visiting female on the nest. craigor
20-03-04 07:28 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Richmond arrives with a fish on the cable. Brought to the nest 0743, taken by the female guest. Fish finished 0751. craigor
20-03-04 13:00 Other Jacksmelt radchick The visiting female brings a whole fish to the cable. Finished 1404. craigor
20-03-04 15:16 Richmond Bass-Striped chagin Richmond brings half a fish to the nest. Taken by the visiting female and flown off the nest 1518. craigor
20-03-03 07:30 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi Large live Jacksmelt brought to the nest. Fish taken by Richmond's female guest but wriggles away through a gap in the nest rails. Lost fish! craigor
20-03-03 12:58 Richmond Unknown Crow Richmond to the top of the crane with a fish. Departs 1326. craigor
20-03-03 10:27 Other Bass-Striped Crow The visiting female comes to the cable with a fish. Eaten solo, finished 1150. craigor
20-03-02 12:19 Other Jacksmelt Crow The visiting female brings a whole jacksmelt to the cable. Eats it solo, finished 1310. craigor
20-03-02 11:11 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Fish brought to strut perch. Remnant flown off 1134. Fragment returned to the cable 1244 as the guest female is eating her fish. Finished by 1254. craigor
20-03-01 15:25 Other Jacksmelt DianneA The visiting female Osprey brings a whole fish to the cable, eats it solo. Finished 1653. craigor
20-03-01 16:59 Richmond Surf Perch DianneA Small tail end of fish brought by Richmond to the cable and then to the nest. Flown off by the visiting female 1700. craigor
20-03-01 09:07 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Silvery wriggling fish brought on and off by Richmond. Returned to cable 0938, then flown off again 0942. Back to the nest 0956, off again 0958. Remainder of fish brought to top of boom 1045, flown off 1047. craigor
20-03-01 07:46 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Long silvery headless fish brought to the nest, flown off by the visiting female. craigor
20-02-29 08:03 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Whole Jacksmelt to the nest, then taken away. Returned to the nest in a reduced state 0851, taken by female to the cable. Finished by 0908. craigor
20-02-28 09:31 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond brings a wriggling Jacksmelt to the nest. Female on the nest tries to bite his leg off, then takes the fish 0932, and with it the swatch of thick blue fabric, and flies off. Returns to the lower boom cable 0935 with fish, and still trailing the cloth. FIsh finished 1036, cloth blown from the cable 1321. craigor
20-02-28 08:19 Richmond Man Made Objects Judi Richmond brings a piece of blue fabric, like a piece of a sweatshirt, removed from the nest 0932. craigor
20-02-28 07:26 Richmond Man Made Objects Judi Richmond brings a long scrap of brown paper to the nest. craigor
20-02-27 13:44 Other Unknown DianneA Visiting female brings unknown fish to very top of boom, eats it solo. Finished by 1456. craigor
20-02-26 07:48 Richmond Other craigor Richmond brings a dessicated bird carcass, soon scattered about the edges of the nest by the visiting female. craigor
20-02-26 08:52 Richmond Man Made Objects Robin Richmond delivers a shredded piece of black fabric with straps, possibly from a camera or binoculars case. craigor
20-02-26 12:03 Richmond Unknown calgal Richmond brings a strangely stiff unknown fish to the nest, then flies it off a moment later. On and off the nest again 1205. Richmond returns with the fish 1219, followed closely by the visiting female, and leaves the fish on the nest. Female flies away with the fish 1225. craigor
20-02-26 16:34 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond brings a fish to the cable, eats it solo. Fish gone by 1654. craigor
20-02-21 13:42 Unsure Unknown Robin Unidentified Osprey, likely Richmond, circles past the tip of the boom then lands high up on the cable holding a fish. Departs after seven seconds, still holding the fish, just before a fishless visiting female Osprey lands on the nest. craigor
20-01-30 12:15 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Richmond circles the Whirley a couple of times, then lands on the cable with a fish. FInished 1303. craigor
20-01-30 13:49 Richmond Jacksmelt g4901 Richmond to the strut perch with another small fish. Finished 1401. craigor
20-01-24 13:00 Unsure Unknown Robin Osprey with a fish lands on the strut perch. Fish gone by 1343, Osprey gone by 1354. craigor
19-12-27 11:59 Unsure Other Crow Unknown Osprey arrives on the cable with a flatfish, not Halibut or Starry Flounder. Eats until 1215, then departs under corvid harassment. craigor
19-09-27 07:40 Richmond Bass-Striped SaMo Richmond arrives on the cable with a big striper. Eaten slowly, tail remnant dropped from the cable 1219. craigor
19-09-11 07:19 Rosie Jacksmelt GailMac Headless jacksmelt brought to ZK waiting on the nest, flown to the sheave 0720. Finished 0735. craigor
19-09-10 12:08 Richmond Bass-Striped SaMo Richmond arrives to the sheave, then the cable with a headless striper, as ZK is still eating the previous fish. Fish flown off the cable 1331. craigor
19-09-10 10:46 Rosie Bass-Striped guest Headless striper brought to ZK, taken to the sheave 1047. Eaten slowly, tailfin dropped as ZK moves higher up the cable 1450. craigor
19-09-09 11:17 Richmond Bass-Striped MaxK Headless striper left for ZK at the nest. Flown to the sheave 1119. Eaten slowly, dropped at 1424, lost fish. craigor
19-09-09 09:42 Rosie Other MaxK Whole live flatfish, not halibut or Starry Flounder. Taken to the sheave 0946. Finished 1049. craigor
19-09-09 09:26 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Small headless jacksmelt brought to ZK on the nest, taken away to the sheave 0927, Finished 0933 craigor
19-09-09 16:48 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Richmond brings another headless striper, taken by ZK. Flown to the sheave 1649. Finished on the sheave by 1858. craigor
19-09-08 15:39 Rosie Jacksmelt Crow Small jacksmelt tail brought to ZK on the nest. Flown to the rail 1541, finished 1548. craigor
19-09-08 08:08 Rosie Jacksmelt guest Tail end delivered to ZK on the nest, taken to the sheave 0810. Finished 0849. craigor
19-09-08 19:34 Rosie Jacksmelt Judi Large flopping jacksmelt left on the nest for ZK. Flown off the nest 1937. Spotted via ATN on the ROV cable 1945. craigor
19-09-07 17:36 Rosie Bass-Striped Crow Headless striper to the nest, taken by ZK. Flown off the nest 1738, back on 1739. Flown to the sheave 1740. Back to the nest 1815 as Richmond arranges some sticks, then back to the sheave 1821. Finished 1924. craigor
19-09-07 10:23 Rosie Jacksmelt GailMac Whole jacksmelt to ZK on the nest, flown to the sheave 1024. Finished by 1059. craigor
19-09-07 08:46 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Delivered to ZK on the nest, flown off to the sheave. Finished by 0920. craigor
19-09-06 16:12 Rosie Jacksmelt Crow Another small jacksmelt tail remnant brought to ZK on the nest, taken to the rail 1615, finished 1620. craigor
19-09-06 17:06 Rosie Jacksmelt Crow Another whole flopping jacksmelt brought to ZK on the nest. Lifted off and on the nest 1709, then taken to the sheave. Dropped into the space between the pulleys 1715. Lost fish! craigor
19-09-06 17:44 Rosie Jacksmelt Crow Rosie brings a headless jacksmelt to ZK on the nest, taken to the rail 1746, finished on the rail 1806. craigor
19-09-06 14:14 Rosie Jacksmelt MaxK Tail end of a small jacksmelt brought to ZK on the nest, taken away to the sheave 1415. Finished by 1423. craigor
19-09-06 16:24 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Fresh whole flopping jacksmelt delicately dropped, after three tries, onto the nest where ZK takes it. Fish taken up to the lower cables 1626, then brought around to the rail. Finished on the rail 1656. craigor
19-09-05 13:41 Rosie Bass-Striped guest Partially eaten striped bass brought to ZK in the nest who takes it to the sheave. Tony
19-09-05 06:48 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole flopping jacksmelt to ZK on the nest, taken to the sheave 0649. Finished by 0723. craigor
19-09-04 10:20 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Headless jacksmelt delivery for ZK, flown to the sheave 1021, finished by 1101. craigor
19-09-04 09:49 Rosie Bass-Striped karen Headless striper to ZK on the nest. Taken to the sheave 0951. Finished by 1004. craigor
19-09-04 17:00 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond arrives with the tail end of a jacksmelt, taken on the nest by ZK. Away to the rail 1703, finished 1708. craigor
19-09-04 19:51 Rosie Jacksmelt Crow Whole jacksmelt brought to ZK on the nest, finished 2012. craigor
19-09-03 17:40 Rosie Bass-Striped Crow Another headless striper to ZK on the nest. Taken up to the sheave 1749. Finished 1925. craigor
19-09-03 11:50 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman MaxK Headless midshipman taken by ZK on the nest, flown to the sheave 1151. Returned to the nest 1154, then back up to the sheave again. Flown off to the rail 1155. Dropped from the rail 1203 and lost. craigor
19-09-03 13:08 Richmond Bass-Striped guest Headless striper brought to ZK on the nest. Lifted off to the rail 1312, finished 1335. craigor
19-09-02 06:33 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Richmond arrives with another whole jacksmelt, ZK brings her fish down from the cable for a look. Richmond departs with the fish 0634 with ZK still on the nest. Well-chewed tail remnant returned to nest 0749, taken by ZK who removes it to the sheave 0751. Fish finished by 0812. craigor
19-09-02 06:30 Rosie Jacksmelt craigor Fresh flopping jacksmelt brought to ZK on the nest. Flown up to the sheave 0632. Brought to the nest 0633 after Richmond arrives with a second fish, then taken back up to the cable after Richmond's departure. Finished by 0659. craigor
19-09-02 14:32 Unsure Bass-Striped Crow Large striped bass with facial damage dropped to ZK on the nest. After a couple of attempts to get airborne, fish is flown off to the sheave 1439. Remainder dropped 1533 into the space between the pulleys, lost out of reach. craigor
19-09-01 15:06 Rosie Jacksmelt Kat Rosie on and off the nest with a small jacksmelt tail fragment. Returns to the nest fishless 1517, disappointing a waiting ZK. craigor
19-09-01 06:59 Rosie Jacksmelt J. Rosie brings a faceless jacksmelt, ZK swoops in and takes it away to the cable. Finished by 0729. craigor
19-08-31 18:27 Rosie Bass-Striped thora Headless striper to ZK on the nest, taken up to the cable 1828. Remainder dropped from the cable and lost 1858. craigor
19-08-31 06:45 Rosie Jacksmelt guest Headless jacksmelt delivery taken by ZK on the nest. Flown off to the cable 0646. Returned to nest 0654, then back to cable 0656. Finished 0716. craigor
19-08-31 10:26 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Headless jacksmelt brought to ZK on the nest. Flown up to the cable 1027, finished 1047. craigor
19-08-30 15:37 Rosie Other MaxK Flatfish to the nest, not Starry Flounder or CA Halibut. Taken by ZK, flown to the cable 1541. Finished by 1654. craigor
19-08-30 06:28 Richmond Jacksmelt guest Whole flopping jacksmelt to the nest as ZK still eating the previous fish. Taken by ZK, flown off to the short cables 0635, finished by 0715. craigor
19-08-30 06:17 Rosie Bass-Striped guest Half a striper brought to the nest for ZK. Abandoned when new fish arrives ten minutes later. Retrieved by ZK and flown off to the cable 0817, finished by 0915. craigor
19-08-29 15:37 Rosie Bass-Striped MaxK Headless striper delivered to ZK on the nest, lifted off to the rai 1539. Finished on the rail 1836. craigor
19-08-29 06:51 Rosie Jacksmelt guest Back half of a jacksmelt brought to ZK on the nest. Taken up to the short cables 0654. Finished 0711. craigor
19-08-28 16:57 Rosie Jacksmelt Judi Rosie brings half a plump jacksmelt to ZK on the nest. Flown to the rail 1700, remnant flown off 1716, brought to the cable 1718, finished 1723. craigor
19-08-28 07:42 Richmond Jacksmelt guest Modest-sized headless jacksmelt brought to ZK on the nest. Flown off the nest 0743, brought to the rail 0744. Finished on the rail 0835. craigor
19-08-27 06:35 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Whole jacksmelt to ZK on the nest. Flown off 0637. craigor
19-08-27 17:53 Rosie Bass-Striped MaxK Rosie brings a headless striper to ZK on the nest. Eaten slowly, remainder flown off the nest 2004. craigor
19-08-27 13:27 Richmond Bass-Striped Carole Tail portion of a striper delivered to ZK on the nest, lifted off to the rail 1328. Held and eaten slowly, finished 1601. craigor
19-08-27 11:02 Rosie Jacksmelt Kat Rosie arrives with the hind end of a jacksmelt brought over from Marker 12. ZK appears and snatches the fish. Fish flown off the nest 1104. Returned to the nest 1119, taken away again 1122. craigor
19-08-26 20:16 Rosie Bass-Striped Crow Faceless striper brought to ZK on the nest as darkness falls. Holds fish while napping, resumes eating 2253 to 2307, then continues to alternate dozing and eating until flying away with the remnant 2337. craigor
19-08-25 17:29 Richmond Bass-Striped Carole Headless fish left at the nest for ZK. Flown off the nest 1736. craigor
19-08-25 20:00 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Large nose-nibbled flopping jacksmelt brought for ZK. Remainder flown off the nest 2027. craigor
19-08-24 07:04 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Whole jacksmelt delivered to ZK on the nest. Finished 0720. craigor
19-08-24 19:57 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond brings a whole flopping jacksmelt, taken by ZK, who begins eating. Fish flown off the nest 2015. craigor
19-08-24 17:52 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond brings the tail of a jacksmelt for ZK, who sits on it awhile before eating. Flown off the nest 1829. craigor
19-08-24 15:26 Rosie Bass-Striped Crow Rosie brings the back half of a striper to ZK on the nest. Flown off the nest 1528, brought to the rail 1529. Finished on the rail 1631. craigor
19-08-24 09:16 Rosie Surf Perch craigor Rosie brings a faceless perch to ZK on the nest. Off the nest 0922, returns 0923. Remnant flown off the nest 1028. Returned to nest 1113, flown off again 1117. craigor
19-08-23 16:38 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Long headless jacksmelt brought to ZK on the nest. Eaten on the nest, finished by 1715. craigor
19-08-23 16:46 Rosie Bass-Striped MaxK Rosie appears with a headless striper, two fish on the nest. Flown off the nest by Rosie 1648. craigor
19-08-23 19:37 Rosie Bass-Striped Kat Headless striper delivered to ZK on the nest, finished by 2032. craigor
19-08-22 15:48 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Tail end of a striper brought to ZK on the nest. Flown off the nest to the cable 1550. Finished 1609. craigor
19-08-22 20:15 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Large whole flopping jacksmelt lowered delicately to ZK on the nest. ZK eats, then falls asleep holding the fish, resumes eating around 2345, finishes at 0008 on 8/23. craigor
19-08-20 18:06 Rosie Bass-Striped Lori Headless large striper to ZK on the nest. Flown off the nest 1855 as a banded Peregrine Falcon arrives, and dropped. Lost fish! craigor
19-08-20 20:08 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Large flopping jacksmelt to ZK on the nest. Remnant flown off the nest 2123. craigor
19-08-20 08:57 Rosie Surf Perch JanA Whole perch delivered to ZK on the nest, finished 0948. craigor
19-08-19 19:58 Rosie Surf Perch Judi Faceless dark fish delivered to ZK on the nest. Eaten solo, finished by 2022. craigor
19-08-18 19:30 Rosie Bass-Striped GailMac Rosie brings in a bloody headless striper as she runs a young stranger Osprey off the nest, then flies off with the fish immediately after. craigor
19-08-18 09:02 Rosie Bass-Striped calgal Mangled striper with missing midsection brought to ZK on the nest. Remnant left on the nest 0934. Scavenged by crows until removed from the nest by Richmond 1009. craigor
19-08-17 09:40 Other Other Lori ZK brings another bat ray. Skin and tail abandoned 1033. Osprey visitor attempts to steal the remnant 1139, rebuffed by ZK who resumes eating. Finished 1155. craigor
19-08-17 18:52 Rosie Surf Perch Judi Faceless fish brought to ZK on the nest. Finished 19:20 craigor
19-08-17 20:16 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Richmond on and off the nest with a whole jacksmelt. craigor
19-08-16 09:10 Other Other ingridcc ZK brings a whole live bat ray, flown off the nest 0911. craigor
19-08-16 18:52 Rosie Bass-Striped Judi Rosie brings the back end of a thick striper to ZK on the nest. Finished 1906. craigor
19-08-16 16:40 Rosie Jacksmelt calgal Small faceless jacksmelt brought to ZK on the nest. Finished by 1652. craigor
19-08-15 06:08 Rosie Jacksmelt guest Whole jacksmelt brought to ZK on the nest. Eaten down to the tail, then abandoned when the next fish arrives at 0636. craigor
19-08-15 10:37 Rosie Bass-Striped MaxK Faceless striper to the nest, taken by ZK. Flown off the nest 1043. craigor
19-08-15 07:58 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi Headless jacksmelt brought to the nest, then flown off 0759. craigor
19-08-15 06:36 Rosie Jacksmelt Lori Headless jacksmelt brought to nest, taken by ZK. Finished 0825. craigor
19-08-14 19:12 Rosie Surf Perch Kat Healdess fish delivered to ZK on the nest. Off and back on the nest 1915. craigor
19-08-14 06:30 Rosie Jacksmelt Lori Small faceless jacksmelt to ZK on the nest. Finished 0821. craigor
19-08-13 06:26 Rosie Jacksmelt calgal Rosie appears at the nest with the tail end of a jacksmelt, flies it off the nest 0627, craigor
19-08-13 18:35 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Richmond arrives with another headless striper, left on the nest. Two fish now on the nest. Taken off the nest to the ROV cable by Rosie 2056. craigor
19-08-13 18:26 Rosie Bass-Striped Lori Headlesss striper with dangling entrails brought to ZK on the nest. Remnant flown off the nest 2029. craigor
19-08-13 15:43 Rosie Jacksmelt ingridcc Small jacksmelt to the nest, taken by ZK. Finished 1556. craigor
19-08-13 13:46 Rosie Man Made Objects MaxK Rosie brings a clump of nesting material including a piece of hard black rubber or plastic resembling a scrap of bicycle tire. craigor
19-08-13 06:06 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Whole jacksmelt brought to WP on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 0648. craigor
19-08-12 14:34 Rosie Jacksmelt MaxK Flopping fish delivered to WP on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 1456. craigor
19-08-12 15:58 Rosie Jacksmelt MaxK Back half of a jacksmelt brought to WP on the nest. Finished 1621. craigor
19-08-11 18:08 Rosie Bass-Striped Kat Headless striper delivered to ZK on the nest. Tail remnant left on the nest edge 1953. Flown off the nest to the ROV cable by Rosie 2031. craigor
19-08-11 20:25 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat RIchmond, pursued by a gull, lands on the cable with a large jacksmelt. Remnant flown off the cable 2111. craigor
19-08-09 06:57 Rosie Man Made Objects MaxK Rosie brings a wad of nesting material containing a scrap of burlap fabric. craigor
19-08-09 17:16 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Headless striper brought to Rosie on the nest and flown off. craigor
19-08-08 08:47 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Richmond comes to the cable with a faceless fish. Finished 0943. craigor
19-08-08 18:36 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Richmond stops in briefly at the nest with the tail end of a jacksmelt, then takes off 1837, dropping the fish tail at the edge of the nest. craigor
19-08-08 10:02 Rosie Jacksmelt Kat Rosie to the cable with a fish, brought to ZK on the nest 1014. Flown off the nest 1017. ZK returns to nest 1019 fishless. Likely lost fish. craigor
19-08-08 11:35 Other Other MaxK Whole fresh flopping Bat Ray brought to the nest by ZK, who proceeds to eat it. Remnant abandoned on the edge of the nest 1236, scavenged by crows 1241. craigor
19-08-08 15:15 Rosie Bass-Striped Kat Headless striper taken by ZK. Remnant taken off the nest 1724 by Rosie. Tail end brought back to the cable and flown off again 1836. craigor
19-08-07 18:24 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Tail end of a jacksmelt brought to ZK on the nest. Flown off the nest 1836. craigor
19-08-07 19:42 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Tail end of a jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by ZK. Flown off the nest 1946. craigor
19-08-07 17:30 Rosie Jacksmelt Guest4901 Whole flopping jacksmelt to the nest, taken by ZK. Flown off the nest 1734. craigor
19-08-07 11:30 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Kat Faceless PFM brought to the nest, taken by WP who flies off with it. craigor
19-08-07 06:39 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Whole striper brought to the nest, taken by ZK. Eaten solo, finished 0752. craigor
19-08-06 09:09 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Headless striper brought to the nest. Taken by Rosie, lifted off, dropped, picked up again, and flown off the nest 0910. Brought to the rail 0913. Remnant brought back to the nest 1015, taken by ZK, finished 1033. craigor
19-08-06 06:23 Rosie Jacksmelt GailMac Rosie on and off the nest with a whole jacksmelt. Flies past the nest cam carrying the fish 0625, on and off the nest 0626, then again 0627. Brings it to the rail 0701 and holds it there. Brought to ZK on the nest 0803. ZK feeds, flies away with the fish 0848. ZK returns to the nest with the tail 0935. Finished by 1014. craigor
19-08-05 19:59 Rosie Man Made Objects MikeD Clump of nest material brought in, containing a cylindrical piece of hard shiny black plastic. craigor
19-08-05 08:22 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Richmond flies by the nest with a headless fish, scattering visiting gulls, then takes it to to the cable. Brought to the nest 0837, taken by ZK. Flown off the nest 0845. ZK, still carrying the fish, on and off and back on the nest 0903, talking to another Osprey, then flies off with it again 0905. craigor
19-08-05 12:08 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Richmond streaks past the webcam to dislodge an unknown Osprey visitor, all the while carrying the back end of a jacksmelt, then takes the fish up to the cable 1209. Fish held, then flown off the cable 1252. craigor
19-08-04 06:15 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Whole flopping jacksmelt laid on the nest, slips off the edge and falls onto the platform below. Left until WP arrives on the platform 1054 and begins eating the dropped fish. Tail abandoned 1154. craigor
19-08-04 06:33 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Another live flopping jacksmelt brought to ZK on the nest. Eaten solo, finished by 0714. craigor
19-08-04 16:26 Rosie Jacksmelt Crow Tail end remnant of a fish left at the nest for ZK, who flies off with it 1627. craigor
19-08-04 18:56 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Headless jacksmelt taken by ZK. Flown off the nest 1908. craigor
19-08-03 20:42 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi SIzeable jacksmelt, WP wins it in a scuffle, off and on the nest 2046. craigor
19-08-03 07:07 Rosie Jacksmelt craigor Rosie to the rail with the hind end of a jacksmelt, holding it in case any hungry children arrive. Finally tires of waiting and eats the fish. Finished by 0843. craigor
19-08-03 20:19 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi Rosie to the cable with a PFM, brought headless to the nest 2024, taken by ZK. Abandoned on arrival of the next fish. craigor
19-08-02 06:25 Rosie Jacksmelt Midi Headless jacksmelt delivered, two fish now on the nest. Taken by WP. Flown off and on the nest 0626. Finished by 0647. craigor
19-08-02 06:15 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Big whole jacksmelt, taken by ZK. Finished 0708. craigor
19-08-02 08:10 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Richmond on the cable with a lively jacksmelt. Held on the cable and slowly eaten,. Remnant flown from the cable 1106, brought to the nest 1110, taken by Rosie and flown to the strut. Finished by 1119. craigor
19-08-01 14:29 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Robin Rosie arrives on the rail with a PFM, eats it herself. Small remnant flown off 1509. craigor
19-08-01 06:48 Richmond Jacksmelt LindaQ Whole jacksmelt taken by ZK. Finished by 0705. craigor
19-08-01 06:11 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Whole jacksmelt taken by WP. Finished 0650. craigor
19-08-01 19:30 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Faceless striper taken by WP. Flown off the nest 1932. craigor
19-08-01 18:51 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Crow Headless PFM taken by ZK. Flown off the nest 1853. craigor
19-08-01 17:44 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole jacksmelt taken by ZK. Flown off the nest 1746. craigor
19-08-01 10:41 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Kat Headless PFM taken by ZK. Flown off the nest 1054.
19-07-31 20:56 Rosie Jacksmelt Guest4901 Headless jacksmelt delivered to ZK on the nest. Finished 2109. craigor
19-07-31 06:14 Rosie Jacksmelt Lori Whole jacksmelt taken by ZK. Finished 0647. craigor
19-07-31 17:23 Rosie Bass-Striped Judi Rosie brings a headless striper, taken by WP. Flown off the nest 1725. craigor
19-07-31 13:13 Richmond Surf Perch MaxK Back end of a fish brought for WP. WP flies it off the nest 1318. Fragment returned to nest 1329, flown off again 1334. craigor
19-07-30 11:54 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Headless striper brought to WP on the nest. Taken to the rail by Rosie 1242. Finished by 1258. craigor
19-07-30 06:18 Richmond Jacksmelt xyz Good sized flip flopping jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by ZK. Finished 0729. craigor
19-07-30 20:59 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi Richmond to the rail with a partially eaten jacksmelt. Tail finished 2123. craigor
19-07-30 20:21 Rosie Surf Perch Judi Modest-sized faceless fish taken by ZK, flown off the nest 2022. ZK returns fishless 2041, likely lost fish. craigor
19-07-30 17:45 Rosie Jacksmelt MaxK Small jacksmelt tail portion delivered to ZK on the nest. Last bit of tailfin dropped off the edge of the nest 1801. craigor
19-07-30 06:50 Rosie Jacksmelt J. Headless jacksmelt taken by WP. Off the nest and back 0658 and again 0659. Small remnant left on the nest 0727. Reclaimed by Rosie 0757, finished by 0807. craigor
19-07-29 09:14 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Headless jacksmelt delivered to WP on the nest. Finished 0954. craigor
19-07-29 06:27 Rosie Jacksmelt Lori Rosie on the nest with a tiny jacksmelt tail. Finished by 0633. craigor
19-07-29 17:34 Rosie Jacksmelt Guest4901 Small tail end of a jacksmelt brought to WP on the nest. Finished by 1741. craigor
19-07-29 20:24 Rosie Jacksmelt Robin Faceless jacksmelt delivered, taken by ZK. Finished 2045. craigor
19-07-29 20:32 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Large flopping jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by WP, two fish and two juveniles on the nest. Finished by 2122. craigor
19-07-29 13:44 Rosie Unknown MaxK Rosie arives on the rail with a partial fish. Too distant and fragmentary for ID. Finished 1355. craigor
19-07-28 06:40 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Headless jacksmelt brought to the nest. Flown off to the cable 0641, Richmond eats on the cable, finished 0712. craigor
19-07-28 06:06 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond brings a whole flopping jacksmelt, taken by ZK. Eaten solo, finished 0648. craigor
19-07-28 06:56 Rosie Jacksmelt craigor Hind end of a jacksmelt delivered by Rosie, taken by WP. Flown off the nest 0657. craigor
19-07-28 15:07 Rosie Jacksmelt Guest4901 Rosie brings a small jacksmelt tail, taken by WP. Flown off the nest 1508. WP returns to the nest fishless 1520 craigor
19-07-28 16:15 Rosie Bass-Striped Teri Rosie flies in with a large split-open striper, and immediately flies it off the nest. craigor
19-07-28 19:39 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi Rosie brings a whole PFM to WP on the nest. WP eats, remnant taken by Rosie 2043. Finished 2059. craigor
19-07-28 20:24 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Large jacksmelt flown on and off the nest as WP still eating the previous fish. craigor
19-07-27 16:32 Rosie Bass-Striped Judi One minute seven seconds after leaving the crane, Rosie delivers a whole striped bass caught in view of the camera, taken by WP. Flown off the nest 1638, returned 1647. Off the nest again 1700. craigor
19-07-27 20:31 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Another whole jacksmelt, taken by WP. Flown off the nest 2032. craigor
19-07-27 20:20 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole jacksmelt, taken by ZK, flown off the nest 2022. craigor
19-07-27 09:46 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Whole long jacksmelt to the cable. Richmond eats, hind end brought to the nest 1045, taken by WP. Flown off the nest 1046. craigor
19-07-26 20:12 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Lively whole jacksmelt taken by ZK. Abandoned and claimed by WP 2042. Finished 2051. craigor
19-07-26 19:19 Rosie Bass-Striped Judi Tail end of a fat striper taken by ZK. Lifted off the nest and dropped 1942. Remnant recovered from below the nest rim at 0639 on 7/27 by WP, who flies off with it. craigor
19-07-26 17:43 Rosie Bass-Striped chagin Faceless striper taken by WP and flown off the nest. Returned to nest 1753. Flown off again 1758. craigor
19-07-26 08:56 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond brings a faceless fish to an unbanded juvenile on the nest. Lifted and dangled above the nest 0909, taken to the below-nest platform. Finished by 0945. craigor
19-07-26 16:06 Man Made Objects MaxK WP brings a plastic scrap of snack food wrapper. Blown from the nest 1623. craigor
19-07-26 10:17 Unsure Unknown Kat Osprey spotted eating a fish high on the boom, only on cam a few seconds. craigor
19-07-26 10:44 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Kat Rosie brings a whole PFM to WP on the nest. WP feeds, then walks away from the fish, Rosie lifts it off to the rail 1125. Young stranger still on the platform below. Returned to nest 1151, taken by WP. Skin and fin remnant abandoned 1214, taken by the visiting juvenile 1223. Flown off the nest and back 1224. Small remnant left on the nest 1234. craigor
19-07-25 13:06 Rosie Jacksmelt calgal Headlesss jacksmelt flown in by Rosie, taken by ZK. Finished 1322. craigor
19-07-25 19:57 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Headless jacksmelt, taken by WP, finished 2033. craigor
19-07-25 20:11 Rosie Starry Flounder xyz New fish brought to the nest for ZK. Lifted off the nest 2025, and dropped in full view of the cams. Second lost fish of the day for ZK. craigor
19-07-25 20:49 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi RIchmond brings a small jacksmelt tail he was seen flying by with at 2027 to the nest. Taken by WP, finished 2111. craigor
19-07-25 12:34 Rosie Bass-Striped MaxK Massive striper with a slashed belly flown to the nest, taken forcefully by WP. Abandoned and claimed by ZK 1323 after finishing her own fish. Retaken by WP 1424. Abandoned by WP, taken by Rosie 1434, Rosie feeds WP, feeds herself, fish taken to the rail 1458. Returned to nest 1503, taken by ZK. Remnant flown off the nest by ZK 1525. craigor
19-07-25 07:28 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Tail end of a jacksmelt being held on the cable by Richmond. Finished on the cable 0815. craigor
19-07-25 05:56 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Whole large jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by ZK. Flown off the nest 0605, ZK returns fishless 0609. Lost fish! craigor
19-07-24 06:04 Rosie Jacksmelt karenh Whole fish to the nest, taken by ZK. Flown off the nest 0610. craigor
19-07-24 06:16 Richmond Jacksmelt karen Richmond on the cable with a new fish. Brought to the nest 0647, taken by WP. Finished 0712. craigor
19-07-24 09:06 Rosie Jacksmelt Kat Rosie comes to the cable with a live jacksmelt. Flown off the cable 0923. craigor
19-07-24 15:15 Rosie Bass-Striped Midi Rosie lands on the rail with a well-used striper. Lifted onto the nest 1531, taken by WP. Flown off the nest 1532 craigor
19-07-24 16:33 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Richmond on the cable with a fresh jacksmelt. Flown off the cable 1637. craigor
19-07-24 20:40 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole jacksmelt brought to nest, dropped on ZK's back. ZK takes it, flies it off the nest 2051. craigor
19-07-23 20:26 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Large whole striper to the nest, taken by WP. Lifted off the nest 2027, WP returns to the nest fishless 2028. Lost fish! craigor
19-07-23 08:42 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi Large whole jacksmelt taken by ZK. Eaten solo, remnant flown off the nest 1015. craigor
19-07-23 08:51 Rosie Jacksmelt J. Another large whole jacksmelt, this one goes to WP. Finished 0947. craigor
19-07-23 09:45 Rosie Bass-Striped Kat Rosie arrives on the rail with a whole striper. Rear half brought to the nest 1017, taken away to the cable by Richmond 1018. Finished by 1024. craigor
19-07-23 11:09 Other Man Made Objects MaxK WP brings an object resembling a candy bar wrapper. Blown from the nest 1253. craigor
19-07-23 16:42 Rosie Bass-Striped MaxK Headless striper taken by ZK. Flown off the nest 1646. craigor
19-07-23 17:48 Rosie Jacksmelt KR Tiny hind end of a jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by ZK. Finished by 1758. craigor
19-07-23 20:40 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Another fish brought for WP, finished 2116. craigor
19-07-22 20:30 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Large whole jacksmelt taken by ZK, finished 2058. craigor
19-07-22 20:30 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Robin Face-nibbled PFM brought to the nest seconds after the last fish. Rosie feeds WP 2032, WP takes the fish 2043, skin and fins abandoned 2056. craigor
19-07-22 18:05 Rosie Jacksmelt DianneA Headless jacksmelt taken by WP, finished 1847. craigor
19-07-22 17:54 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Small tail end of a jacksmelt brought to WP on the nest. Finished 1800. craigor
19-07-22 17:24 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA SIzeable whole jacksmelt brought to the fledglings on the nest, ZK pulls it out of the scrum. Fish flown off the nest 1726, tracked to the nearby Dutra crane cable. Off the cable 1745, ZK returns to nest fishless 1757. craigor
19-07-22 10:24 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Richmond brings half a striper. ZK still working on the last fish. Rishmond holds the fish on the nest until 1052, then takes it to the cable. Remnant returned to nest 1104, taken by ZK, flown off the nest 1114. craigor
19-07-22 09:40 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Guest4901 Headless midshipman brought to the nest then taken immediately off to the rail. Returned to nest 0954. Taken away again 1000. Remnant returned to nest, taken by ZK 1019. Skin and fins abandoned when Richmond brings a newer fish 1104. craigor
19-07-21 20:39 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Very large flippity, floppity jacksmelt delivered to WP. Flown off the nest at 2044 with an ominous thunk, Peace returns with it over a minute later. Remaining 60% carried off by Rosie 2122. Tony
19-07-21 18:56 Rosie Surf Perch Lori Walleye Surfperch. Note dark patch on pelvic fins. Taken by ZK. Carried off the nest at 1902. Tony
19-07-21 16:34 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Crow Headless PFM delivered to ZK, who flies off with it within 15 seconds of touchdown. Tony
19-07-21 15:27 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Headless striper delivered to WP, who flies off with it at 1528. Tony
19-07-21 09:02 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Lori Headless PFM delivered to ZK, who feeds until 0922 when she gives up on skin and fin remnants. Rosie takes over at 0924, finished by 0929. Tony
19-07-21 06:10 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Medium flopping jacksmelt to nest, taken by WP after fending off ZK twice. Finished by 0644 Tony
19-07-20 18:16 Rosie Bass-Striped J. Headless striper brought by Rosie, taken by ZK, who flew off with it within a minute. Tony
19-07-20 16:50 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Intact (live) striper, taken by WP. Finished by 1800 Tony
19-07-20 15:42 Rosie Jacksmelt calgal Intact Jacksmelt to nest by Rosie, who immediately took off out over the bay. Taken by ZK, who then flew from nest @ 1543 Tony
19-07-20 08:23 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Large faceless striper brought in, taken by WP. Remnant taken away to the rail by Rosie 0907. Returned to the nest, taken to the cable by Richmond 0922. Finished 0940. craigor
19-07-20 07:50 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Midi Headless midshipman, taken by WP. Remains taken by Rosie 0822. Flown off to the rail 0836. Finished 0848. craigor
19-07-20 06:14 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole jacksmelt, taken by ZK. Flown off the nest 0634. craigor
19-07-19 20:33 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole jacksmelt taken by ZK. Flown off the nest 2034. craigor
19-07-19 19:58 Rosie Bass-Striped Robin Rosie brings the hind end of a striper, taken off the nest by ZK. ZK back to nest fishless 2016. craigor
19-07-19 17:46 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman ES Rosie returns to the nest with a headless PFM, taken by WP. Off the nest and back 1747. Finished by 1757. craigor
19-07-19 15:56 Rosie Bass-Striped MaxK Enormous striper brought to the nest, taken by WP. Taken by Rosie 1628, lifted off the nest 1631. Rosie returns to nest fishless 1721. Likely lost fish. craigor
19-07-19 08:29 Rosie Bass-Striped janw Headless striper delivered. Taken off the nest by ZK 0830. craigor
19-07-19 06:12 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Headless jacksmelt to the nest, taken by WP. ZK grabs the fish and takes off with it 0633. craigor
19-07-18 21:05 Rosie Jacksmelt Kat Rosie brings the small hind end of a jacksmelt to the nest, then off to the rail 2106. Finished 2109. craigor
19-07-18 18:12 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Large whole jacksmelt taken by WP. Finished 1938. craigor
19-07-18 16:22 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Kat Faceless plainfin midshipman dropped at the nest, taken by ZK. Taken by WP 1749. Scrap of skin left on the nest 1811. craigor
19-07-18 09:23 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman JanA Rosie arrives with half a midshipman, takes it off the nest to the rail 0928. Taken to the cable 1000 then returned to the nest 1001. Flown off the nest 1006. Back to the nest 1010, off to the rail again 1012. Finished on the rail in one long slurp 1029. craigor
19-07-18 06:08 Richmond Jacksmelt karen Whole jacksmelt brought to the cable, then to the nest 0615, taken off the nest quickly by WP, flown to the cable 0616. Off the cable 0619, brought to the nest 0620. Under assault by ZK, WP takes the fish to the cable again 0621. Back to the nest 0628. Tailfin snatched by ZK and finished off 0641. craigor
19-07-17 21:00 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Faceless striper, taken by WP. Eaten solo, finished 2147. craigor
19-07-17 17:00 Rosie Bass-Striped calgal Rosie brings a headless striper, WP still working on the previous one. Lifted off to the rail by Rosie 1702. Flown off 1715, returned to nest 1729. Held until 1754, taken to the rail again. Finished on the rail 1806. craigor
19-07-17 16:38 Richmond Bass-Striped SaMo Headless striper to the nest, taken by WP. Fish flown off the nest 1702. Returned to nest 1723. Left on the nest and taken by Rosie 1814. Finished 1827. craigor
19-07-17 12:50 Richmond Bass-Striped JanA Whole large striper to the nest, taken by ZK after a fight. ZK eats, holds the fish, flies off with the tail 1534. craigor
19-07-17 09:37 Rosie Unknown Kat Rosie arrives on the cable with a very small fish fragment. Too far for ID, finished in less than a minute. craigor
19-07-17 08:17 Richmond Jacksmelt karen Richmond with a fish on the cable. Eaten on the cable, finished 0838. craigor
19-07-17 06:33 Rosie Jacksmelt JanA Rosie on the nest with a partial small jacksmelt, but no takers. Off and on the nest 0636. WP arrives to take the fish 0641. Finished 0703. craigor
19-07-16 20:41 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole flopping jacksmelt taken by WP. Off the nest and back 2042. Taken by Rosie 2107, tail flown off the nest 2110. craigor
19-07-16 18:02 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Hind end of a jacksmelt, taken by WP. Taken away by WP 1806, brought to the rail 1807. Finished by 1830. craigor
19-07-16 17:08 Rosie Bass-Striped Judi Faceless striper delivered, taken by ZK. Eaten solo, finished 1747. craigor
19-07-16 15:53 Richmond Jacksmelt JanA Richmond brings a fresh whole jacksmelt, flown off the nest to the cable by WP 1554. Flown off the cable 1603. craigor
19-07-16 12:40 Rosie Starry Flounder MaxK Rosie brings a Starry Flounder, taken by WP. Skin and tail left on the nest, ZK arrives and takes over 1348. Left on the nest 1359. Taken by Rosie 1514. Flown off the nest 1517, returned 1518. Rosie feeds WP. WP finishes the fish 1539. craigor
19-07-16 10:20 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Faceless jacksmelt, taken by ZK, then flown off the nest by ZK 1021. craigor
19-07-16 06:26 Rosie Jacksmelt karen Large whole jacksmelt brought by Rosie. Lifted off to the rail 0627. Remnant returned to nest 0647, taken by ZK, finished 0716. craigor
19-07-16 06:18 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Whole flopping jacksmelt delivered to WP on the nest. Eaten solo, finished 0712. craigor
19-07-16 06:08 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Small headless jacksmelt delivered, taken by ZK. Finished by 0629. craigor
19-07-15 20:46 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Live flip-flopping jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken by ZK. Flown off the nest 2049, then to the short cables 2051. Finished by 2108. craigor
19-07-15 19:53 Rosie Jacksmelt J. Tail end of a jacksmelt brought to the nest. Rosie feeds WP, fish finished 2000. craigor
19-07-15 18:06 Rosie Other ES Rosie brings a bat ray, taken by a bewildered WP. Finished 1837. craigor
19-07-15 17:52 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman ishwish Small headless midshipman brought, taken by WP, skin and fin remnant abandoned when next fish arrives. Finished 1843. craigor
19-07-15 15:33 Rosie Bass-Striped calgal Whole striper delivered, taken by ZK. Finished 1625. craigor
19-07-15 10:37 Richmond Bass-Striped craigor Richmond on and off the nest with a whole striper. Returned to the nest 1132. Taken away again 1145. craigor
19-07-15 09:56 Rosie Bass-Striped Kat Rosie to the cable with a fish, flown off the cable 0959. 500th fish of the year. Returned to the nest half eaten 1124, taken by WP on the nest. Rosie takes the remnant 1208, lifts it off to the rail 1211. Finished 1226. craigor
19-07-15 06:33 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Headless jacksmelt, taken by WP. Sibling fish fight 0635, ZK ends up with the fish 0636. Finished 0703. craigor
19-07-14 17:11 Rosie Jacksmelt J. Rosie arrives on the rail with another fish. Brought to the nest faceless at 1721, taken by ZK. Flown off the nest by ZK 1724. Back to the nest 1737. Finished 1809. craigor
19-07-14 13:00 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Richmond brings a partially defaced striper, taken by ZK, finished 1345. craigor
19-07-14 06:02 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Richmond brings a third fish to the nest, taken by WP. Eaten solo, WP flies off with a small remaining scrap at 0720. craigor
19-07-14 05:59 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Another live fish to the nest, taken off the nest by Rosie 0600. Rosie back on the nest, fishless, 0625. craigor
19-07-14 05:51 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Lively flopping fish taken by ZK. Eaten solo, finished 0621. craigor
19-07-14 18:35 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Small headless jacksmelt brought to the nest, taken to the rail by Rosie, then flown out of sight 1836. craigor
19-07-14 16:45 Rosie Bass-Striped Kat Faceless striper taken by WP. Left on the nest to be taken by Rosie and lifted off to the rail 1741. Finished 1753. craigor
19-07-13 20:00 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi Rosie brings a headless midshipman, taken by ZK. Tough skin remnant taken by WP 2035. Finished 2047. craigor
19-07-13 05:44 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Richmond delivers a lively jacksmelt, taken by Rosie then quickly by ZK, finished 0614. craigor
19-07-13 05:49 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Richmond brings another whole fish to the cable, second in five minutes. Brought to the nest 0600, taken by WP, flown off the nest 0605. craigor
19-07-13 06:21 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Richmond delivers a third live jacksmelt, brought to Rosie on the nest, taken to the rail 0622. Rosie flies off with it 0654, returns fishless 0701. craigor
19-07-13 09:30 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Richmond brings a half-eaten jacksmelt. Taken by WP, finished 1004. craigor
19-07-13 17:00 Rosie Jacksmelt calgal Rosie brings a live fish to the nest, gets rushed by two juveniles, fish flops over the side. Lost fish! craigor
19-07-13 17:15 Rosie Jacksmelt C. Rosie brings another fresh whole fish, taken by ZK, eaten solo, finished 1744. craigor
19-07-13 18:53 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Small headless jacksmelt brought to the nest, eagerly accepted by WP. Finished 1914. craigor
19-07-12 06:15 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Another whole fish arrives as WP is finishing up the first one. Taken by ZK, finished 0632. craigor
19-07-12 13:53 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Rear half of a well used fish brought in, Richmond feeds WP. Richmond finishes the tail 1418. craigor
19-07-12 12:45 Rosie Bass-Striped ali Rosie on the rail with a large fish. Brought to the nest 1250, taken by WP. Taken by Rosie 1355 as WP goes across the nest to be fed by Richmond from the new fish. Taken by ZK 1430. Taken away to the rail by Rosie 1505. Back to the nest 1544, taken by ZK. Taken by WP 1602. Taken by Rosie 1640. Finished 1719. craigor
19-07-12 09:34 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Whole striper to the nest, taken first by Rosie, then taken forcibly by ZK 0938. Final segment of tail flown off the nest by ZK 1035. craigor
19-07-12 05:55 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Whole slim jacksmelt taken by Rosie, Rosie feeds WP. Fish taken by WP 0601. Eaten solo, finished 0618. craigor
19-07-11 19:31 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Half a jacksmelt delivered, taken by ZK. Tail finished 1950. craigor
19-07-11 16:14 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Richmond with a good sized whole jacksmelt, taken by Rosie, Rosie feeds WP. WP finishes the tail, fish gone 1642. craigor
19-07-11 10:00 Richmond Bass-Striped MaxK Richmond arrives with the rear half of a striped bass. Taken by WP, then Rosie arrives 1025 to take the tailfin, fish finished 1026. craigor
19-07-11 14:42 Rosie Jacksmelt MaxK Slim headless jacksmelt taken by WP. Finished 1452. craigor
19-07-11 06:01 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond brings a whole jacksmelt, taken by ZK. Finished by 0639. craigor
19-07-11 20:47 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole live jacksmelt to the nest, both fledglings pounce on it, ZK gets it.. Rosie arrives, takes the fish tail away to the rail 2120, tiny remnant returned to the nest 2124 and finished quickly. craigor
19-07-10 20:52 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Second fish in quick succession brought by Richmond. Larger than the first, also taken by WP who vgorously defends both fish. Pile of fish taken over by Rosie 2139. Fish finished 2147. craigor
19-07-10 20:43 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Whole jacksmelt delivered, taken and eaten by WP, then neglected when another fish arrives nine minutes later. Taken by Rosie 2148 after other fish is gone, and flown off the nest. craigor
19-07-10 16:23 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Kat Faceless PFM delivered as ZK is still eating the previous fish. Rosie feeds WP. WP takes the fish 1634 as Rosie leaves. Skin and tail left on the nest 1657.Picked up by Rosie 1715 who feeds more bites to WP. Finished 1720. craigor
19-07-10 15:46 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole flopping jacksmelt taken by WP, then swiped by ZK 1547. Tail portion taken by Rosie 1721 after she finishes the other fish. Finished by 1726. craigor
19-07-10 08:45 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman J. Rosie brings a Plainfin Midshipman, lifts it off 0856, then returns and leaves again still holding the fish, with two other Ospreys in pursuit. Fish dropped in a scuffle on the nest a moment later. Hangs on the edge of the nest until recovered by Rosie 0946, taken by ZK. Eaten down to the tail and skin, abandoned 1055. Taken by Rosie 1056, final bits taken away 1104. craigor
19-07-09 19:36 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond brings a whole fish and gives it to WP, who eats it solo, finishing the tail in a long sword-swallowing move 2002. craigor
19-07-09 19:26 Rosie Jacksmelt ishwish Rosie brings a whole fish to the nest, taken by ZK. Hovers while holding the fish 1929. Fish finished 1949. craigor
19-07-09 10:27 Rosie Bass-Striped ishwish Rosie arrives at the cable with a large squirming fish. Off the cable 1110, then briefly on and off the nest 1119. Tail portion flown in to the nest 1159, then off and on quickly 1200. Off again 1202. craigor
19-07-09 09:28 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Richmond on the cable with a fish. Brought to the nest still flopping 0931, taken by ZK. WP takes the fish 1018. Fish left on the nest 1056. ZK returns and pounces on the remnant 1159 just before Rosie arrives with a new fish. ZK flies away with the fish scrap 1202 craigor
19-07-09 20:52 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond arrives on the cable with a fish. Brought to nest 2054, taken by Rosie then by ZK. Taken back by Rosie 2109. Rosie flies away with the fish 2111. craigor
19-07-08 13:22 Richmond Bass-Striped ingridcc Tail end of a striper brought to the nest, taken away by Rosie. Remnant returned to nest 1330, taken by WP. WP finishes the tail 1350. craigor
19-07-08 10:11 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Nose-nibbled bloody striper to the nest, taken away to the rail by Rosie 1012. Returned to the nest 1014, taken by WP. Taken forcibly by ZK 1027. Taken to the rail again by Rosie 1106. Returned to nest 1113, Rosie feeds WP. Fish finished by 1120. craigor
19-07-08 08:01 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Live fish brought to the cable for defacement. Brought to waiting family on nest 0811, taken to rail by Rosie 0812. Remnant returned to nest 0827, Rosie feeds WP. WP finishes the tail 0840 as Rosie cleans up the residue. craigor
19-07-08 19:49 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Long whole jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie, who feeds ZK. ZK takes the fish 1953. Finished 2010. craigor
19-07-08 20:44 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi RIchmond lands on the cable with a large fish. Eaten solo, finished 2130. craigor
19-07-08 06:07 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Whole flip-flopping fish left for the fledglings, taken by ZK. Taken by WP 0645, finished 0709. craigor
19-07-08 18:15 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Live flopping Jacksmelt brought to the nest, handed off to Rosie. Lifted on and off the nest then given to WP 1817. Eaten solo, finished 1853. craigor
19-07-07 13:28 Rosie Bass-Striped Lori Rosie brings a defaced striper, taken by ZK. Taken by WP 1410. Rosie returns, takes the fish 1445, eats and feeds WP. Fish finished 1503. craigor
19-07-07 09:37 Rosie Jacksmelt Judi Whole flopping fish delivered, left on the nest for ZK. ZK eats it all, finishes 1003. craigor
19-07-07 06:13 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Silvery fish arrives. Taken and eaten by WP, then taken by ZK 0705. Finished 0717. craigor
19-07-07 05:48 Rosie Jacksmelt calgal Rosie on the rail with a fish, tail remnant brought to the nest 0634. Rosie feeds WP as ZK is working on the other fish. Finished 0640 craigor
19-07-07 21:13 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Good sized back end of a striper brought by Richmond in the fading light, taken by ZK. Eaten solo, gone by 2140. craigor
19-07-07 20:28 Rosie Jacksmelt Judi Rosie drops a flopping fish at the nest, chicks tussle. Fish nearly lost over the side 2030. Rosie returns it to the nest and ZK takes it, then WP, who consumes the fish by 2112. craigor
19-07-07 17:49 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Tail end of a striper, left on the nest and taken by ZK. Eaten solo, finished 1809. craigor
19-07-07 09:47 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Richmond brings another whole fish, now two fish on the nest. Richmond leaves with the fish 0951. Returned to nest 1011, then off and on again. Off again 1017 and not seen again. craigor
19-07-06 06:40 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Large whole jacksmelt brought in, quickly taken away by Rosie. WP flies past holding the fish and delivers it to the nest with face partially removed 0649. Taken by ZK 0728. Rosie arrives 0815 and begins eating, flies off with the fish 0818. Remnant back to nest 0820, moments before Richmond arrives with the next fish, then taken off the nest again. Rosie returns to nest fishless 0831. craigor
19-07-06 18:52 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Striper brought to the nest with head barely attached to the body. Richmond feeds WP. FIsh taken by ZK 1856. Rosie takes the fish after a struggle 1859. ZK takes it back 1900. Rosie repossesses it 1921. Back half, detached, taken by ZK 1937 as Rosie is finishing the head. Rosie finishes the head 1940. Rosie takes the rest of the fish from ZK 1948 and lifts it off to the rail. Back on the nest 2008, fish remnant taken by WP then by ZK 2009. Rosie back on the nest 2020, feeds herself and WP. Fish finished 2039. craigor
19-07-06 15:43 Richmond Bass-Striped Cathy Whole striper brought to the nest, taken by ZK and monopolized until Rosie takes the fish 1728, feeds WP. Skin and tail left on the nest 1758. Rosie returns and finishes 1800. craigor
19-07-06 11:41 Richmond Jacksmelt Twinkle Headless jacksmelt delivery, fish taken by ZK. Rosie comes to the nest 1232, feeds WP. WP finishes the tail 1239. craigor
19-07-06 09:28 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Live flopping jacksmelt left for WP on the nest. WP eats, then loses the fish over the side of the nest 1012. Lost fish! craigor
19-07-06 08:20 Richmond Jacksmelt Twinkle Richmond arrives with a new faceless fish. Held on the nest, taken by ZK 0831. Rosie takes the skin while ZK finishes up the tail 0857, WP cleaning up dropped guts. Fish finished 0900. craigor
19-07-05 20:44 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond brings the hind end of a jacksmelt to the nest, taken by ZK, finished by 2053. craigor
19-07-05 16:18 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Richmond delivers a headless striper to Rosie on the nest. WP appears and takes the fish 1618. ZK takes the fish 1643. Rosie comes from the rail and takes the fish 1737, feeds herself, feeds WP, feeds herself, feeds ZK, fish finished 1809. craigor
19-07-05 11:10 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Faceless striper brought in. Richmond feeds WP, then leaves him the fish. Rosie returns, takes the fish 1212, fish finished 1222. craigor
19-07-05 09:13 Rosie Jacksmelt GailMac Rosie with a small half a fish to the nest. Feeds WP, then hands the fish over. Finished 0940. craigor
19-07-05 07:29 Rosie Jacksmelt craigor Rosie appears briefly on the cable with a whole fish. Brought to the nest 0735, ZK gets a few bites, taken by WP. Finished 0748. craigor
19-07-05 05:46 Rosie Jacksmelt Lori Whole live fish to the rail. Brought to nest 0550. Lifted off to the cable 0552. Returned to nest 0601, left for the fledglings. Eaten mostly by ZK, finished 0623. craigor
19-07-04 06:00 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Whole live jacksmelt left on the nest where WP is waiting. WP eats, fish then taken by ZK 0623. Rosie returns to the nest 0640 to help, gives bites to WP. WP finishes the tail 0650. craigor
19-07-04 20:48 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Faceless jacksmelt brought in for ZK while WP is still finishing the last one. Left by ZK and taken by Rosie 2105, finished 2109. craigor
19-07-04 09:05 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Live flopping fish delivered to the fledglings on the nest. Both feed, fish worked down to a nub by WP, finished 0943, just as the next fish arrives. craigor
19-07-04 09:43 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond delivers the hind end of a jacksmelt, taken by ZK. Fish finished 0954. craigor
19-07-04 10:13 Rosie Jacksmelt ingridcc Rosie flies past the cable with a live fish, brings it to the nest 1014, begins passing out bites, then leaves it on the nest for the youngsters. Down to skin and tail by 1053, left on the nest. Eaten by WP 1440. craigor
19-07-04 14:21 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Large headless striper to the nest, taken by ZK. Rosie and WP eventually get some bites. Seized by Rosie 1536 and taken to the rail. Remnant back to the nest 1551. Rosie and the fledglings feed. WP finishes off the tail 1617 craigor
19-07-04 20:15 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Long face-nibbled jacksmelt to the nest, taken by ZK. Taken by WP 2020. Reclaimed from WP by Rosie after a testy struggle 2056. Finished 2101. craigor
19-07-03 16:17 Richmond Other Crow Whole flopping fish delivered, lifted on and off the nest, removed 1619. Returned after processing 1650, left on nest, taken by ZK. ID'd as American Shad. WP and ZK continue to feed on the nest. Rosie returns and takes the fish 1744. Fish finished 1749. craigor
19-07-03 10:36 Richmond Bass-Striped karen Richmond flies in with another half a striper. Flies to the upper cable with it 1111, flies away with it 1114. Tail end returned to the nest 1149, finished 1155. craigor
19-07-03 08:52 Richmond Bass-Striped Marian Richmond to the boom with a fish. Brought to nest 0854. No one home, taken away to the boom again 0855. Taken 0914 to sheave perch where new fledge ZK is waiting. ZK takes the fish and eats. Fish remnant left at 1010, claimed at 1026 by WP who also begins eating at the new perch. Tail dropped from the cable 1049. craigor
19-07-03 06:23 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Richmond brings a large headless fish to WP on the nest, who feeds himsef. Rosie takes the fish to her strut perch 0649, WP still trying to swallow a length of entrails. Back to nest 0702, Rosie feeds WP. craigor
19-07-03 20:53 Richmond Jacksmelt ali Sizeable whole jacksmelt brought to the nest and taken away by Rosie. To cable, then to nest 2055, off again 2056. Rosie arrives at upper cable 2116, seen eating the fish on the cable 2140. craigor
19-07-02 18:59 Richmond Jacksmelt JanA Richmond to the cable with a fresh fish. Brought to the nest 1908 as ZK still working on the previous fish, WP takes it. Finished 1933. craigor
19-07-02 05:34 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Modest-sized very lively flopping jacksmelt left on the nest for ZK to deal with. Taken by WP 0548. Rosie takes the tail 0636. Gone by 0640. craigor
19-07-02 06:06 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Richmond to the nest with another small headless jacksmelt. WP still working on the previous fish. No takers, so Richmond takes the fish away to the cable 0608. Finishes it 0721. craigor
19-07-02 09:44 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Twinkle Headless PFM to the nest. Rosie takes it and feasts on it before feeding the youngsters. Fish left on the nest, eaten down to skin and tail by 1050. craigor
19-07-02 11:57 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Small headless jacksmelt brought in. Richmond looks around for help, feeds ZK some bites, she takes the fish 1200. Fish finished 1226. craigor
19-07-02 13:54 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Faceless striper delivery, taken by Rosie for family feeding. Fish finished 1423. craigor
19-07-02 18:43 Richmond Jacksmelt ishwish Whole jacksmelt, taken by ZK, finished 1912. craigor
19-07-01 09:12 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Face-nibbled striper delivered to the nest. Feeding all around, Rosie finishes it off 0936. craigor
19-07-01 06:04 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Whole jacksmelt brought to nest and taken up to cable. Back to nest 0614, fish taken by ZK, who devours it by 0629. craigor
19-07-01 12:45 Richmond Bass-Striped Twinkle Headless striper with trailing guts, taken by Rosie, then by ZK. Rosie takes the fish back 1327, everyone feeds. Rosie finishes the tail 1453. craigor
19-06-30 07:03 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Whole flopping jacksmelt brought by the nest then taken to the cable for processing. Returned to the nest faceless 0709, seized by ZK, who apparently eats the whole thing herself. Fish gone by 0811. craigor
19-06-30 09:41 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Headless striper brought by Richmond, quickly snatched by Rosie, who eats for a while, takes the fish to the rail 1020. Remainder to nest 1030, claimed by Richmond, who takes it up to the cable. Fragment returned to nest 1044, taken by Rosie. Off the nest and back 1045, some feeding of nestlings. Pursuing an intruder, carries the fish off the nest 1054, back to the rail 1055, to nest 1056. Taken by ZK 1059, tail left on the nest. craigor
19-06-30 15:45 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Whole striper delivery. Taken immediately off to the rail by Rosie. Returned to nest 1630 and immediately taken away by Richmond. Returned to nest again, the worse for wear, 1830. ZK monopolizing the fish to the dismay of WP, till Rosie steps in to help 1856. Finished 1918. craigor
19-06-30 21:05 Richmond Jacksmelt ishwish Small headless jacksmelt arrives at the nest, taken away by Rosie. Back to nest 2108, feeding the nestlings. Fish finishes 2122. craigor
19-06-29 20:41 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Richmond does a dramatic fly-by 2040 then lands on the nest with another large whole jacksmelt. Rosie takes charge. Finishes the fish 2110. craigor
19-06-29 21:27 Richmond Jacksmelt ali Nest cam swivels to reveal Richmond on the rail with another headless fish. No ATN available for arrival time. Still seen holding the fish at midnight. Flies up to the cable 0237 on 6/30. craigor
19-06-29 06:06 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Richmond brings a faceless jacksmelt. ZK takes the fish, eats it solo until 0632. Rosie takes the fish 0638 and begins feeding WP. Finished 0643. craigor
19-06-29 08:37 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Headless striper delivery. General feeding ensues, Rosie finishes off the tail 0858. craigor
19-06-29 12:03 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Headless jacksmelt to the nest. Quickly taken by ZK. WP makes several attempts to snatch the fish, eventually succeeds. Rosie repossesses the fish 1256. Finished 1305. craigor
19-06-29 17:24 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Richmond arrives with a whole jacksmelt. Lifted away 1725. Returned in a reduced state 1745, siblings fight over the fish. Rosie helps finish it off 1826. craigor
19-06-29 19:29 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Large whole jacksmelt brought to the nest then taken away. Returned to nest 2004. Fish tussle ensues, ZK gets the best of it. Rosie returns to help out 2023. Fish finished 2038. craigor
19-06-28 05:48 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Whole flip-flopping jacksmelt brought by the nest, then taken up to the cable. Brought to nest and taken by Rosie 0605. Fish gone 0615. craigor
19-06-28 09:32 Richmond Jacksmelt ali Fresh jacksmelt to the nest. Rosie begins eating. ZK tries repeatedly to take the fish with Rosie still eating it, so she removes the fish to the rail 0944. Back to the nest 1003, Rosie feeds WP, fish finished 1014. craigor
19-06-28 08:23 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Headless striper brought in. Richmond tries feeding the youngsters, fish taken by ZK 0825. Both nestlings self-feeding. Rosie arrives to finish the tail 0925. craigor
19-06-28 16:10 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Faceless striper to the nest. Rosie and the nestlings feed. Richmond takes the fish away to the cable 1659. Fish gone by 1735. craigor
19-06-27 08:51 Richmond Bass-Striped thora Faceless striper brought to the nest. Rosie feeds the nestlings. Fish remainder left on the nest 0923, where the nestlings wear it away. ZK leaves a skinny tailfin 1007, then gnaws on it some more, leaves it again 1035. WP finds it 1700. Abandons it 1720 to work on his sister's fish. craigor
19-06-27 19:57 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Headless fish dropped at the nest, Rosie feeds the nestlings, takes the fish off the nest 2003 then brings it right back. More self feeding, Rosie takes over, fish finished 2037. craigor
19-06-27 16:45 Richmond Bass-Striped SaMo Headless striper brought in. Nestlings left to self feed. Rosie takes over the fish 1810, Fish gone 1814. craigor
19-06-27 05:42 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Richmond comes to the cable with a smallish fish. Starts eating the face, then flies away with the fish 0556. Fish brought to nest 0602, Richmond feeds the nestlings, then leaves the fish for ZK. Fish gone by 0627. craigor
19-06-26 09:05 Richmond Bass-Striped SaMo Large whole striper to the nest, and Rosie starts to work on it. Chicks fed, she takes the fish away 0929, flies around with it and takes it to the cable. Back to the nest 0940. More feeding, fish gone by 1006. craigor
19-06-26 20:48 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi RIchmond quickly on and off the nest with a whole jacksmelt. Lands on the cable with it 2051. Returned to the nest 2054, taken by Rosie. More feeding, Rosie finishes the fish 2117. craigor
19-06-26 18:41 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Another good sized jacksmelt brought to the nest. Rosie and the nestlings feed, fish gone 1854. craigor
19-06-26 16:38 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Sizeable whole jacksmelt brought to the nest. Richmond starts eating, gives bites to WP 1640, ZK takes the fish 1641. Both nestlings nibbling at opposite ends of the fish 1647. Rosie takes the fish away to the rail 1710, then back to the nest and takes charge of feeding. Fish finished 1730. craigor
19-06-26 11:20 Richmond Bass-Striped SaMo Smallish faceless striper delivered, Rosie quickly assembles the nestlings for feeding. Fish finished 1142. craigor
19-06-26 07:03 Richmond Bass-Striped SaMo Richmond brings a smallish whole striper by the nest, then removes it to the cable. Back to the nest, nose removed, 0705. Rosie takes charge of feeding. Fish finished 0718. craigor
19-06-25 20:28 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Another whole jacksmelt broought in. Consumed on the nest, gone by 2046. craigor
19-06-25 06:21 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Nose-nibbled jacksmelt to the nest, then lifted away to the rail by Rosie. Returned to the nest 0626. Feeding ensues. ZK finishes the tail 0644. craigor
19-06-25 09:19 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Large whole striper to the nest, taken by Rosie who prepares and serves the fish. Taken away to the cable by Richmond 0940. Richmond leaves the cable 0942, holding the fish. Back to nest with reduced fish 1103. Rosie and the nestlings feed some more. Rosie leaves the remains of the fish to ZK 1133, then reclaims the tail scrap 1149. FInished by 1156. craigor
19-06-25 18:20 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Large whole jacksmelt brought in. Rosie begins working on it. Fish taken by ZK 1822, who covers the fish 1823, then resumes eating it. WP helps himself to a few bites 1831. Rosie removes the largest chunk to the rail 1833 as the nestlings vie for some guts left on the nest. Rosie returns the chunk to the nest 1835. WP works on it for a long time, then Rosie reclaims it 1916, takes over feeding self and chicks, fish finished 1927. craigor
19-06-24 14:54 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Richmond brings a large whole jacksmelt. Rosie and ZK fight over the fish and ZK wins it, begins self feeding. After a couple of attempts, WP manages to take the fish for some self feeding 1520, while Rosie watches. Rosie takes the fish for herself 1522, then takes it off the nest 1525. Back to the nest 1540, nestlings continue gnawing at it solo and together. Rosie gets the fish back 1629. More feeding all around. Finished 1654. craigor
19-06-24 20:19 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Large, violently flopping jacksmelt brought to the nest, Rosie subdues the fish and feeds her brood. Tailfin taken and finished by ZK 2039. craigor
19-06-24 17:40 Richmond Jacksmelt GuestO Whole jacksmelt brought to the nest, left for the nestlings, grabbed by ZK for self feeding. Taken back 1752 by Rosie who takes it away to the rail. Tail portion brought back to the nest 1759; Richmond also hops over from the rail and takes it away to the cable. Fish finished 1808. craigor
19-06-24 10:32 Richmond Man Made Objects Midi Richmond brings a piece of black plastic trash bag material to the nest. Works its way off the edge of the nest by the morning of 7/2. craigor
19-06-24 09:22 Richmond Bass-Striped ali Richmond brings a small headless striper to the nest. Rosie takes over at 0923 and feeds the nestlings. Fish finished 0937. craigor
19-06-24 07:20 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Fresh whole striper to the nest. Taken by Rosie, who removes the face and begins feeding the nestlings. Richmond takes away the remnant to the cable at 0743. Finished by 0748. craigor
19-06-23 20:46 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Headless jacksmelt arrives. Rosie and the nestlings eat it quickly, gone by 2103. craigor
19-06-23 12:00 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Headless striper brought to the nest for family feeding, fish consumed by 1245. craigor
19-06-23 07:13 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Whole large striper brought to the nest. Rosie feeds the nestlings. Fish taken to the cable by Richmond 0802. Returns the tail to the nest 0841. Finished off 0902. craigor
19-06-23 15:10 Richmond Other Lori Faceless fish brought in, later ID'd as American Shad, first one recorded at this nest. Taken by ZK while Rosie watches from the short cables. Rosie flies in to take the fish 1537, flies off and back on with it 1539. Fish finished 1559. craigor
19-06-23 18:16 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Headless bloody jacksmelt to the nest. Rosie takes charge of feeding. Consumed on the nest, finished 1838. craigor
19-06-22 20:59 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Richmond brings the hind end of a jacksmelt, taken away by Rosie 2100. Returned to the nest 2101, then taken away again, returned 2102, grabbed by ZK, reclaimed by Rosie 2106, finished 2112. craigor
19-06-22 13:30 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Richmond brings a fish to the cable, nibbles the face, and brings the fish to Rosie on the nest 1334. Nestlings fed, fish finished 1352. craigor
19-06-22 08:41 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Richmond on the cable removing the face from another large whole fish. Eats his fill, then continues sitting on the fish on the cable. Finally brought to Rosie on the nest at 1019. Nestlings fed, final bits being cleaned up by 1036. craigor
19-06-22 08:08 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori RIchmond comes to the cable with a large whole jacksmelt. Brings it to the nest 0810. Fish taken by ZK for self-feeding. Lets her brother have some bites 0818-0820, then continues jealously guarding her fish, eating until 0845. Rosie returns 0853 and begins eating the remnant. Gone by 0910. craigor
19-06-22 05:47 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Richmond arrives on the cable with a smallish live jacksmelt, as Rosie is finishing the remains of the previous night's fish. RIchmond eats most of his fish, then flies away with the remnant 0557. Returns to nest fishless 0616. craigor
19-06-22 18:05 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Whole jacksmelt delivery to Rosie and the nestlings. FIsh consumed on the nest, gone by 1822. craigor
19-06-22 16:08 Richmond Bass-Striped KR Richmond brings a faceless striper briefly to the short cables, then to the nest. Rosie begins feeding the nestlings. Fish finished 1619. craigor
19-06-21 08:37 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Large headless striper brought to the nest. Family feeds continuously until Rosie finishes the tail at 0936. craigor
19-06-21 12:24 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Richmond appears with half a striper. Rosie comes over to the nest and takes it, feeding commences. Tail end taken from Rosie by ZK at 1254. ZK continues feeding self, falls on the remant 1301, finally munches down the last of the tail 1305. craigor
19-06-21 17:54 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Headless striper to the nest, quickly snatched by Rosie. After a few bites, Rosie flies off after an interloper, still holding the fish 1757. Returns to nest with fish 1805 and begins feeding the kids. ZK takes the fish from Rosie 1809 for self feeding. After several attempts, Rosie manages to retake control of the fish 1831, eats it herself, finishing 1851. craigor
19-06-21 15:05 Richmond Bass-Striped ali Good-sized whole striped bass comes to the nest, Rosie takes over. Fish consumed on the nest, finished off by Rosie 1553. craigor
19-06-21 20:42 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Richmond to the cable with a large flopping fish. FIsh struggling furiously, brought to the nest 2046. Taken first by ZK then by Rosie who takes charge of feeding. Rosie left standing with a small tail scrap 2116. Tail spends the night on the nest, Rosie begins feeding the chicks with it at 0540 on 6/22, fish finished at 0548. craigor
19-06-20 15:14 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Large headless jacksmelt brought in. Rosie begins feeding the nestlings. ZK commandeers the fish 1517 to keep for herself. Rebuffs attempts by Rosie to take the fish 1520 and 1523. Continues self-feeding until WP snatches the fish away 1539, then grabs it back 1540 and continues monopolizing the fish. Collapses on top of the fish 1549. Up again 1550, Rosie moves in to take over feeding 1553. Fish gone 1558. craigor
19-06-20 17:48 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Whole striper arrives to an enthusiastic response. After lengthy feeding, Richmond lifts it off to the rail 1832. Back to nest 1843 and Rosie takes over again. Fish gone by 1900. craigor
19-06-20 05:43 Richmond Jacksmelt karen Long whole jacksmelt brought to the nest. Richmond sits on the rail until 0546, then leaves to catch another fish. FIsh on the nest finished by 0609. craigor
19-06-20 05:50 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Richmond appears at the cable with another whole jacksmelt, four minutes after leaving the nest rail. Harassed by gulls, he flies away with it after just a few seconds. Returns with the tail section to the rail at 0608, as Rosie is finishing up the previous fish. Brought to Rosie on the nest 0635, finished by 0643. craigor
19-06-20 08:18 Richmond Bass-Striped Midi Large whole striper brought to the nest. Rosie feeds the nestlings. Remainder taken away to the cable by Richmond 0838. Returns the tail to the nest 0847. Rosie finishes it off at 0850. craigor
19-06-20 10:52 Richmond Bass-Striped MaxK Headless striper arrives, general feeding, Rosie finishes the tail 1113. craigor
19-06-19 13:03 Richmond Jacksmelt Guesto Whole flopping jacksmelt. Rosie and the chicks consume the fish by 1324. craigor
19-06-19 15:31 Richmond Bass-Striped Guesto Faceless striper brought in. Consumed on the nest by 1553. craigor
19-06-19 20:46 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Lori Whole PFM delivered in the fading light. Rosie and the nestlings eating, fish gone by 2101. craigor
19-06-19 06:18 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Fresh whole striper dropped at the nest for the family. Rosie feeding the chicks, Richmond steps in at 0642 to take the tail and finish it off on the nest. craigor
19-06-19 10:28 Richmond Bass-Striped Guesto Whole striper landed on the nest. Eaten on the nest by Rosie and the chicks, gone by 1051. craigor
19-06-18 07:49 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Faceless striper brought in, Rosie takes it for a quick flyabout before landing on the nest and feeding the nestlings. Fish finished 0807. craigor
19-06-18 14:53 Richmond Bass-Striped janw Faceless striper delivered. Rosie feeds the chicks, then leaves 1501 as ZK feeds herself. Rosie takes over feeding again 1520. Fish finished off 1541. craigor
19-06-18 19:03 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Whole quivering jacksmelt brought for Rosie and the chicks. Finished on the nest by 1922. craigor
19-06-18 20:47 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi Richmond arrives on the cable with a fish and begins face removal. Brought to the nest 2048. Fish finished on the nest by 2100. craigor
19-06-18 11:05 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Large faceless striper brought in, chicks begin feeding. Fish consumed on the nest, gone by 1140. craigor
19-06-18 09:07 Richmond Man Made Objects calgal Richmond brings a large clump of wet green vegetation with an embedded length of rope and plastic fabric or tape. Later closeups also reveal unraveling red cord and green monofilament. Entire clump lifted off the nest by Rosie 1924 and discarded. craigor
19-06-17 12:21 Richmond Bass-Striped karenh Richmond flies in with a barely-nibbled striper, to an underwhelming reception on the nest. Rosie tries lifting and landing it a couple of times. ZK seems interested as Rosie chews the face. Feeding ensues, with Rosie getting the bulk of it. Done by 12:50. craigor
19-06-17 17:20 Richmond Bass-Striped karenh Richmond arrives with the sixth striper of the day, faceless, and it's a huge one. Rosie lifts it away, then returns with it 1728. Rosie and the chicks feed. Remainder taken away to the cable by Richmond at 1808. Returned to the nest 1909 then lifted off to the rail 1910. Back to the nest for another round of feeding. Feeding done 1930, with a substantial amount of fish still on the nest. Richmond takes the fish away 1956. Richmond appears on the rail 2029, still holding the fish, then hops briefly onto the nest before carrying it back up to the cable 2030. Finishes the fish and returns to the nest 2140. craigor
19-06-17 14:23 Richmond Bass-Striped MaxK Headless striper brought in to another not so enthusiastic welcome. Rosie takes the fish and starts eating it herself as the well-fed chicks slowly rouse themselves. The chicks satiated, she finishes the fish 1452. craigor
19-06-17 10:48 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Faceless striper comes to the nest. Rosie grabs it for family feeding. Finished off 1108. craigor
19-06-17 09:18 Rosie Man Made Objects Kat Rosie brings a clump of vegetation containing a length of greyish rope and arrays it along the far side of the nest. craigor
19-06-17 08:59 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac New headless striper arrives for group feeding. With fish mostly gone, ZK grabs the tail piece 0910 and chews at it for several minutes, finally finishes (with Mom's help) at 0914. craigor
19-06-17 07:09 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Headless bloody striper delivered. Lifted off the nest and brought back by Rosie, then taken away again 0710. Fish returned to nest 0719. Gone by 0731. craigor
19-06-17 05:50 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Not-large headless jacksmelt to the nest. Gone by 0559. craigor
19-06-16 17:04 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Large, barely-nibbled striper delivered. Rosie feeds the chicks. Richmond takes remainder away to the cable 1725. Flies away with it 1732. Returned to nest 1753, Rosie snatches it away to feed the nestlings. Gone by 1805. craigor
19-06-16 07:17 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori A small but lively whole striper comes to the nest. Finished on the nest by 0728. craigor
19-06-16 08:40 Richmond Bass-Striped karenh Another whole striped bass arrives at the nest. Finished on the nest 0905. craigor
19-06-16 10:51 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Richmond brings a faceless striper. Rosie and the chicks feed. Fish finished on the nest 1113. craigor
19-06-16 13:31 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Whole striped bass delivery. Much feeding, fish stays on the nest, gone by 1353. craigor
19-06-15 18:04 Richmond Bass-Striped ingridcc Another nearly-whole striper dropped on the nest for Rosie and the kids. Finished on the nest by 1822. craigor
19-06-15 20:45 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Large whole jacksmelt brought to the nest. Taken off the nest by Rosie 2046, Returned to nest and then removed again 2048. Onto the nest and off again 2049. Back to the nest again 2053, and Rosie and the chicks begin feeding. Fish finished 2123. craigor
19-06-15 05:46 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Richmond brings a whole jacksmelt to the nest for just a second, then carries it up to the cable. Eats it himself, fish gone by 0608. craigor
19-06-15 07:45 Other Other J. Return of cams after blackout reveals a largemouth bass from the market, a banding-day peace offering. Rosie takes the fish away 0803. Arrives on the cable with it 0809. Returned to nest 0829 and immediately taken to cable by Richmond. Richmond leaves the cable, still holding the fish remnant, at 0854. Returned to the nest looking well used 1047, Rosie feeds the chicks. Mostly gone by 1106, chicks still fussing with tail fin and skin 30 minutes later. Rosie returns to help out 1139. ZK still working it, with occasional help from Rosie, past 1240. craigor
19-06-15 13:54 Richmond Starry Flounder radchick Richmond brings a whole Starry Flounder, taken by Rosie to feed the nestlings. Fish finished 1440. craigor
19-06-15 16:35 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Small whole striper brought to the nest. Finished on the nest by 1651. craigor
19-06-14 07:45 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Richmond brings a whole bloody striper. Chicks fed, Richmond to the rail. 0804 Richmond comes to the nest, takes the tail and finishes it on the nest 0806. craigor
19-06-14 09:27 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Richmond brings a large flopping jacksmelt. Rosie takes it and attempts to subdue it before feeding the chicks. Fish taken away by Richmond 0942. Returned to nest 0955. Fish gone by 1014. craigor
19-06-14 12:37 Richmond Bass-Striped craigor Faceless striper to the nest, Rosie feeds the nestlings. Small tail remnant taken away by Richmond 1301. craigor
19-06-14 11:05 Richmond Jacksmelt MaxK Another whole jacksmelt arrives and another round of feeding commences. Fish consumed quickly, gone by 1120. craigor
19-06-14 16:09 Richmond Bass-Striped janw Another fresh nose-nibbled striper delivery. Consumed on the nest by 1635. craigor
19-06-14 18:35 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Richmond arrives with the tail end of a small jacksmelt. All eaten by 1841. craigor
19-06-14 19:28 Richmond Jacksmelt Guesto Whole slim jacksmelt delivered. Rosie and the chicks finish it off by 1937. craigor
19-06-14 21:08 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Richmond arrives on the cable with a fish, brings it to the nest 2109, then Rosie takes it away 2110. Richmond leaves the nest 2111 and flies to the short cables. craigor
19-06-14 06:10 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman calgal Richmond brings a fat open-mouthed PFM to the nest. Quickly consumed by 0619. craigor
19-06-13 16:40 Richmond Bass-Striped MaxK Headless striper delivery welcomed by hungry chicks. Fish consumed by 1657. craigor
19-06-13 19:25 Rosie Bass-Striped Kat Large whole striper delivery. Rosie feeds the chicks. Taken away by Richmond 1948. Richmond returns to nest fishless at 2012. craigor
19-06-13 07:15 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Defaced striper brought to the nest for morning feeding. Finished on the nest by 0806. craigor
19-06-12 16:49 Richmond Bass-Striped MaxK Richmond brings another faceless striper as Rosie comes over from the rail to join him on the nest. Fish consumed by 1717. craigor
19-06-12 06:45 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Unblemished whole striper brought in, Rosie and the chicks begin feeding. Richmond grabs the fish and leaves with it 0656. Returns fishless 0721. craigor
19-06-12 08:49 Richmond Bass-Striped Guesto Large whole fresh striper to the nest. Lengthy continuous feeding until Richmond removes the remains to the cable at 0936. Tail end returned to the nest 0946. All but gone at 0958 as Rosie chases off an intruder. craigor
19-06-12 05:49 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Whole flip-flopping jacksmelt delivered to the nest. Rosie takes it from Richmond, and the fish flops right off the edge of the nest 0550. Lost fish! craigor
19-06-12 13:41 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Plump faceless striper arrives, feeding ensues. Fish mostly consumed in place, tail end removed by Richmond 1423. craigor
19-06-12 19:35 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Midi Rosie leaves the nest 1934, chases down a gull, returns less than a minute later with the front half of a PFM. Richmond hovers in from the rail and steals it, taking it away. Brings it back to the nest 2011. Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish finished 2023. craigor
19-06-11 12:44 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Richmond flies in to the short cables with a beheaded striper, then jumps over to the nest. Rosie takes the fish and feeds the youngsters. Finished on the nest 1311. craigor
19-06-11 06:03 Richmond Bass-Striped karen Fresh whole striper delivered. Rosie comes down from her cable perch and feeds the chicks. Fish gone by 0646. craigor
19-06-11 19:01 Richmond Jacksmelt ishwish Whole jacksmelt to the nest. Eaten quickly, gone by 1920. craigor
19-06-11 07:58 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Richmond brings in the hind end of a small jacksmelt. During feeding, younger chick grabs fish and attempts to feed self. Rosie takes over again, fish finished on the nest by 0810. craigor
19-06-11 19:57 Richmond Jacksmelt Guesto Another whole jacksmelt delivery eagerly welcomed. Finished off by 2011. craigor
19-06-10 17:42 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Nice sized headless striper arrives. Consumed on the nest by 1821. craigor
19-06-10 16:16 Richmond Jacksmelt Guesto Modest sized whole jacksmelt delivered and the family digs in. Fish consumed by 1630. craigor
19-06-10 08:28 Richmond Bass-Striped Guest Whole striper comes to the nest. Feeding ensues. Fish finished 0845. craigor
19-06-10 06:46 Richmond Jacksmelt Guesto Long slim jacksmelt brought whole to the nest. Chicks fed, remnant taken to ROV cable by Richmond 0658. Off the cable 0717. Tail end returned to the nest 0720, more feeding. Fish gone by 0739. craigor
19-06-10 20:44 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Whole jacksmelt brought to the nest, Rosie comes down from the short cables and takes the fish. Chicks fed. Fish finished 2056. craigor
19-06-09 06:32 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Good sized faceless striper delivered to the nest, where Rosie and the kids are waiting. Fish eaten by 0700. craigor
19-06-09 20:44 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Lively flopping jacksmelt left on the nest and nearly flops away, subdued and fed to the chicks. Gone by 2107. craigor
19-06-09 15:30 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Good sized headless striper brought in, lengthy feeding. Fish finished 1621. craigor
19-06-09 10:04 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond flies in to the cable with a vigorously flopping jacksmelt, and lands on the nest with a small remnant at 1019. Finished by 1025. craigor
19-06-09 08:30 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Richmond arrives on the cable with a fish. Brought to nest after head removal 0842. Finished on the nest 0858. craigor
19-06-08 06:47 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Snack-sized whole jacksmelt delivered to the nest. Rosie and the chicks devour it by 0707. craigor
19-06-08 07:58 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Nice big nose-nibbled striper flown in over the channel. After a hearty feeding, Richmond flies off with the remainder 0822. Returned to nest 0834. More feeding, fish gone by 0848. craigor
19-06-08 10:23 Richmond Jacksmelt Guesto Richmond flies in with a whole live jacksmelt. No takers, so he takes it away 1025. Brings it back much reduced 1052. Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish gone 1104. craigor
19-06-08 14:00 Richmond Jacksmelt Guest Richmond arrives with a headless striper. Rosie feeds the chicks. Finished on the nest by 1432. craigor
19-06-08 17:02 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Richmond on and off the nest with a whole jacksmelt. Remnant returned 1725 for feeding of chicks. Fish gone by 1737. craigor
19-06-08 20:32 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond delivers a large flip-flopping jacksmelt less than two minutes after leaving his cable perch. Rosie commences feeding. Consumed on the nest, gone 2100. craigor
19-06-08 19:47 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Richmond glides in with the hind end of a small striper. Quickly devoured, gone by 1952. craigor
19-06-07 20:44 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Richmond arrives at the cable with a lively whole fish, then buzzes past the nest with it. Brings it back to the nest, still whole and flopping, 2048, then just as quickly takes it away, never to be seen again. craigor
19-06-07 17:20 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Large whole striper brought to the nest. Chicks fed, fish taken away by Richmond 1740. Remnant returned 1759. All gone by 1808. craigor
19-06-07 16:30 Richmond Bass-Striped Guest Faceless striper delivery. Quickly eaten, remnant removed by Rosie 1647. craigor
19-06-07 14:29 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Whole striper to the nest. Rosie and the chicks dig in. Devoured by 1447. craigor
19-06-07 10:53 Richmond Bass-Striped C. Richmond arrives with half a striped bass. Eaten by Rosie and the chicks, gone by 1102. craigor
19-06-07 08:30 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Slightly chewed striper brought to the nest. Chicks fed, fish taken away by Richmond to cable 0934. Returned to nest 0854, more feeding. Finished 0906. craigor
19-06-07 07:12 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Richmond brings a moderate sized whole striper by the nest briefly, then lifts it up to the cable for processing. Brought to nest for feeding 0723. Finished by 0740. craigor
19-06-07 06:22 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Camera pullback reveals Richmond on the cable next to a whole fish dangling from the cable on a piece of fishing line. Fish falls from the cable when line breaks at 1339. craigor
19-06-06 06:36 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Lively whole striped bass flown in. Morning feeding commences. Small remnant taken to cable by Richmond 0654. craigor
19-06-06 19:06 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Richmond arrives on the cable with a large whole striper and begins eating. Brought to nest 1939. Chicks fed, Richmond takes remnant away 1955. craigor
19-06-06 16:55 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Whole striper flown in to the nest. consumed on the nest, finished 1734. craigor
19-06-06 14:24 Richmond Bass-Striped Guest Faceless striper brought in. Finished on the nest before 1506 during camera blackout. craigor
19-06-06 10:53 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Guest Sizeable whole PFM delivered. Finished on the nest by 1120. craigor
19-06-06 08:44 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Faceless jacksmelt to the nest. Lifted off briefly by Rosie at 0846, returned 0847 for feeding. Finished on the nest 0913. craigor
19-06-05 14:27 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Face-nibbled striper to the nest. Chicks fed. Fish taken away by Richmond 1446. craigor
19-06-05 17:50 Richmond Bass-Striped Ycasas Whole striper delivery. Feeding commences. Fish taken away by Richmond 1815. Remainder returned to nest 1840. Finished 1846. craigor
19-06-05 18:51 Rosie Other Kat Flattened carcass of a dead bird brought briefly to the nest. Removed by Rosie 1915. craigor
19-06-05 07:10 Richmond Jacksmelt janw Lively flopping jacksmelt brought to the nest and quickly devoured by Rosie and the chicks. Gone by 0723. craigor
19-06-05 07:41 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Richmond arrives at the cable with another live jacksmelt. Brought to nest 0751. Consumed by 0805. craigor
19-06-05 09:19 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Fresh striper to the nest. Feeding ensues. All gone by 0933. craigor
19-06-05 11:12 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Another fresh head-on striper to the nest. After feeding, remnant taken to cable by Richmond 1136. Finished 1142. craigor
19-06-04 07:50 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Richmond lands on the nest with a plump striper. Chicks fed, fish taken away by Richmond to cable 0806. Leaves the cable 0833, no telling if he still has the fish. craigor
19-06-04 09:06 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Fresh head-on striper to the nest. Chicks fed, fish taken to cable by Richmond 1008. Tail returned to nest 1101. Back to cable 1122, back to nest 1135. Back to cable 1144. craigor
19-06-04 15:10 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Richmond arrives with a sizeable whole striper. Rosie feeds the chicks. Taken to cable by Richmond 1537, then back to the nest 1542. Remnant removed to cable by Richmond 1602, finished by 1610. craigor
19-06-04 17:30 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Richmond brings a new headless striper to the nest. Much feeding, fish finished 1745. craigor
19-06-04 18:36 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Another modest-sized whole striper brought to the nest, fifth of the day. Devoured by 1900. craigor
19-06-04 20:49 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond spotted on the cable with a new fish. Takes it to the rail 2057. Taken to cable 2247 and finished there. craigor
19-06-04 06:08 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Richmond spied on the cable with a fish. Brought to nest 06:12. All gone 0625. craigor
19-06-03 06:07 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Faceless jacksmelt arrives a minute after the last one is finished. Finished off by 0618. craigor
19-06-03 08:21 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi Richmond arrives on the cable with a fish. To the nest 0825 and the chicks get fed again. Gone by 0905. craigor
19-06-03 10:16 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Headless striper to the nest. Finished on the nest by 10:37 craigor
19-06-03 14:09 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Faceless striper to the nest, chicks fed. Still on the nest, Rosie finishes the last scrap 1500. craigor
19-06-03 19:13 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Whole flopping jacksmelt to the nest. Eaten on the nest and finished 1935. craigor
19-06-03 19:30 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Richmond lands on the rail with a new fish as Rosie is still finishing up the last one. Holds onto it until bringing it to the nest at 2025. Richmond takes the remnant away at 2038. craigor
19-06-03 05:46 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Whole flopping jacksmelt to the nest. Rosie and the chicks consume it by 0606. craigor
19-06-03 06:39 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal RIchmond arrives on the rail with a whole jacksmelt, third of the morning. Hops it over to the nest at 0646. After family feeding, Richmond takes remnant to cable 0707. craigor
19-06-02 07:47 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Mangled headless jacksmelt delivered. Consumed on the nest by 0757. craigor
19-06-02 19:26 Richmond Halibut Lori Faceless halibut brought to the nest. Taken to the cable by Richmond 2015 and finished 2046. craigor
19-06-01 13:18 Richmond Surf Perch chagin Half-eaten plump oval fish to the nest. Consumed on the nest, gone by 1415. craigor
19-06-01 08:05 Richmond Starry Flounder Lori Mostly whole Starry Flounder brought to the nest. Chicks fed, fish taken to cable by Richmond 0904. Returned to nest 0949. Finished on the nest by 1015. craigor
19-05-31 12:50 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Fat headless flopping jacksmelt arrives briefly at the nest, then lifted off to the rail 1251, where Richmond continues eating it. Brings it to the nest 1313 and the chicks feed. Fish consumed by 1332. craigor
19-05-31 18:39 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Another whole jacksmelt, devoured by 1849. craigor
19-05-31 16:31 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole fat jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie and the chicks tuck into it. Finished by 1653. craigor
19-05-31 06:15 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Whole plump jacksmelt brought to the nest, Rosie begins facial deconstruction. Fish consumed by 0630. craigor
19-05-31 08:13 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Richmond brings a faceless jacksmelt, Rosie begins feeding the chicks. Fish gone by 0834. craigor
19-05-31 10:02 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Whole striper to the rail, then to the nest 1006, and feeding begins again. Richmond takes the remnant to the cable 1040. craigor
19-05-30 19:20 Richmond Salmonid ishwish Long plump mottled fish with red flesh, ID'd as Steelhead Trout. Brought to the rail, then to the nest. Chicks fed, fish taken away by Richmond 1936. Brings it back to the rail, then the nest 2019, finished by Rosie and the chicks. craigor
19-05-30 07:51 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Small whole jacksmelt brought to the nest. Quickly consumed by Rosie and the chicks. Finished by 0803. craigor
19-05-30 11:19 Richmond Jacksmelt Carole Another slim jacksmelt arrives, consumed by 1133. craigor
19-05-30 12:14 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Richmond delivers a large whole striper. Chicks fed. Fish taken to cable by Richmond 1239. Flies off 1249. Back to cable 1303, still holding fish. Fish to nest 1306, Rosie eats, then flies to her strut perch to eat some more. Fish returned to nest 1317, chicks fed. Finished off by 1350. craigor
19-05-29 13:33 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman calgal Whole PFM brought to the nest. Rosie begins taking it apart for the kids. Fish consumed by 1353. craigor
19-05-29 17:01 Richmond Starry Flounder Kat Large beheaded Starry Flounder lands on the nest. Rosie and the chicks have a lengthy feeding. FIsh remnant taken away by Richmond 1837. Seen on ROV cable via ATN 1851. Finished by 1950 as Richmond returns to the nest fishless. craigor
19-05-29 09:05 Richmond Halibut J. Large dark flat fish to the nest, tail could indicate Halibut. Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish taken to cable by Richmond 0935. Returned to nest 0953, more feeding. Fish finished by 1010. craigor
19-05-28 07:05 Richmond Bass-Striped Midi Modest sized whole striper brought to the nest. Rosie and the chicks polish it off by 0727. craigor
19-05-28 08:43 Richmond Jacksmelt JanA Slim whole jacksmelt to the nest. Richmond feeds the chicks while Rosie goes to find nest materials. Rosie takes over feeding at 0905 and Richmond leaves. Fish gone by 0920. craigor
19-05-28 10:53 Richmond Halibut C. Partially chewed halibut brought to the nest. Taken away by Rosie to her strut perch 10:54. Returned to the nest 1110 and immediately taken by Richmond to the cable. Returned to nest 1123 and taken away by Rosie. Back to nest 1142, Rosie feeds the chicks. Tail taken to cable by Richmond 1306. craigor
19-05-28 17:37 Richmond Bass-Striped Carole Half gone and mangled, a sad striper arrives at the nest and Rosie and the chicks dig in. Finished by 1830. craigor
19-05-27 07:36 Richmond Jacksmelt chagin Whole flopping jacksmelt brought to nest. Rapidly consumed. craigor
19-05-27 08:00 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Richmond arrives at the cable with another jacksmelt, cohort of gulls in hot pursuit. Flies away with it 0803. Brings remnant to nest 0904, finished on the nest by Rosie and the kids. craigor
19-05-27 15:41 Richmond Starry Flounder Kat Whole Starry Flounder, consumed on the nest by Rosie and the chicks. craigor
19-05-27 18:17 Richmond Bass-Striped Carole Hind end of a striper to the nest. Rosie and the chicks finish it off by 1832. craigor
19-05-27 19:21 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Richmond drops a massive whole striper on the nest for Rosie and the chicks. Takes remainder to the cable at 1957. Richmond stays on the cable with the fish all night, fish gone by morning. craigor
19-05-26 06:40 Richmond Bass-Striped lurker bev Whole bloody striper to the nest. Voraciously consumed by Rosie and the chicks. Scant remainder taken to the cable by Richmond 0656. craigor
19-05-26 11:56 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Richmond delivers a headless striper. Eaten down to the tailfin by 1225. Finished by Rosie 1438. craigor
19-05-26 14:07 Richmond Bass-Striped SaMo Richmond brings a live fish to the cable. Removes face and brings it to the nest 1443. Chicks fed, fish taken away to cable by Richmond 1520. craigor
19-05-26 18:05 Richmond Jacksmelt isitfiveyet Whole jacksmelt to the nest. Finished on the nest by 1821. craigor
19-05-26 09:12 Richmond Bass-Striped SaMo Richmond arrives at the nest with a substantial whole striper. Rosie and the chicks feed. Entire fish consumed on the nest by 0950. craigor
19-05-25 08:11 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Whole striper brought to the nest. Chicks fed. Fish taken up to cable by Richmond 0831, and dropped. Lost fish! craigor
19-05-25 14:07 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Whole jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. craigor
19-05-25 11:59 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Kat Whole Midshipman brought to the nest. Eagerly torn into by Rosie and the chicks. craigor
19-05-24 11:56 Richmond Bass-Striped SaMo Headless striper to the nest. Taken away by Richmond to cable 1216. Returned to nest 1232. Taken to cable by Richmond 1304. Back to nest again 1310. craigor
19-05-24 18:32 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Whole jacksmelt to the nest. Rosie and the chicks eat in. craigor
19-05-24 20:50 Richmond Bass-Striped Midi Fresh faceless striper to the nest. Rosie and the chicks feed, fish stays on the nest overnight. Meaty tail taken away by Richmond after morning feeding 0552 on 5/25. Richmond returns fishless at 0600. craigor
19-05-24 06:01 Richmond Starry Flounder J. Whole Starry Flounder to the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks. Removed by Richmond 0620. Returned to nest 0714, removed and returned by Rosie 0715. craigor
19-05-23 13:00 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Large headless striper brought to the nest. Much feeding, fish taken to the cable by Richmond 1350. Returned to nest 1359 during intruder alert, then taken to the rail. Back to the nest 1459. Back to cable 1531, returned to nest 1538. craigor
19-05-23 08:25 Richmond Bass-Striped janw Fresh whole striper for Rosie and the chicks. Taken away to the cable 0843. Returned to nest 0937. craigor
19-05-22 17:57 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Richmond brings another whole jacksmelt. Chicks fed, fish taken to cable by Richmond 1811. Returned to nest 1825. craigor
19-05-22 16:52 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Plump whole jacksmelt to the nest and Rosie feeds the chicks. Entire fish consumed on the premises. craigor
19-05-22 10:44 Richmond Other Midi Unknown flatfish brought to nest. Not Starry Flounder or CA Halibut. Possible Diamond Turbot? Chicks fed, fish taken away by Richmond 1103. Back to nest 1127, taken away by Rosie 1129. Returned to nest 1140. craigor
19-05-21 20:17 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Massive headless striper brought to the nest. Taken away 2029. Arrives at cable 2114, held there all night by Richmond, then returned to nest at 0537 on 5/21. Remnant taken away to cable after morning feeding 0803. Returned to nest 0818. craigor
19-05-21 06:15 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Richmond to the cable with a big whole fish. Brought by the nest 0617, then taken away for further deconstruction. Returned to nest, well-chewed, 0639. Chicks fed, Richmond off with the fish 0655. Back to nest 0739. Chicks fed again, fish left on nest. More feeding, then fish taken away to the cable 0910. Back to nest 0919 and left there. Richmond returns once more to feed Rosie and the chicks. Tail taken to cable 1119. craigor
19-05-21 15:40 Richmond Bass-Striped ishwish Whole flip-flopping striper to the nest. Feeding commences immediately. Remainder taken away to cable 1604. Returned to nest 1702, taken away 1713. Returned 1722, tail taken away 1813. craigor
19-05-20 07:08 Richmond Surf Perch Lori Whole big green broad flattish fish. Likely black perch. Rosie feeds the chicks, and pulls several small fish from within the fish. Richmond takes away the remains 0720, returns 0729. Off again to cable 0735, back for more feeding 0748. Tail left on the nest. craigor
19-05-20 09:10 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Fresh whole striper brought to the nest. Remnant taken away to cable 0924. craigor
19-05-20 11:04 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Richmond to the cable with a lively fat striper. Brought to nest 1122. Much feeding. Fish taken to the cable 1206. On and off the nest 1314. Back to the nest 1331, back to the cable 1333. Back to nest 1423. More feeding. craigor
19-05-20 17:21 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Long fat jacksmelt delivered to the nest after face removal. Feeding ensues, fish taken away 1735. Back to nest 1818 and taken away to cable 1826. Back to nest 1938. Tail taken away 1942. craigor
19-05-19 18:04 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond flies in with a faceless jacksmelt, lands on the remains of the prior one. Taken away to the cable 1808. Returns 1811. craigor
19-05-19 06:54 Richmond Jacksmelt LindaQ Richmond to the nest with a modest-sized jacksmelt. Away to the cable 0659, then back to the nest 0703, greeted by hungry chicks. Fish quickly eaten, gone by 0715. craigor
19-05-19 08:57 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Richmond brings a fat faceless jacksmelt. craigor
19-05-19 12:09 Richmond Bass-Striped janw Headless striper to the nest. Taken away 1238. Returns at 1247. craigor
19-05-19 17:37 Richmond Jacksmelt janw Whole jacksmelt brought in, feeding commences. Remainder left on nest. craigor
19-05-18 09:22 Richmond Jacksmelt ingridcc Long skinny whole jacksmelt to the nest. Richmond begins deconstruction while Rosie broods. Takes it off the nest 0930. Next seen on the cable a minute later without the fish. Lost fish! craigor
19-05-18 11:24 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Richmond returns in the rain with a well-chewed half striper. Rosie and the chicks feed. Richmond takes the fish to the cable 1137. Brings it back to the nest and leaves it there 1239. craigor
19-05-18 17:29 Richmond Bass-Striped chagin Richmond arrives on the rail with a big flopping fish. Brought to nest 1803. Taken away 1817, brought back 1825. Taken away again 1907, brought back 1926, off 2007, back 2011, taken to the cable 2021. craigor
19-05-18 06:24 Richmond Surf Perch craigor SIzeable dark oval fish Chicks fed, Richmond takes fish to cable 0636. Back to nest 0656. RIchmond carries off fish chunk 0712, then brings it back and feeds the chicks 0716. Rosie returns and takes over the feeding 0719. Fish left on the nest, retrieved by Richmond 0729, takes it up to the cable to finish. craigor
19-05-17 08:06 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Substantial whole striper broought to the nest for Rosie and the chicks. Richmond and Rosie finish off the fish while standing on the nest. craigor
19-05-17 09:08 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Faceless jacksmelt brought by the nest, taken away, then returned 0921, taken away 0930, returned 0931. Leaves with it again 0936 as Rosie returns to the nest. Back at 0943 and feeding commences. craigor
19-05-17 12:03 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Richmond arrives on the cable with a very large fresh striper. Brought to nest 1237, taken back to cable 1249. Back by 1400, then taken away again by Richmond 1424. Back to nest 1536 with plenty still on it. Richmond back to the cable with it 1608. To nest again 1653. Taken back to cable, now diminished in size, by Richmond 1727. Continues eating on the rail, then brings the tail briefly to the nest before returning to the cable 1819. craigor
19-05-16 09:19 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Fresh whole jacksmelt to the nest for Rosie and the two chicks. craigor
19-05-16 13:56 Richmond Bass-Striped C. Large headless striper dropped at the nest. Chicks fed, fish left on the nest until taken to the cable by Richmond 1520. RIchmond feeding Rosie 1810, then returns again with the fish 1939. craigor
19-05-15 16:08 Richmond Bass-Striped craigor Richmond on the back rail with a very large lively fish. He holds it on the rail munching periodically until 1857, then brings it to the nest. Rosie and the chicks feed, then Richmond takes the fish away 1913. Returns to rail, still holding the fish, bringing it to the nest 0245 on 5/16. Back to the rail 0315, then back on the nest at 0557. Off at 0634, back at 0639. craigor
19-05-15 14:18 Richmond Starry Flounder thora Defaced small Starry Flounder to the nest, quickly consumed by Rosie and the kids craigor
19-05-15 11:05 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Large whole jacksmelt to the nest, then to the cable. Returned to nest after beheading 1116. Chicks fed, fish to cable 1127, then back to nest 1135. craigor
19-05-15 06:33 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Whole fish brought by the nest, then taken away for face removal. Returned to nest faceless at 0643. Chicks fed, fish removed to cable 0655. Back to nest 0752. Taken away again 0800, then back to nest 0832. craigor
19-05-14 06:29 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Long whole jacksmelt to the nest for morning feeding. Taken away by Richmond 0637. Returned to the nest 0702. Another round of feeding, then fish left on the nest. Taken to the cable by RIchmond 0916, then brought back for more feeding 0920. Richmond finishes the tail end on the nest. craigor
19-05-14 17:25 Richmond Bass-Striped Midi Fat headless striper to the nest, chicks fed. Taken away to the cable 1736. Returned to nest 1808. Back to the cable 1820. craigor
19-05-14 15:50 Richmond Jacksmelt ishwish Another whole jackmest arrives. Chicks well-fed, then fish removed to the cable 1605. Returned to nest 1611 and finished off. craigor
19-05-14 11:03 Richmond Jacksmelt Carole A modest sized whole jacksmelt delivered. Chicks fed, fish taken to the cable 1115. Back to the nest 1124. More feeding, fish left on the nest. Remainder taken away to the cable 1220. craigor
19-05-13 09:02 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Headless striper brought and left on the nest. Taken away to the cable by Richmond 0925. Back to the nest 0959. Taken away to cable 1026, then back to nest 1056. Back to cable 1148. Back to nest 1312. Back to the cable 1326. craigor
19-05-13 06:56 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal A small whole jacksmelt arrives and the chicks get fed. Richmond returns to retrieve the remnant 0725. craigor
19-05-13 18:16 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Hefty whole striper brought to the nest, Rosie feeds the little ones. Taken up to the cable 1830. Returned to nest 1910. craigor
19-05-13 17:09 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Richmond delivers another modest sized whole jacksmelt, quickly consumed by Rosie and the chicks. craigor
19-05-12 06:31 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Richmond swings by the nest with a whole slim jacksmelt, takes it away for further processing. Returns with faceless fish 0637. Rosie too tired to eat, so he takes it to the cable 0639. Back to nest 0648, and feeding commences. Fish left on nest. Richmond removes it once more 0729, then returns the tail 0740. craigor
19-05-12 19:42 Richmond Jacksmelt chagin Another sizeable headless jacksmelt arrives for the evening meal. Rapidly devoured by Rosie and the chicks. craigor
19-05-12 16:35 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Large whole jacksmelt to the nest. Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish left on the nest until taken away by Richmond 1708. Returned to nest 1723, finished off by Rosie and the hatchlings. craigor
19-05-12 11:15 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Richmond with a fresh headless striper, Rosie feeds the three chicks. Taken away 1118. Back to nest 1158. Taken away again 1224. Back to nest, well-chewed at both ends, 1321. Final remnant taken away 1450. craigor
19-05-12 09:03 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Fairly intact fish brought to the nest. Rosie feeds the kids. Taken by Richmond up to the cable 0914. craigor
19-05-11 15:47 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Fresh fish brought to nest by RIchmond, who finds no takers so he removes it to the cable for further consideration. Back on the nest with it 1608. craigor
19-05-11 10:16 Richmond Bass-Striped C. Richmond on the cable with a fresh fish. Brought to nest 1150. Removed to cable 1200, then back to nest and left 1238. craigor
19-05-11 07:52 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond with a huge flopping jacksmelt on the cable. Brought to the nest 0757. Chicks fed, fish taken away by Richmond 0809. Returned to the nest and left there 0837. craigor
19-05-10 07:11 Richmond Jacksmelt janw Richmond leaves a sizeable faceless jacksmelt on the nest for Rosie and the chicks, and starts eating the previous night's fish on the nest before departing with it. This fish stays on the nest until Richmond takes it away at 0932. Remainder returned to nest 0954. craigor
19-05-10 13:54 Richmond Bass-Striped Carole A large headless striper brought to the nest. Rosie feeds the chicks. Richmond takes fish to the cable 1403. Returns to the nest with fish and leaves again 1554. Back to the nest 1704, more feeding. Taken away to the cable again by Richmond 1801. Back to nest again 1919. Back to cable again 1926. craigor
19-05-09 10:42 Richmond Bass-Striped radchick Richmond brings a large headless striper and Rosie begins feeding the new chick. Rosie feeds herself while sitting on the eggs and the chick. Richmond watching from the rail. Fish remains on the nest until taken up to the cable by Richmond 1155. Returned to the nest at Rosie's request 1212. More feeding of the hatchling. Remainder taken to the cable again by Richmond 1236. Back again to the nest at 1304 and taken away by Rosie as Richmond broods the little one. Back to nest again 1327, as Rosie resumes her position on the nest. Richmond takes remaining part to the cable 1333. Returned to nest once again 1510. craigor
19-05-09 19:57 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Large headless striper brought to the nest and left for Rosie and the two chicks. Fish spends the night on the nest. Richmond takes it away to the cable 0716 on 5/10. Returns it to the nest 0736. craigor
19-05-08 18:38 Richmond Halibut Robin Richmond brings a good sized halibut to the rail, then jumps over to the nest. Rosie seems reluctant to leave the nest, taking several bites before leaving with the fish. Richmond very uncomfortable on the eggs, Rosie returns with the fish shortly before first egg hatches at 1857. craigor
19-05-07 08:11 Richmond Bass-Striped Richard Headless striper delivery and Rosie removal. A substantial portion returned to Richmond on the nest 0848, which he takes up to the cable while Rosie takes over on the eggs. craigor
19-05-06 10:07 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Whole striper brought to the nest. Taken by Rosie, who returns after 30 minutes, fishless. craigor
19-05-06 18:04 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole jacksmelt delivered and removed by Rosie. She returns to nest with fish 1811 as Richmond is chasing an intruder, then he returns and she flies off still holding fish at 1812. Rosie returns fishless at 1822. craigor
19-05-05 08:09 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Headless striper brought to the nest and taken by Rosie. craigor
19-05-05 16:28 Richmond Bass-Striped thora Headless striper delivery and removal by Rosie. craigor
19-05-04 07:55 Richmond Bass-Striped craigor Richmond on the cable with a modest-sized striper. Brought to nest for Rosie at 0800. craigor
19-05-04 17:23 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Headless bloody striper brought to the nest and removed by Rosie. craigor
19-05-03 08:41 Rosie Man Made Objects Midi Rosie arrives with a clump of vegetation containing a small scrap of yellowed clear plastic sheet. Buried, then uncovered 6/1. Blown from the nest 2015 on 6/1. craigor
19-05-03 09:10 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Richmond brings half a striper, taken by Rosie. Rosie finishes fish and returns to the nest by 0922 craigor
19-05-03 17:35 Richmond Bass-Striped SaMo Fat headless striper delivered by Richmond and taken away by Rosie. craigor
19-05-02 08:54 Richmond Unknown SaMo Richmond delivers a small scrap of fish tail, taken off by Rosie. craigor
19-05-02 18:23 Richmond Man Made Objects Bird lover Richmond appears with a triangular piece of stiff red plastic. buried in nest material until 7/28, uncovered by WP at 2049. craigor
19-05-02 17:42 Richmond Bass-Striped ishwish Another half-eaten striper brought to the nest and taken away by Rosie. craigor
19-05-02 16:15 Richmond Bass-Striped SaMo Headless striper delivery, taken away by Rosie. craigor
19-05-01 10:05 Richmond Bass-Striped SaMo Richmond arrives with a fat headless striper, taken away to the strut by Rosie. craigor
19-05-01 19:00 Richmond Man Made Objects SaMo Richmond brings a long streamer of red barricade tape. Blown from the nest 1157 on 5/4. craigor
19-04-30 16:00 Rosie Starry Flounder SaMo Bloody flounder delivered by Rosie and taken to the cable by Richmond. Richmond back at 1647 with the leftovers, taken away by Rosie. Finished by 1707. craigor
19-04-30 18:21 Rosie Bass-Striped calgal Rosie brings a headless fish to the nest and Richmond gladly takes it away to the boom. Two in a row for Rosie. craigor
19-04-29 20:45 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi Richmond delivers a chunk of fish tail in the dark, accepted by Rosie, taken away and finished quickly, likely Jacksmelt. craigor
19-04-29 17:01 Richmond Bass-Striped ishwish Headless bloody striper brought to an impatient Rosie, who removes it forthwith. craigor
19-04-29 06:42 Richmond Unknown J. Unidentifiable fish scrap brought to the nest and taken by Rosie. craigor
19-04-27 20:12 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Richmond on the cable with a fish. Brought to nest 2015 and taken away. craigor
19-04-27 16:25 Richmond Starry Flounder J. Unknown flat fish brought to nest, pale bands on fins indicate possible Starry Flounder. craigor
19-04-26 20:14 Richmond Unknown SaMo Richmond on the cable with a good sized fish. VIew too brief and distant for ID. craigor
19-04-26 10:32 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Richmond to the boom with a fish. Brought to nest 10:42 and taken to the strut by Rosie. craigor
19-04-26 16:14 Richmond Bass-Striped ali Tail of a striper brought by Richmond, taken by Rosie. Rosie eats fish tail and returns to the nest 1622. craigor
19-04-25 09:58 Richmond Man Made Objects J. Richmond arrives at the nest with a sheet of frayed clear plastic dropcloth. Blown off the nest 1241. craigor
19-04-24 09:10 Richmond Bass-Striped ishwish Headless striper brought to the nest and taken away by Rosie. craigor
19-04-24 17:37 Richmond Bass-Striped Carole Headless striper brought to Rosie on the nest. craigor
19-04-23 08:30 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Half a very chewed fish brought to nest and removed by Rosie. Rosie back to nest post-fish in just ten minutes. craigor
19-04-23 17:12 Richmond Bass-Striped craigor Faceless striper to the nest where hungry Rosie has been waiting for it. She takes it away to her strut perch. craigor
19-04-22 10:10 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Richmond brings a headless striper and Rosie takes it away. craigor
19-04-22 16:35 Rosie Man Made Objects martha Rosie brings a piece of splintered wood siding/flooring and places it on the nest. craigor
19-04-21 17:25 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Richmond brings a well-chewed fish to the nest and hands it off. craigor
19-04-21 08:19 Rosie Bass-Striped SaMo Rosie flies to the strut with a large fish. Brought to nest and taken to the cable by Richmond 0916. craigor
19-04-20 17:26 Richmond Man Made Objects DianneA Richmond to the nest with a red object resembling a bungee cord. craigor
19-04-20 19:19 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Headless fish brought and taken away by Rosie, finished by 1938. craigor
19-04-19 12:43 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Half a striper brought to the nest and taken to the strut by Rosie. craigor
19-04-19 14:25 Rosie Bass-Striped janw Rosie to the strut with a massive striper of her very own. Brought to nest with plenty left on it 1538. Taken by Richmond to the cable. Returned by Richmond to the nest 1737 after a long absence, still a substantial chunk left, taken away by Rosie. Tail back to nest 1831 and left there, finally taken off nest by Richmond 1853. craigor
19-04-19 08:43 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond on the cable with a struggling fish. Brought to nest and taken to the cable by Rosie at 0854. craigor
19-04-18 07:59 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Richmond on the cable with a fish. Eats it all himself, finished by 0810. craigor
19-04-18 10:15 Richmond Bass-Striped radchick Richmond brings a fish to the cable, brought to Rosie on the nest at 1038. craigor
19-04-17 15:40 Rosie Jacksmelt Kat Rosie brings a small fish tail to the nest and Richmond gobbles it up. craigor
19-04-17 18:22 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Another headless jacksmelt delivery and rapid removal by Rosie. craigor
19-04-17 11:27 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Partial small fish brought to the nest. Rosie takes it to her strut and finishes is in ten minutes. craigor
19-04-16 18:53 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond on the cable with a modest-sized fish. Fish gone by 1920. craigor
19-04-16 08:41 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Richmond on the cable with a very large fish. Brought to nest 0859 and taken by Rosie to the strut perch. Returned to the nest 0932 and taken away by Richmond. craigor
19-04-16 15:48 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond on the cable with a good sized fish. To the nest for Rosie 1600. craigor
19-04-16 16:47 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Richmond with the small end of a small jacksmelt. Rosie takes it away and comes back empty-taloned at 1700. craigor
19-04-15 14:25 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond spotted on the cable with a nice large fish. Brought to the nest 1445 and taken by Rosie. craigor
19-04-15 15:46 Richmond Man Made Objects Cathy Richmond brings a red/pink foam cold drink holder. Tries moving it around and drops it off the nest 1547. craigor
19-04-15 11:04 Richmond Starry Flounder Midi Flatfish with barred tail brought to nest and taken away by Rosie. craigor
19-04-14 15:02 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole fish brought to nest and immediately taken by Rosie to her strut perch. craigor
19-04-14 16:41 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Another fish delivered to the nest and taken to the strut by Rosie. craigor
19-04-13 19:43 Richmond Unknown chagin Small ragged scrap of unknown fish brought to nest. Taken away by Rosie, who returns fishless after seven minutes. craigor
19-04-13 10:48 Richmond Starry Flounder DianneA Nearly-whole Starry Flounder handed off at the nest. craigor
19-04-12 08:54 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Richmond delivers the hind end of a fish to the nest, taken by Rosie. craigor
19-04-12 19:39 Richmond Man Made Objects Robin Richmond drops a red stick resembling a plastic drinking straw on the nest. Taken away by Rosie at 1112 on 5/19. craigor
19-04-12 16:16 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Headless handoff at the nest. Rosie takes the fish away, then back on the eggs 1624, still holding the fish. craigor
19-04-11 08:14 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond on the cable removing the face from a good sized fish. Handoff at the nest at 0843. craigor
19-04-11 15:46 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi Whole fish to the nest, taken away promptly by Rosie. craigor
19-04-11 16:57 Richmond Jacksmelt Carole Half a fish to the nest, switch positions. craigor
19-04-10 13:26 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond brings a whole jacksmelt, eagerly taken by Rosie. craigor
19-04-10 11:13 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond with a very small headless fish to the nest, taken immediately by Rosie. craigor
19-04-10 08:41 Richmond Jacksmelt ES Richmond brings a fish to the boom. To nest at 0854, fish taken away by Rosie. craigor
19-04-10 07:54 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA RIchmond on the cable defacing a large jacksmelt. Brought to nest and handed off 0758. Rosie finished and back to the nest by 0820. craigor
19-04-10 16:38 Richmond Jacksmelt C. RIchmond to the nest with a small fish fragment, taken away by Rosie. craigor
19-04-10 10:04 Richmond Jacksmelt karen Richmond sighted with fish on boom. To nest at 1010, fish taken away by Rosie. craigor
19-04-09 09:18 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Large headless jacksmelt and a quick handoff. craigor
19-04-08 11:21 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Large jacksmelt to the nest, taken by Rosie to her strut perch. craigor
19-04-08 09:55 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Richmond brings a headless fish. craigor
19-04-07 17:10 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Fish brought to cable by Richmond, then down to the nest at 1723, remnant taken by Rosie. craigor
19-04-07 10:09 Richmond Bass-Striped Carole RIchmond brings a headless striper to the nest, quickly removed by Rosie. craigor
19-04-07 07:18 Rosie Man Made Objects craigor Rosie brings a large clump of vegetation containing a small scrap of yellow "Caution" tape and some brown paper, possibly a small bag. craigor
19-04-07 19:10 Richmond Man Made Objects Kat Magenta wrapping paper-like sheet to the nest. Blown from the nest 0755 on 4/10. craigor
19-04-06 07:29 Richmond Bass-Striped SaMo Richmond sails over the cable with a very large, plump, and lively fish, and four gulls in hot pursuit. To the cable with it around 0815. Finally brought to the nest 0921 with plenty left on it. Returned to nest 1027 and 1115. Left on nest until taken back to the cable by Richmond 1305. craigor
19-04-05 12:03 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Richmond brings a fish to the cable. Handed off to Rosie at the nest 1213. craigor
19-04-05 17:24 Richmond Jacksmelt chagin Richmond to the cable with a fish. To nest 1734. craigor
19-04-04 15:44 Richmond Man Made Objects C. Richmond brings a stick along with a washcloth-sized piece of dark blue fabric. craigor
19-04-04 16:36 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Another headless jacksmelt brought and taken by Rosie. craigor
19-04-04 17:37 Richmond Jacksmelt chagin Richmond on cable with a fish. Brought to nest 1744. craigor
19-04-04 12:03 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Headless fish delivery to the nest and nest exchange. Rosie removes the fish to her strut perch and finishes it quickly. craigor
19-04-03 16:18 Richmond Jacksmelt ali Richmond on the boom defacing a fish. Brought to nest sans face 1625 and removed by Rosie. craigor
19-04-03 08:30 Richmond Jacksmelt chagin Richmond on the cable with a fish. Brought to nest 0836. craigor
19-04-02 18:49 Richmond Jacksmelt thora RIchmond brings the tail end of a jacksmelt and gives it to Rosie, taking over the nest duties. craigor
19-04-02 14:58 Richmond Man Made Objects Andy Richmond brings a brown and orange stuffed monkey to the nest. craigor
19-04-02 08:45 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Faceless jacksmelt to the nest. Rosie takes her breakfish away and Richmond settles on the nest. craigor
19-04-02 16:54 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond spied on the cable chewing a fish. Brought to nest 1711 and taken away by Rosie. craigor
19-04-02 15:47 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond brings a faceless jacksmelt, removed by Rosie. Richmond resumes egg-sitting duties. craigor
19-04-01 19:32 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi Fish reported earlier on ROV cable brought to the nest, removed by Rosie as Richmond resumes nest duty. craigor
19-04-01 08:12 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Richmond brings a headless fish to the nest, taken away very quickly by Rosie as Richmond assumes her position atop the egg. craigor
19-04-01 12:28 Richmond Man Made Objects Judi Richmond brings a few feet of sturdy rope to the nest along with a cluster of twigs and a small blue ball. craigor
19-04-01 14:32 Richmond Bass-Striped C. Richmond brings a striped bass to the nest, taken away by Rosie as Richmond takes over on the egg. craigor
19-03-31 14:07 Richmond Jacksmelt radchick Richmond comes to the cable with a fish. Remains brought to nest at 1437 and taken away by Rosie. craigor
19-03-31 18:23 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond spotted on cable eating a fish. Brought to the nest 1845, but Rosie is more interested in her new egg, so Richmond leaves with the fish scrap. craigor
19-03-31 17:18 Richmond Man Made Objects Cindy Richmond comes to the nest with a large clump of matted dried vegetation resembling a loofah. After a day spent in the nest, the object is revealed to contain pieces of wicker chair/basket caning. craigor
19-03-31 16:07 Richmond Man Made Objects Robin Crumpled piece of trash brought to the nest by RIchmond minutes before Rosie lays her first egg. craigor
19-03-31 07:34 Richmond Jacksmelt katydidit Richmond brings a fish to the cable. Comes down to the nest at 0754 with no fish. Did he eat the whole thing? craigor
19-03-30 15:47 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond flies a whole fish on and off the nest then returns it headless to Rosie at 1607, she takes it to cable to eat. craigor
19-03-30 09:14 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Headless fish brought to nest and removed by Rosie. Fish gone and Rosie back on nest by 0929. craigor
19-03-30 17:25 Richmond Jacksmelt chagin Rishmond brings a headless fish to the nest, removed to cable by Rosie. craigor
19-03-30 18:55 Richmond Unknown DianneA Fish-like parcel delivered to the nest and Rosie takes it away. craigor
19-03-29 09:06 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond brings half a plump fish. Rosie removes it quickly. craigor
19-03-29 17:24 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Half fish delivered to nest, quickly taken away by Rosie. craigor
19-03-29 18:20 Richmond Man Made Objects calgal Richmond drops a red stick resembling a plastic drinking straw on the nest. Buried under nest material on 4/9. craigor
19-03-29 13:24 Richmond Jacksmelt Cindy Richmond comes to the cable with a fish and begins face removal, comes to the nest at 1342 and hands the faceless fish off to Rosie. craigor
19-03-28 15:16 Richmond Man Made Objects Robin Small bundle of wire or stiff twine embedded in a clump of weeds. craigor
19-03-28 19:01 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond brings a tiny scrap of fish tail to the nest, taken away by Rosie a minute or two later. craigor
19-03-28 11:52 Richmond Surf Perch Judi Dark grey flattish fish, possible Black Perch, brought headless to the nest by Richmond and removed to the rail by Rosie. craigor
19-03-27 19:32 Richmond Man Made Objects Robin Richmond brings a small red plastic fragment to the nest. craigor
19-03-27 12:25 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Richmond arrives with a tiny whole jacksmelt and Rosie flies it out to her strut perch to enjoy it. craigor
19-03-27 11:40 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Richmond brings part of a small slender jacksmelt to the nest and Rosie takes it away to finish on the cable. craigor
19-03-27 08:36 Richmond Man Made Objects Robin Richmond brings some trash, plastic or paper, white and red. craigor
19-03-27 17:45 Richmond Bass-Striped ali Richmond brings a headless striper to the nest and Rosie flies off with it. craigor
19-03-26 14:23 Richmond Jacksmelt Carole Richmond descends from the boom to the nest bearing the tail end of a small jacksmelt and Rosie takes it away. craigor
19-03-26 17:22 Richmond Jacksmelt Cindy Richmond on the boom cable with a big jacksmelt. Remainder brought to the nest 1751 and Rosie quickly takes it away. craigor
19-03-26 07:47 Richmond Jacksmelt ishwish RIchmond brings a whole jacksmelt to the nest, Rosie takes it away to her strut perch to eat. craigor
19-03-26 08:34 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat RIchmond with a fresh jacksmelt on the cable. craigor
19-03-25 08:51 Richmond Other Judi Richmond flies in to boom cable with an unknown flat fish. Brought to nest and taken away by Rosie 0902 and eaten on the strut perch. No visible bands, probably not Starry Flounder. Rosie brings the dregs back to the rail 0915 and finishes them there. craigor
19-03-25 13:03 Richmond Unknown ali Richmond appears with a small fish remnant, ID unknown. Rosie takes it away to her perch, then returns to finish it off on the rail near the nest. craigor
19-03-24 16:16 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond spotted flying to top of boom with a fish. Fish brought to nest 1630 and Rosie takes it away. craigor
19-03-24 17:21 Richmond Jacksmelt ishwish Richmond hovers over the nest with a big fish, showing it to Rosie, then flies off with it. Returns to nest with the leftovers 1741. craigor
19-03-24 07:13 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond arrives on the cable with a fresh fish and proceeds to remove the face. Brought to nest 0732 and taken away by Rosie. craigor
19-03-24 09:45 Richmond Starry Flounder SaMo Richmond arrives at the nest with a fish, shows it to Rosie, then leaves again with the fish. craigor
19-03-23 07:20 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond brings a whole fish to the nest. Rosie arrives, Richmond takes fish away for processing. Fish returned to nest 0743, and Rosie takes it away. craigor
19-03-23 15:46 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Richmond brings fish to nest. Probable striper. Snatched up and taken away by Rosie. craigor
19-03-23 10:03 Richmond Jacksmelt Cindy Fish brought to cable, then down to nest, where Rosie waits, a minute later. Richmond mantles but does not hand over the fish. Both Ospreys leave the nest. Richmond returns with the fish 1015, Rosie up on the cable. Richmond leaves again three minutes later, Rosie still watching from the cable. craigor
19-03-22 09:40 Richmond Jacksmelt karen Rosie comes to the nest, followed by a stranger Osprey who begins mantling on the nest. Richmond brings a headless jacksmelt and Rosie takes it to the strut perch while Richmond and the stranger stay on the nest. craigor
19-03-22 17:44 Richmond Jacksmelt ishwish Richmond reported coming to the boom with a fish. Truncated and delivered to the nest 1829. craigor
19-03-21 08:38 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond arrives at the nest with a faceless jacksmelt, then flies off with it. Returns to nest 0909, where Rosie swipes it and takes it away to finish on her strut perch. craigor
19-03-21 18:04 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor Richmond flies in to the cable, carrying a new jacksmelt. Eats it all himself while Rosie returns to the lower cable to finish off the last of her flat fish. craigor
19-03-21 16:16 Richmond Other Judi Richmond spotted bringing fish to boom 4 minutes after leaving the nest. Fish brought to nest 1643, Flat fish with no bars, dark spotted on top and light underneath, tail not like halibut, possible turbot or sole. Rosie departs with it. craigor
19-03-21 15:46 Richmond Jacksmelt ali Richmond to the nest with a whole fish, which Rosie promptly takes away. craigor
19-03-21 13:22 Richmond Unknown ishwish Richmond flies in with half a fish, hard to ID. A very excited Rosie snatches it away and takes it to her strut perch. craigor
19-03-20 16:36 Richmond Jacksmelt janw Richmond brings another fish to the cable wth Rosie on the nest. Continues eating until 1717, then brings the fish to the nest where Rosie rejoins him and takes the fish away to eat high on the cable. craigor
19-03-20 12:19 Richmond Jacksmelt Carole Richmond brings a faceless fish to Rosie on the nest. She eats it on the corner rail while he watches. craigor
19-03-20 15:46 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond spotted arriving at the cable with a sizeable jacksmelt. Rosie calling loudly from the nest. He brings the fish down to her at 1551 and she carries it up to the cable to eat. craigor
19-03-19 16:44 Richmond Jacksmelt ishwish Richmond to the cable with a good sized jacksmelt. craigor
19-03-19 18:17 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi Richond flies to crane off camera, then appears on the rail with a sizeable jacksmelt. He drops it on the nest and Rosie takes it at 1822, joining him on the rail. craigor
19-03-19 11:46 Richmond Starry Flounder Carole Richmond brings a fish and Rosie takes it away. Rosie returns 15 minutes later with no fish. Lost fish? craigor
19-03-19 12:53 Richmond Jacksmelt JanA Richmond arrives at the cable with a jacksmelt. Brought to nest after face removal, 1303. craigor
19-03-18 07:27 Unsure Man Made Objects craigor Rosie unearths and jettisons a hard turquoise object over the edge of the nest. Arrival time of object unknown. craigor
19-03-18 09:35 Richmond Jacksmelt J. and Kat Richmond brings a slippery jacksmelt to Rosie on the nest. She flies off after an intruder, and Richmond loses control of the fish, which slips over the side. Lost fish! craigor
19-03-18 08:14 Richmond Man Made Objects Robin Mysterious disc-shaped object brought to the nest craigor
19-03-17 07:57 Richmond Man Made Objects Robin Richmond seen bringing another rag-like scrap craigor
19-03-17 07:54 Richmond Man Made Objects craigor Richmond delivers a small paper bag, looking like a take-out sack from a fast food joint. craigor
19-03-17 07:51 Richmond Man Made Objects Robin Richmond seen with a cloth scrap, like a rag. craigor
19-03-17 07:25 Richmond Man Made Objects Robin Richmond arrives with an apparently artificial object, possibly cloth. craigor
19-03-17 09:19 Richmond Man Made Objects craigor Richmond brings a large work glove to the nest. craigor
19-03-17 10:09 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Headless fish brought to the nest, taken by Rosie out to her strut perch. craigor
19-03-17 10:51 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Richmond on the cable removing the head from a long jacksmelt. Delivered to the nest 1114. Rosie flies off with it. craigor
19-03-17 14:11 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond flies to the cable with a long flopping fish while Rosie watches from lower down the cable. craigor
19-03-17 15:13 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Richmond arrives at the nest with half a jacksmelt and Rosie snatches it away quickly. craigor
19-03-17 18:16 Richmond Jacksmelt ali Richmond with a good sized fat jacksmelt. Gives it to Rosie on the nest, who takes it away. craigor
19-03-17 08:56 Richmond Man Made Objects J. Richmond's return reveals a square of clear plastic, probably a food container. craigor
19-03-17 08:49 Richmond Man Made Objects SaMo Richmond arrives with what looks like a wad of sticky packing tape. Takes off and lands again, with the wad still stuck to his foot. craigor
19-03-17 19:08 Richmond Jacksmelt Carole Richmond with another large squiggly jacksmelt on the boom cable. craigor
19-03-17 09:03 Richmond Man Made Objects craigor Richmond returns with a large strip of white paper or light plastic. Tape may still be stuck to his foot. craigor
19-03-16 13:25 Richmond Starry Flounder C. Richmond flies in with partial fish, then flies off. Rosie comes to the nest and starts calling for the remains. Richmond delivers fish to nest 1338 and Rosie takes it. craigor
19-03-16 08:36 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Richmond seen flying to the top of the boom with a fish. Richmond brings it to the nest 0846, followed by Rosie who takes the fish away by force and flies off with it. craigor
19-03-15 17:39 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Richmond reported on the boom cable munching on a new fish. craigor
19-03-15 15:10 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Richmond lands on the cable with a new headless fish not long after Rosie was heard calling off-camera. Richmond gone from cable with fish by 1514. craigor
19-03-15 14:09 Richmond Bass-Striped SaMo Richmond brings a decapitated striped bass and hands it off to Rosie on the nest. craigor
19-03-15 12:23 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Richmond arrives with another jacksmelt, this time he gives it to Rosie and she flies off with it. craigor
19-03-15 10:59 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Richmond flies in with a jacksmelt and eats it on the rail. craigor
19-03-15 09:42 Richmond Starry Flounder SaMo Richmond brings a flounder to the nest, hands it off to Rosie who takes it away to eat elsewhere. craigor
19-03-14 13:47 Richmond Unknown DianneA Return of ATN cam after blackout shows Richmond on cable with a fish, too far for ID. He flies off with it by 1350. craigor
19-03-14 09:55 Richmond Jacksmelt ali Cams down for two days. On-site visitor reports Richmond on cable with a fish at 0955, and possibly a second jacksmelt at 1105 craigor
19-03-14 13:47 Unsure Man Made Objects J. Return of nestcam after blackout reveals what appears to be a new piece of light blue cloth on the nest. craigor
19-03-14 15:50 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Richmond swoops past the crane carrying a large fish, with another Osprey pursuing. Rosie on the nest calling. Richmond comes around and lands on the upper cable with his fish. He brings it to the nest to hand off to Rosie 16:01, and she takes it to the Bay Cafe strut perch. Richmond seen carrying remainder, pursued by a gull, at 1629. craigor
19-03-12 08:48 Richmond Starry Flounder SaMo Richmond spotted on the cable munching on a Starry Founder. Rosie begging from the nest. Fish to nest 0928, Rosie removes it to the strut perch to finish. craigor
19-03-11 16:03 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat ...who flies up to the Bay Perch and finishes it quickly while Richmond eats his own on the cable near the nest. craigor
19-03-11 11:00 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Richmond on the cable with a good-sized jacksmelt. Brought to nest 1118 then taken away again. craigor
19-03-11 09:45 Richmond Starry Flounder Midi Richmond brings a faceless Starry Flounder to Rosie on the nest. Needs coaxing to give it to her. She flies it off to her strut perch and eats it. craigor
19-03-11 08:41 Richmond Man Made Objects craigor Richmond arrives with a thin yellow-brown square of foam rubber resembling a seat cushion. Lost over the edge prior to the camera's return on 3/14. craigor
19-03-11 07:13 Unsure Man Made Objects craigor Blue plastic piece--a Swiffer® handle?--spotted on the nest. It wasn't there last night. Out of view over the edge prior to the camera's return on 3/14. craigor
19-03-11 16:03 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Richmond flies in to the nest carrying TWO jacksmelt, one in each foot. He gives the smaller of the two to Rosie... craigor
19-03-10 18:49 Richmond Man Made Objects SaMo Richmond delivers more trash, this piece resembling a crumpled plastic grocery bag. Lost over the edge prior to the camera's return on 3/14. craigor
19-03-10 18:37 Richmond Man Made Objects SaMo RIchmond delivers a chunk of light aqua-colored styrofoam, as from a nautical buoy or bumper. Dislodged from the nest around 0750 on 3/11 craigor
19-03-10 14:25 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Richmond with headless jacksmelt to the nest while Rosie watches from the lower cable. craigor
19-03-10 09:41 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Richmond arrives at the nest with a fish, but finds no takers there, so flies it up to the boom. craigor
19-03-10 07:22 Richmond Man Made Objects J. Richmond to the nest with a small scrap of black plastic or possibly ground cloth. craigor
19-03-09 16:00 Other Bass-Striped C. As Rosie waits on the nest, an apparently unknown male Osprey with half a fish descends repeatedly over the nest. Rosie tries to take the fish and a tussle ensues. Rosie slides off the edge of the nest, taking teal rag with her. Stranger alone on the nest with the fish briefly at 1607. Rosie returns to the nest with the partial fish 1655, joined a moment later by Richmond, then both fly off to the cable. craigor
19-03-08 19:09 Richmond Man Made Objects Robin Richmond arrives with another tangled skein of blue-green twine or rope. craigor
19-03-08 15:37 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Richmond swoops over the nest with a fish and then takes it up to the cable to eat. craigor
19-03-08 09:51 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond spotted on cables eating a fish remnant at 1002. Video review shows him at the nest briefly with it, more intact, at 0951. craigor
19-03-07 11:57 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Richmond brings a pathetically tiny half a fish to where Rosie waits on the nest, followed immediately by an agressive pass over the nest from an interloper Osprey. R&R fend off the intruder, and Richmond leaves with his fish. craigor
19-03-07 08:18 Richmond Man Made Objects Judi Richmond brings a green rope to the nest. Slipping off the far edge of the nest by the next morning. Finds its way back to the middle of the nest by 3/12, possibly to the near side of the nest by the time of the cameras' return on 3/14. craigor
19-03-07 07:35 Richmond Jacksmelt SaMo Richmond brings a whole jacksmelt to Rosie waiting eagerly at the nest. She tries to take it from him but he won't let go. Both go tumbling off the nest, still holding the fish, about ten seconds later. craigor
19-03-07 07:35 Richmond Man Made Objects craigor ...And then Richmond returns 30 seconds after that with another rag, this one brownish-grey in color. craigor
19-03-06 15:02 Richmond Man Made Objects Kat Almost immediately after delivering the black plastic, Richmond goes out and returns with a teal-colored rag the size of a towel or small blanket. Item dislodged from the nest shortly after fish delivery at 1600 on 3/9. craigor
19-03-06 14:56 Richmond Man Made Objects Kat Richmond to the nest with a piece of dark fabric resembling a black plastic garbage bag...item blown from the nest at 0625 on 3/8. craigor
19-03-06 09:15 Richmond Man Made Objects Kat Richmond brings another grey rag or fabric scrap to the nest. Dislodged from nest by 1100. craigor
19-03-05 08:31 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond buzzes the nest with the tail end of a small fish just as Rosie is landing, then flies up to the cable with it. Fish gone by 0837. craigor
19-03-04 09:37 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond brings a fish to the nest, is joined by Rosie, but he won't show it to her. Takes it away to eat on the cable at 1000. craigor
19-03-04 14:30 Richmond Unknown Robin Video review shows Richmond bringing unknown fish to the boom. Possible sighting of scraps being munched from ATN view. craigor
19-03-03 08:30 Richmond Other DianneA Richmond on the cable with a small unknown fish remnant. craigor
19-03-03 07:05 Richmond Man Made Objects craigor Richmond brings a small greyish piece of cloth to the nest. craigor
19-02-28 10:46 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond flies over with a half eaten fish and lands with it on the cable. craigor
19-02-28 14:54 Richmond Unknown Robin Richmond lands high on the boom out of sight with a fish while Rosie calls for it from the nest. Both fly off a moment later and Rosie returns to the lower cable alone, no fish. craigor
19-02-28 10:03 Rosie Starry Flounder J. Rosie to the strut perch with a large Starry Flounder craigor
19-02-26 11:58 Rosie Unknown Robin w/assist from Cindy Review of captured video shows Rosie flying in to her favorite perch with an unknown fish, but she doesn't stay long. craigor
19-02-25 11:15 Rosie Jacksmelt SaMo Rosie on strut perch with small fish and harassing crow. To cable 1119. Fish is likely a jacksmelt. To nest with tiny remnant 1124. craigor
19-02-24 10:12 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Richmond on the cable with a fish. Rosie on the nest calling. Gone from cable 1016. Brought to nest 1023. Off again 1025. craigor
19-02-24 07:02 Richmond Man Made Objects craigor Richmond with a large sheet of clear plastic film to the nest. Blown from the nest by 0900 on 2/25. craigor
19-02-24 14:50 Rosie Bass-Striped SaMo Rosie tires of waiting for Richmond to share his fish, gets one of her own and brings it to the cable. craigor
18-09-20 09:20 Richmond Unknown DianneA Richmond brings a fish to the cable craigor
18-09-15 07:00 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond on the boom cable with a fish craigor
18-09-13 10:15 Unsure Unknown Kat Unknown Osprey with unknown fish makes a brief stop on the boom cable. craigor
18-09-04 06:58 Richmond Other GailMac Richmond brings in another bird carcass. A really big woolly one this time. craigor
18-08-30 19:04 Richmond Unknown SaMo RIchmond with fish on cable craigor
18-08-29 09:01 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Richmond brings a fish to the boom as Rosie watches. craigor
18-08-24 18:32 Richmond Man Made Objects Robin Tapered black and silver rod--apparently a broken fishing rod--brought to the nest by Richmond. craigor
18-08-23 06:35 Rosie Jacksmelt karen Rosie seen with likely jacksmelt on cable via ATN. Flies away with it a minute later. Back on the cable with it by 0715. craigor
18-08-22 18:10 Richmond Jacksmelt ali Richmond with bloody flopping fish on boom cable as Rosie watches from the rail. craigor
18-08-20 19:53 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Richmond spotted on rail eating the face off a fish, second night in a row at this time. craigor
18-08-19 19:57 Richmond Jacksmelt JanA Richmond spotted on rail holding half a fish. craigor
18-08-19 08:57 Richmond Other calgal Richmond brings a well-used partial bird carcass to the nest. craigor
18-08-18 06:50 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond with large fish on cable via ATN, caught within three minutes of leaving the nest. craigor
18-08-18 13:29 Unsure Jacksmelt J. Confusing two-Osprey incident at the nest, second Osprey to swoop in holding a partial jacksmelt in its talons. Both Ospreys fly away. craigor
18-08-17 12:15 Unsure Man Made Objects J. Bright lime-green paper/plastic/fabric item visible on frustration nest at the cable sheave. craigor
18-08-16 20:49 Richmond Unknown Jh RIchmond on cable clutching a piece of fish. Still visible at 2200. craigor
18-08-16 08:43 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Large fish with forked tail on cable via ATN. To corner rail at 0850. craigor
18-08-15 14:15 Unsure Unknown DianneA Adult spotted on the cable with a fish. Gone by 1425. craigor
18-08-14 10:44 Rosie Bass-Striped calgal Rosie with a large striped bass on the rail. Richmond on nest giving solicitation call! craigor
18-08-14 15:32 Rosie Bass-Striped Kat Rosie arrives at nest with a new partly eaten fish. Leaves the nest with fish at 1534 to help drive off visitor on the cable, where Richmond still has his fish. craigor
18-08-14 12:27 Richmond Bass-Striped ishwish Brought to cable to eat while Rosie still on rail with her striped bass craigor
18-08-13 19:09 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Richmond on rail again, this time with a big striper TB
18-08-13 06:29 Richmond Jacksmelt J. RIchmond spotted on rail via ATN with fish. craigor/TB
18-08-12 10:49 Rosie Unknown Crow Adult spotted with fish on cable. craigor
18-08-12 18:52 Rosie Unknown Judi Rosie on the rail with scant remains of a fish. craigor
18-08-12 16:39 Richmond Unknown ali RIchmond seen on rail via ATN with large unknown fish craigor
18-08-11 07:49 Rosie Bass-Striped J. Large headless striper for VU's breakfast. FIsh removed from nest at 0802. VU back on nest, fish gone, likely lost or stolen, by 0810. craigor
18-08-10 16:39 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi Plainfin Midshipman delivery to VU craigor
18-08-10 08:10 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Head-on fish delivered to VU on the nest. craigor
18-08-09 09:00 Rosie Jacksmelt Judi Drop off of head-on wiggly jacksmelt. VU spending the morning at home again. craigor
18-08-09 18:36 Rosie Bass-Striped Judi Bloody flayed headless fish appears. Striper dimensions, but strikingly red in color. craigor
18-08-09 16:23 Rosie Unknown Cindy Unknown fish brought in quick drop-off. Once again it's for VU to eat. craigor
18-08-09 12:15 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Another slightly used Plainfin Midshipman for VU. craigor
18-08-09 06:55 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Saggy baggy fish fragment brought to the nest. Has brownish skin and bedraggled appearance of Plainfin Midshipman. Consumed quickly by VU. craigor
18-08-08 08:24 Richmond Bass-Striped Midi Another one for VU to enjoy solo. craigor
18-08-08 16:11 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Plainfin Midshipman and VU has it all alone. craigor
18-08-08 12:29 Rosie Bass-Striped DianneA Large beheaded striper spotted by on-site visitor. Visible on nest cam by 1235. Fish swiped from VU by unbanded juvenile visitor at 1309. craigor
18-08-08 10:50 Rosie Jacksmelt karen Parent sighted with fish on the cable craigor
18-08-08 07:07 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman karen Headless Plainfin Midshipman delivered to VU who defends it vigorously on the nest craigor
18-08-07 06:53 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Second fish spotted on nest with VW, still clutching his overnight striper. VU swoops in and takes it away at 0740. craigor
18-08-07 19:53 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Huge lively bloody struggling fish delivered to VU on the nest. craigor
18-08-07 12:52 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman calgal Whole Plainfin Midshipman delivered to nest. VU tries to remove it at 13:03, promptly loses it over the side. Lost fish! craigor
18-08-06 15:53 Rosie Starry Flounder ali Rosie drops partially eaten Starry Flounder to VW. His third fish of the day. craigor
18-08-06 19:56 Unsure Bass-Striped Mona Swearingen Headless striper dropped at the nest for VW. At least his fourth of the day, and immediately after he finished the Starry Founder. Sits on the fish all nght, still holding on to it in the morning. craigor
18-08-06 11:06 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi VW observed on rail with another partial fish, apparently one dropped off soon after the earlier fish was stolen. craigor
18-08-06 10:19 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Big headless striper nabbed by VW on the nest. Swiped by another Osprey at 1105. TB
18-08-06 06:49 Rosie Bass-Striped J. Fish on nest underneath mantling chick. Appears to be partial striped bass. craigor
18-08-05 16:56 Unsure Unknown Kat VV arrives at the nest carrying her own partial fish. Takeout from the neighbors'? craigor
18-08-05 10:14 Rosie Jacksmelt jim94131 Large fish, likely a jacksmelt, another one for VU. craigor
18-08-05 10:48 Unsure Bass-Striped DianneA Third one in a row for VU on the nest, who flies off and back with it. craigor
18-08-05 15:39 Rosie Unknown ali Rosie passes through with a limp pink-fleshed fish--possible Plainfin Midshipman?--then takes it away to the cables to eat. craigor
18-08-05 18:10 Richmond Bass-Striped Mona Swearingen Headless striped bass deivery. Delivery accepted by VU, his fourth fish of the day. craigor
18-08-05 06:55 Rosie Jacksmelt calgal Dark-top white-belly fish delivered to VU on the nest. FInished by 0743. craigor
18-08-04 06:14 Unsure Jacksmelt calgal Wiggling head-on jacksmelt brought early. craigor
18-08-04 06:51 Rosie Jacksmelt calgal Rosie flies in and out with a reported fish. Returns to nest 0719. craigor
18-08-04 08:58 Rosie Jacksmelt Kat New fish left for VW craigor
18-08-04 14:21 Rosie Unknown Judi Rosie spotted on rail with remains of a fish craigor
18-08-03 10:07 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Beheaded striper to the nest. craigor
18-08-03 19:28 Richmond Jacksmelt Ingridcc Richmond stops by with another fish, then flies off with it 20 seconds later. craigor
18-08-03 19:08 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal wiggly fighting feisty fish to the nest craigor
18-08-03 17:57 Rosie Bass-Striped calgal Headless fish dropped off at nest. Appears on replay to be the tail end of a striped bass. craigor
18-08-03 10:46 Rosie Jacksmelt Kat Rosie drops off a probable jacksmelt. craigor
18-08-03 07:41 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Silvery headless jacksmelt dropped at nest by swiftly-departing parent. craigor
18-08-02 10:32 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Headless jacksmelt, sleight-of-foot fish drop, now 2.5 fish on nest. Stolen by a juvenile intruder at 1105. craigor
18-08-02 08:59 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Judi Unknown faceless floppy fish to the nest. Well concealed in nest material. Confirmed Plainfin Midshipman due to photophores and tail shape. Fish goes to VU while VW is still working the remains of the prior fish. craigor
18-08-02 19:30 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Another headless jacksmelt for VW. craigor
18-08-02 13:38 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Beheaded jacksmelt consumed quickly by VU. craigor
18-08-02 12:13 Rosie Jacksmelt MG Headless jacksmelt dropped quickly at nest, taken to rail by VW. craigor
18-08-02 07:58 Richmond Bass-Striped Mona Swearingen Headless striper to VW and VU on the nest. After a tussle, VU gets first crack at it. craigor
18-08-02 09:59 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Head-on jacksmelt delivered to nest. VU takes it, abandoning the mangled half-fish he had before. craigor
18-08-02 19:49 Unsure Jacksmelt calgal Flown past, then dropped off, consumed quickly. craigor
18-08-01 11:37 Unsure Unknown Judi VV spotted on rail via ATN with unknown partial fish. Did she bring it from RYC nest where she's been visiting? craigor
18-08-01 13:11 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Richmond with fresh fat headless jacksmelt. VW keeps it close for the next several hours. Finally polishes it off around 1920. craigor
18-08-01 08:01 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Headless striper brought to VU on the nest. craigor
18-08-01 09:19 Unsure Unknown karen Fish delivery at nest, unknown ID and provenance. craigor
18-07-31 08:44 Rosie Bass-Striped Midi Rosie on her strut perch with a big striper. Brought to nest 0852. Seized by VV, who holds onto it, eating slowly, for seven hours. Last bit of tail finished at 1557. craigor
18-07-31 06:08 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Quick back-to-back 6 AM fish craigor
18-07-31 05:59 Rosie Jacksmelt karen Slim silver jacksmelt brought to waiting chicks craigor
18-07-31 08:55 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond follows up with his own smelty contribution. Eaten by VU. craigor
18-07-31 06:51 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman calgal Rosie brings a smallish fish to the two chicks. Brownish, consumed quickly by VV. Likely Midshipman. craigor
18-07-30 07:00 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman J. Mangled brownish fish, ID unclear but shape and color suggest Plainfin Midshipman. craigor
18-07-30 11:35 Rosie Bass-Striped GailMac Lovely big striper to the nest, Rosie mugged by VU. craigor
18-07-30 16:43 Rosie Unknown Judi Mangled pink-fleshed fish, quickly consumed. Hard to ID. Gone in 15 minutes. craigor
18-07-30 19:47 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Judi Funny fish and a fierce fish fight on the nest. Appears flat on video replay, possible halibut? On replay, likely Plainfin Midshipman craigor
18-07-29 19:05 Unsure Plainfin Midshipman Judi Whole Plainfin Midshipman craigor
18-07-29 08:50 Rosie Jacksmelt Judi Another fish fight, VW the winner this time craigor
18-07-29 07:04 Unsure Unknown Cathy Third fish seen on the nest, nestcam view still unavailable for ID craigor
18-07-29 06:17 Unsure Jacksmelt calgal Second fish seen at nest, still no nestcam view. VV takes fish to rail, and drops it. Lost fish! craigor
18-07-29 06:15 Unsure Unknown calgal FIsh spotted at nest on ATN, nest cam not on nest craigor
18-07-29 09:37 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi FIsh fights getting fiercer by the day. VV gets this one and takes it to the cable. Back to the nest, back to the cable, then to the rail...and drops the fish! Second dropped half-eaten fish of the day for VV. RIchmond was seen flying by with a huge striper an hour earlier, likely it was this one. craigor
18-07-29 10:15 Richmond Jacksmelt JanA Finally VU gets a nice fish of his own. craigor
18-07-29 14:25 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman ishwish Mucky blob of a fish...must be one of those Plainfin Midshipmen again. craigor
18-07-29 14:29 Rosie Bass-Striped ishwish Rosie brings in a striper. Second fish in five minutes. craigor
18-07-28 09:18 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman JanA Mutilated fish delivered, maybe another Plainfin Midshipman craigor
18-07-28 08:10 Unsure Unknown Judi Beheaded fish dropped quickly at nest, screened behind chicks craigor
18-07-28 06:16 Rosie Jacksmelt calgal Long silver fish dropped on nest, bounces twice, and over the edge. Lost fish! craigor
18-07-28 06:19 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Back to back fish deliveries, this one stays on the nest to be eaten. craigor
18-07-28 06:50 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Headless bloody fish gets an enthisiastic reception at the nest. craigor
18-07-28 19:52 Unsure Bass-Striped GailMac Another striper delivered craigor
18-07-28 19:38 Unsure Bass-Striped Judi Fish delivered, apparently lost over the edge in the scrum. craigor
18-07-28 14:23 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman C. And it looks like Plainfin Midshipman again craigor
18-07-28 09:08 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Long and skinny and flopping craigor
18-07-27 07:11 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Fish brought to three chicks on the nest. Poor starving VU finally gets a fish after being shut out all morning. craigor
18-07-27 15:16 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Robin And it's another headless Plainfin Midshipman craigor
18-07-27 11:28 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman crow Large Plainfin Midshipman brought to the nest. craigor
18-07-27 08:33 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman DianneA Headless Plainfin Midshipman dropped quickly at the nest craigor
18-07-27 06:22 Unsure Jacksmelt Robin Return of nestcam to nest shows another fish on the nest. Three in quick succession! craigor
18-07-27 06:10 Unsure Jacksmelt J. A second fish delivered to the nest wildly flopping. craigor
18-07-27 06:06 Unsure Unknown J. Unknown silvery fish dropped at nest by unknown parent, quickly lost over side. Lost fish! craigor
18-07-26 17:59 Unsure Unknown DianneA Another fish, another tussle on the nest, ID and origin uncertain craigor
18-07-26 15:36 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman calgal Thick shapeless fish caught in big chick tussle on the nest. ID'd as Plainfin Midshipman on video replay. craigor
18-07-26 11:04 Richmond Jacksmelt karen Fish brought to nest, removed quickly to rail by VW craigor
18-07-26 08:33 Rosie Unknown Judi Rosie brings a small whole fish to the nest, but no one is around to eat it. Possibly a flat one. Or another Planfin Midshipman. Taken to strut perch at 8:37 craigor
18-07-25 09:48 Richmond Bass-Striped karen Great big striper on the nest craigor
18-07-25 11:29 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman DianneA Teeny tiny fish dropped off by unknown parent, looks like a baby Plainfin Midshipman. craigor
18-07-25 11:44 Rosie Jacksmelt DianneA Rosie spotted on strut with fresh fish by on-site visitor. Brought to nest 1155 craigor
18-07-25 11:40 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman DianneA Richmond arrives with a Plainfin Midshipman, then swoops it away to the cable. craigor
18-07-25 20:54 Richmond Jacksmelt guest 1 Richmond on the rail with fish, eats it solo. craigor
18-07-25 13:59 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Mona Swearingen Another reported Plainfin Midshipman delivered to nest craigor
18-07-25 07:39 Rosie Herring J. DIrect nest delivery of head-on fish. Scale pattern and large dorsal fin suggest Pacific Herring. craigor
18-07-25 08:14 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Jacksmelt dropped at nest for hungry VW. VV still eating her previous fish. craigor
18-07-24 17:38 Rosie Bass-Striped Judi Rosie on the strut perch with a huge, lively striper. craigor
18-07-24 08:33 Richmond Jacksmelt karen Fresh fish for the kids craigor
18-07-24 06:45 Rosie Jacksmelt GailMac Whole fish left on nest as the chicks gather craigor
18-07-24 05:56 Richmond Unknown karen Early morning fish on nest, impossible to ID on ATN. craigor
18-07-24 15:31 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Suzanne And another Plainfin Midshipman. Catch of the Day! craigor
18-07-24 19:57 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Fish drop with three chicks waiting on the nest craigor
18-07-24 11:05 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman JanA Finally hungry VV gets her own fish. Another Plainfin Midshipman from the look of it. Rosie must have a secret supply of these! craigor
18-07-23 09:45 Richmond Jacksmelt ali Long fish dangling from cable on ATN. Brought to nest 1002 craigor
18-07-23 11:55 Unsure Jacksmelt karen Headless fish left at nest. ID of deliverer unclear. craigor
18-07-23 12:08 Rosie Jacksmelt Judi Rosie flies a fish by the nest, VV stil eating the last one, so she takes hers out to the strut. Back on the nest eating it by 1235. craigor
18-07-23 14:38 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman calgal Wide thick mess of a fish with protruding fins arrives at nest. Possible Plainfin Midshipman, but badly mangled on arrival. craigor
18-07-23 18:31 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Headless fish caught in 3-chick tug of war craigor
18-07-23 19:53 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman Crow Rosie with another blob-like unknown fish w/grey mottled skin. Another mangled Midshipman, it seems. craigor
18-07-23 20:25 Rosie Bass-Striped DianneA Rosie on the cable eating another large fish. Brought to nest 2051. craigor
18-07-23 06:02 Unsure Jacksmelt calgal Long flopping fish brought to nest (visible on ATN, nestcam pointed away), flops over the edge within seconds. Lost fish! craigor
18-07-22 12:14 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Impatient VU calling and calling, finally gets his wish craigor
18-07-22 06:14 Rosie Jacksmelt Kat Rosie flies in a lively flopping fish, leaves it on the nest, and it flops away over the edge before anyone can grab it. Lost fish! craigor
18-07-22 06:23 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond with his own fish up on the cable. Taking his time on the cable enjoying the face before bringing it down at 0644. craigor
18-07-22 08:53 Rosie Jacksmelt Judi Well-used fish dropped off to chick scrum at the nest. VU Victorious for the moment. craigor
18-07-22 17:48 Rosie Bass-Striped GailMac Defaced striper delivered with three chicks on the nest craigor
18-07-21 09:48 Rosie Unknown Judi Rosie spotted on rail eating fish. ID and circumstances of arrival unclear. Mangled scraps brought to nest 0952, eaten by chicks. craigor
18-07-21 16:21 Unsure Jacksmelt J. Probable jacksmelt disputed between VU and VV. Circumstances of arrival unclear. craigor
18-07-21 17:07 Rosie Bass-Striped Judi Headless chunky fish brought to nest, Rosie nearly bowled over by the reception. Fish battered aboout the nest for the next three and a half hours. craigor
18-07-21 06:13 Rosie Unknown calgal Bg fish spotted at nest from ATN, too far for ID craigor
18-07-21 06:32 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond on cable with his own fish. Brought to Rosie at the nest 0738, who takes it out to her favorite strut to eat. craigor
18-07-21 07:06 Unsure Unknown J. Re-centering of nestcam shows two chicks separately eating fish on the nest. ID and circumstances of third fish arrival unknown. craigor
18-07-20 14:36 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Richmond with his own fish on the boom, brought to nest 1500 craigor
18-07-20 08:25 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi RIchmond on cable precariously clinging to flopping fish. Brought to nest 0838. craigor
18-07-20 09:57 Rosie Other thora Rosie brings fish to nest, no takers there, so removes it to cable. Possible Plainfin Midshipman? craigor
18-07-20 10:46 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Fish on cable via ATN craigor
18-07-20 14:32 Rosie Bass-Striped Midi Whole striper brought to nest, chicks tussle, fish goes over the side 1433. Lost fish! craigor
18-07-19 08:53 Rosie Other DianneA Flat fish brought to nest. ID'd on video replay as a Bat Ray. First one seen here. craigor
18-07-19 06:40 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole live fish for the chicks craigor
18-07-19 18:33 Rosie Bass-Striped GailMac Big striper delivered, very much alive craigor
18-07-19 14:29 Unsure Unknown calgal "fish." No other info available. craigor
18-07-19 19:25 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow If a fish falls on the nest, and nobody calls it... craigor
18-07-19 10:51 Richmond Jacksmelt karen headless smelt on the nest craigor
18-07-18 16:41 Richmond Bass-Striped Ingridcc Richmond brings a fresh whole striper craigor
18-07-18 15:25 Richmond Jacksmelt DIanneA Fresh live fish on the nest craigor
18-07-18 14:32 Rosie Unknown C. Well-chewed unknown fish flown on and off the nest craigor
18-07-18 06:52 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal RIchmond holding a flapping fish on the cable. Brought to nest at 0712. craigor
18-07-17 20:48 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Another big one caught in the fog at sundown. Richmond stands on the nest and eats it for a while. craigor
18-07-17 18:44 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Big beheaded striper appears, three-chick squabble ensues. craigor
18-07-17 14:54 Rosie Bass-Striped Tama Whole striper brought by the nest, then hovered off to corner rail. Returned to nest at 1512. craigor
18-07-17 11:52 Richmond Bass-Striped Ingridcc Headless striper left on the nest for a wet VV to munch on all alone. craigor
18-07-17 09:07 Rosie Jacksmelt Cindy Rosie brings a fish to the nest and begins feeding an eager VV. craigor
18-07-17 06:19 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori RIchmond on the cable removing the front end of a jacksmelt. Brought to nest 0637. craigor
18-07-17 20:32 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Big wiggly gasping jacksmelt doesn't make it easy for the chicks craigor
18-07-16 08:56 Rosie Bass-Striped DianneA Rosie with a huge fish on the rail. Brought to screaming chicks on the nest at 0910. Ping ponged a few times throughout the morning. craigor
18-07-16 20:37 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Fresh headless jacksnack before bedtime craigor
18-07-16 18:04 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Beheaded jacksmelt on the nest craigor
18-07-16 08:40 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Richmond on the cable with flopping fish, joined by a very vocal VV, takes his fish elsewhere. Brought briefly by the nest, much reduced, at 0928. Chicks more interested at that point in the big striper they have, so RIchmond leaves with his fish again. craigor
18-07-16 07:00 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Starving complaining VW on the nest finally has his prayers answered. Active fish is hard to pin down! craigor
18-07-16 18:33 Rosie Unknown GailMac Rosie arrives at the nest with a big grubby partially eaten fish. No ID possible. Maybe a Plainfin Midshipman? Offers it around, then finishes it off by 1904. craigor
18-07-16 20:43 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac And now another jacksmelt, this one alive and kicking. Video review shows that Richmond brought it. craigor
18-07-16 20:47 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Speed-fishing Richmond with another lively whole jacksmelt bouncing and flopping across the nest. Three fish in ten minutes for Richmond. craigor
18-07-15 08:07 Rosie Jacksmelt Judi Rosie on the rail, removing the face of a new fish. Delivered to nest at 0810. Two fish on the nest. craigor
18-07-15 11:38 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond seen on cable via ATN eating face of fish. Brought to nest 1157. craigor
18-07-15 17:25 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Large leaping jacksmelt left on the nest for the chicks to fight over craigor
18-07-15 17:45 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Whole jacksmelt dropped on nest craigor
18-07-15 20:37 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Another lively flopping jacksmelt dropped off at the nest craigor
18-07-15 06:44 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Headless jacksmelt delivered to chicks on nest, lost over the side at 0645. Lost fish! craigor
18-07-15 06:56 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Undaunted by the lost fish, RIchmond brings another ten minutes later craigor
18-07-15 07:07 Rosie Bass-Striped Cathy Rosie eating a fish on the rail, visible on ATN. Good sized striper. Brought to nest 0723. craigor
18-07-14 17:37 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Small headless striper brought in, now two fish on the nest craigor
18-07-14 20:36 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Good size half a fish delivered with a clump craigor
18-07-14 09:49 Richmond Starry Flounder Midi Flopping flat Starry Flounder on the nest craigor
18-07-14 12:07 Unsure Jacksmelt Crow Fish to nest, consumed in 17 minutes craigor
18-07-14 16:01 Rosie Bass-Striped Mona Swearingen Fish drop to nest in dramatic closeup. X-tra large striped bass. craigor
18-07-13 17:47 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Head-on jacksmelt dropped at nest craigor
18-07-13 18:06 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Another head-on jacksmelt fly-by, fish taken to cable, 2 fish in less than 20 minutes! Returned to nest faceless 1810 craigor
18-07-13 20:04 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Large whole jacksmelt again craigor
18-07-13 20:14 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi And yet again, a whole jacksmelt at the nest craigor
18-07-13 20:35 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi On the cable via ATN: the jacksmelt just keep on coming craigor
18-07-13 07:32 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi RIchmond with a large fish on the cable. Brought to nest 0738 craigor
18-07-13 09:33 Richmond Bass-Striped martha Whole striper dropped at nest craigor
18-07-12 13:08 Rosie Man Made Objects Judi Green braided rope brought to the nest. Reported gone by 1535 the same afternoon. craigor
18-07-12 12:24 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Brought to boom for facial decosntruction, then brought to nest craigor
18-07-12 10:48 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Richmond spotted on the cable with a large fish. One by one the chicks appear at the nest. Fish delivered 1055. craigor
18-07-12 08:37 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Headless striper left for the kids craigor
18-07-12 19:00 Richmond Unknown Kat Fish dangled over nest, then taken away by Richmond. Richmond seen an ATN cam defacing fish on cable away from the Whirley Crane craigor
18-07-12 14:53 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Headless fish via Air Richmond craigor
18-07-11 17:07 Rosie Jacksmelt chagin Another live one, complete with head. Now two fish on the nest. Chicks move to eat the new one, so RIchmond takes the previous one and leaves. craigor
18-07-11 16:46 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Head on and still flopping craigor
18-07-11 09:52 Richmond Unknown Judi RIchmond brings a small fish, shows it to Rosie for a few seconds, and vanishes with it craigor
18-07-11 08:02 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Whole gasping fish dropped on the nest for the chicks to deal with. craigor
18-07-11 06:07 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Richmond brings breakfast to three chicks on the nest craigor
18-07-11 18:33 Rosie Bass-Striped Judi Rosie arrives at the nest with a beheaded fish craigor
18-07-11 17:39 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Another fish, now three on the nest, one for each chick. craigor
18-07-10 17:37 Rosie Jacksmelt Judi Head-on smeltie brought to nest craigor
18-07-10 10:41 Richmond Jacksmelt Ingridcc RIchmond with another fish on the boom. Tail end brought to nest 1104, eaten by Rosie. craigor
18-07-10 09:52 Richmond Starry Flounder GailMac Richmond leaves a Starry Flounder on the nest. Chicks don't quite know what to do with it. Remains on the nest with occasional nibbles for hours. craigor
18-07-10 06:16 Richmond Jacksmelt Karen FIsh spotted on the cable via ATN, brought to nest 0714. craigor
18-07-10 20:42 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Jacksmelt delivery to nest. Taken to cable and nearly lost by VW chick. craigor
18-07-10 17:51 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Second fish brought to the nest in quick succession, headless striper. Now two fish on the nest with all three chicks feeding themselves. craigor
18-07-09 14:12 Richmond Unknown DianneA Unknown fish brought to nest by Richmond, spied by onsite chatter, confirmed on camera after return from blackout at 1445 craigor
18-07-09 18:53 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Headless striper in the nest craigor
18-07-09 17:04 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi Bloody fish dangled onto nest by Richmond craigor
18-07-09 08:23 Richmond Unknown Judi Richmond seen on nest standing on not-large fresh fish, tough to ID. Taken away to strut by Rosie craigor
18-07-09 07:06 Richmond Jacksmelt J. RIchmond on cable with very feisty whole fresh fish moments after arrival of previous fish at nest. craigor
18-07-09 07:01 Rosie Bass-Striped calgal flopping fish seen on the nest. CIrcumstances of arrival unknown. Must be Rosie's though, since Richmond arrives on boom with his own just moments later. craigor
18-07-09 06:03 Richmond Bass-Striped Karen Defaced fish brought to boom, airlifted to nest 0606 craigor
18-07-08 09:57 Rosie Bass-Striped Judi Rosie arrives with the first fish of the day, a head-on striper. Commences feeding chick at the nest, then leaves chick and fish to each other. craigor
18-07-08 18:33 Richmond Unknown Judi New fish reportedly brought to nest then taken away quickly craigor
18-07-08 17:09 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Headless striper. VW and VV battle it out while VU waits his turn. craigor
18-07-08 10:13 Richmond Bass-Striped Ingridcc RIchmond arrives with another fish. Not as big as Rosie's though! Parents depart. Both fish now on the nest with the chicks. craigor
18-07-07 20:28 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi And another fish left on the nest, now one fish apiece for the three chicks. craigor
18-07-07 10:14 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac One chick arrives at nest sounding the call just after VV flies to cable. RIchmond arrives a moment later with headless fish. craigor
18-07-07 07:21 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Fish with staring eye left flopping on the nest craigor
18-07-07 19:25 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Timely large fish to the nest craigor
18-07-07 20:17 Richmond Bass-Striped ishwish Another good sized fish left at nest craigor
18-07-07 15:47 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi No-head striper left at nest for two hungry chicks craigor
18-07-06 06:18 Richmond Other Lori Another bird carcass brought to nest by Richmond for his collection. Left on SW corner of nest near the pointy lumber. Moved by Richmond to N side of nest later in the day. craigor
18-07-06 07:58 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Sizeable fish brought to the boom, airlifted to nest whole and bleeding 0800. craigor
18-07-06 10:58 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi RIchmond brings a small and partly-eaten fish to the nest. ID difficult, finished quickly by the chicks. Likely jacksmelt. craigor
18-07-06 14:49 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Another smallish, used jacksmelt brought in by Richmond craigor
18-07-06 17:45 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac A small but lively fish brought to the hungry chicks craigor
18-07-06 20:18 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Dangled above nest, then landed craigor
18-07-06 18:42 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Striper tries to flop its way off the nest while the chicks fight over it craigor
18-07-05 06:38 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Richmond on the cable with a live one. Brought to nest nearly whole 0639 craigor
18-07-05 07:30 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Richmond with another big live fish on the cable. Brought to nest 0756 and left with the other one. Remainder removed by Rosie to pulley 0822. craigor
18-07-05 08:34 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat RIchmond on boom cable with another fresh fish. Holds it a long time, then brings it down to hand off to one of the chicks. craigor
18-07-05 11:34 Richmond Jacksmelt Chris Richmond spotted munching on a small fish on the cable craigor
18-07-05 12:45 Rosie Jacksmelt Robin Smallish fish brought to nest, shared with chicks craigor
18-07-05 13:10 Unsure Man Made Objects Kat Blue plastic piece with writing on it at nest--snack bag? Blown from nest at 1449. craigor
18-07-05 15:37 Richmond Bass-Striped Midi Headless striper to nest craigor
18-07-05 17:33 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin big fat striper to boom, then to clamoring kids on nest craigor
18-07-04 14:43 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Whole bloody striper to the nest craigor
18-07-04 05:47 Richmond Jacksmelt radchick RIchmond drops breakfast off at the nest for the chicks. VW eats nearly the whole thing. craigor
18-07-04 10:04 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Fish dropped off at nest for the chicks. VV chick monopolizing the fish. Commandeered next by VW. VU finally gets his turn about 1130, after the others have had their fill. craigor
18-07-04 17:32 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Richmond leaves a big fighting striper alongside the remnant of the previous one. craigor
18-07-04 17:35 Rosie Bass-Striped Robin Now Rosie brings another fresh striper just two and a half minutes after RIchmond! Picked up on video replay by Robin. craigor
18-07-03 05:54 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Richmond leaves cable at 0549, returns with a fish in five minutes. craigor
18-07-03 06:31 Richmond Jacksmelt tama Fresh jacksmelt delivered to nest craigor
18-07-03 10:45 Richmond Bass-Striped toby Big striper dropped at the nest, Rosie feeds the chicks craigor
18-07-03 13:18 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Headless striper delivery craigor
18-07-03 20:24 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi Lively large flopping fish on the nest. Chicks attempt to subdue it, but it flops right off the nest at 2027. Second lost fish in a row. craigor
18-07-03 18:37 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Live whole fish to the nest. Chicks snack on it, then chick VU lifts off the nest with it 1848, returns a few seconds later with no fish. Lost fish! craigor
18-07-03 20:48 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Richmond, working overtime, delivers another jacksmelt to the nest, where Rosie keeps a tight grip on it as she feeds the chicks. Taken away by Rosie at the start of fireworks, returned to nest by Rosie 2155 after fireworks finish. craigor
18-07-02 16:48 Rosie Jacksmelt Chris Now Rosie arrives with a new fish, RIchmond still feeding the chicks from the previous one. So Rosie takes the new fish away to the rail. craigor
18-07-02 13:27 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Big wiggling striper left flopping all over the nest with the young ones craigor
18-07-02 06:31 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Faceless fish brought to nest by Richmond craigor
18-07-02 16:32 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Robin Richmond feeding chicks a fish, looks like a plump Plainfin Midshipman craigor
18-07-02 20:36 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Yet another wiggling fish brought by Richmond to the rail on ATN, Rosie and the chicks still working on the last one. Richmond seen still holding fish at 2242. craigor
18-07-02 20:07 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Another whole wiggling jacksmelt dropped all over the nest for the chicks to subdue. craigor
18-07-02 18:28 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi New fresh jacksmelt swung by the nest, then taken away, then returned headless 1852. craigor
18-07-01 09:00 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Judi Ugly mucky fish left at nest, caught at low tide, likely a Plainfin Midshipman. Removed from/returned to the nest several times over the course of the morning and early afternoon. Remains still on the nest well into the evening. craigor
18-07-01 16:35 Richmond Jacksmelt ingridcc another whole fresh fish left on the nest for the chicks craigor
18-07-01 19:17 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi food scrum observed 1917, clearing to reveal an apparently new beheaded fish on nest 1935 craigor
18-07-01 15:21 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin fresh striper left on the nest for the chicks craigor
18-06-30 05:30 Richmond Bass-Striped radchick Richmond seen leaving cable at 0522, returns eight minutes later with a flopping fish. Left on nest 0549 for self-feeding. craigor
18-06-30 18:22 Richmond Bass-Striped chagin Headless striper to the nest craigor
18-06-30 15:45 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Sizeable flopping silvery fish left on the nest for the kids. VV tries to eat the whole thing by herself. craigor
18-06-30 12:53 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richmond arrives at nest with concealed fish, chicks unimpressed. Takes it away to cable 1255, finally brings it back 1348 to a warmer reception. Left on nest for the chicks. craigor
18-06-30 10:06 Richmond Bass-Striped SaMo Fresh striper to the nest craigor
18-06-29 07:00 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Flappy fish up on the cable, brought to the nest 0703, then removed to cable again, back to nest 0708. craigor
18-06-29 20:48 Richmond Bass-Striped Midi Richmond swoops past with fish on ATN at 2043, just as Rosie takes off to deal with an interloper. Partially defaced fish then brought to nest 2048. craigor
18-06-29 11:22 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Another striper brought round the nest, then taken away. Returned to nest 1156, with pieces missing craigor
18-06-29 14:32 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Headless striper to nest craigor
18-06-29 18:21 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Smallish silver fish at nest, RIchmond playing tug-of-war with Victory. Richmond wins, takes fish away before anyone eats. Fish not seen again. craigor
18-06-29 10:21 Richmond Bass-Striped martha Fish dangled then left at nest for Rosie and the nestlings craigor
18-06-28 15:37 Richmond Bass-Striped Midi Fish flown by the nest 1538, returned sans head 1604. craigor
18-06-28 19:07 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole jacksmelt to nest craigor
18-06-28 20:51 Richmond Jacksmelt Chris very small fish to nest, probably another jacksmelt craigor
18-06-28 05:33 Richmond Jacksmelt radchick Richmond with fish on cable, brought to nest 0538 craigor
18-06-28 08:07 Richmond Bass-Striped chagin RIchmond brings a striper to the nest. Feeds VV for a while, then leaves the fish on the nest. craigor
18-06-28 12:54 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Whole fish to nest, pounced upon by pile of chicks craigor
18-06-27 18:09 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Richmond drops off a partly-consumed jacksmelt, rapidly finished off by the nestlings. craigor
18-06-27 14:48 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Head-on wiggling fish brought to nest, then lifted away to rail, returned to nest 1455. craigor
18-06-27 11:01 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Striper brought past the nest, then delivered with mangled face 1124 craigor
18-06-27 08:08 Richmond Unknown Judi Richmond returns to the nest after an outing, Rosie then seen flying off and returning with a pale-fleshed fish remnant taken from the same area of the nest. Previous red-fleshed fish remnant still being worked on by chicks in the foreground. craigor
18-06-27 05:39 Richmond Unknown radchick Whole flopping fish to rail. Defaced and brought to nest 0549. Unknown fish--fat body, olive bronze with very red flesh, prominent scale pattern but no stripes evident. Good view of fish 0614. Closeup view 0625. craigor
18-06-26 19:50 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Headless striper air dropped to nest craigor
18-06-26 17:41 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Slightly mauled but largely complete fish dropped to hungry chicks at the nest. Gone by 1810. craigor
18-06-26 10:21 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Dangled above nest, taken away, then re-dangled and finally landed craigor
18-06-26 07:42 Richmond Bass-Striped chagin Richmond on ATN cable defacing a fish. Brought to nest headless at 0821. All finished by 0900. craigor
18-06-26 06:24 Richmond Man Made Objects craigor RIchmond brings a sheet of clear plastic wrapping, bound with red and blue curling ribbon. After some weeks on the nest, plastic reported gone on 7/12 at 1535 craigor
18-06-26 05:40 Richmond Jacksmelt radchick FIsh on ATN, brought to nest 0548 craigor
18-06-25 18:07 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Semi-headless striper delivered to nest craigor
18-06-25 14:56 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole jacksmelt brought by nest and dangled over chicks craigor
18-06-25 11:06 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi New fish to nest 1106, small and silver, likely jacksmelt craigor
18-06-25 07:05 Richmond Bass-Striped chagin Fish seen swooping onto cable visible on nestcam. Richmond keeps it on the cable for a while, brings it headless to the nest 0803. craigor
18-06-25 05:55 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole fish to nest. rosie feeds the chicks. craigor
18-06-24 17:15 Richmond Jacksmelt Cindy Richmond spotted on cable munching on a small fish. Brought to nest 1729. Probable jacksmelt. Gone by 1742. craigor
18-06-24 13:57 Richmond Bass-Striped Robin Whole striped bass lifted over nest, taken to rail, then taken away for a while before returning. Back to nest 1427. craigor
18-06-24 09:21 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Fish brought to the rail, flopping. Taken away by Richmond, returned in badly used condition at 1108 craigor
18-06-24 08:46 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Whole fish brought to nest. Rosie and the chicks dig in eagerly. consumed by 0900. craigor
18-06-24 07:36 Richmond Bass-Striped craigor Whole striped bass brought to the cable, then dropped by Richmond only seconds after arrival. Lost fish! craigor
18-06-23 19:00 Richmond Man Made Objects Judi Red baseball cap brought to the nest. Reportedly removed by Rosie at 0120 on 6/24 craigor
18-06-23 18:43 Richmond Bass-Striped Suzanne RIchmond flies in shortly after Rosie, dangling a striped bass craigor
18-06-23 18:42 Rosie Man Made Objects DianneA A looped and knotted length of fat grey rope seen at the far edge of the nest, believed brought by Rosie. craigor
18-06-23 16:24 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Whole striper dropped off at nest for chicks to try self-feeding. Rosie arrives to help 1628. craigor
18-06-23 12:27 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Brought to nest by RIchmond craigor
18-06-23 09:39 Richmond Bass-Striped chagin Large fish brought to cable. Delivered to nest, still flopping, at 0941 craigor
18-06-23 05:56 Unsure Unknown tama Rosie spotted feeding chick from new fish, while another chick feeds itself from a scrap in the opposite corner of the nest. ID and circumstances of fish arrival uncertain. craigor
18-06-22 19:22 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Whole fish to the nest, then snatched away, then returned craigor
18-06-22 15:59 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Midi Faceless fish to nest. ID'd as Plainfin Midshipman craigor
18-06-22 13:13 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Headless striper delivery to nest craigor
18-06-22 09:11 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Fresh whole striper brought to nest. Chicks move in with enthusiasm. Richmond tears a few bites, then hands it off to Rosie, who completes the face removal on the nest. craigor
18-06-22 05:54 Rosie Bass-Striped J. Rosie spotted on cable with fish hunk. May be remains of last night's, but it's a big piece. Rosie and the chicks finish it off. craigor
18-06-21 18:00 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Headless striper to the nest. Richmond feeds the chicks with growing expertise. craigor
18-06-21 20:25 Richmond Bass-Striped Sue A Whole striped bass delivery craigor
18-06-21 15:35 Richmond Jacksmelt C. Whole fresh fish dangled over nest, then taken away by Rosie craigor
18-06-21 08:43 Other Other DianneA New fish spotted on nest after return from camera blackout. Plump oval body, no stripes in closeup view. Later we find out it's a Largemouth Bass from Ranch 99 market delivered by Tony\ during banding! craigor
18-06-20 08:15 Rosie Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Looks like a Plainfin Midshipman on the nest, Rosie feeding the chicks. craigor
18-06-20 18:44 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi New fish on the nest, shrouded in ... fog. Gone in ten minutes, probably another jacksmelt craigor
18-06-20 17:43 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi To nest, then away to cable, then back, seemingly gone by 1800 craigor
18-06-20 15:21 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Whole fish delivered to nest craigor
18-06-20 12:34 Rosie Bass-Striped GailMac Striper to nest. Richmond does a flyby, looks it over, then parks on the rail as Rosie feeds the chicks craigor
18-06-20 08:41 Richmond Unknown DianneA Richmond seen on the nest with his own fish, ID uncertain. Quickly removed from nest to parts unknown. Possibly ID'd as Striper later but uncertain. craigor
18-06-19 15:01 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Whole striper to nest, then taken away to cable before being returned 1535 for feeding. Partial fish then left on the nest for the chicks to help themselves. craigor
18-06-19 06:58 Rosie Bass-Striped chagin Rosie brings another striper to the nest, moments after RIchmond brings his. Both parents feeding the kids simultaneously, kids feeding themselves too. craigor
18-06-19 06:54 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Brought to cable by RIchmond, then to nest 0658 craigor
18-06-19 06:43 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Fresh whole jacksmelt on the nest craigor
18-06-19 20:39 Richmond Unknown Judi Another whole fish to the nest, screened by chicks. No positive ID, last of tail eaten by Rosie at 2057. craigor
18-06-18 10:20 Richmond Bass-Striped chagin RIchmond up on the cable with a large striper. Brought to nest 1042 craigor
18-06-18 13:40 Richmond Bass-Striped chagin Whole Striper delivered by Richie to Rosie and the nestlings craigor
18-06-18 16:00 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Up on the cable via ATN, another large whole fish. Brought to nest briefly 1630, then taken away again by RIchmond, then brought back to feed the chicks craigor
18-06-18 14:45 Richmond Man Made Objects Kat Clear plastic bag--containing some sort of red condiment?--brought to nest by Richmond. Moved to eastern edge of nest. No longer visible on nest by the morning of 6/20. craigor
18-06-18 05:57 Richmond Unknown radchick Richmond up on the cable on ATN munching on a fish while the chicks on the nest pick at the remains of last night's tail. Richmond to nest at 0605, remainder of his fish, if any, is tiny. craigor
18-06-18 06:25 Richmond Man Made Objects Lori Richmond arrives at nest with a piece of hard red or pink plastic, possibly part of a container or toy. Seems to have a card or label attached. Removed from nest by Rosie on 6/19 at 1027. Label card also removed by Rosie on 6/19 at 1719. craigor
18-06-18 06:52 Richmond Bass-Striped J. RIchmond on boom cable with a fish, removing face. Brought to nest 0702, left on nest for chicks to attempt self-feeding. Taken away briefly by Rosie to her strut perch, then returned 0720, Rosie feeds the chicks. Richmond back on the cable with the remainder at 0805 CM
18-06-18 18:06 Richmond Bass-Striped chagin Headless fish to nest, taken away by Rosie, back by 1812 craigor
18-06-17 19:15 Richmond Man Made Objects Kat Richmond brings a red/pink flimsy plastic bag or sheet--a grocery store produce bag? Removed by Rosie on 6/19 at 1906. craigor
18-06-17 06:33 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Whole fish left at the nest craigor
18-06-17 07:40 Richmond Unknown DianneA Richmond spotted on boom cable with unknown small flipping fish. Brought to nest by Rosie 0804. Remainder left for chicks to deal with. craigor
18-06-17 09:35 Unsure Unknown GailMac Rosie seen feeding chicks a fresh fish. ID and circumstances of arrival unclear. craigor
18-06-17 12:10 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Thick tough fish, hard to see but likely a striper from the eating of it craigor
18-06-17 16:28 Richmond Bass-Striped thora Hefty striper chunk on the nest being distributed to the kids craigor
18-06-17 20:33 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi RIchmond on ATN with partially beheaded flopping fish craigor
18-06-16 16:06 Richmond Jacksmelt Sue A Small shiny fish dropped at the nest, likely a small jacksmelt or possibe herring craigor
18-06-16 09:23 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Richmond with a fresh fish on the boom cable. Brings it to the nest at 0943. Richmond feeding one of the chicks as Rosie watches from the lower cable. craigor
18-06-16 12:20 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Brought round the nest, then taken to the boom cable before being returned to the nest craigor
18-06-16 18:11 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Fresh bloody fish brought in with face on. ID'd as a striper as Richmond takes it away 1835 craigor
18-06-16 07:05 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Richmond defacing the fish on ATN cam. Brought to nest 0716. Tail end removed to cable by Richmond 0748 craigor
18-06-15 16:25 Richmond Bass-Striped C. Fresh fish on the nest. craigor
18-06-15 12:42 Unsure Bass-Striped Sue A Another unseen arrival, Rosie observed feeding chicks from a large portion of headless striped bass at 1242 craigor
18-06-15 08:21 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Richmond seen arriving at nest with partly-eaten fish. Thought at first to be a remnant, but Rosie seen subsequently feeding the chicks from her own fish while Richie stands by holding his. craigor
18-06-15 05:46 Richmond Bass-Striped radchick Whole fish seen arriving on cable for face removal, flopping wildly. Rosie feeding chicks on the nest by 0605 craigor
18-06-14 11:25 Richmond Bass-Striped Chris Headless bloody fish to nest craigor
18-06-14 15:40 Unsure Unknown GailMac Hungry chicks feeding, looks like a big piece, circumstances of arrival uncertain. craigor
18-06-14 20:25 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Large plump fish brought to rail, likely striper craigor
18-06-14 07:10 Richmond Bass-Striped Midi Richmond on the cable with a sizeable fish. To the nest by 0739. craigor
18-06-13 20:05 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi To the nest, slightly mauled w/o head craigor
18-06-13 07:15 Richmond Bass-Striped J. ATN view shows whole striper on cable. Delivered to nest, sans face, at 0731 craigor
18-06-13 10:42 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Whole flopping fish on the nest. Later ID'd as likely jacksmelt craigor
18-06-13 14:43 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Striper with head broght to the nest, soon removed for beheading. craigor
18-06-13 17:15 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Striper to the nest craigor
18-06-13 17:55 Rosie Man Made Objects Kat & GailMac Scrap of milled lumber with large pointed splinter-dagger brought to nest, moved by Rosie to SE corner, out of sight by 6/14. Surfaces again near SW corner of nest around the beginning of July, dagger point spotted on 7/4 above the nest rails, pointing upward. craigor
18-06-12 08:59 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Sitting on sheave with fish, chases off intruder while holding it. craigor
18-06-12 13:29 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Another striper craigor
18-06-12 16:30 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Acrive fish on ATN, then brought headless to the nest, then to the rail. craigor
18-06-12 18:36 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi New headless striper reported craigor
18-06-12 07:07 Richmond Bass-Striped J. RIchmond with whole fish on cable via ATN. Fish to nest by 0730, then taken away again by Richmond. craigor
18-06-11 14:24 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Whole striped bass on the nest. Chicks fed. Remainder taken up to the cable by Richmond 1455. craigor
18-06-11 07:41 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi First fish observed after a 19-hour camera outage craigor
18-06-11 10:29 Richmond Unknown Judi Flopping fish spotted on cable via ATN cam. Brought to nest 1043, concealed behind screen of chicks. Never clearly ID'd, reduced to crumbs by 1101. craigor
18-06-11 17:52 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Spotted on ATN, headless craigor
18-06-11 19:29 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Jacksmelt flown past the nest, then dropped off. Consumed by 1950 craigor
18-06-10 07:44 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Another striper, headless this time--second one in less than an hour! craigor
18-06-10 07:07 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Whole striper brought to nest craigor
18-06-09 08:12 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Judi Appears to be a Plainfin Midshipman craigor
18-06-09 14:09 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Head-on striper brought to nest craigor
18-06-09 15:15 Richmond Other DianneA Bird carcass reported on near side of nest. craigor
18-06-09 16:48 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Small whole fish brought to nest, most likely a jacksmelt craigor
18-06-09 18:31 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Headless striper nest delivery craigor
18-06-09 20:10 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Another striper to the nest craigor
18-06-09 11:36 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Screened by chicks and lens fog, probably a jacksmelt. Practically gone by 1205 craigor
18-06-08 08:21 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Large fish. Richmond removing face on cable per ATN. ID'd upon arrival at nest 0844 craigor
18-06-08 13:22 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Striper taken to boom after a brief stop at the nest. Finally delivered to the nest 1413. craigor
18-06-08 16:53 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Whole fish to nest craigor
18-06-08 19:19 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Another striper to the nest craigor
18-06-08 06:04 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Whole Jacksmelt straight to the nest craigor
18-06-08 12:26 Richmond Man Made Objects Kat Richmond brings a bright red matador cape...possibly a lumberyard safety flag. Removed quickly by Rosie, gone by 1230 craigor
18-06-07 15:55 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi striper with head removed to nest CM
18-06-07 18:39 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Whole striper on ATN brought to cable craigor
18-06-07 06:11 Richmond Bass-Striped Thora Whole Striper to nest craigor
18-06-07 11:11 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi RIchmond on ATN with modest jacksmelt craigor
18-06-07 07:50 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Richmond spotted on ATN with hind end of striper. Initially thought to be remnant of the 0611 fish. Later Rosie and RIchmond both seen with fish on nest simultaneously (reported 0838) craigor
18-06-07 13:22 Richmond Bass-Striped Sue A Richmond spotted flying by, fish brought to nest 1319. Appears large, but obscured by "cloud" at nest. craigor
18-06-06 17:08 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat very large whole striper nest delivery craigor
18-06-06 09:29 Richmond Bass-Striped Midi striped bass brought, view of nest obscured craigor
18-06-06 07:14 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat whole striper to nest craigor
18-06-06 14:24 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi striper with head on brought to nest CM
18-06-05 18:27 Richmond Unknown Judi unknown headless small fish, possible jacksmelt, eaten in "about five minutes" craigor
18-06-05 21:15 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat latest fishing hour to date--Richmond on ATN brings a small fish, likely a jacksmelt, to the boom cable and (maybe) eats it all himself. craigor
18-06-05 19:58 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi slippery silvery jacksmelt left at nest craigor
18-06-05 16:17 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi whole striper to nest craigor
18-06-05 10:05 Richmond Bass-Striped C. fish on ATN--Richmond chases off intruder while holding fish, brought back to nest at 10:58 without head craigor
18-06-05 08:11 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac dropped at the nest behind the white cloud craigor
18-06-05 06:24 Richmond Jacksmelt Lori Furiously fighting fish landed on nest, handed off to Rosie craigor
18-06-04 15:13 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat craigor
18-06-04 10:05 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Another fat striper to the nest craigor
18-06-04 08:20 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Fresh striper to the nest CM
18-06-04 07:32 Richmond Starry Flounder Kat flat fish with striped fins brought to nest craigor
18-06-04 20:59 Richmond Unknown Kat Unknown vigorously fighting fish reportedly brought to nest, then dropped over the edge by Richmond craigor
18-06-04 19:57 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Big fighting jacksmelt needs kids' help to subdue. craigor
18-06-04 17:40 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi And another left at the nest. Four stripers in a row! craigor
18-06-03 21:04 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Another late evening fish delivered by Infrared craigor
18-06-03 16:10 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Large whole striper dangled by Richmond, dropped at nest, then re-lifted, dangled, and re-settled by Rosie CM
18-06-03 12:44 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Richie dropped it off, literally. Then levitated back around to see how the family like it craigor
18-06-03 08:20 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Spotted on cable 0820 by Judi. Brought to nest 08.29. GailMac ID'd as Jacksmelt, CM concurred. craigor
18-06-03 19:42 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Jacksmelt hovered onto nest, Hoovered by the chicks craigor
18-06-02 16:40 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Brought to nest with head still on. Tentatively ID'd as jacksmelt craigor
18-06-02 08:30 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Large fish spotted on cable via ATN. Brought to nest 0929 showing deeply forked tail. craigor
18-06-02 07:08 Richmond Jacksmelt thora Headless jacksmelt on nest at 0708 craigor
18-06-02 05:34 Richmond Jacksmelt radchick Early morning head-on jacksmelt dropped at nest craigor
18-06-02 20:48 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Yes, #8 fish delivery today, so late in day as to be seen by infrared. CM
18-06-02 19:48 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Headless delivery to nest. Demolished rapidly by chicks. craigor
18-06-02 18:09 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Richie brought fish and Rosie fed all the chicks CM
18-06-02 10:46 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow good sized headless striper brought to nest CM
18-06-01 19:55 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman GailMac Mangled bronze-toned fish delivered to nest. Possibly another Plainfin Midshipman craigor
18-06-01 08:08 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Richmond on cable with large striper. Brought to nest after partial face removal 0826. Rosie and the chicks feast. Tail end taken back to cable by Richmond 0845 craigor
18-06-01 12:07 Richmond Jacksmelt calgal Brought to nest, concealed behind chicks, consumed rapidly making ID difficult. Only crumbs left by 1235. ID as Jacksmelt from retrieved video craigor
18-06-01 15:41 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Whole fish to nest craigor
18-06-01 17:16 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Very large whole striper of unnaturally red hue to nest craigor
18-05-31 09:40 Richmond Bass-Striped Sue A Richmond spotted on cable with large fish, removing face. To nest by 9:55. Richmond back on cable with tail end at 10:38 TB
18-05-31 21:03 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow Late night fish delivery to nest. Species and condition on arrival uncertain. ID'd from shape of tail left on the nest 2130. Last of tail eaten by Rosie and the chicks 0556 the next morning, June 1. craigor
18-05-31 19:31 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi Brought to nest with head missing. Consumed quickly (and concealed) by chicks. ID'd as Jacksmelt when RIchmond took it to the cable at 1938 craigor
18-05-31 16:02 Richmond Bass-Striped C. Brought from the east with head gone craigor
18-05-31 13:19 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Fat headless striper brought to nest craigor
18-05-31 07:55 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman C. Whole fish to nest. ID uncertain. Later ID'd as another Plainfin Midshipman craigor
18-05-30 10:19 Richmond Bass-Striped JanA brought to nest, ID'd at 1022 craigor
18-05-30 07:10 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman J. Unusual fish brought to nest, ID'd as Plainfin Midshipman. craigor
18-05-30 14:54 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Large striper brought whole to nest. RIchmond waits on the rail while the family feeds craigor
18-05-29 15:44 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Whole fish brought by nest craigor
18-05-29 16:50 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Wiggling striper with visible eye brought to nest. Taken away to an unknown loation, then returned at 1724 craigor
18-05-29 20:02 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Fresh jacksmelt brought to nest craigor
18-05-29 06:02 Richmond Jacksmelt J. Brought to boom cable fighting fiercely, then to nest nearly whole at 0605 for family feeding craigor
18-05-29 08:34 Richmond Bass-Striped Mike D / calgal Bloody striper dropped off at nest. Richmond stands by while Rosie and the kids eat. craigor
18-05-28 05:47 Richmond Jacksmelt radchick Brought whole to nest before the cam went to color. Rapidly consumed. Last of tail removed by Richmond 0612 craigor
18-05-28 17:15 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole fish delivery to nest. Devoured. Tail taken away 1739 craigor
18-05-28 16:00 Richmond Jacksmelt JanA Appears to be a large jacksmelt, head still on, but with the belly ripped out. TB
18-05-28 11:09 Richmond Bass-Striped Midi Partially defaced fish dropped at nest craigor
18-05-28 07:28 Richmond Bass-Striped Midi Fish brought to nest with face partly removed. Chicks commence feeding with voracity. Richmond feeding chicks at 0754, sharing bites of tail with Rosie at 0804 craigor
18-05-28 19:23 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi To nest with head gone. craigor
18-05-27 07:02 Richmond Bass-Striped radchick Large whole striper dropped on the nest 0702. Chicks fed, fish removed to cable by RIchmond 0722 craigor
18-05-27 18:21 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Headless striper delivery. RIchmond took his share first this time. Good thing too, because the chicks quickly devoured the rest. craigor
18-05-27 16:43 Richmond Jacksmelt Judi Whole fish to nest. Rosie and the chicks make short work of it. Richmond left hungry. craigor
18-05-27 12:28 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Whole striper, still fighting, dropped in the nest. craigor
18-05-26 13:54 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Whole fish to nest craigor
18-05-26 17:32 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Chunky striper delivered to nest craigor
18-05-26 18:55 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Another whole striper delivered to nest. Rosie still has about half of the last one left. Both fish visible on the nest at 1903 craigor
18-05-26 06:18 Richmond Jacksmelt radchick Flopping fish dropped on nest. craigor
18-05-26 08:14 Richmond Bass-Striped chagin Headless striper nest delivery craigor
18-05-26 15:37 Richmond Jacksmelt z Another fresh whole fish dropped off at the nest craigor
18-05-25 18:56 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Reported headless fish to nest, possibly new but not bloody craigor
18-05-25 08:12 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Brought by nest and taken immediately to boom for processing. Faceless fish left on nest. craigor
18-05-25 13:05 Richmond Jacksmelt Sue A Whole fish to nest craigor
18-05-25 15:52 Richmond Bass-Striped ali Whole fish brought to nest craigor
18-05-24 18:52 Richmond Bass-Striped ali Spotted on boom 1852 brought to nest headless 1855 craigor
18-05-24 07:08 Richmond Bass-Striped radchick Spotted on cable 0708. Brought to nest, faceless, 0726. craigor
18-05-24 12:29 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi brought whole to nest, then taken away briefly before being returned for feeding craigor
18-05-24 16:32 Richmond Bass-Striped JanA Whole fish to nest for immediate feeding. craigor
18-05-23 06:02 Richmond Bass-Striped J. Whole fish to nest 0602, then away to cable for processing. Returned to nest, headless, at 0629. Feeding commences. craigor
18-05-23 15:20 Richmond Bass-Striped cyclefilms Fresh whole striper brought by Richmond ca 1520 craigor
18-05-23 12:55 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Whole fish to nest. Chicks fed to stupefaction. Fish away to boom 1323 craigor
18-05-22 16:17 Richmond Bass-Striped chagin Whole striper brought to nest 1617, then taken away to cable. Returned to nest, minus face, 1626 for dino feeding. Richmond seen feeding chicks again 1705. craigor
18-05-22 14:38 Richmond Unknown JanA unknown small fish brought briefly to nest, then eaten on cable by Richmond craigor
18-05-22 13:05 Richmond Jacksmelt DianneA Brought whole to nest. ID not totally certain craigor
18-05-22 08:01 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Whole large fish brought to nest. Richmond seen feeding oldest chick at 0805. craigor
18-05-21 07:29 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac nearly-intact striper brought to nest craigor
18-05-21 12:21 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat whole fish brought to nest craigor
18-05-21 18:06 Richmond Bass-Striped Sue A Whole fish brought to nest, chicks fed, fish removed from nest 1829 craigor
18-05-20 13:40 Richmond Bass-Striped WWOC & Cathy Spotted on boom ca 1340 by WWOC chatters on-site. Brought to nest 1359. craigor
18-05-20 18:45 Richmond Bass-Striped Sue A Brought whole to nest. Immediate feeding. craigor
18-05-20 07:20 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Brought to nest without face 0720 craigor
18-05-19 10:50 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Richmond spotted on boom with fish. Brought to nest 11:03 without face. craigor
18-05-19 17:30 Richmond Jacksmelt judi Brought to the nest intact - note yellow spot on gill craigor
18-05-19 15:35 Unsure Man Made Objects Kat Red plastic ribbon similar to the one from last week spotted on nest 1535. Removed from nest by Rosie at 1309 on May 29. craigor
18-05-19 14:20 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Spotted on boom cable, then brought to nest headless TB
18-05-19 07:22 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Brought to nest nearly whole. Rosie feeds the chicks. Removed, returned to nest then taken away to the boom cable by Richmond 0751. Back to nest 0818, more family feeding. craigor
18-05-18 15:29 Richmond Bass-Striped Mooph Brought to nest briefly ca 1529 taken away to boom cable. Back to nest 1606 with face removed, chicks are fed craigor
18-05-18 06:29 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Striped bass brought to cable by RIchmond, then brought to nest, faceless, at 0636. Chicks fed, fish removed by RIchmond 0649, then apparently lost. RIchmond visible on boom cable without fish 0652. craigor
18-05-18 08:23 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Brought whole to nest. Rosie feeds the chicks craigor
18-05-17 16:43 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Fresh intact striper brought to nest for just a moment, then taken away to boom cable. Back to nest 1652 after partial face removal, Rosie feeds the chicks. Previous fish tail still on the nest. craigor
18-05-17 08:41 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Big headless striper brought to nest. Rosie feeds the chicks. Fish stays on the nest for periodic feedings and adult snacks through the morning and early afternoon. Remaining end finally taken away by Richmond 1408 ... then brought back 1444 craigor
18-05-16 19:22 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Striper with no face brought to nest. Feeding ensues. Richmond leaves with fish 1934. Back to nest by 2025, chicks fed. Tail end brought back (or uncovered) 0556 on 05-17, the next morning. Richmond feeds Rosie again 0559, chicks also fed. craigor
18-05-16 07:01 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Brought to nest 0701 nearly whole, Richmond removes face while on the nest then Rosie commences feeding. Fish removed 0740, back at 0805. Chicks feeding at 0830 FIsh taken away again, then returned to nest ca 0935 for feeding craigor
18-05-16 13:35 Richmond Bass-Striped JanA delivered to nest ca 1335, looks split open but head still on. Taken away, then returned to nest about 1448 for feeding, chicks fed again 1556. craigor
18-05-16 16:37 Richmond Bass-Striped JanA Head removed, but otherwise complete, this must be a new one left at the nest 1637. Feeding chicks at 1716, again at 1800. craigor
18-05-15 19:39 Richmond Man Made Objects GailMac Red plastic caution tape-type streamer brought to nest. Removed by Rosie ca 1356 on May 16 craigor
18-05-15 06:28 Richmond Bass-Striped radchick Brought to nest intact, then taken away immediately to boom cable. Brought back to nest sans head 0645. Everyone fed, fish removed by Richmond at 0654. Richmond brings back tail end at 0747 craigor
18-05-15 13:43 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Striped bass brought to nest, taken away immediately, then brought back headless 1351, another richie-feeds-rosie moment at 1404 chicks being fed at 1408 fish leaves, returns 1516 richie feeds rosie again 1517 fish left on nest chicks feeding again at 1550 craigor
18-05-15 16:52 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Brought to nest 1652 very bloody, head partly eaten Chicks feeding at 1752 and 1844 remnant taken away by Richmond 1915 chicks feeding again 1933 just the tail end left at 1938 craigor
18-05-14 15:49 Richmond Bass-Striped Lori Arrival at nest 1549, mostly intact large striper. Rosie and the kids eat. Taken away to cable by Richmond, then back to nest for more family feeding at 1702 craigor
18-05-14 06:16 Richmond Bass-Striped thora brought to nest whole at 0616 taken away by richmond--for head removal? back to nest at 0636 then quickly removed again to boom cable at 0638. Back to nest, headless, breakfast for all at 0705. craigor
18-05-14 11:19 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal nearly intact on arrival at nest. head removed at nest. chicks fed, richie away with fish at 1130 craigor
18-05-14 19:03 Richmond Jacksmelt JanA Brought to nest nearly intact, delivery interrupted by intruder, Mom feeds kids from remains of previous fish, new fish left on nest while RIchmond runs off the unwelcome guest. Still on the nest at 1958, when Rosie gets up to feed the chicks. craigor
18-05-13 06:35 Richmond Jacksmelt Robin Spotted on cable via ATN 0635, brought to nest 0637. Three chicks fed, fish taken away by RIchmond about 0650. CM
18-05-13 11:12 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Richie brought whole Striper to the nest. Stayed while Rosie fed the kids (mostly). Then repo'd.1/2 striper returned to nest @ 1247 craigor
18-05-13 16:13 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Another whole striper brought to the nest by Richmond, who immediately took it away to the boom cable. Back to nest, headless, 1632, for big family feed. Back 1745 (no takers) and again 1812 for another snack for chicks craigor
18-05-13 07:43 Richmond Jacksmelt GailMac Brought to nest, headless. Seems to be, already, the 2nd jacksmelt of the day. Taken away by RIchmond 0819 back to nest 0848 craigor
18-05-12 15:41 Richmond Jacksmelt judi Brought to nest about ten minutes before third chick hatched craigor
18-05-12 08:18 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Brought to nest mostly intact, taken away, then back to nest, last remnant taken away by Richmond at 1149 craigor
18-05-11 07:19 Richmond Bass-Striped thora Spotted on boom cable 0719 nest arrival 0735; Rosie n chicks had it until 0830 when Richie repo'd it TB/craigor
18-05-11 15:42 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Brought to nest by Richmond. Large striper with no face. Taken away by RIchie, then back to nest 1703, to feed the family. craigor
18-05-11 18:27 Richmond Jacksmelt SailMonkey Partially eaten coming to nest. Rosie fed nestlings, self. Finished fish before before brooding. craigor
18-05-10 08:14 Richmond Bass-Striped GailMac Headless Striper brought to nest by Richie. Both parents present as Rosie began to feed 1st chick craigor
18-05-10 18:29 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat brought to nest to feed the now TWO chicks and Rosie waiting for it craigor
18-05-10 14:28 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Richmond spotted on boom with fish, fish brought to nest 1431 craigor
18-05-09 19:37 Richmond Man Made Objects Judi Tan scrap of cloth, darkened as if wet or oily. Later ID'd as a detached section of pants leg. Removed from nest by a raven on 11/22 at 1344. craigor
18-05-09 17:09 Richmond Bass-Striped Laura Henry Rear half only brought to nest by Richmond. Possible this is the same as the earlier fish, but it's a pretty big piece. CM
18-05-09 14:32 Richmond Bass-Striped DianneA Photographed on boom cable by DianneA on-site 1432. Brought to nest 1529. Baby's first feeding! craigor
18-05-08 20:10 Richmond Unknown Judi Brought to boom 2010 per ATN. Species ID unknown. Brought to nest briefly 2039 (to entice Rosie from the eggs?) Rosie took one bite, then Richie left again with the fish. craigor
18-05-07 19:03 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi brought to nest by Richmond and taken away by Rosie very quickly craigor
18-05-07 09:23 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Brought to nest by Richmond and taken away by Rosie to her strut perch craigor
18-05-06 17:50 Richmond Bass-Striped J. whole fish brought to boom by Richmond craigor
18-05-06 17:09 Rosie Jacksmelt Kat back end of fish only, initially obscured by delivery, observers split on ID, CIndy says Jacksmelt craigor
18-05-06 09:49 Richmond Bass-Striped SailMonkey fish was already headless and bloody upon arrival craigor
18-05-06 07:16 Richmond Other Cindy remnant of a bird carcass brought as nest lining material at 716am by Richmond craigor
18-05-05 20:13 Richmond Unknown calgal partial fish (but bigger than remnant seen earlier). Not ID'ed to species craigor
18-05-05 18:02 Rosie Bass-Striped DianneA Rosie spotted on ROV cable with fish via ATN 1802 fish brought to nest 1817 then taken to boom by Richmond 1828 craigor
18-05-04 10:36 Richmond Bass-Striped SailMonkey Brought to cable 1036, then to nest for ID 1226. From 1156 to 1206, Richmond was spotted chasing off an intruder while still carrying the fish. Fish taken away by Rosie 1237. Back to nest again at 1317, 1417, and 1456! CM
18-05-03 17:48 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat Spotted on cable 1748, brought to nest for ID 1809 craigor
18-05-03 10:49 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Brought to cable to eat a bit, then to Rosie in the nest, who flew off with it craigor
18-05-02 15:24 Richmond Bass-Striped calgal Spotted flying by at 1524, brought to nest by Richmond, half-eaten, at 1628 craigor
18-05-02 08:01 Richmond Jacksmelt Cindy Richmond brought whole fish to nest for Rosie who took it off camera TB
18-05-01 17:30 Rosie Bass-Striped Judi Brought to nest by Rosie at 1730, taken away by Richmond craigor
18-05-01 08:54 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat brought to boom by Richmond 0854, then to nest for ID at 0942 CM
18-04-30 14:23 Rosie Bass-Striped Cindy Hefty Striper caught by Rosie and taken to the strut; shared back and forth b/w Rosie n Richmond rest of afternoon craigor
18-04-29 18:07 Richmond Unknown Kat spotted on boom, fish mostly gone, unable to ID craigor
18-04-29 13:49 Rosie Bass-Striped Kat to boom, brought to nest and ID'd 1420--richmond would rather stay on the eggs! craigor
18-04-29 10:38 Richmond Bass-Striped JanA brought to nest sans face and taken away by Rosie 1038 craigor
18-04-28 17:04 Richmond Bass-Striped craigor
18-04-28 15:36 Richmond Bass-Striped Judi Richie gave headless Striper to Rosie at 1535, she took it to the strut to eat and brought it back at 1620 craigor
18-04-22 16:31 Richmond Bass-Striped TB
18-04-22 09:04 Richmond Jacksmelt CM
18-04-21 16:50 Richmond Bass-Striped CM
18-04-21 12:58 Rosie Jacksmelt CM
18-04-20 17:46 Richmond Bass-Striped CM
18-04-20 17:35 Richmond Bass-Striped Crow CM
18-04-20 10:06 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow CM
18-04-19 09:02 Richmond Unknown Midi No bands in fins, thus not Starry Flounder TB
18-04-19 09:03 Richmond Jacksmelt TB
18-04-18 19:04 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow Ate entire fish CM
18-04-17 18:12 Richmond Starry Flounder SailMonkey Brought to cable, then to nest TB
18-04-17 17:01 Richmond Unknown Long view, no ID TB
18-04-17 10:46 Richmond Bass-Striped TB
18-04-16 18:45 Richmond Jacksmelt TB
18-04-16 17:14 Rosie Unknown Rosie flew in from Marina Bay direction with fish TB
18-04-16 15:47 Richmond Jacksmelt SailMonkey Probably Jacksmelt. Ate entire fish TB
18-04-15 18:34 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow TB
18-04-15 16:03 Richmond Jacksmelt Only very end piece. Deeply forked tailfin like Jacksmelt, no stripes TB
18-04-10 16:40 Richmond Unknown JanA Could be Striped Bass or Jacksmelt TB
18-04-10 15:34 Richmond Jacksmelt traded fish back and forth after each Osprey fed on it TB
18-04-10 13:34 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat TB
18-04-09 13:14 Richmond Other Kat Flatfish-May have indentations in tailfin of CA Halibut CM
18-04-08 17:29 Richmond Jacksmelt Crow TB
18-04-08 10:33 Richmond Other Kat Lack of prominent bands in fins, thus not Starry Flounder. Possibly indentations in tailfin for CA Halibut TB
18-04-07 18:36 Richmond Jacksmelt Brought small remnant to Rosie on nest TB
18-04-07 17:18 Rosie Jacksmelt Ate entire fish TB
18-04-05 19:07 Richmond Jacksmelt Midi TB
18-04-05 17:17 Richmond Jacksmelt TB
18-04-05 11:15 Richmond Starry Flounder TB
18-04-05 10:41 Richmond Starry Flounder SailMonkey Prominent bands in fins. Richmond ate entire fish. CM
18-04-04 16:54 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Brought to nest @17:03 to warn off interloper. Returned to crane w/fish. Exchange @17:15 CM
18-04-04 09:18 Richmond Jacksmelt SailMonkey TB
18-04-03 17:47 Richmond Bass-Striped TB
18-04-03 17:45 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat Took to nest, Rosie not interested TB
18-04-03 16:11 Richmond Jacksmelt SailMonkey CM
18-04-02 18:05 Richmond Jacksmelt Kat TB
18-04-02 09:51 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat TB
18-04-01 17:38 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat TB
18-04-01 12:00 Richmond Jacksmelt TB
18-03-31 16:11 Richmond Bass-Striped Kat TB
18-03-31 18:44 Richmond Jacksmelt TB
18-03-31 07:21 Richmond Jacksmelt craigor CM
18-03-29 11:39 Richmond Other Cindy Remnant mantle of likely sub-adult gull brought to nest as lining material by Richmond TB
18-03-28 18:14 Richmond Plainfin Midshipman Tony\ Likely Plainfin Midshipman. Not on our list, but very interesting TB
18-03-17 09:10 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi CM
18-03-16 13:29 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi TB
18-03-16 10:06 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi Brought to nest intact. Transfer with some difficulty TB
18-03-15 12:46 Richmond Bass-Striped Logged by Midi TB
18-03-14 14:24 Richmond Other Logged by Midi Flatfish-Not Starry Flounder or CA Halibut due to lack of bands, tail shape TB
18-03-14 15:27 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi TB
18-03-14 09:37 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi TB
18-03-13 13:28 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi TB
18-03-12 15:43 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi TB
18-03-12 13:01 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi TB
18-03-12 11:53 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi TB
18-03-12 08:54 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi TB
18-03-11 15:38 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi TB
18-03-11 16:36 Rosie Surf Perch Logged by Midi TB
18-03-11 14:37 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi TB
18-03-11 10:32 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi Somehow caught it in dense fog, only gone 2 min! TB
18-03-10 12:25 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi Particularly large. Took it to sheave "nest" to eat. TB
18-03-10 14:06 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi TB
18-03-10 10:04 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi Brought intact to nest TB
18-03-10 08:54 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi TB
18-03-09 13:25 Richmond Surf Perch Logged by Midi TB
18-03-09 08:59 Richmond Unknown Logged by Midi Probably Jacksmelt TB
18-03-08 13:07 Richmond Surf Perch Logged by Midi Maybe Black Perch TB
18-03-08 16:44 Richmond Bass-Striped Logged by Midi TB
18-03-08 07:52 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi TB
18-03-08 10:07 Richmond Bass-Striped Logged by Midi TB
18-03-07 09:21 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi TB
18-03-06 09:02 Richmond Jacksmelt Logged by Midi TB
18-03-06 10:29 Richmond Surf Perch Logged by Midi Possibly Barred Surfperch TB
  • Striped Bass

    Striped Bass – Morone saxatilis

    Length: to 6 feet

    Key Features: Greenish gray with iridescent reflections dorsally. Sides silvery with 6–9 narrow black stripes. Abdomen silvery white.

    Flesh color: Warmer colored, more cream to rose in hue. Color is variable due to diet, condition, and the presence of blood.

    Habitat: Barkley Sound, B.C., to just south of the US-Mexico border. Found in rivers, estuaries, bays, along beaches, and in nearshore waters. Also landlocked in lakes and reservoirs.

    Ecology: Adult Striped Bass spawn in fresh water. After hatching, juveniles move to brackish then saltwater where they feed on a wide variety of invertebrates. Adults feed largely on other fishes.

    NOTE: Striped Bass were introduced from the Atlantic Ocean into the Pacific and many landlocked locations.

  • Starry Flounder

    Starry Flounder – Platichthys stellatus

    Length: to 3 feet

    Key Features: Eyed side shades of tan, brown, olive or black with irregular spots and blotches. May appear uniformly colored. Dorsal and anal fins with alternating pale and dark bars. Blind side white or with some dark blotches. Body and fins form flattened diamond shape.

    Habitat: Beaufort Sea to Los Angeles Harbor, CA. Occur on or near soft and mixed bottoms from intertidal zone to about 1,970 feet. Occasionally swim to the surface. Also found in brackish water, and sometimes enter rivers.

    Ecology: Prey on a wide range of invertebrates and fishes. Predators include sharks, large bony fishes, seabirds, and marine mammals. Can live to 42 years.

  • California Halibut

    California Halibut – Paralichthys californicus

    Length: to 5 feet

    Key Features: Eyed side shades of brown, gray, or tan to olive with vague to distinct darker mottling and eye spots. Blind side usually white. Body deep and flattened.

    Habitat: Quillayute River, WA, to southern Baja California. Usually bottom dwelling over soft bottoms or near structure from surf zone to about 920 feet. Also in bays and estuaries.

    Ecology: Young feed mostly on crustaceans and fishes. Adults feed more on fishes. Preyed upon by sharks, large bony fishes, seabirds, and marine mammals.

  • Pacific Herring

    Pacific Herring – Clupea pallasii

    Length: to 18 inches

    Key Features: Bluish to greenish dorsally, silvery on sides and below. Sides lack spots. Eyes large. Body elongate and slender.

    Habitat: Found form Arctic Alaska to northern Baja California. Occur along the coast and offshore from the water’s surface to about 820 feet.

    Ecology: May form very large schools. Enter estuaries during spawning. Feed on a wide range of planktonic invertebrates and fishes. Rich in protein and fat, Pacific Herring are an important prey item for larger fishes and numerous seabird and marine mammal species.

  • Jacksmelt

    Jacksmelt – Atherinopsis californiensis

    Length: to 19 inches

    Key Features: Bluish green dorsally, silvery below. Sides with a bright silver stripe. Golden blotch on cheeks. Snout pointed, mouth and eyes small.

    Flesh color: Blue-grey. Color is variable due to diet, condition, and the presence of blood.

    Habitat: Yaquina Bay, OR, to southern Baja California. Found from surface to about 95 feet, and and from surf zone to about three miles offshore. Also in estuaries.

    Ecology: Form schools, often near kelp and other structure. Feed on invertebrates, algae, polychaetes, and small fishes. Preyed upon by larger fishes (including Striped Bass), seabirds, and marine mammals.

  • Calico Surfperch

    Calico Surfperch – Amphistichus koelzi

    Length: to 12 inches

    Key Features: Silvery to brassy with brownish to greenish spots that form broken bars or clusters on sides. Some lack spots. Snout short, mouth very small. Body very deep, humped on back.

    Habitat: Cape Flattery, WA, to northern Baja California. Usually occur in sandy surf along the open coast. Also found over eelgrass in more protected waters.

    Ecology: Feed on amphipods, sand crabs, and shrimps. Can live to six years old. Females give birth to live young.

  • Rubberlip Seaperch

    Rubberlip Seaperch – Rhacochilus toxotes

    Length:to 18.5 inches

    Key Features: Color varies. Iridescent brassy, brown, olivaceous or black to golden or silvery on back and sides. Pinkish, purplish, silvery or golden on abdomen. Mouth with thick pinkish lips. Body oval in shape.

    Habitat: Mendocino County, CA, to southern Baja California. Occur mostly along open coast over a wide variety of bottoms from surf zone to about 165 feet. Also in quiet bays and occasionally in brackish water.

    Ecology: Feed primarily at night on a wide range of invertebrates that they may pry from hard structures. Females give birth to live young.

  • Plainfin Midshipman

    Plainfin Midshipman

    Length:  to 16 inches

    Key features:  Grayish brown to blackish with a metallic sheen dorsally. Pale to white below.  Fins unmarked.  Jaws wide and gaping.  Head broad and flattened.  Rows of photophores on scaleless head and body.

    Habitat:  Southern British Colombia to southern Baja California.  Found near bottom from intertidal zone to about 1,250 feet

    Ecology:  The Midshipman is so named for the rows of photophores that resemble rows of buttons on a sailor’s uniform.Spawning takes place in spring. Males excavate nests, and attract females by contracting the air bladder to create drumming, croaking, and grunting sounds.  Males will then aerate and defend one or multiple broods of eggs until hatching.

  • Miscellaneous – Manmade objects & other oddities

    Miscellaneous – Manmade objects & other oddities

    Monofilament Fishing Line (esp. wads or looped strands)

    Netting (fish net fragments or erosion control netting)

    Plastics (drinking straws, plastic forks, bags. etc.)

    Dead bird/bird parts: Ospreys do not kill nor eat birds!  However, they will use found dead birds, especially their feathers as nesting soft nesting material for their nest. This season a part of a dead Crow and the mantle of a deceased sub-adult Gull, probably scavenged from the shoreline were brought home and became part of the nest. Here’s a photo of the nest from the 2017 season with the nestlings plus four manmade objects collected by the parent Ospreys visible. All items were potentially hazardous for the family of Ospreys, but only one earned a nickname and became famous, instead.

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